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Countering Possible Sale of F-35 to Taiwan

Guys, please understand that weapon sales to Taiwan is highly symbolic. It grinds on the fact that an alliance between the 2 governments still exist and that the US still stands by its commitments.

The reason why the US does not sell sophisticated weapons to Taiwan such as modern fighter jets but only minesweepers, black hawks and decades-old SAM-3s is because of the inherited risks of losing the tech to China, not "Chinese pressure." An island as defenseless as Taiwan is incapable of protecting US assets and will be a free lunch for Chinese reverse-engineers if the US fails to deter a Chinese advance.

You guys really have no leverage against the US but they will reduce the sophistication in weapons sold to Taiwan regardless, as the risk of losing their assets to an modernizing Chinese military heightens.

Rightly analyzed!

If you see those security violators of Chinese Americans arrested in USA and else where, most of them are from Taiwan!

Taiwan arrests suspected China spy amid thaw | Reuters

Taiwan presidential office official arrested for spying for China: reports. - Free Online Library

FT.com / China / Politics & Foreign Policy - Four arrested in US-China spy cases

and just look at the names:
Wen-ho Lee Wen Ho Lee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wu-Tai Chin Larry Wu-Tai Chin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chi Mak Chi Mak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Moo Ko-Suen http://www.hanford.gov/oci/ci_spy.cfm?dossier=133

all are Taiwanese.

The 5 municipality election should have been a wake-up call for the KMT. Even with its extreme shift toward indigenization (co-opting the DPP platform in all but name), with the Diaoyutai issue supposed to unite mainland-and-Taiwan, and with good economic environment in Taiwan, the KMT still barely clinged on to its base!

I am convinced that native Taiwanese want to worship Japan and the West. These people are no better than Seiji Maehara, Junichiro Koizumi and George Dubya. There is a 50-50 chance they will win in 2012.

Deterring them is pointless. Native Taiwanese culture values ignorance above all else. You can't deter stupid people by saber-rattling (cough *India* cough). The only thing the native Taiwanese understand is PLA steel boot on their necks and public execution of DPP leadership.

Chinese military power has gotten to the point where Taipei will be captured by Nanjing MR troops within 1 or 2 weeks. If the US tries to influence elections by sending 3 or 4 carriers around Taiwan for example, then China will definitely use the DF-21D ASBM, and those carriers will be destroyed. China has already built 2 071 LPD (along with LCAC carrying T-99A2) and I expect to see at least 2 more by 2012.

In other words, by 2012, there is a 50-50 chance of a major war between China and USA + Taiwanese separatists + Japan. It is also likely that India will open a second front at the same time, so China should be preparing for the showdown.

I've seen the comments on China Daily (The taiwan one). It's supposedly the most "blue" newspaper. The comments were disgusting. On the J-20 thread they were mentioning the J-10 crashing a year ago and laughing about it and congratulating us on crashing (when their own planes crash every year).

However, if they don't declare formal independence we cannot do anything about it, due to our own laws (The US has nothing to do with it; they send a carrier that's 1 less carrier they'll have to maintain).
I've seen the comments on China Daily (The taiwan one). It's supposedly the most "blue" newspaper. The comments were disgusting. On the J-20 thread they were mentioning the J-10 crashing a year ago and laughing about it and congratulating us on crashing (when their own planes crash every year).
If you want more of that, there's an English language Taiwanese defense forum too. Headed by one of the senior members at China Defence Forum CDF.

PLAAF, like USAF, only have the occasional crash during intense exercises. This is a sign pilots are pushing their aircraft to the limits. It's totally different from crappy air forces that crash because of bad maintenance.

I am not as cheerful about a Taiwan straits war, especially when India opens a second front. And the USN can blockade the Malacca Straits so China faces a very challenging strategic environment.
If there is no airport, F35=American Gift.
We can use a lot of missiles to Taiwan ten airport cleaning...

Then receive the American Gift, and R&D Chinese version F35.....
If there is no airport, F35=American Gift.
We can use a lot of missiles to Taiwan ten airport cleaning...

Then receive the American Gift, and R&D Chinese version F35.....

I highly doubt Taiwan would ever get F-35's. The last thing the U.S. would want is a possible reunification and China end up with them.
I highly doubt Taiwan would ever get F-35's. The last thing the U.S. would want is a possible reunification and China end up with them.

