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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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Not all of Ansar is armed and trained to do so, only handfull of them.

All Bangladesh ansar members are given weapon and military training I mean all 6.1 million. But only armed ones carry weapons. They all will be ready to fight with weapon in a war time situation.

Why not induct them into Police corps departemen?

In fact some of them are already assisting police stations in areas where there are shortage of policemen.
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What are you talking about in all your posts? Where did you read that BD is losing? Has MM already waged a war and BD has been defeated within 15 minutes? Do not hesitate to post that news.

Why you guys are not willing to wait to see MM losing its position throughout the international communities? MM is losing diplomatically. Let it now accept the Kofi Annan recommendation. It has to accept it and this is why the 3'-3" monk*ys are bickering with a few photographs. The Burmese look like mo*nkey and they behave like one.

Bangladesh is not exactly in a position of strength here buddy. Diplomatically, we are isolated. There is NO backing of any real substance. And we have 500,000 people who are now our problem. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to go back to Burma.

Stop being deluded. Bangladesh is LOSING. You don't need actual physical hostility to make that observation.

BTW. Your original comparison of military strength was useless.
Bangladesh is not exactly in a position of strength here buddy. Diplomatically, we are isolated. There is NO backing of any real substance. And we have 500,000 people who are now our problem. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to go back to Burma.

Stop being deluded. Bangladesh is LOSING. You don't need actual physical hostility to make that observation.

BTW. Your original comparison of military strength was useless.
A man can take the horse to the pond, but it is the horse itself who will have to drink. It is useless to take you to the pond because you do not see water there. Sharpen your eyes and thinking to know more about diplomacy.
A man can take the horse to the pond, but it is the horse itself who will have to drink. It is useless to take you to the pond because you do not see water there. Sharpen your eyes and thinking to know more about diplomacy.

Time will tell.
Useless? Do you have any idea of how many of those ''useless'' artillery are in use in armies like China,India or Korea
lol read my reply again and again . i'm not talking like ur artillery is useless.i mean while we're talking about 155mm towed or SPH , bringing the list of smaller calibre artillery is useless. if u have some more 155mm SPH other than Nora-B52. Name it with clear and sharp photo evidence. plz. :P

What happened also in 2001 when BDR troops killed 600 of your army troops? Your military just ran away from the border without firing your fairy tale artillery. Do not ever come out with your shit hole information. Show your strength by imposing war on us rather than killing and expelling unarmed civilians from Arakan. Bloody cowards!!!
lol it's hilarious.. :rofl: it was fomulated for low IQ bangladeshi. even in 3 years war with insurgents , it's not more than 100. only fools will believe it.
i'm not sure we're cowards or not. but i want to remind u within last 2 years, we shot BGB who passed the border illegally.at least one killed and one arrested.take care buddy.we will shoot head this time, not boats.
actually , while we're talking about peace and restoration of state , who is talking about waging war against Myanmar.? if u guys think u can , start the war with Myanmar.

Super-duper glorious BD military.
But unfortunately the biggest battle BD army has ever fought was the Battle of Mutiny.
Only the most undiciplined military have the history of mutiny.
Don't think about war against Myanmar. Ask your soldiers not to kill their own generals.

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RIP :(
lol it's hilarious.. :rofl: it was fomulated for low IQ bangladeshi. even in 3 years war with insurgents , it's not more than 100. only fools will believe it.
i'm not sure we're cowards or not. but i want to remind u within last 2 years, we shot BGB who passed the border illegally.at least one killed and one arrested.take care buddy.we will shoot head this time, not boats.
actually , while we're talking about peace and restoration of state , who is talking about waging war against Myanmar.? if u guys think u can , start the war with Myanmar.

Why do your troops wear sandals and use civilian trucks for transport?
Why the lack of proper military gear in general?
Is it because of your pathetic 2 billion US dollar budget for 400,000 soldiers that also has to cover airforce and navy?
Battalion Ansar and It’s Role

Battalion Ansar was raised in the month of August in 1976 to augment the strength of the security forces. At present, there are 36 Male and 02 Female Ansar Battalions deployed all over the country.



