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Coronavirus Has THREE Distinct Strains, US Suffering From Original Variation

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Mar 19, 2016
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Three Distinct Coronavirus Strains
According to the Daily Mail, analysis of the genetic history of SARS-CoV-2 or the novel coronavirus shows that Type A, which is the strain that came from bats and jumped to humans from pangolins, was not common in China--the origin of the outbreak.

Instead, Type B, which is derived from Type A coronavirus via two mutations, is more prevalent in the country, specifically in ground zero: Wuhan.

Nevertheless, the original variation has been found in over 400,000 COVID-19 cases in the United States and Australia.

Two-thirds of the samples acquired from the U.S. showed that they have a Type A novel coronavirus and that the infected patients did not come from New York, which is considered an epicenter of the COVID-19 infection in the U.S.

Instead, most of the patients came from the West Coast.

Type B Coronavirus is More Common in Europe
Meanwhile, the Type B strain of the coronavirus is more prevalent in Europe, specifically in the United Kingdom, with three-quarters of the samples from the country testing positive for the strain.

Countries like Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, and Germany also have dominant cases of Type B coronavirus strain.

On the other hand, Type C coronavirus strain is also common in some places in Europe as well as in Asia, specifically in Singapore. This strain is the "daughter" of Type B and is just one mutation different from it.

The study, which was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), drew out an oddity: Type A was more common in the U.S., but not in China.

Read Also: Coronavirus: French Doctors Think Dermatological Issues Could Be COVID-19 Symptoms

Nevertheless, both strains have already been present in January when the U.S. has recorded its first COVID-19 case, meaning the coronavirus strain did not arrive earlier or was never detected in the first place.

Dr. Peter Forster and his team believe that their study is too small to draw any conclusion, seeing as they only tested 160 samples, which included the first cases in the U.S. and Europe.

With that, the study has drawn some criticisms from their peers.

Coronavirus is Constantly Mutating
However, the team is updating the analysis and including 1,000 COVID-19 samples for a clearer interpretation of the coronavirus spread, but it hasn't been peer-reviewed yet.

Another study from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai NYU concluded that travelers from Europe brought the virus to New York, but the coronavirus strand that appeared in Washington state was from China, which echoed the study of Dr. Forster and his team.

Dr. Forster admitted that they are still scratching their heads with how Type B "pushed aside" the original coronavirus strain to become more prevalent in China, yet he believes it will be answered "one day."

Experts also believe that the coronavirus is continuously mutating to overcome the immune system resistance of different populations.

Three Distinct Coronavirus Strains
According to the Daily Mail, analysis of the genetic history of SARS-CoV-2 or the novel coronavirus shows that Type A, which is the strain that came from bats and jumped to humans from pangolins, was not common in China--the origin of the outbreak.

Instead, Type B, which is derived from Type A coronavirus via two mutations, is more prevalent in the country, specifically in ground zero: Wuhan.

Nevertheless, the original variation has been found in over 400,000 COVID-19 cases in the United States and Australia.

Two-thirds of the samples acquired from the U.S. showed that they have a Type A novel coronavirus and that the infected patients did not come from New York, which is considered an epicenter of the COVID-19 infection in the U.S.

Instead, most of the patients came from the West Coast.

Type B Coronavirus is More Common in Europe
Meanwhile, the Type B strain of the coronavirus is more prevalent in Europe, specifically in the United Kingdom, with three-quarters of the samples from the country testing positive for the strain.

Countries like Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, and Germany also have dominant cases of Type B coronavirus strain.

On the other hand, Type C coronavirus strain is also common in some places in Europe as well as in Asia, specifically in Singapore. This strain is the "daughter" of Type B and is just one mutation different from it.

The study, which was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), drew out an oddity: Type A was more common in the U.S., but not in China.

