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Congress leader VC Shukla 'critically injured' in Maoist ambush, one killed

Frankly, this attack (once again) demonstrates the need for a proper paramilitary force in India. The CRPF, let's be honest, is a police force, not a paramilitary. They used to call themselves paramilitary, until in 2011 the govt put an end to that pretence, and re-classified them (and BSF and a few others) as CAPF. And that is precisely what they are - armed POLICE. You cannot expect them to undertake quasi military operations, or defend against a quasi military attack.

Though politicians will make a few noises about the "need of the hour" being to stand united, or whatever such hackneyed, hollow clichés they can think of, I think the real need of the hour is to make a proper paramilitary force in the country. Downsize the bloated CRPF, and instead, raise a paramilitary force trained in the basics of warfighting, instead of peacekeeping (which is what police forces do). Something like the Rashtriya Rifles. Many countries have internal troops that can properly fight military style.

The COBRAs seem to be raised as "commandos" (an overused term in India). What is needed is a large, properly trained force that can wage war on these insurgents. Yes, the long term solution is development, and yes these are our own people. But they operate in a military fashion, they conduct raids, ambushes (like this one), and are all trained riflemen. We cannot keep pretending that it is a law and order issue - it has gone beyond that. These are insurgents that can bring hundreds of troops at a place, can plan and organize assassinations, have vast intelligence networks of their own, and for all purposes, are engaging in war and insurgency against the nation, not just street crimes.

The police has done quite well in recent years, and the naxals are on thee backfoot. But how long should we take before completely eradicating them? Should we keep raising tens of thousands of policemen (CRPF constables), or simply a 10,000 strong paramilitary force that can do military operations for the home ministry?

The CRPF and other police forces should do policing jobs. Fighting insurgents with military style training should be done by a paramilitary force that has military style training. The armed forces should be solely to fight external threats, the paramilitary should be to do military ops in India for the home ministry, and police forces should be for policing - ie, maintaining law and order.
The police has done quite well in recent years, and the naxals are on thee backfoot. But how long should we take before completely eradicating them? Should we keep raising tens of thousands of policemen (CRPF constables), or simply a 10,000 strong paramilitary force that can do military operations for the home ministry?

This is exactly the size that the CRPF COBRAs will grow to. And I agree with you up to a point wrt the lack of military style training in the CAPFs but I think recently this has changed- post Dantewada- and now every CAPF constable goes through a rigorous school styled on the IA's CIJWS. This training has proven to be effective and post 2010 Indian security force deaths have plummeted. Now the right equipment is also making its ways to these guys.
Good One less Congressi on earth is Better for India's Future.

they were indian first a father brother or son of india u shameless bjpined ur making fun on somebodys death this is y will bjp had to b stop coming to power i will try my best
Extremely daring attack by the Maoists.

Kidnapped Chhattisgarh Congress chief, son found dead, toll 27

RAIPUR: As per the unconfirmed reports coming from Ground zero from Darbha, Bastar, the State congress committee president Nand Kumar Patel and his son Dinesh Patel who were abducted by the Maoists on Saturday, have been killed.

According to the reports, police have recovered mutilated body of both. Late on Saturday, Patel's younger son, Umesh Patel had appealed the Maoists to free his father and brother. Reports initially said that Dinesh Patel was freed late on Saturday night but the according to the latest reports, he has been killed by the Maoists. As of now, around 17 bodies have been recovered.

Following this, the death toll rises to nearly 20. Chhattisgarh state will observe three day state mourn amidst heavy protest from the Congress workers. Rahul Gandhi has reached Raipur on Saturday night and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is also expected to come by 10 am today.

Maoists had hit a Congress party convoy in Bastar, killing top party leader Mahendra Karma, the man who started the anti-Naxal campaign called SalwaJudum, as police counted 17 dead, many among them well-known state Congress leaders, and several injured.

