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Communist parties ask India to suspend military ties with Israel.

Dude I know all of this and more. VS Achuthanandan was what today can be said pro-India while EMS, Bose and Surjit supported CPC.

Ajay Ghose and rest of CPI fraction were mostly neutral or pro-India.

Anyway Bengalis were co-founders of all major political parties in India - Congress, Communists, Jana Sangha. It is expected you will find all kind of people and ideologues in this motley crew of politicians.

If you are interested in History of CPI, CIA has huge report 1959 on it.



Nope- Islamic way is the Sharia system- did we cared for our faith when we tried some other system?-
Look at it like this- we been trying to adopt capitalism and it does not seem to work- unislamic- so now we want to try communism and lets see if that work- how unislamic it may seem- :D-

Communism means the guidance of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao are the final law. Religion has no place in it. Read about it and then you will know what I am talking about.
We should not use Israeli systems to protect communists then . Although practically not possible .
We should not use Israeli systems to protect communists then . Although practically not possible .

Let's put all the Communists and their supporters in bordering areas.

When shelling starts, let's see who saves their @$$e$.. whether it is Stalin, Lenin or their recent infatuation; Mao. :P
People here who are hating communism are not Indians, they just want become western, they want to eat pizzas and drink coke, and they dont care about the poor people of India.these jeans wearing goons should know tht India isnt limited to cities.
and CPI(M) is better than most of the Indian political parties,
Plus you should know the fact tht CPI(M) is just communists in name only, they are actually social democrats.

Actually it is the other way around. poor villagers dont know what is communism ideology, they are in isolated place where police can not reach to help them so criminal moist are dictating them on gun point. all the big moist leaders are from metros.
and every moist area commander is busy making money these days, he sent only 50% to his boss of what he collects from extortion. and creating benami properties. for them only money is ideology.
Yes it is a poisonous idea. and be sure,

For capitalists and communalists, yes.

we will search and eliminate every commie snake very soon.

You were already doing it during the emergency. Thousands of students and party workers where jailed and tortured ,some times to their death , by the GOV . The same happened during Indo-china war .
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