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Comparing Indian and Pakistani Economies in 2014

While it is true that our major economic sector is offshore oil and gas, yet it contributes little to the real economy that is not offshore but inland. Our government saves most of its offshore wealth from oil and gas production in sovereign wealth fund which contributes very little to the national budget each year:

Only 5 million people live in Norway, but thanks to the country’s careful management of its oil wealth, the country runs the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world. Everything about the fund is big. Very big.

Reported assets, for example, totaled $890 billion at the end of June—that’s $178,000 for every Norwegian. And the fund holds around 1% of all the stocks and bonds in the world. By the end of 2020 the government expects the fund—officially known as the Government Pension Fund Global—to be worth the equivalent of $1.1 trillion in today’s money. To try to put the fund’s size and growth in perspective, the chart below shows its year-end values converted into current dollars, alongside a few examples of things that fetch roughly the same amount of money today. For example, back in 2003 Norway’s fund was worth the same as Amazon.com’s current market capitalization. A decade later, it is now worth the same as the combined market cap of Exxon, Shell, and Chevron.

Norway’s gargantuan sovereign wealth fund, by the numbers – Quartz

You don't mess with the nation of millionaires. We are born millionaires. :woot:
Ratio wise ?India is comparable to China because we have almost equal population and prospects .And China is far bettrr than India at any case.And we are happy for a healthy competition.
Pakistan a nation having 20 crore is not a match for India at any case.A nation having the influence of foreign aid even in its budget is not a match for India.Pakistan is comparable to Iran or any other like type nation.

What??? :blink:
Comparable to Middle eastern states? :lol:

Lol :lol:

They Why the Pakistan cant set up a firm in Norway.?

So much :blah: :blah:

But nothing in hands.

Are you like stupid or something?
Don't understand simple ratios?


That's how ratios work buddy.
While it is true that our major economic sector is offshore oil and gas, yet it contributes little to the real economy that is not offshore but inland. Our government saves most of its offshore wealth from oil and gas production in sovereign wealth fund which contributes very little to the national budget each year:

Only 5 million people live in Norway, but thanks to the country’s careful management of its oil wealth, the country runs the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world. Everything about the fund is big. Very big.

Reported assets, for example, totaled $890 billion at the end of June—that’s $178,000 for every Norwegian. And the fund holds around 1% of all the stocks and bonds in the world. By the end of 2020 the government expects the fund—officially known as the Government Pension Fund Global—to be worth the equivalent of $1.1 trillion in today’s money. To try to put the fund’s size and growth in perspective, the chart below shows its year-end values converted into current dollars, alongside a few examples of things that fetch roughly the same amount of money today. For example, back in 2003 Norway’s fund was worth the same as Amazon.com’s current market capitalization. A decade later, it is now worth the same as the combined market cap of Exxon, Shell, and Chevron.

Norway’s gargantuan sovereign wealth fund, by the numbers – Quartz

You don't mess with the nation of millionaires. We are born millionaires. :woot:

1% control the 99%

USA has a per capita of $50000, but average family earns ~16000-20000.
The per capita income is enlarged by the numerous billionaires in the USA.

So this should not be a pride to have a large sovereign wealth but instead a embarassment
I cant believe we can still compare India and Pakistan. India has left Pakistan far behind. Close this thread.

1.2 billion population and still bragging about leaving people behind lmaooo... Only in India
Are you like stupid or something?
Don't understand simple ratios?

View attachment 110489

That's how ratios work buddy.

Lol :lol:

Dont deflect topic .I know what is ratio.
You pointed about some factors where Pakistan is much better than India.Which factors?I want to know.
Then you said we are not productive in engineering field.
@acetophenol posted a lot about productivityof India in this thread .Just check it out.
Compare someone on your own size.Other wise you will be ridicule.
Lol :lol:

Dont deflect topic .I know what is ratio.
You pointed about some factors where Pakistan is much better than India.Which factors?I want to know.
Then you said we are not productive in engineering field.
@acetophenol posted a lot about productivityof India in this thread .Just check it out.
Compare someone on your own size.Other wise you will be ridicule.

In all factors Pakistan is better than India.

And I know Pakistan is smaller than India . But we are comparing on the economic ratio between India and Pakistan. In that regard Pakistan defeats India when you look at population and economy.

It's like an ant. An ant can lift 100x+ it's body weight while a human has trouble lifting even 50% of its. So in ratio, the ant is stronger than the human. If the ant were as big as a human, the ant would be many times stronger. Do you understand now?
Pakistan's :-
Mango's > Indian mangos
Basmati Rice > Indian Basmati Rice
Chilies > Indian Chiilies
Roads > Indian Roads
Railways > Indian Railways
Army > Indian Army
Air force > Indian Air force
Navy > Indian Navy
Missiles > Indian missiles
Economy > Indian Economy

Any thing else Mr. Riaz Haq ?
Pak girls > Indian girls!!! May be
Pak idiots > Indian idiots too!!

Higher percentage of Pakistanis are college grads than Indians. 16% Pakistanis vs 12% Indians in 25-34 years age group.

Here's the actual UNESCO Global Education Digest data on college graduation on India and Pakistan:

View attachment 110312

Haq's Musings: Human Capital Growth in Pakistan

CHerry picker has started cherry picking again .

5.5 million children out of school in Pakistan: UNESCO report – The Express Tribune

Out-of-school children: Pakistan ranks second in the world - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Norway would be nothing without oil. So forget Indian firms, even Somali companies can set up in Norway easily

So why aren't somali or Pakistani companies doing so ?
Pakistan's :-
Mango's > Indian mangos
Basmati Rice > Indian Basmati Rice
Chilies > Indian Chiilies
Roads > Indian Roads
Railways > Indian Railways
Army > Indian Army
Air force > Indian Air force
Navy > Indian Navy
Missiles > Indian missiles
Economy > Indian Economy

Any thing else Mr. Riaz Haq ?
Pak Nasr >>>>>>> Indian MoM
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