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Could Israel and Pakistan become friends?


So pakistan doesn't recognise Israel, and anything Pakistan says regarding Palestine etc doesn't make a difference as Israel will do what it continues to do.

I think when a Pakistani reads scare mongering articles originating about Pakistan from Israel, the mistrust is increased. People need to relax and stop making an issue out of nothing.

Just because they're not friends doesn't mean that they should be enemies.

It would be interesting to see India's reaction to an initiative between Pakistan and Israel and how it would affect it.

Maybe Pakistan can't give Israel fancy tech/ investment etc. Surely, having good relations with the sole Muslim Nuclear power will benefit Israel in some way?

Whilst this goes on,I think Pakistan should focus on itself, to develop, educate itself and its economy.
Israeli talking about Pluralism hahaha.What about implementing this on Palestine.Leave their land first then try to lecture others.
Israel is an example of implementing pluralism on 'Palestine'. In Israel anybody can say almost anything about 'Palestine' and remain alive and free.
In 'Palestine', however, a person who would express unpopular ideas, would be called an Israeli spy, killed, and dragged on the streets.
article's dated Monday, February 18, 2013
The author has a point Pakistan is full of people who are motivated by hatred and belittle other Muslims and none Muslims alike. There are textbooks which are just hateful. The issue here is military dictatorship made it into this. We need to better educate people.
As for the article neither country has anything to gain from one another, the only thing they have in common is religous fundementalism and killing of mass no. Of innocent. Israel has committed sin against Palestinians and other Arab states but so has Pakistan look at Baluchistan, East Pakistan etc there the opposites of the same coin.
It’s hard to imagine a Muslim state that would be cordial to Israel.
Egypt is.

And where Saudi Arabia is concerned, the relationship between the two has always been more pragmatic than friendly, but they're both suspicious of Iran’s nuclear intentions and frustrated with what they see as mixed U.S. signals on Syria.

As for Turkey, despite the dismal political relationship, economic ties between the two have continued to grow.

International relations are not based on sentiments, but hard economic and geopolitical realities. There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.
Israel is an example of implementing pluralism on 'Palestine'. In Israel anybody can say almost anything about 'Palestine' and remain alive and free.
In 'Palestine', however, a person who would express unpopular ideas, would be called an Israeli spy, killed, and dragged on the streets.
U r talking about the same israel where their "Guided Missiles" fired from F16 went on to hit the Building where women and childres were killed??I agree with u can talk any thing about Palestine and remain alive but one must kill the childrens of Palestine.
If we can have a relation with India with whom we fought wars with i dont know why we cant haverelation with Israel
Yes after cleaning israel from inferior goys occupying it since 1948 officially.
Inferior guys yet have more inventions than Pakistan in any field I can think about for country of 8mil population
Not 'guys' but 'goys", and still that doesn't mean you have humanity in you, and that's a fact.
Eh, Israel has very little to gain from relationship with Pakistan alone, no Hi Tech industry, not a large economy, would endanger their relationship with India. the only benefit I can see is that if Pakistan recognize Israel then maybe others will but I really doubt that.

What could Pakistan get from Israel?
Hi Tech
Sophisticated technology
Better relationship with the west
and more.

The Palestinian problem isn't urs to handle and Pakistan never did anything about them but talk, if it'll be solved it won't be cause Pakistanies wanted it.
U can either be a part of the solution or not and meanwhile u've done nothing so dont poke ur nose into other people's business...

Exactly!!! Even if there was interest from Pakistan to mend fences, it's of little value to Israel.
The article is Israeli, but ur comments suggest that Pakistan recognizing Israel is some favour which is not, it's for it benefit in my opinion

Absolutely wrong.

Pakistan will loose support in Middle East if it established good relations with Israel. Pakistan has nothing to gain from Israel. Western tech is far superior and Pakistan has good relations with US.

I neither oppose nor support relations with Israel. I think any relations with Israel should be subject to their acceptance of Palestine as an Independent state (following UN). Complete withdrawal from Palestinian lands.
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Absolutely wrong.

Pakistan will loose support in Middle East if it established good relations with Israel. Pakistan has nothing to gain from Israel. Western tech is far superior and Pakistan has good relations with US.
And Israeli tech isn't western tech? o_O Israel is ranked #7 in arms export and it isn't building airplanes and large ships and yet got this achievement (8million population) Egypt and Jordan recognized Israel but I don't see that they lost the "Middle eastern' grip"
And Israeli tech isn't western tech? o_O Egypt and Jordan recognized Israel but I don't see that they lost the "Middle eastern' grip"

My response was to your comment in which you said that Israel is not willing to loose India for Pakistan and Israel have nothing to gain. IF Israel has nothing to gain from relation and much to loose so do Pakistan.

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