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Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

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Chinese economy is in a bubble now. The govt figures are controlled and gwroth rates are fake. They hold billions in worthless US paper. Chinese fall will 1000 times worse than Dubai!
Chinese economy is in a bubble now. The govt figures are controlled and gwroth rates are fake. They hold billions in worthless US paper. Chinese fall will 1000 times worse than Dubai!

They hold billions in worthless US paper paper...

Than U.S. will fall 10,000 times worse than China..
China is now the biggest exporter in the world as per JAN 2010.

I believe I read somewhere on BBC that Pakistan's education growth rate in terms of percentage is a wee bit higher than that of India's. Lemme look around for the link...
I have a joke to summarize what this thread and many on same lines open every week tries to say.

An Indian and Pakistani went for a marriage of a powerful king.
Both very poor and as a gift they bought vegetables.
Pakistani bought a carrot and gifted to king, the king got angry and asked the carrot to be put inside Pakistani's ***, the Pakistani started laughing. The king asked why are you laughing. The Pakistani said, the Indian is getting cucumber.

So a Pakistani is happy with pain in *** because Indian has more pain.
Keep it up.
I read that article on James Chanos' prediction; other experts say he doesnt know much on China and started looking into it recently.

contrarian-investor-sees-economic-crash-in-china: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Chinese Economy 'to Hit $123 Trillion' in 2040 said by a Nobel laureate in economics.
Chinese Economy 'to Hit $123 Trillion' in 2040-China Mining
Here is another prediction by a Nobel laureate in economics.
I dont think future can be predicted on papaer. The future can only be made by hard working and good policy. And this thread is nothing about china economy, keep staying on topic.
Twisting my message so it suits your need :no:

I did not twisted your message, and you really need tell what you told to pakistan members on your previouse post to your gvot and media, stop compairing india and china. No offense, just my wish.

Comparison threads like these never end well.

You should focus on your countries future without drawing direct competition from others.
Recently, Alistair Scrutton filed a Reuters report about Pakistan's infrastructure, particularly its 367 Km long M2 motorway that connects Lahore with Islamabad and he "dared" to compare Pakistan favorably with India:

"Indeed, for sheer spotlessness, efficiency and emptiness there is nothing like the M2 in the rest of South Asia.

It puts paid to what's on offer in Pakistan's traditional foe and emerging economic giant India, where village culture stubbornly refuses to cede to even the most modern motorways, making them battlegrounds of rickshaws, lorries and cows.

There are many things in Pakistan that don't get into the news. Daily life, for one. Pakistani hospitality to strangers, foreigners like myself included, is another. The M2 is another sign that all is not what it appears in Pakistan, that much lies hidden behind the bad news.

On a recent M2 trip, my driver whizzed along but kept his speedometer firmly placed on the speed limit. Here in this South Asian Alice's Wonderland, the special highway police are considered incorruptible. The motorway is so empty one wonders if it really cuts through one of the region's most populated regions.

"130, OK, but 131 is a fine," said the driver, Noshad Khan. "The police have cameras," he added, almost proudly. His hand waved around in the car, clenched in the form of a gun.

On one of my first trips to Pakistan. I arrived at the border having just negotiated a one-lane country road in India with cows, rickshaws and donkey-driven carts.

I toted my luggage over to the Pakistan side, and within a short time my Pakistani taxi purred along the tarmac. The driver proudly showed off his English and played U.S. rock on FM radio. The announcer even had an American accent. Pakistan, for a moment, receded, and my M2 trip began."

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Infrastructure and M2 Motorway
Another thing I want to add about this income thing. I am not an expert in economy, but this question kept bothering me.
When a country does not have enough money, and is highly dependent on outside aid for survival, how can it have a better per capita Income then a country whose GDP is in top 5 countries and is one of the fastest growing country in world.

Here is my layman understanding.
There are 2 families.
One family (family1) is earning decent but has large number people to feed it gets no help from others. When money is divided due to large size each person does not get very big chunk.
Other family (family2) is struggling and if it divided its own income to everyone in family it will be worst then family one, but it gets lot of help from outside and then money they give also gets divided and now each person gets slightly more then family1.

So while family1 is earning more, family2 is doing better since it gets help from others. US, SA and list goes on an on.