The main responsibilities of Battalion Ansar (as contained in Battalion Ansar Act 1995, Act No. 4 of 1995) are:

  • To assist the government or any organization under the government in matters/works related to public security.
  • To participate in any work related to public welfare for
development of socio-economic condition of the country.

  • To participate in disaster management.
  • To participate in any other work as directed by the government.
  • To assist Bangladesh Army, Navy, Air Force, BGB and Police as
and when directed by the government.

Not all of Ansar is armed and trained to do so, only handfull of them. Why not induct them into Police corps departemen?
ahem old news but latest news: Ansar&VDP size now 6.1 million, you heard me ? yes 6.1 million :D
beside, SF is also rising from this unit. it is on the process.
Don't believe me ? get a translater for this news report of Channel24 :D
Why do your troops wear sandals and use civilian trucks for transport?
Why the lack of proper military gear in general?
Is it because of your pathetic 2 billion US dollar budget for 400,000 soldiers that also has to cover airforce and navy?

Lets not question what they are or are not doing.

Let us correct our own house. This latest Rohingya episode has made many things apparent.

One of which is that Myanmar is an ADVERSARY.

Bangladesh can no longer enjoy the notion that there are no external threats.

The recent events must be seen as legitimizing an arms build-up.

I hope the correct decisions are made going forward by the government.

I, unfortunately, am VERY skeptical.
lol read my reply again and again . i'm not talking like ur artillery is useless.i mean while we're talking about 155mm towed or SPH , bringing the list of smaller calibre artillery is useless. if u have some more 155mm SPH other than Nora-B52. Name it with clear and sharp photo evidence. plz. :P

lol it's hilarious.. :rofl: it was fomulated for low IQ bangladeshi. even in 3 years war with insurgents , it's not more than 100. only fools will believe it.
i'm not sure we're cowards or not. but i want to remind u within last 2 years, we shot BGB who passed the border illegally.at least one killed and one arrested.take care buddy.we will shoot head this time, not boats.
actually , while we're talking about peace and restoration of state , who is talking about waging war against Myanmar.? if u guys think u can , start the war with Myanmar.

RIP :(

Aung Zaya no one wants war.

But your Tatmadaw parades during peacetime and show-boating of shiny trucks and missiles a la North Korea may impress your semi-educated populace, but won't really help you during war-time.

I am very worried about your people because they are being duped by a ruthless junta....all you MM posters here are junta agents.
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Time will tell.
If the time imposes war on BD, it will certainly fight. But, is the situation right at present when all the world bodies are giving pressure to MM? Think of the Kofi Annan report. BD would have been isolated diplomatically had it gone for war immediately. The world would have thought ARSA was a terrorist group in Arakan supported and armed by BD. This would have caused the erasing of all the international support for BD.

War is certainly the last resort. I believe that because of a perceived GoB weakness, MM has dared to push the Rohingyas. However, I also believe, Hasina is not that stupid. She herself is a Devil and the GoB will act when the time is ripe. In the past border conflicts BD has won all since 1962 when it was EP. MM troops were driven out of the northern Naaf river bank in 1962 to its present position at the south.
i'm not sure we're cowards or not. but i want to remind u within last 2 years, we shot BGB who passed the border illegally.at least one killed and one arrested.take care buddy.we will shoot head this time, not boats.
actually , while we're talking about peace and restoration of state , who is talking about waging war against Myanmar.? if u guys think u can , start the war with Myanmar.

