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Comparing Indian and Pakistani Economies in 2014

In all factors Pakistan is better than India.
Hahaha. Pakistan is actually better than India in making suicide vests, AK-47s and other destructive products. While India is leading the world in IT and manufacturing, Pakistan is busy with mass blackouts and energy crisis.

1% control the 99%
Not in Norway. We are among the world's lowest wealth and income inequality countries:
25 countries that have least income inequality - Rediff.com Business
In all factors Pakistan is better than India.

And I know Pakistan is smaller than India . But we are comparing on the economic ratio between India and Pakistan. In that regard Pakistan defeats India when you look at population and economy.

It's like an ant. An ant can lift 100x+ it's body weight while a human has trouble lifting even 50% of its. So in ratio, the ant is stronger than the human. If the ant were as big as a human, the ant would be many times stronger. Do you understand now?

I asked to you factors.What factors are you talking about?
If these factors are that much better you should be comparable to Singapore ar atleast your neighbour Iran.
Now your economy is regularly bailing out some western powers and IMF.
In my country power cut is just only 1 or 2 hours and electricity bill is around 1000RS.
In my state there is no powercut or LS and my bill is just 765 Rs.
But there is already a thread in this PDF about power situation in Pakistan where 12 to 13 hrs power outage and 22000 Rs electricity bill in a month.
Power infrastructure is basic factor of the development of a nation.All others are depending on it.
Hahaha. Pakistan is actually better than India in making suicide vests, AK-47s and other destructive products. While India is leading the world in IT and manufacturing, Pakistan is busy with mass blackouts and energy crisis.

Not in Norway. We are among the world's lowest wealth and income inequality countries:
25 countries that have least income inequality - Rediff.com Business

I had an offtopic question .

Pakistan has a large diaspora in Norway and as far as i know they are very very well integrated in Norwegian society . OTOH UK has a large pakistani diaspora with exactly opposite scenario . Why such difference between two expatriate communities of same country ?
@ all Indians ..Donot open the link provided by the genius's own blogs and add visitor hits to his websites...Don't be part of his earnings...
@ Topic urghhh some people never get what the reality is...the fact that we both are third world countries cant be denied...But in all the parameters if you think Pak is better than India yeeeehaawww all the best with your dreams...
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1% control the 99%

USA has a per capita of $50000, but average family earns ~16000-20000.
The per capita income is enlarged by the numerous billionaires in the USA.

So this should not be a pride to have a large sovereign wealth but instead a embarassment

Less than 20% of household in the US make 20K or less. Do some research before you post. We're not a 3rd world country like Pakistan. Being poor here is not the same as being poor in Pakistan. Here the "poor" can afford used cars, TVs, cable, smart phones etc. Being poor in the US is not the same as being poor in Pakistan.
Pakistan has a large diaspora in Norway and as far as i know they are very very well integrated in Norwegian society . OTOH UK has a large pakistani diaspora with exactly opposite scenario . Why such difference between two expatriate communities of same country ?
One thing: Higher Education

Almost 10% of the medical students in Oslo are of Pakistani heritage. The figure is significant as Pakistani Norwegians only constitute 3.67% of Oslo's population. The proportion of Pakistani Norwegians, born and raised in Norway, in higher education at university level is higher than the Norwegian national average. Amongst Pakistani Norwegians born and raised in Pakistan the share is 17%, the same as the average for Norwegian immigrants in general.

Internationally renowned researchers are, among others, Farrukh Abbas Chaudhry (medicine) and Shah Nawaz (petroleum chemistry), and the physicist Kalbe Razi Naqvi.
Norwegians with Pakistani background - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But education alone is not the contributing integrating factor. Pakistanis are not only represented in media but also in film, music and entertainment industry of Norway:
Deeyah is the first mainstream recording artist of Pakistani heritage in Norway and is the first and only female World music producer of Norwegian Pakistani descent.
Adil Khan is a theatre and screen actor in Norway. He has played the lead role in a range of Norwegian productions from the hit series Taxi to The Jungle Book, West Side Story to @lice. He is also the judge on Norske Talenter.
Attia Bano Qamar is the first girl from Oslo, Norway to represent Pakistan in the Miss Pakistan World pageant and went on to represent Pakistan in international pageants, Miss Globe and Queen of the World.
Mah-Rukh Ali is the first non-white news anchor for Norway's state broadcasting network, the NRK - although another Pakistani Norwegian, Noman Mubashir, is the first non-white personality on Norwegian TV and hosted the multi-ethnic programme, Migrapolis, before hosting a Saturday night entertainment show. Zahid Ali, another Pakistani Norwegian, joined the ranks of minorities on Norwegian television by participating in the comedy program Rikets Røst on TV2.
Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen is a Pakistani Norwegian who directed three movies, including Izzat, a story which follows Wasim and his youth gang years in the 1980s to his young adult years in the 1990s. The film is set in Oslo and deals with the double standards in a tough Pakistani Norwegian gang environment. It relates directly to the difficulty of being raised as a Muslimimmigrant in western countries. The word Izzat means honour in Urdu. A number of Pakistani Norwegians were featured in this film, and a small portion was filmed in Lahore, Pakistan.
Norwegians with Pakistani background - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also can you imagine we achieved all that with only less than 40,000 total population of Pakistanis or 0,8 % of total population of Norway?
One thing: Higher Education

Almost 10% of the medical students in Oslo are of Pakistani heritage. The figure is significant as Pakistani Norwegians only constitute 3.67% of Oslo's population. The proportion of Pakistani Norwegians, born and raised in Norway, in higher education at university level is higher than the Norwegian national average. Amongst Pakistani Norwegians born and raised in Pakistan the share is 17%, the same as the average for Norwegian immigrants in general.

