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Coronavirus Has THREE Distinct Strains, US Suffering From Original Variation

So US was the origin of Covid-19. They then cover it up and blame it on Vaping and later masked it as flu.
Then they introduce it to Wuhan casing hell for China.
Then they blame China.

It starting to unravel.

Yep. Financier Gangsters at work here. Create fake stories about bat soup. Make the world hate China and Chinese people. Decouple supply chains. Cause an economic crash to create a sense of urgency and anger. Squeeze and shake down Western governments for more money in the form of stimulus packages. Buy stocks and assets on the cheap after the crash. Then work to isolate China, the one major economy beyond their total control.
Just a mis interpret of UK Cambridge report and try twist your way thru.. Since you have poor interpretation problem. Let me give u video for better understanding and the rest.
Chinese news. Unreliable as ever. Chinese media are biggest liars. In the ENTIRE talk he never says "Chinese Virus did not originate in Wuhan". He only said that first reported sample was NOT the origin of virus, its origin came much earlier. He even gave a time frame for that -- between September 2019 and December 2019. He was talking about TIME and order of subtypes. He never denied the PLACE. Infact he never said anything about the place of origin.

"A" came earliest but it was NOT prevalent in Wuhan. It does not mean it was absent from Chinese population. It just came earlier. The most prevent subtype in Wuhan was B which came from A. This says NOTHING about the origin of Wuhan virus. The Chinese virus is most closely related to Chinese Virus in bats which is endemic in China. His own research shows that. This is the biggest indication that this virus originated in China.

Cambridge Uni would soon be labeled as Chinese propaganda machine.
No my dear. Its Chinese who are twisting his words. Here is what he published about geography of this outbreak:


And here what he said in the paper:

"Phylogenetic network of 160 SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Node A is the root cluster obtained with the bat (R. affinis) coronavirus isolate BatCoVRaTG13 from Yunnan Province. Circle areas are proportional to the number of taxa, and each notch on the links represents a mutated nucleotide position."

This is the quintessential Chinese virus. It originated from Bat virus endemic in China.
Chinese news. Unreliable as ever. Chinese media are biggest liars. In the ENTIRE talk he never says "Chinese Virus did not originate in Wuhan". He only said that first reported sample was NOT the origin of virus, its origin came much earlier. He even gave a time frame for that -- between September 2019 and December 2019. He was talking about TIME and order of subtypes. He never denied the PLACE. Infact he never said anything about the place of origin.

"A" came earliest but it was NOT prevalent in Wuhan. It does not mean it was absent from Chinese population. It just came earlier. The most prevent subtype in Wuhan was B which came from A. This says NOTHING about the origin of Wuhan virus. The Chinese virus is most closely related to Chinese Virus in bats which is endemic in China. His own research shows that. This is the biggest indication that this virus originated in China.

No my dear. Its Chinese who are twisting his words. Here is what he published about geography of this outbreak:


And here what he said in the paper:

"Phylogenetic network of 160 SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Node A is the root cluster obtained with the bat (R. affinis) coronavirus isolate BatCoVRaTG13 from Yunnan Province. Circle areas are proportional to the number of taxa, and each notch on the links represents a mutated nucleotide position."

This is the quintessential Chinese virus. It originated from Bat virus endemic in China.

Evidence in plain sight.
Evidence in plain sight.
View attachment 623277
Indeed evidence in plain sight!

What do "Yellow" in the cluster mean? Chinese!
The virus is closest to Chinese subcluster. Represented by Yellow in the same network.


And here is what the researcher say about Americans in this the other subcluster closest to the original bat virus.

There are two subclusters of A which are distinguished by the synonymous mutation T29095C. In the T-allele subcluster, four Chinese individuals (from the southern coastal Chinese province of Guangdong) carry the ancestral genome, while three Japanese and two American patients differ from it by a number of mutations. These American patients are reported to have had a history of residence in the presumed source of the outbreak in Wuhan.

The team of Wuhan Institute of Virology says the coronavirus gnome is 98 percent identical to bats that live in China. The first variant of coronavirus SARS in 2003 is 80 percent identical. If people summarize all known facts, one can be absolutely certain: the current coronavirus originated in China.

Here my findings I posted earlier.

One is „people’s movement“. For instance it says A strain is mostly found in the US. People can question why so? There are millions of Asian ethnics in the US. They travel back and forth from Asia to America. Some of them may have brought to America. I am not saying the virus originated from Asia or China.

Second is „evolution of species“. If B and C come from A, then where A comes from?

A shares identical rNA structure to Sars v1. 80 to 90 percent. I can check later to confirm. So it originated mostly likely from SARS v1 from 2003.

Third is „survival of the strongest“. The study says many chinese people are infected by B strain, some with A and C. Why so?

Geography matters.

It's clear, China is very large country with different climate. Virus itself adapts to its environment. The strongest wins, other virus strains go to other places.

Look at how Ebola virus spreads in Africa. It’s the same sorts of.
The team of Wuhan Institute of Virology says the coronavirus gnome is 98 percent identical to bats that live in China. The first variant of coronavirus SARS in 2003 is 80 percent identical. If people summarize all known facts, one can be absolutely certain: the current coronavirus originated in China.
Only dishonest Chinese are saying otherwise.
Only dishonest Chinese are saying otherwise.
The current variant of coronavirus has 30,000 bases containing 15 genes (human dna has 3,000,000,000 bases containing 30,000 genes). With 98 percent match, it is almost too impossible that the virus doesn’t originate from bats.

