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Color revolution in China only lasted one night. Must be a big hit for China’s haters

What ever your opinion is, the fact is lock downs cannot last indefinitely. They are a stop gap measure to stop the hospitals from being overwhelmed. The only solution is having the adequate resources to deal with the problem. Vaccination, increased hospital capacity and medical treatments are the only real solution. There needs to be a reasonable timeframe for that and it’s the government’s duty to let the people know what that is and keep to it. People will obey if they can see a light at the end of the tunnel but even a patient people will have their limits if they don’t get their assurance. Some may say doing all that costs a lot of money, but being closed down also loses you money. At some point you’re going to lose more money than the hospitals are going to cost.
CPC never claim they are gonna lock people forever. They are fast tracking vaccination for oldies in preparation of fully open without restriction.
It is cruel when you are locking people in homes, separating family from one another, locking people from their homes and hospitals. It is straight up insanity.

The world has already moved on from Covid. No one cares that China has controlled it better. No one envies China or wants to be like China. When we see China locking up people in their homes, we see an insane society with an insane govt that has total power. We see a nightmare not something enviable or something we would aspire to.
Current Chinese quarantine do not lock people in houses at all mate, they are sent to quarantine centers. If the whole area is affected, they are confined to their areas and can go out within their area. You are being fed propaganda and it affects your objectivity, how do i know? My colleagues is from Guangdong, he tells me 90% of Guangdong is just fine apart frok 4 areas under area lockdown, people travel freely within their area. This is worth it if the virus is like the first variant but now it isn't worth it. But if a new variant comes and start killing even healthy ones at 5% death rate, then you will see the merit of an authoratarian state with effective governance.

The problem is you are looking it with prejudice. The Western media shows news selectively, have you ever seen any i mean any positive news about our Covid effort? How we contained it withim 1 month with effort from the whole nation? Imagine managing 1.4bil people, will there be fck ups? How many doors are welded? Who welded it? It was done by building management people. The protest in Foxconn wasnt even about covid, the factory was open and running, it was about foxconn reneging their bonus payment when the workers worked undrt closed loop.
Current Chinese quarantine do not lock people in houses at all mate, they are sent to quarantine centers. If the whole area is affected, they are confined to their areas and can go out within their area. You are being fed propaganda and it affects your objectivity, how do i know? My colleagues is from Guangdong, he tells me 90% of Guangdong is just fine apart frok 4 areas under area lockdown, people travel freely within their area. This is worth it if the virus is like the first variant but now it isn't worth it. But if a new variant comes and start killing even healthy ones at 5% death rate, then you will see the merit of an authoratarian state with effective governance.
Yes the people in urumqi and Foxconn employees locked up for over a hundred days are totally free.
Yes the people in urumqi and Foxconn employees locked up for over a hundred days are totally free.
Urumqi is a city lock, means people get to travel within their whole city but can't travel out of their city or other people coming in for 2 weeks. Confirmed cases are sent to quarantine centers. But you won't believe us becauze you already have a judgement based on twitter.

The problem is you are looking it with prejudice. The Western media shows news selectively, have you ever seen any i mean any positive news about our Covid effort? How we contained it withim 1 month with effort from the whole nation? Imagine managing 1.4bil people, will there be fck ups? How many doors are welded? Who welded it? It was done by building management people. The protest in Foxconn wasnt even about covid, the factory was open and running, it was about foxconn reneging their bonus payment when the workers worked undrt closed loop.

Have you actually seen ANY postitive news about China at all actually? I would say 90% of the news about China is negative and 10% is partially positive. Just use some common sense. It's propaganda warfare and the English news is controlled by them, you don't get to see any response from China nor voice from China.
CPC never claim they are gonna lock people forever. They are fast tracking vaccination for oldies in preparation of fully open without restriction.
I didn’t think they were going to, it’s economically unviable. They just need to communicate better at the local level to shut these protestors down. If people were well informed already external forces will have no room to manipulate dumb people.
Don't draw a conclusion too fast. So far the covid is still under control. China is buying time. Either the covid will become more lethal or less lethal, keeping it under control as long as possible is always the best choice.

