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Cold Start Doctrine - Pakistani Response. By Jhungary

They act like they have low threshold in front of everyone,if you notice in a street fight a person who yell "Let me at them" and is being withheld by others around him are the least who want to fight, they only put up that facade to look brave. Once if those people stopping them free him and say do what you want,Then we have two outcomes
1) That person will back down and make peace.
2)He will try to fight only to be mauled by a bigger and better opponent and then he will learn his lesson (Scenario 2 has already happened 4 times) and they have psychological scars about it especially the 1971 war part where we broke their East Pakistan and made it Bangladesh, that is why they opened up Khalistan and Kashmir fronts and failed miserably.
When you fight another person (unknown) you are full of confidence,but if you are beaten 4 times by the same person, your morale and confidence runs low if you face the same opponent again.
So next time as a fighter you will train to push your limits and avenge the four losses,while the opponent if he in his ego lets down his guard thinking this is easy as a cake, will invite lucky punches which can upset the game.
This is the precise Psychological state of Pakistan Army and we only need to exploit that Psychological factor. We need to be calm ,cold and be prepared as its our first fight,we have the advantage of Psy ops so use it effectively in war.
If they act like they have low threshold,we should only grin a wicked smile which implies , we will erase them from the map kinda threshold for any slightest provocation.
I hope that makes the Psy ops in war thing clear.
We have an advantage ,exploit it!
At the same time we need to give them a ray of hope be sympathetic to its civilians so that it doesnt become hilter youth fighting for its existence, once they are given assurance of safe passage watch how quickly the support for the army and fighting dwindles.,,if you push even a cat to a corner it will fight back for its life.
In that scenario, it would suit us to balkanize the enemy into many nations and leave it that way.



The concept of street fight does not work between war amongst two nations. If you set your standards by your 1971 victory and that is what your expectations are within those paradigms---then god bless you and india---I am very appreciative of that analysis---.

71 was like Falkland seeking independence from Britain to join Argentina with the help of usa----.

I personally believe that cold start would be more practical for Pakistan than that for india if the big 5 stay out of it.

As for making peace----that is always the first priority---.
If there's one thing I learnt about logistics, after these years following the military, is that almost nothing goes according to plan.

Though if all you need to do is 10-15, then it's even more apparent where you will launch the attack, as worthwhile targets within that range must be very limited. Though we agree on this fact, that it's not a surprise.

But we differ on the logistics, I seen enough Chinese reports of operations, and nothing ever goes according to plan, that's why every few years, we have new APCs, and new everything to help with it.

You are talking moving thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of troops, that's never going to go smoothly, for anyone.

Unless India can catch Pakistan off guard, I don't think India has much of a chance of achieving the type of victory, India thinks it's suppose to.

I'm not going to say you can't, but based on what? This particular scenario talks Pakistani initiative, which means about few hundred thousand will be ready to fight.

I'm not dissing India here, but no country can be always combat ready, even the SEALs had to retrain before shipped off to Kuwait after 9/11, and they are special forces.

Before Desert Storm, there was Desert Shield, where Americans trained for the up coming operation.

You are assuming too many things will go according to plan, and in fact, almost none will.

Lol now you ate judging the efficency of T 90 .:lol:
Still Chinese are way behind than the Russians when it comes to Tanks R&D and even in weapon import.
About Arjun tank .No other nation deployed their tank for their regular use like that of Israel.And top experts from that Israel was mpressed with the performance of Arjun tank.
Its only problem is cost they are much expensive.
And according to your numbers we have 600 T 90 and additional 250Arjun tank.
The so called Al khalid would check mate there.2000T 72 tanks have its own quality and they are quite modernized.
And noone know about the current number of T 90 because of the ongoing induction.
Apache is already cleared and LCH is its in final production stage.If there isany emergency we will speed up the induction.
And we also have BTR ,BMP and spike ATGM is also cleared and have NAG in our inventory.
Most of them have in huge numbers.
48 hrs means the time we had taken to deploy our Army in entire border in last time.
Dont make silly excuses.They are in a mission for further reduction of time .Noone cant refrain from them to reach that record.
Pakistanis are not in the limelight for taking jobs---Indians are----.

Wow, you are from that era huh?

