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Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

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i hope My Indian friends are getting my point now. Giving good arguments is only helpful when the other person wants to listen. As seen on this thread neither does Mr.Haq want to listen nor does he wants to answer back with a constructive post. This is stupidest thread on PDF by far and its really bringing down PDF's overall quality which till now has been outstanding. I really hope as well wished of this forum, that someone takes the appropriate step.
That's understandable as my posts aren't for the simple minds.:azn:

ya they aren’t because they are only for screwed up minds. Your India bashing agenda is well known on this forum so anything form you has to be taken with a grain of salt. Speaking smart English and using clever one liners does not change the material of a post. I recommend you to stop with your India obsessed agenda, we have already had this discussion before. All replies posted here are against Riaz Haq and not you or Pakistan. So please don’t add fuel to the fire.
Except for a small minority of the rich, almost all Indians would leave their country if they could. That's why the world imposes restrictions on their entry.

With limited resources and about twice the population density of Pakistan, India is heavily overcrowded, deprived and bursting at the seams. That's why Indians are spilling over in spite of others trying to stop them.

About a million Indians manage to escape from India every year.

A Zillion reasons to escape from India

Though i tend to avoid discussion like who has got bigger D!CK but people like you needs to be shown truth again and again...

So what are you saying?? A million indian manage to escape india...hmmmm....Lets talk in numbers

India's population - 1.15 billion
People going abroad - 1 million
Percentage of people going abroad - 0.0008%

Pakistan population - 180 Million
People going abroad - .13 Million
People going abroad - 0.0007%

Now if that is what you mean by Indians running away from India and Pakistani living in their great home land than i am sorry you are PLANE WRONG..Anyways here is something for you to read

Around 130,000 leave the country each year. However, these are only those who immigrate legally - at least double that number opt to go abroad through illegal channels and, while many are forced home, others manage to meld into the vast Pakistani populations living in Europe, the Middle East, the Far East or North America.

IRIN Asia | PAKISTAN: Remittances - the impact on communities | Asia | Pakistan | Economy | Feature

What did you say about small minority of rich??? Have you ever heard of a term called middle class...Go read this
The Indian Middle Class Reflexions

Apart from that i have some more interesting facts for you..


Some interesting comparison as per Amnesty International



Population 1,186.2 million
Life expectancy 63.7 years
Under-5 mortality (m/f) 73/83 per 1,000
Adult literacy 61 per cent


Population 1,135.6 million
Life expectancy 63.7 years
Under-5 mortality (m/f) 84/88 per 1,000
Adult literacy 61 per cent



Population 167 million
Life expectancy 64.6 years
Under-5 mortality (m/f) 89/99 per 1,000
Adult literacy 49.9 per cent


Population 164.6 million
Life expectancy 64.6 years
Under-5 mortality (m/f) 95/106 per 1,000
Adult literacy 49.9 per cent

and somebody was talking about nutrition and illiteracy...

Here goes the mother of all comparisons...this is called HDI

File:UN Human Development Report 2009.PNG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those who find it difficult to understand graph should read this

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Another interesting fact...One of the pillar of democracy is press freedom...Lets see where both the nations stand

Press Freedom Index 2005

Pakistan - 150
India - 106

further plunging to 159 whereas India improved by one rank 105 in 2009



Somebody was pointing about illegal immigration...Just to see the other side i guess we should read this as well

Migration Watch UK - Policy, Amnesty & Voting - Illegal Immigration From Pakistan (11.16)


Once you are done let me know i will pull up some more for you...Happy reading...
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Pakistan is one of the greatest nations on earth. Does not matter what Indians think, Nato and US know what Pakistan is doing to save their necks. Yes, India Supreme Court has decided today after 65 years that muslims are the most discriminated people of India and will give them 4% quota.

SC gives half-nod to quota for 'backward' Muslims - India - The Times of India

This is India's fake democracy that crushed the muslims to the lowest level of Indian society. Please do not even get me started on the Hindu Caste Systems.
Pakistan is one of the greatest nations on earth. Does not matter what Indians think, Nato and US know what Pakistan is doing to save their necks. Yes, India Supreme Court has decided today after 65 years that muslims are the most discriminated people of India and will give them 4% quota.