Read Also: Coronavirus: French Doctors Think Dermatological Issues Could Be COVID-19 Symptoms

Nevertheless, both strains have already been present in January when the U.S. has recorded its first COVID-19 case, meaning the coronavirus strain did not arrive earlier or was never detected in the first place.

Dr. Peter Forster and his team believe that their study is too small to draw any conclusion, seeing as they only tested 160 samples, which included the first cases in the U.S. and Europe.

With that, the study has drawn some criticisms from their peers.

Coronavirus is Constantly Mutating
However, the team is updating the analysis and including 1,000 COVID-19 samples for a clearer interpretation of the coronavirus spread, but it hasn't been peer-reviewed yet.

Another study from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai NYU concluded that travelers from Europe brought the virus to New York, but the coronavirus strand that appeared in Washington state was from China, which echoed the study of Dr. Forster and his team.

Dr. Forster admitted that they are still scratching their heads with how Type B "pushed aside" the original coronavirus strain to become more prevalent in China, yet he believes it will be answered "one day."

Experts also believe that the coronavirus is continuously mutating to overcome the immune system resistance of different populations.

US is the origin of Coronavirus. Covered up by CDC, H1N1 and blamed electronic cigarette. There are numerous report on reddit, they have sympton of CoronaVirus back in Sep, Oct. and Nov.
The Strain Type A Coronavirus spread not very fast at the very beginning in US, but speed up during China Spring Festival which is the single largest migration on the planet.

WHO investigate US bio lab, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24 Nov 2019
The Frederick News-Post, Md. | By Heather Mongilio
The Army's premier biological laboratory on Fort Detrick reported two breaches of containment earlier this year, leading to the Centers for Disease and Control halting its high-level research.

The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases announced Friday that it would restart its operations on a limited scale.

As it works to regain full operational status, more details about the events leading to the shutdown are emerging.

An inspection findings report, obtained by the News-Post through a Freedom of Information Act request, details some of the observations found during CDC inspections as well as by USAMRIID employees who reported the issues.

The two breaches reported by USAMRIID to the CDC demonstrated a failure of the Army laboratory to "implement and maintain containment procedures sufficient to contain select agents or toxins" that were made by operations in biosafety level 3 and 4 laboratories, according to the report. Biosafety level 3 and 4 are the highest levels of containment, requiring special protective equipment, air flow and standard operating procedures.

Due to redactions to protect against notification of the release of an agent under the Federal Select Agent Program, it is unclear the result of the two breaches.

Breach is a "loaded word," said Col. E. Darrin Cox, commander of USAMRIID. While there was a breach, there was no exposure, he said. No one was exposed to any of the agents or toxins.

Anytime USAMRIID determines there is a breakdown of requirements, employees have to do a report, Cox said.

When the breaches were reported, USAMRIID's commander at the time issued a cease and desist to all work being done at the laboratory so that personnel could do a safety pause. It was a voluntary stop, Cox, who was not commander then, said.

The CDC inspected USAMRIID in June, as part of standard regulations that include scheduled and unscheduled visits, according to previous News-Post reporting. The CDC sent a letter of concern on July 12, followed by a cease and desist letter July 15.

Shortly after, USAMRIID's registration with the Federal Select Agent Program, which regulates select agents and toxins, such as Ebola or the bacteria causing the plague, was suspended. At the time, USAMRIID was conducting work with Ebola and the agents known to cause Tularemia, the plague and Venezuelan equine encephalitis.

What Went Wrong

The CDC, in its inspection findings, noted six departures from the federal regulations for handling select agents and toxins. One of those departures was the two breaches.

Another departure was that the military laboratory systematically failed to implement biosafety and containment procedures. In one instance, personnel deliberately propped open the door to the autoclave room while the employee removed biohazard waste.

"This deviation increases the risk of contaminated air from room [redacted] escaping and being drawn into the autoclave room, where individuals do not wear respiratory protection," according to the report.

The report includes a large section redacted to protect against the release of a report or inspection of a specific registered person that would endanger public health or safety.

