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Commander Kulbushan Jadhav second confessional video released by ISPR

look at the injury above his left eye.
don't disgrace ISI, a nick on his left eye that's all you've got.

believe me if they'd tortured him you'll know.

and even that's not a proof,you can see that "injury" was there in the previous video as well.
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Yes our BAT team comprising Fakhar Zaman heavily armed with is killer bat and wearing protective gear as he is seen wearing helmet. Seriously, India needs at least to to label them not BAT but just militants infiltration to make people believe their stance. There is not BAT in existence.
Are you nuts. Why we release the names of his subordinates? If he can reveal his real name and future plans of RAW he can also share detailed information regarding his associates.

so pakistan tried him alone in a kangaroo court and all the subordinates disappeared or they were imaginary, also why he is not telling the name of the lawyer who was provided to him.

This Game will continue like this regardless of what you think or say.

The game will begin when he gets the consular access and defence lawyer of his choice.
so pakistan tried him alone in a kangaroo court and all the subordinates disappeared or they were imaginary, also why he is not telling the name of the lawyer who was provided to him.

The game will begin when he gets the consular access and defence lawyer of his choice.
It is one thing to churn out such stuff for the eager and gullible local population; quite another if this "confession" is going to be provided in ICJ. Although I do wonder if they are laying the groundwork to release him to India and trying to tell their people that they have got all they could from him.
Very true! they know they will be humiliated at the ICJ with such fake confessional videos hence, they are laying the ground work or spy swap or an early release.
New shirt, new script and a new camcoder(donated by china).

there are many pakistanis with a christian name in australia so they all must be isi agents. adopting a local name is a known practice among business community.
Please tell me whether his name is Hussain Mubarak Patel or Kuboshan Yadav in his documents and in his life?
I'm sure discussing that news in detail would derail this thread. Why don't you use Google? :)

Look who's talking.

Is this word BAT is new name you are using for Kashmiri freedom fighters because Hizb already accepted responsibility of this attack.
The game will begin when he gets the consular access and defence lawyer of his choice.
You didnt get me do you? I said this GAME will continue for generations.the hatred the aggression ! its not stopping now.
Please tell me whether his name is Hussain Mubarak Patel or Kuboshan Yadav in his documents and in his life?

Either he has converted to islam or he got a passport under a muslim name as he was working in a conservative muslim country where he had to do business under a local name. There are many pakistanis who have a passport which has a christian name in australia and many pakistanis do the same practice in US and UK.
If he was not tortured before, that means he was completely cooperating and not hiding anything.
When criminals willingly cooperate, they spill out everything, because either they r truely ashamed, or think they will be pardoned if cooperate fully.
If he was not tortured before, the details shared in this video should have been already a part of the previous one or he would have willingly made this video without being tortured.

This is gap in the story u may not be able to fill and justify.
...You still did not answer my question..
As I have already stated before, we will try to extract information. We will use our method and our way no matter what his position and cooperation be. All details can not be shared on videos. The Videos are used for psychological purposes. I think you can understand what and why Pakistan is doing it...
We need not justify our actions if they are according to our laws...
so pakistan tried him alone in a kangaroo court and all the subordinates disappeared or they were imaginary, also why he is not telling the name of the lawyer who was provided to him.

The game will begin when he gets the consular access and defence lawyer of his choice.
If a culprit is confessing his crimes and at the end he felt ashamed for his criminal record is there any option left for the court?
Either he has converted to islam or he got a passport under a muslim name as he was working in a conservative muslim country where he had to do business under a local name. There are many pakistanis who have a passport which has a christian name in australia and many pakistanis do the same practice in US and UK.
In other words, you do not know...okay.
If a culprit is confessing his crimes and at the end he felt ashamed for his criminal record is there any option left for the court?

he is reading a script provided by the pakistani army, whatever happened to the irrefutable evidences which pakistan claims it has, why not do a retrial in a civilian court and prove it.

In other words, you do not know...okay.

Only a consular access would clear the doubt.
...You still did not answer my question..
As I have already stated before, we will try to extract information. We will use our method and our way no matter what his position and cooperation be. All details can not be shared on videos. The Videos are used for psychological purposes. I think you can understand what and why Pakistan is doing it...
We need not justify our actions if they are according to our laws..
I understand what u want to say and what ur army is trying to do, the planning is really good, but lacks execution.
The first video would have been enough, this video throws open more questions than answers, and the world might end up questioning u further. U guys have overplayed ur hand here.
Iran, UAE etc. - all the usual suspects for back stabbing are coming out to the day light!!! A great move!! Gloves off the hands!!!! The ball in now in Pak's court . And, she will have ample opportunity to pay back in full Kisas!!!!! Jackals rule till the wolf shows up!!!!! This time it'll be an Alparslan - Valiant Lion!!!!
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