For a country's medical system, diseases caused by tobacco is like a small river. Diseases caused by covid is like a flood. And it also brings additional damages. I think you know what I mean.
As I said, I don't really care what you think or what the government think is the best choice here, because it does not concern me at all. I just know this, the longer it take to contain something, you give it more time to mutate, that's how we get the omega variant, I will say let them brew in China, as long as you stay in your home and not visit us, we have no problem.
As I said, I don't really care what you think or what the government think is the best choice here, because it does not concern me at all. I just know this, the longer it take to contain something, you give it more time to mutate, that's how we get the omega variant, I will say let them brew in China, as long as you stay in your home and not visit us, we have no problem.
So by your logic containment accelerates mutation and free spreading it doesn't? So how did we get omicron XBB my dear mr lng?
So by your logic containment accelerates mutation and free spreading it doesn't? So how did we get omicron XBB my dear mr lng?
So by your logic lock down is containment??

If you have zero case, then yes, lock down will not free float the virus, but if you do have case in China, then you lock down the city is just hindering it spread into local cluster, not containing the virus, because the load is there country wide. it will still brew inside that lockdown city. In fact, since you locking down a city, people cannot seek proper medical treatment, which mean you are giving them less mobility and less preventative measure.

Only ID-Ten-D like you will not understand this simple concept, may as well stick to being a "Mr Oil and Gas"
So by your logic lock down is containment??

If you have zero case, then yes, lock down will not free float the virus, but if you do have case in China, then you lock down the city is just hindering it spread into local cluster, not containing the virus, because the load is there country wide. it will still brew inside that

lockdown city. In fact, since you locking down a city, people cannot seek proper medical treatment, which mean you are giving them less mobility and less preventative measure.

Only ID-Ten-D like you will not understand this simple concept, may as well stick to being a "Mr Oil and Gas"
Lockdown used to be containment, but dynamic zero covid is about slowing the cases so that the medical system can cope with any upsurge.

Only an idiot will think China thinks like that, zero covid can actually work with the previous strain which was lethal but not as contagious, current Omicron is not so lethal but still must be managed. That's why you don't see 90'000 dead like US (after Shanghai lockdown).
Again, you are still not answering the question, how does containment accelerate mutation? Common sense man.
Lockdown used to be containment, but dynamic zero covid is about slowing the cases so that the medical system can cope with any upsurge.

Only an idiot will think China thinks like that, zero covid can actually work with the previous strain which was lethal but not as contagious, current Omicron is not so lethal but still must be managed. That's why you don't see 90'000 dead like US (after Shanghai lockdown).
Again, you are still not answering the question, how does containment accelerate mutation? Common sense man.
Are you for real??

If you have zero case, and you lock down the country or city. that's containment, if you lock down a city with case in it, that's CONFINEMENT, not containment.

You confine the virus in a limited place. Say if your household have it, you lock down that household, that does NOT mean the virus is going away, you are just basically confine the spreading within that household, it would work if R0 is low because that is where its ended after you infected the entire household, but with R0 that high such as Omicron, you are basically seeing a lot more than just that household had them, and you are increasing your chance of cross contamination with other when you have to eventually deal with that household (I assume lock them up and throw out the key until they are non-infecticious is not the Chinese Strategy here), which mean anyone having to have contact with those household are risking of their infection, all the way from government employee to medical personnel to even food delivery people, and with the city being lock down, you can't really control the virus but let them spread in parallel. Which create a breed ground within those household.

On the other hand, if a city is in lockdown, you also limited the health care provided to the citizens because you simply limiting their movement.

