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Countering Possible Sale of F-35 to Taiwan

The best will be the case Taiwan gets F-35 delivered and then announces its reunification with mainland.
so how about this,the taiwanese stop claims over PRC and be happy with the little land they got and think of friendship with china.

Taiwan has no guts to declare independence. If it dares, it will be the ultimate showdown.

You can put the whole world to the other side and China will not hesitate for one second to take Taiwan and any other countries who want to intervene up to the challenge. For NK, we did once. For Vietnam, we did it another time. However, those are not even our territories.

For negotiation of Hong Kong's return, during earlier 80s, margaret thatcher used to make threat to send its fleet over to challenge China's take over in 1997 and tried to force Deng to back down. You know the final result already. Deng said a few words and she slipped off the stairs when leaving the people's hall.

Taiwan's case is the only one that China will not hesitate for a bit to throw all in with all available measures. Here I mean not only the CCP but also the whole country.

If CCP chickens out, we will see a new government replaced right away to take up the responsibility. CCP can kiss its power goodbye then.
From our civil war, have we not learned a lesson from the past? Where our brothers divided into so many sections. Where our country have all but lost unification to be only invaded by smaller and bigger forces? Where do we stand today?

You, as China must open itself to all the people that have evicted from China for a more progessive life in a different world because of suffering they could not endure in the past.

Does this make us less chinese than you?

I understand acceptance is difficult, but is this where it stand to make us divided Again?

Are we going back to that time?
The stick AND the carrot. That said, I dread to see the day brother fight brother. The status quo until Taiwan is ready for a peaceful return.
Taiwan has no guts to declare independence. If it dares, it will be the ultimate showdown.

You can put the whole world to the other side and China will not hesitate for one second to take Taiwan and any other countries who want to intervene up to the challenge. For NK, we did once. For Vietnam, we did it another time. However, those are not even our territories.

For negotiation of Hong Kong's return, during earlier 80s, margaret thatcher used to make threat to send its fleet over to challenge China's take over in 1997 and tried to force Deng to back down. You know the final result already. Deng said a few words and she slipped off the stairs when leaving the people's hall.

Taiwan's case is the only one that China will not hesitate for a bit to throw all in with all available measures. Here I mean not only the CCP but also the whole country.

If CCP chickens out, we will see a new government replaced right away to take up the responsibility. CCP can kiss its power goodbye then.

you've got to be kidding me. -.- how do you call me bragging? LOL damn look at you, all nationalistic and ready for a showdown, but acted like you stepped in dogshit when you saw my question :lol:

i agree with you though, but you are a hypocrite, you know that, right?
you've got to be kidding me. -.- how do you call me bragging? LOL damn look at you, all nationalistic and ready for a showdown, but acted like you stepped in dogshit when you saw my question :lol:

i agree with you though, but you are a hypocrite, you know that, right?

come on dude everyone loves their country here.:china:

You got to admit the icbm thing is a bit implausible without international outcry. If your teacher knows then it's likely everyone knows:cheers:

Unless she is a super secret agent:cheesy:
From our civil war, have we not learned a lesson from the past? Where our brothers divided into so many sections. Where our country have all but lost unification to be only invaded by smaller and bigger forces? Where do we stand today?

You, as China must open itself to all the people that have evicted from China for a more progessive life in a different world because of suffering they could not endure in the past.

Does this make us less chinese than you?

I understand acceptance is difficult, but is this where it stand to make us divided Again?

Are we going back to that time?

okay, confucius. put the oolong tea down.
come on dude everyone loves their country here.:china:

You got to admit the icbm thing is a bit implausible without international outcry. If your teacher knows then it's likely everyone knows:cheers:

I know. That's why I wanted to find out. I thought this would be the perfect place to ask.
you've got to be kidding me. -.- how do you call me bragging? LOL damn look at you, all nationalistic and ready for a showdown, but acted like you stepped in dogshit when you saw my question :lol:

i agree with you though, but you are a hypocrite, you know that, right?

First, people like you never think use their brain but their foot.

Taiwan is about our territory integrity and I have said that is about the only one issue China will fight whoever the enemy will be.

However, for other issues, I do not try to brag about our economics development or weapon systems as if we are already the top one.

I do not initiate provocative comments indicating that China should form an alliance against US or other provocative comments against US or India.

Hypocrite? I love my country and its unity. That is about it. I am not like you who is acting like a fighting 公鸡 and it seems the only thing that makes you happy is to have a major conflict either with US or India.

At least, for me, I have no intention to initiate any such provocative acts. Even for Taiwan, I do not think we need to initiate attack if it does not declare independence or have foreign power occupation.

Even for now, you still cannot see the difference between you and I. I am really disappointed and it is really 对牛弹琴。
First, people like you never think use their brain but their foot.

Taiwan is about our territory integrity and I have said that is about the only one issue China will fight whoever the enemy will be.

However, for other issues, I do not try to brag about our economics development or weapon systems as if we are already the top one.

I do not initiate provocative comments indicating that China should form an alliance against US or other provocative comments against US or India.

Hypocrite? I love my country and its unity. That is about it. I am not like you who is acting like a fighting and it seems the only thing that makes you happy is to have a major conflict either with US or India.

At least, for me, I have no intention to initiate any such provocative acts. Even for Taiwan, I do not think we need to initiate attack if it does not declare independence or have foreign power occupation.

Even for now, you still cannot see the difference between you and I. I am really disappointed and it is really 对牛弹琴。

Chill out. Both of you love their country in different ways. Don't let those small differences cancel out your large similarities:china:
Chill out. Both of you love their country in different ways. Don't let those small differences cancel out your large similarities:china:

You should tell him to stop posting those flammable provocative comments here. Or at least he should remove his Chinese flag.

At least most Chinese are peace loving people. It is his freedom to act as Chauvinist pig but I have no intention to be in that league.

What kind of joy does he enjoy after posting those flammable and provocative comments against US and India??? Self-fulfilling pleasure vainly???
If both country reunify, Taiwan is in a very important location for PLAN base, possibly much better than Hainan island.
If both country reunify, Taiwan is in a very important location for PLAN base, possibly much better than Hainan island.

Having a huge naval base concentrated on one island makes a perfect place for bomber attacks, especially when the nearest airfield would be the mainland's Suzhou airbase.

It's more suitable for a SAM site.
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