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Countering Possible Sale of F-35 to Taiwan

Look at the bright side. When Taiwan eventually joins with the Motherland, you will get your hands on all these American toys!
Look at the bright side. When Taiwan eventually joins with the Motherland, you will get your hands on all these American toys!

We'll get our hands on a whole lot of info on F-35 the moment it touches down in Taipai.

But Americans are unwilling to sell even advanced models of F-16 to Taiwan because of potential technology leaks, so the chance for a F-35 sale to Taiwan is next to nil.
Selling F-35 to taiwan is very remote because with US-China's economic relationship, with China's growing economic and military power and influrence, US has to think about the consequences of doing so.
Guys, please understand that weapon sales to Taiwan is highly symbolic. It grinds on the fact that an alliance between the 2 governments still exist and that the US still stands by its commitments.

The reason why the US does not sell sophisticated weapons to Taiwan such as modern fighter jets but only minesweepers, black hawks and decades-old SAM-3s is because of the inherited risks of losing the tech to China, not "Chinese pressure." An island as defenseless as Taiwan is incapable of protecting US assets and will be a free lunch for Chinese reverse-engineers if the US fails to deter a Chinese advance.

You guys really have no leverage against the US but they will reduce the sophistication in weapons sold to Taiwan regardless, as the risk of losing their assets to an modernizing Chinese military heightens.
useless, we should sell cuba enough cruise missiles to turn miami into rubble. perhaps even nuclear tipped cruise missiles. At the 200 km distance, warning times of Cuban nukes launched towards the US would be less than 3 minutes.

No problem, lets just give Taiwan nukes as well and make it even. (sarcasm)

Stop being a reactionary to hypothetical scenarios that have no basis in reality.
Suppose even if Taiwan have economic leverage and US willing to supply F-35's to Taiwan still i don't see Taiwan getting F-35' before 2020 as we know the current status of F-35plus US also has to fulfill needs of her own airforce to replace f-16's as they have ~1300 of f-16's plus there are many other level1 ,level2 and level 3 partners and no third country can be facilitated before these countries.

Till then the way China is progressing there might be 3-4 other 5th generation prototypes flying
Come on,Chinas military build up is not focusing on invading Taiwan.I am pretty sure the two sides will have no conflict in the future.And the two sides kept a peacful and quiet life since the KMT president was elected.Plus the ROCAF is striking for the F-16 C/D for a long time and pepole are talking about the F-35 which wont happen before 2025.And could the F-35 change anything if the ROCAF can acturally get it?
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Chinese would love to see F-35 be sold to Taiwan, because maybe a taiwnese pilot will fly directly to the mainland on it, as he may get a reward with the same value of F-35. So why not?
:rofl:Come on. Transfer extremely expensive top-secret hi-tech planes to a most undeveloped country, NK, which will be bankrupt immediately without foreign aids?

Does that country have neccesary facility, oil, ammunition or knowledge to maintain one? What if the US steal one or shoot one down because of poor maintaining?
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If there is no airport, the fighters didn't use.

There are 10 airports in Taiwan.
China has 2,000+ ballistic missiles.
It depends, KMT party wants to spend money to fix their troubled economy, yet the DPP idiots would buy whatever Uncle Sam giving to them at any cost, the only purpose is to piss off CCP and stir up the tension with PRC.
The 5 municipality election should have been a wake-up call for the KMT. Even with its extreme shift toward indigenization (co-opting the DPP platform in all but name), with the Diaoyutai issue supposed to unite mainland-and-Taiwan, and with good economic environment in Taiwan, the KMT still barely clinged on to its base!

I am convinced that native Taiwanese want to worship Japan and the West. These people are no better than Seiji Maehara, Junichiro Koizumi and George Dubya. There is a 50-50 chance they will win in 2012.

Deterring them is pointless. Native Taiwanese culture values ignorance above all else. You can't deter stupid people by saber-rattling (cough *India* cough). The only thing the native Taiwanese understand is PLA steel boot on their necks and public execution of DPP leadership.

Chinese military power has gotten to the point where Taipei will be captured by Nanjing MR troops within 1 or 2 weeks. If the US tries to influence elections by sending 3 or 4 carriers around Taiwan for example, then China will definitely use the DF-21D ASBM, and those carriers will be destroyed. China has already built 2 071 LPD (along with LCAC carrying T-99A2) and I expect to see at least 2 more by 2012.

In other words, by 2012, there is a 50-50 chance of a major war between China and USA + Taiwanese separatists + Japan. It is also likely that India will open a second front at the same time, so China should be preparing for the showdown.
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