They act like they have low threshold in front of everyone,if you notice in a street fight a person who yell "Let me at them" and is being withheld by others around him are the least who want to fight, they only put up that facade to look brave. Once if those people stopping them free him and say do what you want,Then we have two outcomes
1) That person will back down and make peace.
2)He will try to fight only to be mauled by a bigger and better opponent and then he will learn his lesson (Scenario 2 has already happened 4 times) and they have psychological scars about it especially the 1971 war part where we broke their East Pakistan and made it Bangladesh, that is why they opened up Khalistan and Kashmir fronts and failed miserably.
When you fight another person (unknown) you are full of confidence,but if you are beaten 4 times by the same person, your morale and confidence runs low if you face the same opponent again.
So next time as a fighter you will train to push your limits and avenge the four losses,while the opponent if he in his ego lets down his guard thinking this is easy as a cake, will invite lucky punches which can upset the game.
This is the precise Psychological state of Pakistan Army and we only need to exploit that Psychological factor. We need to be calm ,cold and be prepared as its our first fight,we have the advantage of Psy ops so use it effectively in war.
If they act like they have low threshold,we should only grin a wicked smile which implies , we will erase them from the map kinda threshold for any slightest provocation.
I hope that makes the Psy ops in war thing clear.
We have an advantage ,exploit it!
At the same time we need to give them a ray of hope be sympathetic to its civilians so that it doesnt become hilter youth fighting for its existence, once they are given assurance of safe passage watch how quickly the support for the army and fighting dwindles.,,if you push even a cat to a corner it will fight back for its life.
In that scenario, it would suit us to balkanize the enemy into many nations and leave it that way.


3) that person knows that his opponent will beat the living cr@p out of him.

But the issue is much more deeper wolf. It's not about the psychological wounds of defeats, it's about religion and the spread of faith and capture of land.

1) you know why muslims keep harping about their 1000 year rule over India? It's because they feel the land belongs to them.

Most of muslim lands are arid deserts with resources, while its the Indian plateau which is lush green and filled with resources and the salafi, wahaabi sunni need to own it...or as in their twisted minds re own it.

Now how do they go about doing that?

1) demography - breed and convert.
2) conquer it.

Muslims breed like rabbits, even then, changing demography will take its own sweet time. But they are doing it. While we put spokes in their work.

Ask any pakistani - his dream or according to them their destiny is to own India. Or as they imagine themselves to be - the conquerers who owned and need to re own.

This is one aspect of the muslim zainiat.

Pakistan is supposedly the sword arm of the sunni, and they get heavily financed for that. Also the reason why their total focus is on their army.

But here's the twist. India - emphasis here being on Hindus vs thE sunni.

Hindus, just like the Jews, Christians and the commies own the sunni world and can vaporise them in a matter of a few minutes anand this scares the living cr@p out of them. Hence they imagine this total paranoia of being conquered by the hindus before their destined islamization of the sub continent comes forth.

The emphasis of taking over India is lost like a nightmare - so now, they come out with schemes like Gazwa E hind for financing their military.

What will be the end result of this sunni vs the world? Quite easy to imagine. So right now they are in the process of consolidating themselves by wiping out their minorities and creating other fighting bases. AF PAK being one and the other the ISIS held land drawn out of Shia lands.
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Sorry but we don't need to own your land.yes we do care about ancient Indus valley land and we also wish to push you people out from our land.

The part is that we may not have even issues with you people having occupied our land but i really hate it when you people copy our history of IVC and relate it to yourself.Please be proud of your history and leave our own to us
[QUOTE="hellfire, post: 6591617, member: 14601]incorrectQUOTE[]

Care to elaborate?

We are playing with words like proactive defense etc etc. Bloody diplomatic niceties. It is all bullc@#$ at best. It is full on offensive

Well, I don't think that would be a full on offensive. How do you mobilise a full on offensive from Cold to Hot in just 3 days time frame? Even the mighty US cannot do that

Oh we are talking the same. But the point is .. for example of Lahore, it is barely 32 kms from Amritsar, our main population center. So even 5 - 7 kms will be too much for Pakistan. We are not intending to enter any city or its suburbs, only deny access t the peripheries in such a case.

As I said, Lahore is just used as an example, probably a bad one, it is just an example to show you that "outer city limit" concept worth less in the negotiation table.

Like your figure of 3 kms a day. Where has the figure come from? Is it based on the combat seen in Iraq? Then it is a dangerous figure to rely on as that was a decimated army and irregular force which was fought by US. In a major population center which is densely populated, the probability of even US reaching this target is highly suspect until and unless your plan of attack calls for flattening of the whole city with massive artillery and air power deployment. Anyways, what I saw of US troops of 14 cavalry training with Indian troops in India, nowhere was this figure touted as being sacrosanct.

That's your first problem. Cavalry.

How do you suppose we use cavalry to fight in an urban warfare?

Being a cavalrymen myself, i can tell you this, if you put your cavalry unit alone into urban environment, you will get 0km per day as you would be dead. Cavalry assault City is very dangerous as there are many blind spot in any APC, and what you train with is an whole another doctrine where you use your speed and agility to scout the enemy in a wide open field, but both speed and agility would not be amount to anything in a urban warfare setting. Which translate to a sitting duck.

And you seems to misunderstood the concept of urban warfare, in the OCS we are taught the closer the battlefield the enemy pull, the more your enemy can negate technology, it's a prime fighting example for the Depleted, Decimated and Irregular Force to fight in urban environment, as that was the closest as you can get between 2 parties. And this would be the preferred choice of battle for the mentioned above.

And history show time and again, it will only make things worse if you flatten the city.
I know this personally because while I was trained as a cavalry commander, I was send to Iraq taking a platoon of foot mobile. And I learn the urban fighting concept the hard way.