So while you might be doing it better, but you should not take its credit.
Another thing I want to add about this income thing. I am not an expert in economy, but this question kept bothering me.
When a country does not have enough money, and is highly dependent on outside aid for survival, how can it have a better per capita Income then a country whose GDP is in top 5 countries and is one of the fastest growing country in world.

Here is my layman understanding.
There are 2 families.
One family (family1) is earning decent but has large number people to feed it gets no help from others. When money is divided due to large size each person does not get very big chunk.
Other family (family2) is struggling and if it divided its own income to everyone in family it will be worst then family one, but it gets lot of help from outside and then money they give also gets divided and now each person gets slightly more then family1.

So while family1 is earning more, family2 is doing better since it gets help from others. US, SA and list goes on an on.

So while you might be doing it better, but you should not take its credit.

In your simple minded thinking, a bankrupt government equals bankrupt private citizenry. Going by such a simplistic view, people in many countries with huge debts and large individual incomes should be paupers, doing much worse than the poor, hungry and illiterate Indians.

Haq's Musings: Grinding Poverty in Resurgent India

As to the US aid making a huge difference, one only needs to recognize than remittances by overseas Pakistanis to their families are 7 times higher than the tripled the US aid announced recently.

Haq's Musings: Remittances Offer Lifeline to Pakistanis
Recently, Alistair Scrutton filed a Reuters report about Pakistan's infrastructure, particularly its 367 Km long M2 motorway that connects Lahore with Islamabad and he "dared" to compare Pakistan favorably with India:

"Indeed, for sheer spotlessness, efficiency and emptiness there is nothing like the M2 in the rest of South Asia.

It puts paid to what's on offer in Pakistan's traditional foe and emerging economic giant India, where village culture stubbornly refuses to cede to even the most modern motorways, making them battlegrounds of rickshaws, lorries and cows.

There are many things in Pakistan that don't get into the news. Daily life, for one. Pakistani hospitality to strangers, foreigners like myself included, is another. The M2 is another sign that all is not what it appears in Pakistan, that much lies hidden behind the bad news.

On a recent M2 trip, my driver whizzed along but kept his speedometer firmly placed on the speed limit. Here in this South Asian Alice's Wonderland, the special highway police are considered incorruptible. The motorway is so empty one wonders if it really cuts through one of the region's most populated regions.

"130, OK, but 131 is a fine," said the driver, Noshad Khan. "The police have cameras," he added, almost proudly. His hand waved around in the car, clenched in the form of a gun.

On one of my first trips to Pakistan. I arrived at the border having just negotiated a one-lane country road in India with cows, rickshaws and donkey-driven carts.

I toted my luggage over to the Pakistan side, and within a short time my Pakistani taxi purred along the tarmac. The driver proudly showed off his English and played U.S. rock on FM radio. The announcer even had an American accent. Pakistan, for a moment, receded, and my M2 trip began."

Its good that Pakistan is getting such good roads. Every country needs such roads. But what you failed to mention is the reason for the road being so spotless. Am quoting a part that you ignored.

"A relatively expensive toll means it is a motorway for the privileged. Poorer Pakistanis use the older trunk road nearby tracing an ancient route that once ran thousands of miles to eastern India. The road is shorter, busier and takes nearly an hour longer."

An ordinary citizen should consider that an insult. Such a road should be used and the rulers should ensure that by keeping reasonable toll charges.

I have seen similar roads in India too and people of modest means, try to avoid them where possible, particularly if the toll charges are high. That is a disgrace.
Pakistan not only gets aid from US but also from SA friends of Pakistan and China.
Also countries GDP is good indication of per capita Income. As all incomes are taxed by GOP.
Pakistan not only gets aid from US but also from SA friends of Pakistan and China.
Also countries GDP is good indication of per capita Income. As all incomes are taxed by GOP.

As I said on other post, it is unfair to compaire pakistan with india now, because they are fighting with Taliban for all the world. And pakistan's soldiers are bleeding, pakistan's common people and economy is suffering terrorist for the world. And as a human-being, we should feel shame on our country to let pakistan suffer from these and very very appreciated for what pakistan is doing. And the aid they got is so little compairing which they lost during fighting with terrorist for the world.
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