Do not speak nonsense. BD will not wage war unless MM forces it to. In 2000 MM deployed two divisions of troops and our BDR repulsed their attack by killing 600 of them. Today, when you write rubbish, two divisions of MM troops have already been deployed within 300m of international border. We have not yet deployed except that one division of BDR are waiting for order in Ramu. Do not talk of war. We are warriors. You may be tormentors, but not warriors. Read the account of 2000 border conflict below:

Inside Story of NAF War between Bangladesh vs Myanmer (2000)
Alm Fazlur Rahman

"Naf is a bordering river between Bangladesh and Myanmar. Upper Naf has about 12 branches of smaller river. In 1966, Pakistan and Burma concluded a treaty agreeing that none of the countries will train the Naf river or branches of rivers . With the natural shifting of depth of river the demarcation of boundary between the countries will shift.

When I took over as Director General of BDR I was told that 28 hundred acres TOTAL DIP OF BANGLADESH had been grabbed by Myanmar by shifting the depth of Naf river by building dams, groans and spars on the main Naf river. Myanmar started building dam on the last branches of Naf river, if completed the whole TAKNAF would go into the sea.

We protested but in-vain. Myanmar didn't stop. To protect the building side Myanmar deployed two divisions Army under command two major generals one from army and another from Navy. We positioned 2500 BDR troops under DDG BDR and kept the command directly under me. In one night, I moved 25 lac different types of ammunition and bombs in Cox's Bazar. Kept half in Cox's Bazar and sent half to the war positions.

On 1st January 2000 at about 2.30 pm, I gave order for firing and the offensive strick was on. It lasted for 3 days in which 600 Myanmar army soldiers were killed. The war was live broadcast by reporters Z. I. Mamun and Supan Roy on Ekushey Television. On 4th January, Myanmar's Head of the State Senior General Than Shwe call all the diplomats in Rangoon telling them that, Myanmar wants no war with Bangladesh.

Cease fire was effected and a letter came from Myanmar govt saying, "We invite a delegation from Bangladesh to discuss all outstanding matters between two countries without any preconditions". Negotiation started under joint secretary (political affairs) Janibul Haque of the Ministry of Home Affairs, who headed the Bangladesh delegation in Myanmar.

During the bilateral talks, Myanmar side was so wrought-up that they didn't even provide typewriters. And the treaty was signed on hand written documents. Myanmar dismantled the dam, thus we could save Teknaf from being lost into the Bay of Bengal. We defeated Myanmar's forces completely with no loss of life from our side".
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Do not speak nonsense. BD will not wage war unless MM forces it to. In 2000 MM deployed two divisions of troops and our BDR repulsed their attack by killing 600 of them. Today, when you write rubbish, two divisions of MM troops have already been deployed within 300m of international border. We have not yet deployed except that one division of BDR are waiting for order in Ramu. Do not talk of war. We are warriors. You may be tormentors, but not warriors. Read the account of 2000 border conflict below:

Inside Story of NAF War between Bangladesh vs Myanmer (2000)
Alm Fazlur Rahman

"Naf is a bordering river between Bangladesh and Myanmar. Upper Naf has about 12 branches of smaller river. In 1966, Pakistan and Burma concluded a treaty agreeing that none of the countries will train the Naf river or branches of rivers . With the natural shifting of depth of river the demarcation of boundary between the countries will shift.

When I took over as Director General of BDR I was told that 28 hundred acres TOTAL DIP OF BANGLADESH had been grabbed by Myanmar by shifting the depth of Naf river by building dams, groans and spars on the main Naf river. Myanmar started building dam on the last branches of Naf river, if completed the whole TAKNAF would go into the sea.

We protested but in-vain. Myanmar didn't stop. To protect the building side Myanmar deployed two divisions Army under command two major generals one from army and another from Navy. We positioned 2500 BDR troops under DDG BDR and kept the command directly under me. In one night, I moved 25 lac different types of ammunition and bombs in Cox's Bazar. Kept half in Cox's Bazar and sent half to the war positions.

On 1st January 2000 at about 2.30 pm, I gave order for firing and the offensive strick was on. It lasted for 3 days in which 600 Myanmar army soldiers were killed. The war was live broadcast by reporters Z. I. Mamun and Supan Roy on Ekushey Television. On 4th January, Myanmar's Head of the State Senior General Than Shwe call all the diplomats in Rangoon telling them that, Myanmar wants no war with Bangladesh.