SC gives half-nod to quota for 'backward' Muslims - India - The Times of India

This is India's fake democracy that crushed the muslims to the lowest level of Indian society. Please do not even get me started on the Hindu Caste Systems.

One common saying...When you know nothing about the topic keep your mouth shut...:no:...

Do you even have an idea what you are talking about...AP govt have this quota from ages.... Atleast read the link that you have shared man before joining the India Bashing club....Let me quote the very first line of the article

The Supreme Court on Thursday restored the Andhra Pradesh law providing 4% exclusive quota in jobs and educational institutions for "backward" groups among Muslims

Now relax for sometime and be more vigilant when you post something the next time
Pakistan cannot be compared to India and vice versa. We got less opportunities from abroad and our problems are always increasing. People of Pakistan are divided into religious sects, socially and so on.

Whereas, India got great opportunities from the West and Russia. Their problems are decreasing slowly. People of India are considerably united (at least in Canada)

Pakistan is working hard to get a name and WE WILL get our share InshAllah.

This thread should be posted again in 10 years because many things will change.
Pakistan cannot be compared to India and vice versa. We got less opportunities from abroad and our problems are always increasing. People of Pakistan are divided into religious sects, socially and so on.

Whereas, India got great opportunities from the West and Russia. Their problems are decreasing slowly
. People of India are considerably united (at least in Canada)

Pakistan is working hard to get a name and WE WILL get our share InshAllah.

This thread should be posted again in 10 years because many things will change.

Thanks for saying that....Though i diagree with the blue part...We should understand that Pakistan was growing at a faster rate than India for major part of 20th centuary...Having said that i agree that Pakistan will bouce back to her days when people were surprised by her growth and will to grow....
Thanks for saying that....Though i diagree with the blue part...We should understand that Pakistan was growing at a faster rate than India for major part of 20th centuary...Having said that i agree that Pakistan will bouce back to her days when people were surprised by her growth and will to grow....

We got more aid than we did trade.
You guys focused on trade than aid.
^^ Made a huge difference.
We got more aid than we did trade.
You guys focused on trade than aid.
^^ Made a huge difference.

Well might be true...however a country cannot just grow on AID...Secondly we almost got bankrupt in 90's...Thanks to our PM who was our FM then that we are second fastest growing economy....I believe this is where Pakistan lost the ground...After all military rule has its side effects too..It did make Pakistan very strong militarily but a weak nation economically...
Well might be true...however a country cannot just grow on AID...Secondly we almost got bankrupt in 90's...Thanks to our PM who was our FM then that we are second fastest growing economy....I believe this is where Pakistan lost the ground...After all military rule has its side effects too..It did make Pakistan very strong militarily but a weak nation economically...

Everything evolves man. From your life to my life. From your father to my father..
Town changes into a city and cities change into mega ones. Temperature changes with weather and days change the month..

Nothing is temporary..
We are down now but we will rise...
Pakistan is one of the greatest nations on earth. Does not matter what Indians think...

Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it.

- Geroge Bernard Shaw

This Riaz guy isn't even aware of something called debt servicing ratio (DSCR) and thinks aides always symbolize bad economy. It is doubtful if he realizes that all aide can't be classified as public debt. By that measure, US would be the worst economy because US has the largest external debt in absolute terms.:no:
We got more aid than we did trade.
You guys focused on trade than aid.
^^ Made a huge difference.

This has been true just since 2008.

India has been and still is the biggest recipient of foreign aid, receiving billions more than Pakistan.

In spite of all of the recent news about aid to Pakistan dominating the media, the fact remains that resurgent India has received more foreign aid than any other developing nation since the end of World War II--estimated at almost $100 billion since the beginning of its First Five-Year Plan in 1951. And it continues to receive more foreign aid in spite of impressive economic growth for almost a decade. At the recent G20 meeting, India has asked the World Bank to raise the amount of money India can borrow as soft loans, generally considered aid, from the bank for its infrastructure projects, according to Times of India. At present, India can borrow up to $15.5 billion in soft loans as per the SBL (single borrower limit)in soft loans fixed by the Bank.

Haq's Musings: Foreign Aid Continues to Pour in Resurgent India
Everything evolves man. From your life to my life. From your father to my father..
Town changes into a city and cities change into mega ones. Temperature changes with weather and days change the month..

Nothing is temporary..
We are down now but we will rise...

I am sure you will...My best wishes for that...
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