Propping the door open was an "incident," Cox said, not one of the breaches. It was noted by the CDC during one of its inspections.

The person who propped the door open did not have mal intent, he said.

"They weren't doing it to openly flout the rules," Cox said. "They were doing it for a reason that they thought was reasonable. But I mean, it still was not in compliance with [standard operating procedures]."

There were other incidents like the door propping that led the CDC to determine there was the systematic failure, he said.

To fix it, the CDC required that USAMRIID ensure personnel were being trained. While under the cease and desist, USAMRIID reviewed its training, validated it to make sure it was working, trained its staff and validated their training, Cox said. It will continue to monitor to make sure the training continues.

One of the concerns was USAMRIID's effluent waste decontamination system. The laboratory had moved to chemical treatment after its previous system was damaged, according to previous News-Post reporting.

It will be going back to a thermal decontamination system, Cox said.

The inspection findings also found that USAMRIID did not have a complete, accurate inventory of its select agents. That has been resolved, Cox said.

There were also cracks in the paint that were fixed, he said.

The CDC inspection also had multiple general concerns that were being addressed. All personnel concerns about not following protocol have been addressed, he said.

"Everything in [the CDC's] letter has been addressed," Cox said.

Restarting Operations

The Federal Select Agent Program registration has been partially lifted, and USAMRIID will be able to work on five studies dealing with select agents and regain its full operational status in the Laboratory Response Network.

The Laboratory Response Network is made up of three laboratories -- one operated by the Navy, USAMRIID and the CDC. The three are responsible for determining unknown material.

While operations were shut down at USAMRIID, the Army laboratory still did some work. But if it identified something that fell under the Federal Select Agent Program, it either stored the material in the freezer, as it was with the rest of the biological select agents or toxins it has, or sent it to one of the other laboratories, Cox said.

The Laboratory Response Network is set up in such a way that if one of the laboratories cannot operate, as USAMRIID could not, the other two can shoulder the work, said USAMRIID spokeswoman Caree Vander Linden. That happened with the CDC during the height of the 2016 Ebola outbreak, which meant USAMRIID took on more work.

While under the partial suspension, the CDC will approve the studies USAMRIID scientists wish to do, Cox said. USAMRIID leadership will have to send an outline of proposed research, including what agent it will involve, among other details. CDC personnel will then review the plan and interview the scientists to make sure they are trained and can do the research, he said.

There is no concern about intellectual property under the CDC approval model, he said. And he did not think it would affect grants. During the shut down, USAMRIID scientists were able to continue writing grants, among other duties, like consulting or education, he said.

During the shutdown, personnel understood the importance of taking a pause and evaluating the standard operating procedures. There was no major staff turnover as a result of the shutdown.

"They understand the importance of the mission," Cox said.

But the scientists will be happy to get back into the laboratory, he said.

Both Mayor Michael O'Connor and County Executive Jan Gardner were notified that USAMRIID would begin some of its operations in its biosafety level 3 and 4 laboratories.

"Obviously, that's good news for the installation and the research that they do there," O'Connor said.

He has every expectation that USAMRIID will do research to be done to CDC standards, O'Connor said.

Bob Hawley, who sits on the Containment Lab Community Advisory Committee, said that it is "wonderful" that USAMRIID will be able to start some of its work again.

He met with Cox and Brig. Gen. Talley, commander of Fort Detrick, who outlined the procedures that USAMRIID will follow.

Cox said he "delighted" that USAMRIID will get to start its work again. They will continue to work with the CDC until the full suspension is lifted.


You would think that world-class disease researchers would know they shouldn't leave the door open...
Cambridge Uni would soon be labeled as Chinese propaganda machine.

China wouldn't approve it. Heres why...from the op source.

Researchers at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai NYU scientists studied DNA from thousands of samples of coronavirus patients to conclude travellers from Europe brought the virus to the Big Apple.