Internationally renowned researchers are, among others, Farrukh Abbas Chaudhry (medicine) and Shah Nawaz (petroleum chemistry), and the physicist Kalbe Razi Naqvi.
Norwegians with Pakistani background - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But education alone is not the contributing integrating factor. Pakistanis are not only represented in media but also in film, music and entertainment industry of Norway:
Deeyah is the first mainstream recording artist of Pakistani heritage in Norway and is the first and only female World music producer of Norwegian Pakistani descent.
Adil Khan is a theatre and screen actor in Norway. He has played the lead role in a range of Norwegian productions from the hit series Taxi to The Jungle Book, West Side Story to @lice. He is also the judge on Norske Talenter.
Attia Bano Qamar is the first girl from Oslo, Norway to represent Pakistan in the Miss Pakistan World pageant and went on to represent Pakistan in international pageants, Miss Globe and Queen of the World.
Mah-Rukh Ali is the first non-white news anchor for Norway's state broadcasting network, the NRK - although another Pakistani Norwegian, Noman Mubashir, is the first non-white personality on Norwegian TV and hosted the multi-ethnic programme, Migrapolis, before hosting a Saturday night entertainment show. Zahid Ali, another Pakistani Norwegian, joined the ranks of minorities on Norwegian television by participating in the comedy program Rikets Røst on TV2.
Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen is a Pakistani Norwegian who directed three movies, including Izzat, a story which follows Wasim and his youth gang years in the 1980s to his young adult years in the 1990s. The film is set in Oslo and deals with the double standards in a tough Pakistani Norwegian gang environment. It relates directly to the difficulty of being raised as a Muslimimmigrant in western countries. The word Izzat means honour in Urdu. A number of Pakistani Norwegians were featured in this film, and a small portion was filmed in Lahore, Pakistan.
Norwegians with Pakistani background - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also can you imagine we achieved all that with only less than 40,000 total population of Pakistanis or 0,8 % of total population of Norway?

Yep Higher education , but what is stopping UK Pakistanis from doing so . Also Norweigan Pakistanis are far far more liberal than UK counterparts . Looks like it will be hard to join the dots .
Pakistan's BISP Program to support poor started only in the year 2008. It does not covwr whole of Pakistan. Only 40% poor of Pakistan are under BIPS which provides cash to the poor.

In India, every family is provided Ration card as per their economic status. Card holders get Sugar, kerosene, wheat, rice etc at very subsidised prices. This scheme is working in India since 1960s. India provided 60 Billion UD$ of subsidy to card holders.

Pakistan has an income support program called BISP to assist the poor.

To get your answer about prices and impact on poverty in India and Pakistan, read the following:

Haq's Musings: World Bank Reports Sharp Downward Revision in Pakistan Poverty
Less than 20% of household in the US make 20K or less. Do some research before you post. We're not a 3rd world country like Pakistan. Being poor here is not the same as being poor in Pakistan. Here the "poor" can afford used cars, TVs, cable, smart phones etc. Being poor in the US is not the same as being poor in Pakistan.

You obviously have been living under a rock lol. Or you probably don't live in USA and just talking from some call centre in Mumbai (likely)

Indian hiding behind white Norweigan mask Huh?? Lol
LOL. I was born and raised in the city of dictators: Rawalpindi. I was 13 when I moved here in Norway. I can easily read and write urdu as well. Can't a single word of hindi :D

Yep Higher education , but what is stopping UK Pakistanis from doing so . Also Norweigan Pakistanis are far far more liberal than UK counterparts . Looks like it will be hard to join the dots .
Yes, we are mostly liberals because unlike UK Pakistanis, we are not sent to Saudi-funded wahhabi mosques for ISIS or Al-Qaeda recruitment. I think that's the code you were looking to crack? In entire Oslo, for the population of some 30,000 Pakistanis, there is only one grand mosque under strict government scrutiny. So no terror training is allowed there. Also our PM and ministers are very pro-Islamic so they usually visit our local mosques without fearing to be blown up by a jihadi :-)

To understand this issue more, read this astonishing tale of a Pakistani whose twin brother became a suicide bomber in Syria after visiting local mosque for supposedly religious "training". Its written by an Indian :undecided:
My brother, the suicide bomber: why British men go to Syria
Waheed was an ordinary boy who played football and loved sci-fi movies. This year, he blew himself up in Aleppo. Abu Jamal left to join the jihadis. Tauqir is an aid worker who can never come home. This is the story of Britons risking their lives in Syria, and the families left behind
My brother, the suicide bomber: why British men go to Syria | World news | The Guardian
You obviously have been living under a rock lol. Or you probably don't live in USA and just talking from some call centre in Mumbai (likely)

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Your post reads HOUSEHOLD income and chart is for INDIVIDUAL incomes. Maybe you want to edit that before you start with one of your patented inane comments? While I can appreciate that English is a second language for you and the Pakistani education system leaves much to be desired, you should least have the basic grasp of words. If not, try posting in Urdu. There's no shame in not being proficient in English.
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