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Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

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I know! I know!

I finally got it!

Anything that pricks your inflated Indian ego by drawing attention to India's extreme poverty, widespread hunger, near total absence of sanitation, high levels of malnourished children, multiple violent insurgencies, widening rich-poor gap, growing female genocide, caste apartheid against dalits, mass killing of minorities in WRONG.

But I am glad all Indians aren't like you. There are a few realists, like the guy who wrote the following blog:

A Zillion reasons to escape from India

LOL and finally the real face of Riaz Haq comes out. You desperation and anger are clearly visible. Sorry we Indian's follow the learning’s of Gandhi and will keep on persisting until you stop. I am sooo glad than not even one Pakistani is like you. Even the worst India haters here, can be brought to a common ground and are ready to acknowledge what is good in India also. Your easily the worst Pakistani I have known in my life, I have been to Islamabad and thank god they arnt like you. Again you quote a blog and on a blog I can also be Shahruk Khan or Riza Haq hiding behind the cover of an Indian. I hope your getting my hint. Now stop crying and go open another thread.
Indians are on to it again. Little kids. Using the media which has a certain agenda as their source. What more can we expect.

Listen kids, let's make something clear. The media you quote. That media is controlled by certain groups who want people to see the world in a certain way. OK kids?

Secondly, the failed state index is not impartial either. It has indians on their panel. Then secondly, by their own admission, they use media articles to come up with their rankings. You kids now know about the media, so that makes the whole rankings impartial and biased.

so speek clearly... what is your motive behind this post what do you want to proove???
LOL and finally the real face of Riaz Haq comes out. You desperation and anger are clearly visible. Sorry we Indian's follow the learning’s of Gandhi and will keep on persisting until you stop. I am sooo glad than not even one Pakistani is like you. Even the worst India haters here, can be brought to a common ground and are ready to acknowledge what is good in India also. Your easily the worst Pakistani I have known in my life, I have been to Islamabad and thank god they arnt like you. Again you quote a blog and on a blog I can also be Shahruk Khan or Riza Haq hiding behind the cover of an Indian. I hope your getting my hint. Now stop crying and go open another thread.

You need to stop acting like a kid by using pretty much only personal attacks as your means of arguing. That's the real show of desperation.
You need to stop acting like a kid by using pretty much only personal attacks as your means of arguing. That's the real show of desperation.

if you have become a senior member that dosent mean that all others have become kids... :yahoo::yahoo:
so speek clearly... what is your motive behind this post what do you want to proove???

The failed state rankings are done using media articles, by the admission of people of did these rankings. Now if you know ABCD of the media, you'll know that they are not impartial and are controlled by individuals, groups, states, etc, and they present information accordingly. Hence the whole list becomes biased.

FYI, the same group showed Pakistan at 10 in failed state list in 2006, when Pakistan was growing really fast and had very little security problems. So this list is completely unreliable. They also have indians on their panel, which makes them even more unreliable when it comes to Pakistan.
You need to stop acting like a kid by using pretty much only personal attacks as your means of arguing. That's the real show of desperation.

When you target my country with articles that are not true and are fabricated and when you deliberately hurt the feelings of my countrymen, I will get personal. Tell your Riaq Haq to stop posting crap first.
if you have become a senior member that dosent mean that all others have become kids... :yahoo::yahoo:

You're trying to read my mind. By kids, I mean his way of arguing, which IS like kids.
When you target my country with articles that are not true and are fabricated and when you deliberately hurt the feelings of my countrymen, I will get personal. Tell your Riaq Haq to stop posting crap first.

Please, indians do this all the time (I am not even sure what you're saying about fabrication is true). Far more often than Pakistanis do. So look in your own backyard before.
Smc don’t join the bandwagon of India haters here. You are not part of this discussion and if you want to be please post constructively. We all know how much you hate India but again refrain from posting stupid videos. We all have access to youtube and there are enough videos about Pakistan there also.

Dude you're spamming the topic by posting those videos to try and dominate him. What you did was wrong and I replied back in kind.
Please, indians do this all the time (I am not even sure what you're saying about fabrication is true). Far more often than Pakistanis do. So look in your own backyard before.

SMC again as I said before, your jumping into a conversation and coming to conclusions. Yes there is a certain amount of arguing within Indians and Pakistani’s which is normal. I have criticized Indian’s also when they post wrong info about Pakistan. The question here is not whether Indian do such things or not its about the limit, and this guy has crossed all of them. Its one thing to criticize Pakistan but another to post articles deliberately to hurt the feelings of Pakistani’s. You tell me what would you do when someone post such stuff about Pakistan with the intention of hurting feelings and also when he is posting fabricated material. In regard to your question about what is fabricated, read through the thread and you will come to know. Karan and group have debunked this guy atleast a million times.
Pakistan is a ‘failed state’, says US Congressman

Pakistan is a ‘failed state’, says US Congressman

Tuesday, December 09, 2008
NEW YORK: Condemning the Mumbai carnage, senior US Congressman Frank Pallone has said the terrorists involved in the attack tried to give the impression that they were local Indian Muslims.

“The fact was that they were not. They were not the Muslims in India. They were those Muslims who were trained in Pakistan and came from Pakistan,” the Democratic lawmaker from New Jersey said at a condolence meeting held for the Mumbai terrorist attack victims the other day.

He said the Pakistani government had to play a role in its unorganised territories and make sure that they were not being used to launch another attack by al-Qaeda or the Taliban.

“If not, then the US has to go there itself,” he added.

However, Pallone opposed any attack on Pakistan by India at this point of time. This, he said, would be a big mistake because the terrorists wanted to create conflict and tension in the region.

“So I think, right now, all the governments are trying (to prevent this). In my opinion, let this not be an excuse for another war between India and Pakistan,” he said.

Pallone said that the upcoming Barack Obama administration needed to put a lot of pressure on Pakistan and make it clear that if it wanted to have any kind of relationship or receive assistance from the US, there had to be strings attached.

“The US has sent both the secretary of state as well as military leaders to both India and Pakistan. I know that the new Obama administration and the new Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, want to do whatever they can to shore up India’s security,” he said.

Pallone declared Pakistan a “failed state”, saying Islamabad did not have control over its own territories and its land was being used by terrorists to launch attacks against other nations, including the US and India.

“Pakistan is essentially a failed state. I do not believe the central government controls most of the territory of the country.”

“It is obvious that in the area near Afghanistan, which is used by al-Qaeda and the Taliban as a way to move into Afghanistan and oppose American forces there, there is no control. It is obvious that even though they have outlawed the organisations that were trying to sever Kashmir from India, they continue (to exist). So, the government really has no control,” he said.
Yes, well a US politician is certainly a barometer for what's happening in the world. LOL
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