But they also found that the strand of the virus that arrived in Washington state came from China, echoing the finding of Dr Forster and team.

The Cambridge scientists found that two thirds of the 310 virus samples sequenced in the US were type A.

And all of the American cases linked to cruise ships had type B strains. It is not clear what ships they caught the virus on - but the Diamond Princess, quarantined off the coast of Japan for weeks, recorded more than 700 infections.

Data showed England's first two cases - thought to be a University of York student and his mother at the end of January - had type A, suggesting they caught it in China.

No other samples from England, Scotland or Wales were type A, with almost 30 of the 40 viruses shown to be type B.

Dr Forster told MailOnline it was possible the UK's outbreak could be traced back to Italy but that the data was too limited to make any conclusion.

The other cases recorded across Britain were type C, which is also likely to be traced back to East Asia.

The UK's first 'super-spreader' - father-of-two Steve Walsh - was known to have went to a business conference in Singapore and infected scores of patients in Sussex.

Dr Forster told MailOnline that type A originally mutated into type B within China - but type C, the 'daughter' of B, evolved outside of the nation.

He admitted scientists are clueless as to how type B 'pushed aside' its predecessor to become more common in China - but the question will be answered 'one day'.

Type B was found to be comfortable in the immune systems of people in Wuhan and did not need to mutate to adapt. "

"However, outside of Wuhan and in the bodies of people from different locations, the variation mutated much more rapidly.

This indicated it was adapting to try and survive and overcome resistance among other populations, such as Westerners.

Data analysis suggests the original strain of the virus could have been circulating in China as far back as September.

And Dr Forster said the type B strain was 'alive and kicking' by Christmas Eve, their analysis revealed.

It means the virus had already mutated before China recorded any COVID-19 cases - Wuhan first described an outbreak of a mysterious virus on December 31. "
China wouldn't approve it. Heres why...from the op source.

Researchers at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai NYU scientists studied DNA from thousands of samples of coronavirus patients to conclude travellers from Europe brought the virus to the Big Apple.

But they also found that the strand of the virus that arrived in Washington state came from China, echoing the finding of Dr Forster and team.

The Cambridge scientists found that two thirds of the 310 virus samples sequenced in the US were type A.

And all of the American cases linked to cruise ships had type B strains. It is not clear what ships they caught the virus on - but the Diamond Princess, quarantined off the coast of Japan for weeks, recorded more than 700 infections.

Data showed England's first two cases - thought to be a University of York student and his mother at the end of January - had type A, suggesting they caught it in China.

No other samples from England, Scotland or Wales were type A, with almost 30 of the 40 viruses shown to be type B.

Dr Forster told MailOnline it was possible the UK's outbreak could be traced back to Italy but that the data was too limited to make any conclusion.

The other cases recorded across Britain were type C, which is also likely to be traced back to East Asia.

The UK's first 'super-spreader' - father-of-two Steve Walsh - was known to have went to a business conference in Singapore and infected scores of patients in Sussex.

Dr Forster told MailOnline that type A originally mutated into type B within China - but type C, the 'daughter' of B, evolved outside of the nation.

He admitted scientists are clueless as to how type B 'pushed aside' its predecessor to become more common in China - but the question will be answered 'one day'.

Type B was found to be comfortable in the immune systems of people in Wuhan and did not need to mutate to adapt. "

"However, outside of Wuhan and in the bodies of people from different locations, the variation mutated much more rapidly.

This indicated it was adapting to try and survive and overcome resistance among other populations, such as Westerners.

Data analysis suggests the original strain of the virus could have been circulating in China as far back as September.

And Dr Forster said the type B strain was 'alive and kicking' by Christmas Eve, their analysis revealed.

It means the virus had already mutated before China recorded any COVID-19 cases - Wuhan first described an outbreak of a mysterious virus on December 31. "

Just a mis interpret of UK Cambridge report and try twist your way thru.. Since you have poor interpretation problem. Let me give u video for better understanding and the rest.