I hope that the peaceful reunification. But that does not mean giving up force.
If Taiwan declares independence, China will start a war based on <Anti-Secession Law>.
I hope that the peaceful reunification. But that does not mean giving up force.
If Taiwan declares independence, China will start a war based on <Anti-Secession Law>.

We are not starting a war. We are finishing the war started in 1920 by the Nationalists when they massacred communist supporters.
Chances of Taiwan getting F-16C/D is very low? Are you serious? The US is planning to sell F-16C/D to Taiwan THIS YEAR, you'll probably hear about it in a few weeks.

But yeah for the F-35... not before 2018-2020...

As who should have J-20s... Iran could like those. That would seriously piss off Israel and the US...

its ok since usa always piss off China by sell weapon to taiwan.
well if taiwan is willing to buy, then why not...
Now that China has been confirmed to have a prototype of a stealth fighter flying earlier than US predicted(US predicted that prototypes won't fly until 2015 or above that), USA might sell Taiwan F-35s in the near future to support the separation of Taiwan from Chinese Motherland. So in order to counter this possible move by USA, China must make a stern message that if USA sells Taiwan F-35, China will sell J-20 to Iran or North Korea as a bargaining chip, or China will consider that move by USA as a No-1 threat to its national security and use that as justification to ramp up military spending higher than what China originally planned or China should speed up deployment of J-20 AND invest in more advanced cruise missiles and surface ships as well as preparing to deploy more space-based sensors to keep a stern watch on US deployments in region.

Also China should discourage more F-16 sales to Taiwan by threatening to sell 28 J-20s to North Korea or Iran in a 20-year pay-by-installments deal if USA sells Taiwan more F-16s. China must do all it can to prevent Taiwan from gaining more advanced weapons since the more advanced weapons Taiwan thinks it has that can successfully repel a Chinese liberation attack, the more emboldened it would make Taiwan to declare indenpence. The military gap between China and Taiwan must be like the difference between Heaven and Earth to deter Taiwan Independence.:china:

China should also sell "carrier killer" and "nukes" to Iran, Lybia, Iraq,
N. KOrea, Taliban, Osama, etc etc
lol....so many chinese keyboard warriors....


Seriously?...The way i see it taiwan is not going to be a part of china in the forseeable future...the amercans wont let that happen..not to mention the host of other states thats going to oppose as well. Taiwan is going to be what cuba was to the states during the cold war era.Except that this cuba is modern and has a lot of help.
lol....so many chinese keyboard warriors....


Seriously?...The way i see it taiwan is not going to be a part of china in the forseeable future...the amercans wont let that happen..not to mention the host of other states thats going to oppose as well. Taiwan is going to be what cuba was to the states during the cold war era.Except that this cuba is modern and has a lot of help.

you don't know the situation. the china and taiwan are family. chinese people and taiwanese people get along very well.
lol....so many chinese keyboard warriors....


Seriously?...The way i see it taiwan is not going to be a part of china in the forseeable future...the amercans wont let that happen..not to mention the host of other states thats going to oppose as well. Taiwan is going to be what cuba was to the states during the cold war era.Except that this cuba is modern and has a lot of help.

1# India's view is unimportant.

2# How much time the China need to recovered Taiwan? 5 days!
How much time the USA need to prepare for war with China? 3 weeks!

3# When Chinese's defense Beach, USA is willing to attack it? What about DF-21D and J-20 and ... ?

4# China is not incapable of recovering Taiwan, China wants to perfect Taiwan, wants peaceful reunification. Chinese and Taiwan is compatriots!

5# China has enough time to wait.
Last edited:
1# India's view is unimportant.
2# How much time the China recovered Taiwan? How much time to prepare for the USA war with China?
3# When Chinese's defense Beach, USA is willing to attack it? What about DF-21D and J-20 and ... ?
4# China is not incapable of recovering Taiwan, China wants to perfect Taiwan, wants peaceful reunification. Chinese and Taiwan is compatriots!
5# China has enough time to wait.

#1 India has already begun playing the taiwan card wth china.
#2 I dont speak for my nation and am a member of this forum as much as you are.
#3.US, Japan and pretty much all of chinas enemies are looking for an outright chinese expansionist movement. After all, they do need an excuse.
#4. The longer china waits the greater the stability and deterrance acquired by the taiwanese.


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