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Communist parties ask India to suspend military ties with Israel.

For capitalists and communalists, yes.

You were already doing it during the emergency. Thousands of students and party workers where jailed and tortured ,some times to their death , by the GOV . The same happened during Indo-china war .

Those who are supporting our enemies should be eliminated .

Although what happened during emergency is unacceptable,the Govt actions w.r.t to 62 is justifiable .
this thread is still running .... lol commies don't have work and none care about commies... the thread should be closed...
Killing innocent civillians in Gaza is a massacre.

Those who are supporting our enemies should be eliminated .

Although what happened during emergency is unacceptable,the Govt actions w.r.t to 62 is justifiable .

Indian communist know you backstab China in 1962, you wanna snub the truth by eleminating them?
indian communist are different from china communist.... China communist works for country and indian communist works against country.... They were created by china just after 1962 war and we all knows why.... indian communist are symbol of poverty and dirt.... They in india to leak vittal info to china and pakistan.... Our military should watch them closely....
Rants. India's communist party is much older than that.
These evil commies should kicked out from the land of dharma on a second note why are they so anti israel
Because unlike the newborn Chanakyas here enamored with their new born super power status, some people stand with their principles and give some weight to something called justice. India's position on Palestine issue is not simply a sum of geopolitics and vote bank politics. There was genuine assessment of the facts about the issue.
Indian communist know you backstab China in 1962, you wanna snub the truth by eleminating them?

Indian communists are nothing but traitors .

Just becoz a chinese commie have fantasy , doesnot make it the truth .
Rants. India's communist party is much older than that.

CPI was formed in 1920s but the marxist formed their own party after the splitup in 64.

Because unlike the newborn Chanakyas here enamored with their new born super power status, some people stand with their principles and give some weight to something called justice. India's position on Palestine issue is not simply a sum of geopolitics and vote bank politics. There was genuine assessment of the facts about the issue.

A party that has betrayed own country during war time doesnot have a principle.
soo the indian communist parties hav decided to destroy indian economy & Army?
Because unlike the newborn Chanakyas here enamored with their new born super power status, some people stand with their principles and give some weight to something called justice. India's position on Palestine issue is not simply a sum of geopolitics and vote bank politics. There was genuine assessment of the facts about the issue.

And what principles these people stand for while calling for India to suspend military ties with Israel in the most recent conflict?

And Principles did not help India since independence. Pragmatism do. This is the new thinking since 1990s - since India faced economic bankrupcy, since India found non-engagement of Myanmar will not get her anywhere, India was caught without proper ammunition in Kargil war, India's pro-arab stance was a failure.
this thread is still running .... lol commies don't have work and none care about commies... the thread should be closed...

I care about 'commies' and they are not fighting for you, they are fighting against people like you, so its obvious tht people like you will hate thm.
CPI was formed in 1920s but the marxist formed their own party after the splitup in 64.
Yes, Communists split up into two factions then. But it does not change the fact that Communism in India was very old. The same communists

A party that has betrayed own country during war time doesnot have a principle.
What betrayal? You talk like it is the official policy of the party to betray India.
What betrayal? You talk like it is the official policy of the party to betray India.

How about siding with China during 62 war ?? Does that amount to betrayal for you ??

One of the main reasons of split-up was the siding with enemies.

This party which has it's founding stone based on treachery . So there is no reason to wonder even if it's official policy is betraying India.
How about siding with China during 62 war ?? Does that amount to betrayal for you ??

One of the main reasons of split-up was the siding with enemies.

This party which has it's founding stone based on treachery . So there is no reason to wonder even if it's official policy is betraying India.

Where is the evidence that they side with China against India? They have divided based on what flavor of Communism they wanted to follow and to what country to build relations with(USSR or China). You should read more about Communism;the communists do not dream of just winning power in a country, they want to spread the rule of proletariat to other peoples. Moreover there was a witch hunt against Communists at that time through Indira's emergency. And if the Soviets had spies, the US did too. Indira's cabinet famously had one.
Commies are personally genuine truthful and compassionate people. I voted for my friend in my college election who was a commie.(although he was from arts and me from science, all my science friends ganged up against me after that)

Having said that, I wont vote for them in any important position, dont like their economic policy, I was born poor(relatively speaking) but am determined not to die poor.
Where is the evidence that they side with China against India? They have divided based on what flavor of Communism they wanted to follow and to what country to build relations with(USSR or China).

"A serious rift within the party surfaced in 1962. One reason was the Sino-Indian War, where a faction of the Indian Communists backed the position of the Indian government, while other sections of the party claimed that it was a conflict between a socialist and a capitalist state, and thus took a pro-Chinese position. There were three factions in the party - "internationalists", "centrists", and "nationalists". "Internationalists", including B. T. Ranadive, P. Sundarayya, P. C. Joshi, Makineni Basavapunnaiah, Jyoti Basu, and Harkishan Singh Surjeet, supported the Chinese stand. The "nationalists", including prominent leaders such as S.A. Dange, A. K. Gopalan backed India. "Centrists" took a neutral view; Ajoy Ghosh was the prominent person in the centrist faction. In general, most of Bengal Communist leaders supported China and most others supported India . Hundreds of CPI leaders, accused of being pro-Chinese, were imprisoned. Some of the nationalists were also imprisoned, as they used to express their opinion only in party forums, and CPI's official stand was pro-China."

Now tell me what kind of party can stoop so low like these ba$tard communists .

You should read more about Communism;the communists do not dream of just winning power in a country, they want to spread the rule of proletariat to other peoples.

Look at what happened in SU and what is happening in China . The only thing that happens in a country after a communist revolution is dictatorship in the name of rule of proletariat.Some communist nations even donot allow trade unions.

Moreover there was a witch hunt against Communists at that time through Indira's emergency. And if the Soviets had spies, the US did too. Indira's cabinet famously had one.

CPI supported the congress during emergency while CPI(M) was at the recieving end.
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