No its stating a fact. Even pointing out the trace back to China.
Here we are debating about the origin of the virus. Patient Zero. It some virus is trace to China becos China is also a victim affected by origin of virus by patient zero. Patient zero is not from China. Its likely from US as stated by Cambridge report.
Here we are debating about the origin of the virus. Patient Zero. It some virus is trace to China becos China is also a victim affected by origin of virus by patient zero. Patient zero is not from China. Its likely from US as stated by Cambridge report.

No its stated it originated from China. As stated by the report.
China wouldn't approve it. Heres why...from the op source.

Researchers at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai NYU scientists studied DNA from thousands of samples of coronavirus patients to conclude travellers from Europe brought the virus to the Big Apple.

But they also found that the strand of the virus that arrived in Washington state came from China, echoing the finding of Dr Forster and team.

The Cambridge scientists found that two thirds of the 310 virus samples sequenced in the US were type A.

And all of the American cases linked to cruise ships had type B strains. It is not clear what ships they caught the virus on - but the Diamond Princess, quarantined off the coast of Japan for weeks, recorded more than 700 infections.

Data showed England's first two cases - thought to be a University of York student and his mother at the end of January - had type A, suggesting they caught it in China.

No other samples from England, Scotland or Wales were type A, with almost 30 of the 40 viruses shown to be type B.

Dr Forster told MailOnline it was possible the UK's outbreak could be traced back to Italy but that the data was too limited to make any conclusion.

The other cases recorded across Britain were type C, which is also likely to be traced back to East Asia.

The UK's first 'super-spreader' - father-of-two Steve Walsh - was known to have went to a business conference in Singapore and infected scores of patients in Sussex.

Dr Forster told MailOnline that type A originally mutated into type B within China - but type C, the 'daughter' of B, evolved outside of the nation.

He admitted scientists are clueless as to how type B 'pushed aside' its predecessor to become more common in China - but the question will be answered 'one day'.

Type B was found to be comfortable in the immune systems of people in Wuhan and did not need to mutate to adapt. "

"However, outside of Wuhan and in the bodies of people from different locations, the variation mutated much more rapidly.

This indicated it was adapting to try and survive and overcome resistance among other populations, such as Westerners.

Data analysis suggests the original strain of the virus could have been circulating in China as far back as September.

And Dr Forster said the type B strain was 'alive and kicking' by Christmas Eve, their analysis revealed.

It means the virus had already mutated before China recorded any COVID-19 cases - Wuhan first described an outbreak of a mysterious virus on December 31. "
No.This is the original article.

This is damning evidence. What is the US hiding? When Chinese officials asked the US to come clean with classified reports from leaks in US bio weapons facilities, the US, instead of declassifying the information, started a media campaign to attack China instead.

Very suspicious and strange.
So US was the origin of Covid-19. They then cover it up and blame it on Vaping and later masked it as flu.
Then they introduce it to Wuhan casing hell for China.
Then they blame China.

It starting to unravel.
Chinese misdirection ....

The original research paper for A,B,C Type is here : https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2020/04/07/2004999117

The geographical origins have been depicted in this diagram by the authors:

Phylogenetic network of 160 SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Node A is the root cluster obtained with the bat (R. affinis) coronavirus isolate BatCoVRaTG13 from Yunnan Province. Circle areas are proportional to the number of taxa, and each notch on the links represents a mutated nucleotide position. The sequence range under consideration is 56 to 29,797, with nucleotide position (np) numbering according to the Wuhan 1 reference sequence (8). The median-joining network algorithm (2) and the Steiner algorithm (9) were used, both implemented in the software package Network5011CS (https://www.fluxus-engineering.com/), with the parameter epsilon set to zero, generating this network containing 288 most-parsimonious trees of length 229 mutations. The reticulations are mainly caused by recurrent mutations at np11083. The 161 taxa (160 human viruses and one bat virus) yield 101 distinct genomic sequences. The phylogenetic diagram is available for detailed scrutiny in A0 poster format (SI Appendix, Fig. S5) and in the free Network download files.