The group of Congress leaders and party workers were ambushed at Darba Ghati valley around 5.30pm as they were driving out of the rebel stronghold of Sukma in Bastar district towards Jagdalpur after attending a rally as part of Parivartan Yatra to kick off party's campaign for the assembly polls.
There were more than 300 Naxalites at the spot when the incident took place and the ambush continued till two hours killing many persons while few more remain missing.
they were indian first a father brother or son of india u shameless bjpined ur making fun on somebodys death this is y will bjp had to b stop coming to power i will try my best

Bleh ....:taz:

As If You already are not voting in a Block . Sayed

After all "Congress ka haath, mujaheddin ke saath."
only congress party is doing politic what about rest bjp is parliament se bhaago jao party

i was not saying about congress alone. every political party wants to stay in power and feed their ego. what about those cops/crpf personals who died to save those bloody @ssholes?

You seems like politically oriented towards congress!!

they were indian first a father brother or son of india u shameless bjpined ur making fun on somebodys death this is y will bjp had to b stop coming to power i will try my best

don't blame him. and stop politicized the matter. everyone knows why people hate congress.
..Normally I dislike Naxals...but attack on Congress is commendable...
Congressians are the parasite and should be treated like that.
VC Shukl , for whom all the media are going ga-ga...was the parasite of worst kind. He did all the things for which a Bollywood Villan is infamous for. Starting from when he was CM of unified M.P.
I'm sorry, for the people who are getting 'doctored' by media.:coffee:
"Half knowledge is dangerous"
We have been molly coddling the Maoists for too long. We keep repeating inanities like "They are our people" or "They are misguided youth". The truth is that these guys are interested in the violent overthrow of the state. No communist state has been democratic and none have had any semblance of human rights and freedoms. They must be dealt with firmly. RIP...
This is exactly the size that the CRPF COBRAs will grow to. And I agree with you up to a point wrt the lack of military style training in the CAPFs but I think recently this has changed- post Dantewada- and now every CAPF constable goes through a rigorous school styled on the IA's CIJWS. This training has proven to be effective and post 2010 Indian security force deaths have plummeted. Now the right equipment is also making its ways to these guys.

Dude, no they don't. Not every CAPF constable, that would be impossible. There are several hundreds of thousands of them. The CRPF, BSF, ITBP are all classified as CAPFs. Only the ones that are deployed to the forests to hunt the naxals get that training. Most of the CRPF does not, because anti-naxal operations is only a small part of their mandate. Mainly the CRPF is supposed to do riot control and security for elections and so on. Also, just because some of their personnel get military style training does not make them a paramilitary force. They are still police forces that go to a particular place when requested by the local police forces, to beef up their numbers.

The flaw with that approach is that the naxals choose the time and place of their attack, and when they attack, the location won't be defended by COBRAs or other trained forces. I doubt that the security forces guarding these people had any sort of military training.

Also, note that most of the anti naxal ops are still done by state police forces, and regular CRPF units. The COBRAS are more of a commando group. We have been tackling this menace with ad hoc forces for a long time. Each time a massacre occurs, we raise a new force in that area. Greyhounds in Andhra, Jaguars in Jharkand, COBRAs for CRPF, Assam rifles, and so on. What we need now is a dedicated force with its own intel wing, and operating without regard for state boundaries to finish the naxalites once and for all. After that, the force can be a true paramilitary force, a sort of light infantry unit dedicated to internal security during peace time, and coming under the command of the army during wartime.

The CRPF should go back to its original mandate of being a reserve police force. Making them do military work will make them ineffective at both. Military operations and policing work are different things, requiring different sorts of people with differing mentality, differing skills. Using the military for policing or vice versa is a recipe for disaster.
i was not saying about congress alone. every political party wants to stay in power and feed their ego. what about those cops/crpf personals who died to save those bloody @ssholes?

You seems like politically oriented towards congress!!

don't blame him. and stop politicized the matter. everyone knows why people hate congress.

do u know y people hate bjp i m not vt congress but i want communal harmony
they were indian first a father brother or son of india u shameless bjpined ur making fun on somebodys death this is y will bjp had to b stop coming to power i will try my best

Stop bringing politics here.Be a bipartisan in a forum like this.
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