Cease fire was effected and a letter came from Myanmar govt saying, "We invite a delegation from Bangladesh to discuss all outstanding matters between two countries without any preconditions". Negotiation started under joint secretary (political affairs) Janibul Haque of the Ministry of Home Affairs, who headed the Bangladesh delegation in Myanmar.

During the bilateral talks, Myanmar side was so wrought-up that they didn't even provide typewriters. And the treaty was signed on hand written documents. Myanmar dismantled the dam, thus we could save Teknaf from being lost into the Bay of Bengal. We defeated Myanmar's forces completely with no loss of life from our side".

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to side with Aung Zaya on this one, unless proven otherwise. I can easily find sources to the clashes against India during 2001 and even 2006. This includes western coverage as well. But this is hard to find. The only source is this link and 600 dead soldiers is quite a lot. This would be a major international incident and should have a lot of press coverage. But it doesn't. Nothing from the Daily Star or the New York Times.
  • To participate in disaster management.
  • To participate in any other work as directed by the government.
  • To assist Bangladesh Army, Navy, Air Force, BGB and Police as
and when directed by the government.

Not all of Ansar is armed and trained to do so, only handfull of them. Why not induct them into Police corps departemen?
Instead of going to wikipedia, better you read the reporting by none other than The Guardian. All the Ansars including the females are given arms training. Now, read the account below and learn that our Ansar Bahini is strong enough to defeat your your rag tag military who are without even the provision of getting good transport and boots. Your troops are just like our Police force. who mingle with civilian population all the time.

Bangladesh ansar & village defence party
The Guardian
June 5, 2014 - ANSAR-VDP

Ansar Bahini was raised on 12 February 1948, with Mr. James Buchanon (a British) as Director, to help improve the law and order situation at that time. From 1948 to 1972, Ansar was under the control of National Service Board (NSB) chaired by the Principal Secretary to the Government. In the very beginning of Liberation War many Ansar members actively participated with more than 40,000 rifles. In 1971 most of the members of this Bahini took part in the War of Liberation.

It was the members of this Bahini that presented the historical guard of honour to the first government of Bangladesh during the War of Liberation. As a result Pakistani Rulers disbanded Ansar organization in 1971. A total of 9 officers and 661 Ansar members sacrificed their lives for our independence. Among them one was awarded the gallantry awards; “Bir Bikram” and the two were “Bir Protik”.

After the Liberation War, Ansar was reactivated by the Government of Bangladesh and was brought under the control of Ministry of Home Affairs. In 1980, Ansar was declared as a separate cadre namely “Bangladesh Civil Service (Enforcement-Ansar)”. In the year 1998 Ansar-VDP was awarded National Standard by the Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The Bahini also earned Independence Award-2004. Through the ages the organization has taken off from voluntarism to professionalism.

14. Officers Training

Soon after joining the service the officers undertake 12 months’ basic course along with a 15 month-long Higher Masters Degree in Human Security (a program run under academic affiliation of Dhaka University) at Ansar-VDP Academy which includes 2 weeks orientation programme in the Hill Tracts. Then they are posted to various field units for On Job Training. Subsequently on receipt of vacancies they undertake 16 weeks’ mandatory foundation training at Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, at Savar, and 6 weeks orientation attachment with Army, which includes Army Headquarters, various army formations and Bangladesh Military Academy. In addition, the officers continue to attend various courses at home and abroad.

