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Comparing Indian and Pakistani Economies in 2014

comparing Pakistani economy with Indian economy is like comparing a Rotting apple to a growing one.
The most telling part, the part least commented, is that a Pakistani feels the need to painstakingly compare Pakistan's economy to that of India.

No even halfway respected Indian analyst would spend more than a few minutes thinking about it, far less writing reports.

So, with all due respect - keep comparing.

And think about what I just wrote.
I am from Norway and can give first hand evidence that our engineering firms are losing almost all their traditional customers to Indian firms. So now they are forcing politicians to adapt protective policies, increase tariffs to make sure they stay here :D
Aren't you mistaking Swedes with Indians 8-)
Is there a rule against posting pictures ?

Yes everyone in my country has a higher chance of getting when compared to your country , even a low IQ kid like myself .
No there is no such rule but I don't know what point you are trying to make by posting pics?
You didn't provided any proof linking CGD to WB, putting that revised data on poverty in do

Higher percentage of Pakistanis are college grads than Indians. 16% Pakistanis vs 12% Indians in 25-34 years age group.

Here's the actual UNESCO Global Education Digest data on college graduation on India and Pakistan:

View attachment 110312

Haq's Musings: Human Capital Growth in Pakistan

This data is about 10 years old. Do you have latest data on education of both countries.
Though the per capita gdp of India and Pakistan is close, whats important is that India has got the strategy right. Its focusing its efforts in the right direction. Thats why it will leave Pakistan well behind. Like in a war the army focuses the bulk of its resources on the focal points because it knows that defeating the enemy there will put the whole army in a better position. For now Pakistan has got its priorities wrong.
wow your source is from another blog ....

1] The numbers are slightly different from those used by Riaz Haq since I use the latest update v1.2 (09/11) while his is v1.1 (07/10)

So how many Indian kids complete school? | The Broad Mind

The preceding assessment is based on an interpretation offered by Indian blogger Siddarth Vij of Barro-Lee data in response to my earlier blog post titled Pakistan Ahead of India in Graduation at All Levels. Robert Barro and Jong-Wha Lee are Harvard University researchers whose data on educational attainment is used by UNDP and the World Bank. Here's how Vij read Barro-Lee dataset for India:

you quoted him and he quoted you.... nice
In "Capital in the Twenty-First Century", French economist Thomas Piketty argues that the GDP growth rates of India and China are exaggerated.

Picketty writes as follows:

"Note, too, that the very high official growth figures for developing countries (especially India and China) over the past few decades are based almost exclusively on production statistics. If one tries to measure income growth by using household survey data, it is often quite difficult to identify the reported rates of macroeconomic growth: Indian and Chinese incomes are certainly increasing rapidly, but not as rapidly as one would infer from official growth statistics. This paradox-sometimes referred to as the "black hole" of growth-is obviously problematic. It may be due to the overestimation of the growth of output (there are many bureaucratic incentives for doing so), or perhaps the underestimation of income growth (household have their own flaws)), or most likely both. In particular, the missing income may be explained by the possibility that a disproportionate share of the growth in output has gone to the most highly remunerated individuals, whose incomes are not always captured in the tax data."

"In the case of India, it is possible to estimate (using tax return data) that the increase in the upper centile's share of national income explains between one-quarter and one-third of the "black hole" of growth between 1990 and 2000. "

Capital in the Twenty-First Century - Thomas Piketty - Google Books

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's GDP Grossly Underestimated, Stocks Highly Undervalued
India's IT exports to US have received scrutiny from US Congress which asked GAO to look into why there's a huge disparity between India's claimed exports to US and imports from India as measured by US Commerce Dept. In theory, India follows what is known as BPM 6 (MSITS) reporting method for software and information-enabled technology services (ITES) which counts sales to all multinationals, earning of overseas offices, salaries of non-immigrant overseas workers as India's exports. In practice, India violates it. BPM 6 allows the salaries of first year of migrant workers to be included in a country's service exports. India continuously and cumulatively adds all the earnings of its migrants to US in its software exports. If 50,000 Indians migrate on H1B visas each year, and they each earn $50,000 a year, that's a $2.5 billion addition to their exports each year. Cumulatively over 10 years, this would be $25 billion in exports year after year and growing.


