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Corruption Cought in Pakistan :) :)

Feb 15, 2010
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Corruption is in our blood....

Video 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab10-JVuhSI

who starts corruption you and me
not the person who sits on valueable chair
lots of time he doesnt ask "RISHWAT"
bcoz u do some wrong thatswhy u trying to give him "RISHWAT"
so it means when u guilty u agree to give "RISHWAT"
and it also mean that we cannot accept our fault or our bad habits or when we commit guilty
we have same blood like white peole
so why they dont take "RISHWAT"
think about it
bcoz when they plan to build nation
they think about next 1000 or more year
not like us we only think for today
and theu obey rulz
blood is same but minds i dunt think we think same
so in my opinioun conclusion is that
we have same blood but no same minds
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Who was recording these conversations? looks like one of the two persons was recording over his phone as voice is so clear ad if he is himself involved in corruption, why would he record and release his own conversation about corruption.. specially when both guys have called names of each other? I wish they had mentioned name of "madam".
And the most valuable chair in Pakistan is of Chief of Army Staff.
Corruption flows from top to bottom in Pakistan. If we can reign in corruption at the top, we can deal with it lower down. There is no country in the World that can claim it's corruption-free, but there are some countries where it is barely noticeable to the average citizen.

As long as we have these feudal kleptocrats ruling the country, corruption will be our bed-mate. It is an unfortunate fact.

There is hope, though. For the first time in Pakistan's history, the Judiciary has the capability and the will to challenge the powers of the executive and the "establishment". This is bolstered by our media, which is only too zealous in exposing whatever wrongs they can. These are welcome changes, as it forces everyone to "watch their backs" so to speak. Slowly but surely, the power to commit corruption on a large-scale is drifting away from the most powerful people of the country. This is a good sign. However, the ultimate responsibility still lies with us. As long as we keep electing these power-hungry self-serving Lous XVI type characters to power, we will never see the days of widespread corruption end.
What is the reason behind publishing it? Do you want to represent Pakistan in such a way? You want others to think about Pakistan like that?
What is the reason behind publishing it? Do you want to represent Pakistan in such a way? You want others to think about Pakistan like that?

Nothing wrong with highlighting the ills. Corruption galore in Pakistan and we need to condemn it instead of brushing it under the carpet as doing so the dirt will not only eat up the carpet but will also spread more dangerous diseases.
Nothing wrong with highlighting the ills. Corruption galore in Pakistan and we need to condemn it instead of brushing it under the carpet as doing so the dirt will not only eat up the carpet but will also spread more dangerous diseases.

By publishing such videos on forums corruption will not be stoped. In this forum people from all over the world come. They watch videos of our people. If they will see such things what they will think of Pakistan. They will think Pakistan is ............ We need something more than sharing videos to stop corruption. By publishing such videos what we can do? . If you really want to share such videos share on limited Pakistani forums not before the world. We have to represent our country. It is just my opinion plz don't mind if I am wrong and stay cool. But I must say share some good Pakistani videos thanks.
its a frigin good idea to post videos and audios of these corrupt thugs asking for dough. its a shame that not much is posted online .... may be we as a nation are a part of this corruption and sort of support it after all we are the one who pay these idiots.
What is the reason behind publishing it? Do you want to represent Pakistan in such a way? You want others to think about Pakistan like that?

Jana is absolutely right. Knowing a problem and trying to ignore it only exacerbates it. Does it make you look bad if you accept your shortcomings or mistakes? No, it makes you a brave and a bigger person.

Historically, we have chosen to remain silent on controversial or morally sensitive topics and trying to reject their existence. This has never helped.
I posted the case of a friend of mine who wanted to invite Pakistani companies to participate in an international trade show. He got ZERO cooperation from the Pakistan consulate in his country, and ZERO cooperation from the Pakistani government department responsible for promoting trade. They wanted bribes before anybody would lift a finger.

Also, it is true that Pakistani society at large is guilty of corruption. The only people who pay honest tax are salaried employees of large corporations. Most independent businesses cheat on taxes. According to wikipedia, only 1% of Pakistanis pay taxes. The feudals have outright exemption.
A businessman who bribes obviously sees that he'll make more later on. Big Business usually relies on over-profiting by reducing quality standards in our country while small business is guilty of the largest tax evasion and tax fraud.
wished that these kind of people hanged tilll death they are playing for with the pakistan's development i hope we should bring new and forceble laws against them
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