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Congratulations, Mullahs - #KillAllMuslims is now trending worldwide

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Just want to add one thing to discussion.

If you say "Armenian genocide didn't happened, " in France, you will be put into jail. But you can insult all of the religions and the values that is sacred for hundreds millions of people....because it is "freedom of speech".
''Killallmuslims'' is trending now

Didn't it started a few decades back....it seems the clocks have been turned back

Yep, let's kill all Muslims, right?


I dont have time. You do it alone.
so the civilised western world has joined ISIS?

ISIS is one that is killing All Muslims. in its books.. 99.999% of all Muslims deserve worse fate than those who don't call themselves Muslims.

the bigotry and Irony I see here is evident. countries that sponsor this ideology and use their oil wealth to fund the terrorism are again not blamed.
Its people like you who encourage these nut job extremists to take such drastic and dire actions, like gunning down 12 people in cold blood.

Not really, I do not encourage this act. Matter of fact, I am against all blasphemy laws and rituals, because my particular belief and following of religion preaches forgiveness above everything else. However, I cannot condemn the extremists either because their act was actually a reaction and not initiation, they were repeatedly given a reason to conduct such a hateful act by retards who neither had any respect for 1.5 Billion Muslims of the world nor any respect for basic humanity. Were they doing a service to the world that we should mourn their passing? Why such a fuss at all?

Consider the fact that these extremists never targeted any other news channel or media person, is it not apparent that they were only acting in self defence? Why did these particular ******** had to print blasphemy and ridicule repeatedly????
Suppose, lets think all Muslims are killed, I mean there are no Muslims in the next minute. Muslims suddenly vanish (theoretically). Now what?? Will the wold be better place??
Your idea of "defending" your religion is killing unarmed people over cartoons?? And you wonder why the world despises you :tsk:

Nothing is as black and white. Perhaps to you the freedom of expression extends to ridiculing 1.5 Billion Muslims and to these attackers, defence of their religion extends to physical defence. Neither is right, but the reaction always has more sympathy then the action......in this case, the murderer deserve our anger lesser then the ******* cartoonists who instigated hatred and bigotry!

Suppose, lets think all Muslims are killed, I mean there are no Muslims in the next minute. Muslims suddenly vanish (theoretically). Now what?? Will the wold be better place??

You tell me.
Which variety - a Wahabized Deobandi, I presume? That my friend is far far from being called a practicing Muslim, it's more like a practicing terrorist in everyone else's books! :laughcry:

No I am a practising muslim
so the civilised western world has joined ISIS?

ISIS is one that is killing All Muslims. in its books.. 99.999% of all Muslims deserve worse fate than those who don't call themselves Muslims.

the bigotry and Irony I see here is evident. countries that sponsor this ideology and use their oil wealth to fund the terrorism are again not blamed.
Agreed, but what can you say abt the hypocrite countries of south Asia like India which invites the heads of these countries as chief guest in its republic day parade and Pakistan which regarded these brother countries as beacon of Islam though both these countries suffer from terrorism.
I started a trend tweet once called #KillallHumans. They deleted my trend and threatened to report me to the authorities for being a potential serial killer :undecided:
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There you go, wonderful work mullahs and terrorists, wonderful. Hatred for Muslims is already at peak levels, and now you go ahead and kill twelve more people to show the world that Islamophobia is justified/true (it isn't - it isn't supposed to be, at least)


The issue is to be looked at from Humanaterian angle and not from the angle of Impression of Muslims. Issue of Humanity is more important here and not the issue of Muslim's impression.
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