Yes chinese government must admit the truth and apologize for misleading the world.
The current variant of coronavirus has 30,000 bases containing 15 genes (human dna has 3,000,000,000 bases containing 30,000 genes). With 98 percent match, it is almost too impossible that the virus doesn’t originate from bats.

Yes chinese government must admit the truth and apologize for misleading the world.
Actually China should be thrown out of UN and WTO. Its a disgusting country which pollutes every organization it is in with corruption. WHO taking bribe from Chinese didn't publish the correct guidelines till it was very late. If world has to survive, China must be isolated.

People need to know what the language the research paper uses :

"There are two subclusters of A which are distinguished by the synonymous mutation T29095C."

Synonymous mutation means replacing one codon for another without effecting the amino acids produced by the genome. Basically, the two subclusters of Cluster A Chinese virus which are closest to Bat Chinese-Virus have one single mutation that separate them and that mutation does not produce any change in virus as far as its proteins go, making it functionally identical. This subcluster was the earliest known and was found in few Chinese patients and American patient who have had a history of living in Wuhan.

If you needed evidence that this virus came out of China, here is your evidence. This is Chinese virus, through and through.
Actually China should be thrown out of UN and WTO. Its a disgusting country which pollutes every organization it is in with corruption. WHO taking bribe from Chinese didn't publish the correct guidelines till it was very late. If world has to survive, China must be isolated.

People need to know what the language the research paper uses :

"There are two subclusters of A which are distinguished by the synonymous mutation T29095C."

Synonymous mutation means replacing one codon for another without effecting the amino acids produced by the genome. Basically, the two subclusters of Cluster A Chinese virus which are closest to Bat Chinese-Virus have one single mutation that separate them and that mutation does not produce any change in virus as far as its proteins go, making it functionally identical. This subcluster was the earliest known and was found in few Chinese patients and American patient who have had a history of living in Wuhan.

If you needed evidence that this virus came out of China, here is your evidence. This is Chinese virus, through and through.
Lots of chinese live in NY, CA and many other places in the states. I don’t know maybe our bro’s brought dried chinese bats to America for consumption.

Tja they bring the entire human race to the brink of extinction.
Arguing from the fringes. The big elephant in the room is the type A virus in US. A whopping two-thirds of all case.:o:

Lots of chinese live in NY, CA and many other places in the states. I don’t know maybe our bro’s brought dried chinese bats to America for consumption.

Tja they bring the entire human race to the brink of extinction.
Errrr. No. Not sure where you get your news from but NY got the virus from Italy.
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Americans - the Real sick man of the New World! Everyday making new highs in total infected and total deaths.
I love how desperate these CIA trolls are. @Nan Yang this is definitely one of the smoking guns to indict the us terrorist regime. Fucken LMAO. America is gonna get REKTD

It's impossible to backpedal all that "China should pay reparations" shit when they are found guilty.

What they going to say? "Yes, we did it, but we shouldn't pay reparations for committing genocide against everyone".

Thanks to DF-41 ICBM. Those idiots gonna bite the bullet if they really want compensation. :enjoy:

Actually China should be thrown out of UN and WTO. Its a disgusting country which pollutes every organization it is in with corruption. WHO taking bribe from Chinese didn't publish the correct guidelines till it was very late. If world has to survive, China must be isolated.

People need to know what the language the research paper uses :

"There are two subclusters of A which are distinguished by the synonymous mutation T29095C."

Synonymous mutation means replacing one codon for another without effecting the amino acids produced by the genome. Basically, the two subclusters of Cluster A Chinese virus which are closest to Bat Chinese-Virus have one single mutation that separate them and that mutation does not produce any change in virus as far as its proteins go, making it functionally identical. This subcluster was the earliest known and was found in few Chinese patients and American patient who have had a history of living in Wuhan.

If you needed evidence that this virus came out of China, here is your evidence. This is Chinese virus, through and through.
Lol. Thanks for your hardwork for CIA. You just earn your $1. When comes to dishonesty, can't believe some point to China while can delude themselves about ej biggest liar. Iraq WMD sure ring a bell? A proven incident about US dishonest behaviour in world scene. Same as the crap China spy scandal propose few years ago, only to be rebuke when a CIA contractor think enough is enough of US criminal behaviour and snowden decide to come forward and tell the world who is the big liar and big spy around the world.

@BringHarmony shall be very ashamed of lying thru his teeth , working so hard to convince us of your master benevolent. Nobody will trust you and your master propangada. It just like Lance Armstrong still trying to convince us how he is a great cyclist who achieved those feat without resort to cheating... Save your breadth. You are a cheat and u are forever despicable. Nobody will trust snake words from u and your lies.
Thanks to DF-41 ICBM. Those idiots gonna bite the bullet if they really want compensation. :enjoy:

America may not want military war, but they could destroy OBOR and make China isolated if they could prove or even win narration that China is responsible for the covid-19.
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