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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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I do not know much on the competence of the Myanmar army. Given the narrow section of Arakan border a good defensive tactician could hold off five to ten times numerically superior Bangladeshi army
Who told you that to win a war one need thousand mile long border? Israel-Egypt share 208 km border and they have done some of the heaviest battle after ww2.Bangladesh-myanmar land border(271km) is more than enough to do a proper battle.By speaking of holding 5-10 times numerically superior army,you have exposed your limitation of knowledge about modern warfare,do you think modern mechanized warfare is like 300 brave Spartan holding of 300,000 Persian troops on a narrow corridor? I am not advocating for war, but it is perfectly possible to do a proper warfare in Bangladesh-myanmar border.

I don't think Bangladesh will initiate any war with burma, if things goes that bad, BD will just give 'moral' support to the Rohingya fighters and will maintain a defensive position with numerical superiority in the frontier.There are more than enough Rohingya youth willing to fight against burma.Just check their history, how they fought against burma in 1940s,1950s.Just give them weapon and a base to operate, they will be a nightmare to the savage bamar.
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Who told you that to win a war one need thousand mile long border? Israel-Egypt share 208 km border and they have done some of the heaviest battle after ww2.Bangladesh-myanmar border(271km) is more than enough to do a proper battle.
This @wiseone2 seems to play video game all through the day. So, he has very superficial knowledge.
@bluesky and others, Global firepower ranking is not that credible source to compare between militaries. In their 2017 ranking, they are showing Bangladesh's defence budget as just 1.59 billion dollar. But in reality, it is 3.22 billion dollar.Their estimation of BD's IFV, Artillery, oil consumption and some of other things are also outdated or under counted.While they exaggerated many things for myanmar.For example, they are showing myanmar defence budget as 2.4 billion dollar, but in reality, it is actually 2.1 billion in 2017.There are not much credible sources to know about burmese military as it is very secretive and many information are exaggerated, specially their army equipment.So, in reality, Bangladesh's position will be some step ahead and burmese position will be some step behind then showed in GFP ranking.
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You are right to say that a successful guerrilla war needs the support of the local population. Yes, since MM will be expelling all the remaining Rohingyas, so, how a guerrilla warfare can be conducted. But, note one thing. When the freedom fighters start operations from BD border areas, they will certainly carve out their own territoy where the refugees will return and MM army cannot enter with impunity.

Arakan is a hilly and jungle terrain separated from mainland MM by Yoma mountain range with a very limited access points. With a limited manpower it is almost impossible for the MM military to man the entire north Arakan if BGB troops indirectly support the freedom fighters. Note also that the freedom fighters will be composed also of our own young people. Only one matchstick is enough to fire up the situation, and no history has ever been made in a day.

How are refugees going to live in hilly areas ?

If I am a Rohingya refugee I would live in poverty in Bangladesh rather than worry about losing my head in Arakan.

In classic counter-insurgency operations both parties try to win over the populace. There is so such pretense here.

Who told you that to win a war one need thousand mile long border? Israel-Egypt share 208 km border and they have done some of the heaviest battle after ww2.Bangladesh-myanmar land border(271km) is more than enough to do a proper battle.By speaking of holding 5-10 times numerically superior army,you have exposed your limitation of knowledge about modern warfare,do you think modern mechanized warfare is like 300 brave Spartan holding of 300,000 Persian troops on a narrow corridor? I am not advocating for war, but it is perfectly possible to do a proper warfare in Bangladesh-myanmar border.

I don't think Bangladesh will initiate any war with burma, if things goes that bad, BD will just give 'moral' support to the Rohingya fighters and will maintain a defensive position with numerical superiority in the frontier.There are more than enough Rohingya youth willing to fight against burma.Just check their history, how they fought against burma in 1940s,1950s.Just give them weapon and a base to operate, they will be a nightmare to the savage bamar.

It is easier to defend Myanmar-Bangladesh border than say defend the Bangladesh-India border. It is laws of physics.

300 vs 300,000 is 1 to 100. Assuming parity in the air and artillery support 80,000 Myanmar troops can defend the border indefinitely against 200,000 Bangladeshi troops.

I explained why guerrila wars won't work

This @wiseone2 seems to play video game all through the day. So, he has very superficial knowledge.

Be my guest. Conduct a liberation war against Myanmar and see where you go.
It is easier to defend Myanmar-Bangladesh border than say defend the Bangladesh-India border. It is laws of physics.

300 vs 300,000 is 1 to 100. Assuming parity in the air and artillery support 80,000 Myanmar troops can defend the border indefinitely against 200,000 Bangladeshi troops.
make that 3 million Deshi troops (less than half of total strength)
see we keep the surprise :D
because there is a trick, Burma wants to make Rohingya as Bilateral issue, we wants to make it look like Burma's internal problem which is affecting globally ;)

There are more Rohingyas outside Myanmar than inside Myanmar
None of the refugees want to go back
Myanmar could acquire large number of anti-ship missiles to hit Bangladeshi ports.

I think you need to take a course on strategic warfare 101. The operative word here is could, but what would it gain in return?? No one does anything (much less an armed force) unless there is a goal.

Trying to disable our ports doesn't gain the Myanmarese anything goal-wise, except a lull in shipping through them.

Bangladesh has hundreds of points along our rivers where makeshift unloading points exist. Most container shipping is through mobile and movable lighterage action.

Meanwhile whatever the source of those missile launchers (and any adjoining missile-launch infra) will be destroyed. We can - if needed, invade their indefensible strip of Arakan coast via Navy and LCT and bomb them back to the 12th century. I am sure that planned scenario has already been war-gamed and practiced many, many times.
because there is a trick, Burma wants to make Rohingya as Bilateral issue, we want to make it look like Burma's internal problem which is affecting globally ;)
This is the most logical explanation of the present BD policy on the forced exodus of Rohingyas.
You are right on BAF but completely wrong on BN.

BN has 2 submarines, Myanmar has none. BD has 3 ships with proper SAM systems while Myanmar has only man portable SAMs on their ships lol.

As for BAF, with the upcoming 12 Sukhois that would change the balance between BAF and MAF. Then BAF will have 12 SU-30SMEs and 8 Mig-29s that are also going to be modernised soon. MAF will face them with 32 pretty outdated Mig-29s and 16 JF-17s. You are aware that whenever a Su-27 has faced a Mig-29 in combat, the Sukhoi has always won?

India cannot do jack to BD if it attacks Arakan. China at the most can cut of economic and military ties but it will really do nothing as it wont take sides in a war between BD and Myanmar.
The problem is that no country in the region think highly of BD military capabilities.

For the Air Force, BAF is facing problems with operating and maintaing the aircrafts properly since 2000s. That's why Prime Minister Khaleda Zia had tried to sell 8 junk MiG 29 B/UB to save operating cost.

For the navy, although BN is the youngest navy in the region, most ships are the oldest ones. Only 2 downgraded C 13B corvettes are considered modern.

No need to mention BA because an army with only 18 155 mm howitzers is not a threat at all.

Finally, stop dreaming of Su 30SME and be realistic with your junk F 7 and MiG 29B.
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