15. Training of Battalion Ansar

Training of Battalion Ansar is mainly held at Ansar & VDP Academy. After selection, recruits are trained for 6 months which includes basic drill, weapon training, field crafts, minor tactics, etc. Some other trainings attended by the Battalion Ansars are:

(1) Course/ Training at Ansar VDP Academy include:

  • Armourer
  • First Aid
  • Small Arms Instructor
  • Drill Instructor
  • Motor Transport Driving
  • Cooking, Mess Waiter, Fishery, Computer etc. @
(2) Course/ Training at Ansar VDP Academy and in Army Institutions include:

  • Machine Gun
  • Mortar
  • Small Arms and Drill Instructor
  • Ammunition Maintenance
  • Junior Leader Intelligence etc.
16. Training of Sadharon Ansar

Training of Sadharon Ansar is conducted in the districts and in the Academy. The training includes basic drill, handling of weapon and subjects related to their tasks. The duration of training is 42 days (07 wks) for both Male and Female Ansars.
Instead of going to wikipedia, better you read the reporting by none other than The Guardian. All the Ansars including the females are given arms training. Now, read the account below and learn that our Ansar Bahini is strong enough to defeat your your rag tag military who are without even the provision of getting good transport and boots. Your troops are just like our Police force. who mingle with civilian population all the time.

Bangladesh ansar & village defence party
The Guardian
June 5, 2014 - ANSAR-VDP

Ansar Bahini was raised on 12 February 1948, with Mr. James Buchanon (a British) as Director, to help improve the law and order situation at that time. From 1948 to 1972, Ansar was under the control of National Service Board (NSB) chaired by the Principal Secretary to the Government. In the very beginning of Liberation War many Ansar members actively participated with more than 40,000 rifles. In 1971 most of the members of this Bahini took part in the War of Liberation.

It was the members of this Bahini that presented the historical guard of honour to the first government of Bangladesh during the War of Liberation. As a result Pakistani Rulers disbanded Ansar organization in 1971. A total of 9 officers and 661 Ansar members sacrificed their lives for our independence. Among them one was awarded the gallantry awards; “Bir Bikram” and the two were “Bir Protik”.

After the Liberation War, Ansar was reactivated by the Government of Bangladesh and was brought under the control of Ministry of Home Affairs. In 1980, Ansar was declared as a separate cadre namely “Bangladesh Civil Service (Enforcement-Ansar)”. In the year 1998 Ansar-VDP was awarded National Standard by the Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The Bahini also earned Independence Award-2004. Through the ages the organization has taken off from voluntarism to professionalism.

14. Officers Training

Soon after joining the service the officers undertake 12 months’ basic course along with a 15 month-long Higher Masters Degree in Human Security (a program run under academic affiliation of Dhaka University) at Ansar-VDP Academy which includes 2 weeks orientation programme in the Hill Tracts. Then they are posted to various field units for On Job Training. Subsequently on receipt of vacancies they undertake 16 weeks’ mandatory foundation training at Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, at Savar, and 6 weeks orientation attachment with Army, which includes Army Headquarters, various army formations and Bangladesh Military Academy. In addition, the officers continue to attend various courses at home and abroad.

15. Training of Battalion Ansar

Training of Battalion Ansar is mainly held at Ansar & VDP Academy. After selection, recruits are trained for 6 months which includes basic drill, weapon training, field crafts, minor tactics, etc. Some other trainings attended by the Battalion Ansars are:

(1) Course/ Training at Ansar VDP Academy include:

  • Armourer
  • First Aid
  • Small Arms Instructor
  • Drill Instructor
  • Motor Transport Driving
  • Cooking, Mess Waiter, Fishery, Computer etc. @
(2) Course/ Training at Ansar VDP Academy and in Army Institutions include:

  • Machine Gun
  • Mortar
  • Small Arms and Drill Instructor
  • Ammunition Maintenance
  • Junior Leader Intelligence etc.
16. Training of Sadharon Ansar

Training of Sadharon Ansar is conducted in the districts and in the Academy. The training includes basic drill, handling of weapon and subjects related to their tasks. The duration of training is 42 days (07 wks) for both Male and Female Ansars.

Nuts you want to compare Indonesian Armed Forces against your poorly equipped and undisciplined Army, who goes mutiny against their superrior several times and acting meek in front of flip flop army if Myanmar?

Even Economical wise, population wise, industrial capacity wise and militia number we are outnumbering you manyfolds in many fronts.

I dont know if forces like this can be called rag tag army,
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