Haq's Musings: India's IT Exports Figures Highly Exaggerated
Mani-Talk: We Have Not Terrified #Pakistan Into Submission. #India #Narendramodi #Kashmir Mani-Talk: We Have Not Terrified the Pakistanis Into Submission … via @ndtv

Arun Jaitley thumps his chest and proclaims that we have given the Pakis a "jaw-breaking reply" (munh tod jawab). Oh yeah? The Pakistanis are still there - with their jaw quite intact and a nuclear arsenal nestling in their pockets. Rajnath Singh adds that the Pakis had best understand that "a new era has dawned". How? Is retaliatory fire a BJP innovation? Or is it that we have we ceased being peace-loving and become a war-mongering nation? And Modi thunders that his guns will do the talking (boli nahin, goli). Yes - and for how long?

The Government struts around as if it has silenced the Pakistani guns. Nothing could be a more dangerous illusion. If the guns have ceased for the present to bark, it is because the Pakistan army has silenced its own guns, even as the Indian army has silenced ours. The idea that we have terrified the Pakistanis into submission by shelling a few homes and killing a few soldiers and several innocents might be a myth that washes here but it is far, far from the truth. The danger is that we will forget the limits that divide peace from war.

If losing half their country in 1971 and leaving 90,000 prisoners of war in Indian hands has not dimmed Pakistan's zeal to protect itself, big words from our end are not going to make them grovel at Modi's feet. Pakistan is a sovereign nation. It makes its own assessment of the threats to its security. And the kind of talk they have heard in recent days from our governmental chiefs only persuades them that they are right in regarding India as the biggest threat to their security. This marginalizes the sane voices across the border and brings Pakistanis of all hues and colours together in the defence of their homeland. The language of the akhara is not the language of statesmen. And war is not a continuation of diplomacy by other means; it is a confession of the breakdown of diplomacy.

When a young band of Serbian terrorists slipped into Bosnia to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Government of Serbia did not know, even as it is entirely likely that the Government of Pakistan did not know that Ajmal Kasab and his gang had slipped into Mumbai to target the iconic Taj Hotel. But, as in India, so in Austria, the suspicion was so strong that there were rogue elements in the Serbian establishment that were backing the terrorists, no proof was needed: suspicion amounted to conviction. Therefore, when the Serbian terrorists struck, assassinating the heir-apparent to the Austro-Hungarian throne, the Empire needed no conclusive proof that the Serbian government was behind the assassination. It knew, as India "knew", that 26/11 was master-minded by the Government of Pakistan. And even as the Pakistan government denied any involvement in such cross-border terrorism and undertook to set in train an investigation into the dastardly terrorist attack, so also, a hundred years earlier, did Serbia condemn the assassination and offer to investigate and bring to justice those responsible.

But Vienna would not be appeased. An eight-point ultimatum was sent to Serbia demanding full acceptance of the eight conditions within a month. Eventually, after much hemming and hawing, Belgrade accepted seven of the conditions but baulked at the eighth - that a joint Austrian-Serbian investigation be launched into the assassination. That was enough for Vienna to insist that if all conditions were not fulfilled, the far more powerful Austro-Hungarian forces would reduce Serbia to rubble in a matter of days.

The threat was meant to cow the Serbians. The Serbians went as far as they could, but baulked at abject surrender. In consequence, military plans began to roll - to the alarm of both Emperor Franz Joseph of Austro-Hungary as well as the German Kaiser whose belligerence was pushing Vienna further and further down the road to disaster. Their political misgivings were entirely understandable. For Russia had declared that any military action against her Slav cousin would invite Russian retaliation against both Austria and Germany. At the same time, Germany had made it clear that her first target was France. Treaty obligations made it incumbent for France to come to Russia's rescue and vice versa in the event of war. Britain was committed to entering the war in these circumstances. The very balance of power that was supposed to have kept the peace in Europe for a hundred years was now pushing the world to the brink.

To prevent this catastrophe, the two Emperors who had been the loudest in proclaiming a "munh thod jawab" to Serbia tried at the last moment to stop the guns from booming, but were over-ruled by their respective military hierarchies. War was launched. The mighty Austro-Hungarian Empire conquered Serbia but ended up losing the War and disappearing from the map of the world....

Mani-Talk: We Have Not Terrified the Pakistanis Into Submission
Comparing Indian and Pakistani Economies in 2014
Discussion in 'Central & South Asia' started by RiazHaq, Oct 4, 2014.



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