Further more here is what the researchers say about 'A' subgroup:

We use this bat virus as an outgroup, resulting in the root of the network being placed in a cluster of lineages which we have labeled “A.” Overall, the network, as expected in an ongoing outbreak, shows ancestral viral genomes existing alongside their newly mutated daughter genomes.

There are two subclusters of A which are distinguished by the synonymous mutation T29095C. In the T-allele subcluster, four Chinese individuals (from the southern coastal Chinese province of Guangdong) carry the ancestral genome, while three Japanese and two American patients differ from it by a number of mutations. These American patients are reported to have had a history of residence in the presumed source of the outbreak in Wuhan. The C-allele subcluster sports relatively long mutational branches and includes five individuals from Wuhan, two of which are represented in the ancestral node, and eight other East Asians from China and adjacent countries. It is noteworthy that nearly half (15/33) of the types in this subcluster, however, are found outside East Asia, mainly in the United States and Australia.

In a nutshell, the virus group A was found to be closest related to a Coronavirus in bats which is endemic to China (Sample from Yunan province) hence it puts to rest all the theory that this infection started from USA. It didn't.

Also, two subgroups of group A have one cluster which was Chinese and another cluster which had americans who then migrated to USA after having a history to residence in Wuhan.

The virus originated from China. Simple.
Chinese misdirection ....

The original research paper for A,B,C Type is here : https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2020/04/07/2004999117

The geographical origins have been depicted in this diagram by the authors:

Phylogenetic network of 160 SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Node A is the root cluster obtained with the bat (R. affinis) coronavirus isolate BatCoVRaTG13 from Yunnan Province. Circle areas are proportional to the number of taxa, and each notch on the links represents a mutated nucleotide position. The sequence range under consideration is 56 to 29,797, with nucleotide position (np) numbering according to the Wuhan 1 reference sequence (8). The median-joining network algorithm (2) and the Steiner algorithm (9) were used, both implemented in the software package Network5011CS (https://www.fluxus-engineering.com/), with the parameter epsilon set to zero, generating this network containing 288 most-parsimonious trees of length 229 mutations. The reticulations are mainly caused by recurrent mutations at np11083. The 161 taxa (160 human viruses and one bat virus) yield 101 distinct genomic sequences. The phylogenetic diagram is available for detailed scrutiny in A0 poster format (SI Appendix, Fig. S5) and in the free Network download files.

Further more here is what the researchers say about 'A' subgroup:

We use this bat virus as an outgroup, resulting in the root of the network being placed in a cluster of lineages which we have labeled “A.” Overall, the network, as expected in an ongoing outbreak, shows ancestral viral genomes existing alongside their newly mutated daughter genomes.

There are two subclusters of A which are distinguished by the synonymous mutation T29095C. In the T-allele subcluster, four Chinese individuals (from the southern coastal Chinese province of Guangdong) carry the ancestral genome, while three Japanese and two American patients differ from it by a number of mutations. These American patients are reported to have had a history of residence in the presumed source of the outbreak in Wuhan. The C-allele subcluster sports relatively long mutational branches and includes five individuals from Wuhan, two of which are represented in the ancestral node, and eight other East Asians from China and adjacent countries. It is noteworthy that nearly half (15/33) of the types in this subcluster, however, are found outside East Asia, mainly in the United States and Australia.

In a nutshell, the virus group A was found to be closest related to a Coronavirus in bats which is endemic to China (Sample from Yunan province) hence it puts to rest all the theory that this infection started from USA. It didn't.

Also, two subgroups of group A have one cluster which was Chinese and another cluster which had americans who then migrated to USA after having a history to residence in Wuhan.

The virus originated from China. Simple.
LOL. Evidences in plain sight.
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