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Countries with Fastest road transport have the highest GDP


Feb 17, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Interesting correlation between Road transport speed and the GDP as per IMF

According to IMF, the fastest countries are generally the wealthiest ones as measured by gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. For advanced economies, a small improvement in the mean speed was associated with a higher GDP per capita than for low-income developing countries.In the mentioned report, IMF has examined road quality across 162 countries using Google Maps to determine the mean, or average, the time it takes to drive between large cities that are at least 80 kilometers (50 miles) apart.

The world’s Top 30 countries in order are:

United State, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Iran, Serbia, Greece, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Oman, South Korea, Malaysia, Morocco, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Australia.

Some of the countries with the slowest roads (with a speed between 30 to 60 km/h) are:

Afghanistan, India, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Mongolia, Somalia, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, Nigeria, Myanmar, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Colombia and Bolivia.

I think it's true!

That's why for a long I highly suggest Indonesia build more roads, seaports, and airports.

Reducing the transportation cost significantly.

Transportation cost is extremely important to the economy.

Just look at the recent gasoline price, a rise in transportation cost leads to the rise of the price of all goods, because goods need to be transported, it added the price.

Raw materials, supply goods, and finished products need to be transported, from jungle to town, to factory, to big cities, and then redistributed to the entire country and the world.

The rise of transportation cost effect is multiplying.

In the end, our product is less competitive, and people are poorer because they need to pay more.

Transportation is also crucial to connect remote areas, connect people there to the global economy, to distribute wealth and opportunity equally to all people.
It could be the opposite effect- countries with high GDP having fast roads.
It's like saying countries with the most amount of money are the richest...

No crap!
It could be the opposite effect- countries with high GDP having fast roads.
Transportation is the Key to higher GDP..in the US the establishment of railroads resulted in opening up of the Western part of the US and the gold rush that followed..in the 1950s US started the Interstate highway system and in Canada the Trans Canada railway and Highway system (same story)..All leading to higher and higher GDPs. These "Higher GDPs" will result in the improvements in "SPEED" of transportation which is what IMF has measured.
Now, new highways with EV charging stations and overhead cable to charge EV are being built. Logistic cost shall be very low and transportation shall be very Quick. With coming of EV and alternate fuel, petroleum transportation will reduce substantially.

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