So the formula goes, You have a lot of simultaneous infection, a high chance of cross infection, that were giving breeding space within that household, and then limited the health care, it's a recipe for that virus to mutate. Because you keep infecting people that are being limited by the lockdown.
Are you for real??

If you have zero case, and you lock down the country or city. that's containment, if you lock down a city with case in it, that's CONFINEMENT, not containment.

You confine the virus in a limited place. Say if your household have it, you lock down that household, that does NOT mean the virus is going away, you are just basically confine the spreading within that household, it would work if R0 is low because that is where its ended after you infected the entire household, but with R0 that high such as Omicron, you are basically seeing a lot more than just that household had them, and you are increasing your chance of cross contamination with other when you have to eventually deal with that household (I assume lock them up and throw out the key until they are non-infecticious is not the Chinese Strategy here), which mean anyone having to have contact with those household are risking of their infection, all the way from government employee to medical personnel to even food delivery people, and with the city being lock down, you can't really control the virus but let them spread in parallel. Which create a breed ground within those household.

On the other hand, if a city is in lockdown, you also limited the health care provided to the citizens because you simply limiting their movement.

So the formula goes, You have a lot of simultaneous infection, a high chance of cross infection, that were giving breeding space within that household, and then limited the health care, it's a recipe for that virus to mutate. Because you keep infecting people that are being limited by the lockdown.
You are still not answering my question, how does confinement or containment or isolation or zerocovid increase the mutation. It was just a simple question, i am not debating about the merits abd demerits of quarantines or shit like that.

If your theory is correct why are new mutations coming from outside China instead of from China? Lolol.

So mass infections with millions of people have lower chance of mutation compared to a few hundred infected families? Lolol. Mr LNG, is it even logical? How did you even pass your maths numb numb.
You are still not answering my question, how does confinement or containment or isolation or zerocovid increase the mutation. It was just a simple question, i am not debating about the merits abd demerits of quarantines or shit like that.

If your theory is correct why are new mutations coming from outside China instead of from China? Lolol.

So mass infections with millions of people have lower chance of mutation compared to a few hundred infected families? Lolol. Mr LNG, is it even logical? How did you even pass your maths bro.
Answered twice, you failed to see my point is your problem

Again, if you failed to even comprehend that, maybe you should just stick to giving people Han Job.
Answered twice, you failed to see my point is your problem

Again, if you failed to even comprehend that, maybe you should just stick to giving people Han Job.
Hahahah, i don't you were answering anything, just because you type alot of crap, doesn't mean you are answering anything.

It was just a simple logical question, from 2020 until now, not a single mutation came from China and we were sequencing and testing more rigorously than eveybody.

By your logic, China shouldn't have had 2 years of bliss and covid free growth. We should have imploded.

So answer me genius, using the simple math of probability, which society has more chance for mutations, the one with 100mil cases or 1 mil cases. Just a simple probalistic question. Lolol, man you are really dumb.
Hahahah, i don't you were answering anything, just because you type alot of crap, doesn't mean you are answering anything.

It was just a simple logical question, from 2020 until now, not a single mutation came from China and we were sequencing and testing more rigorously than eveybody.

By your logic, China shouldn't have had 2 years of bliss and covid free growth. We should have imploded.

So answer me genius, using the simple math of probability, which society has more chance for mutations, the one with 100mil cases or 1 mil cases. Just a simple probalistic question. Lolol, man you are really dumb.
What is the probability of me preventing WW3 from happening?

That's the same argument as I said I prevented WW3 from happening because the last 43 years of my life there are no WW3.

Just because that is a breeding ground does not mean IT WILL Mutate. The world had seen over 700 million cases of COVID worldwide, how many mutations were there actually? 17 documented mutations saw the rise of 5 Variants . You said you are good at math? Tell me what is the probability on that?

I mean, really, you should stick to giving people Han job. Science is not something for you, jesus man, talking to you actually make me dumber.
Is it over?

Did the protests die down or China govt gave in to their critics demands?
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