Impressive. My compliments to her. But how does that qualify as an authority? And do you really think you are talking to a newbie or an ignorant guy here

Then can i ask what is your background and qualification so you can say that? If you say that, that mean you are in a better position to judge what we said, done and wrote in this topic.

So you have to be better than a Major who have a master in War Science and a PhD in Far East relation and with almost 9 years service with the Swedish military as a junior war planner who serve in 4 different war/campaign across the 9 years career.

And have a better qualification to a Captain who have 7 years military experience cavalrymen whose CV include Infantry Platoon leader, Battalion Intelligence Officer and served 2 wars in total of 23 months in the middle East, who have a Bachelor degree of international of relation and a Master in International Business.

I don't know if you are a newbie or ignorant, but you are not talking to a newbie or soldier wannabe either..

Let me assure your, you are not talking to a wannabe soldier/defence expert/novice. I know my stuff. Been there, done that. The biggest flaw in your argument is you are drawing parallel to US army, which has limited your appreciation of the topic so far, and also that you are failing to get that the troops which shall be used for the strike are in normal peace time deployed in areas in proximity to the international boundaries. Their weapons/stocks of rations, FOL, ammunition, equipment etc are already there ... nothing needs to be inducted afresh for waging a war. Additional troops in terms of the strike corps have different areas to operate and different tasking. We are in a position to achieve the objectives with the present dispensation of troops itself without any large or small scale movement of troops or materials over distances. Cold Start means, starting from the position of this moment .....

umm, did you quote the wrong person, I was talking about doctrine and training here, not about inducting new troop.

My point was, if you train with a certain doctrine that have a clear sense of what you are going to do in casse of something happen, that would be what you are going to do and that is a bad thing for both staff member and field commander alike as you are losing the touch of reality and you are dead set against some tactic that solely in support to the doctrine you are train with.

What the Indian doctrine is based on their initial strike to be successful, but what if they aren't? What are you going to do after things goes wrong? This kind of tactical thinking is inhabited if you have a clear define doctrine.

And the doctrine thinking i quote is not on the US either, it's actually how Israel won the 6 days war. Where the Arab have a clear soviet doctrine in place for a strike, and a doctrine that follow to the last letter and resulting the lost of armoured and air component of the Arab Army, that's because Israel sees to the doctrine and exploit the gapping in word/training and the tactical thinking of the Arab general, which in a sense, they were caught with their pants down.
It does not have supply, stock of ammunition or anything in my point....

And by the way, if you are to jump a cold start, i would not put my troop near the international border, too transparent and too predictable. One element of holding attack is to have your enemy guess which way you are coming from. Too predictable work against this idea.

It is dissuasive, hence known. Our objectives are multiple and fluid in nature. Just like the battle space that we shall be facing the moment offensive tasking is undertaken. . Your view that the same is flawed, is your view.. Regards

Umm, is that really THAT fluid? I beg to differ.

What you are expecting is a smooth battleplan, where your enemy will not know or will not engage you in the beginning phase, but well, that's just what you think. In reality, there are numerous way this doctrine, if follow can go wrong. But then I should also say, when MacArthur wrote the battleplan on landing in Inchon, everything that can gone wrong is there in the battleplan, but the battle of Inchon go accordingly in the end, so I guess there can always be ex caption.
@jhungary - Have you ever exchanged notes with @Xeric - Hes from the Pakistan Army. :)

He wrote some very insightful posts on the CSD.
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@jhungary - Have you ever exchanged notes with @Xeric - Hes from the Pakistan Army. :)

He wrote some very insightful posts on the CSD.

I did look at what he wrote, but I would not go deep and say I exchange note with him.

He got points when he trying to illustrate the CSD and nuclear responsibility, and I forgot almost anything else........Sorry....
The 'cold start' doctrine is not the actual war doctrine of Indian Army. Simply because it only talks about the role of IA. And we know only IA is useless??
So much hype and drama around the "Cold Start Doctrine" and mostly from the Pakistani side. I am yet to see the CSD actually mentioned by any serving Indian Military officer but the Pakistani Military has produced countless documents on countering the CSD.

The CSD's origins lay purely in Op Parakram in response to a terrorist attack originating from Pakistan wherein it took the IA days to mobilise and be in a posture ready to fight the PA. Whilst many get lost in the content of the CSD i.e. capturing swathes of Pakistani territory and bargaining with Pakistan most miss the crux of the CSD- shorter mobilisation times. This is the main failing that was found in 2001 and this is what CSD mostly sought to address.

Thus whilst not an official doctrine of the IA's the CSD has been largely implemented in regards to India's mobilisation time can now being measured in hours and not days. Additionally the ongoing development of Integrated Battle Groups (IBG) provides the IA with extreme operational flexibility and scope to in flint devastating damage on Pakistan.

In terms of the actual strategy the CSD puts forward i.e. capturing Pakistani and holding it to ransom is simply one option available to India. India would be incredibly foolish to advertise its game plan to the enemy for years and years. Just like the US, India has contingency plans and military plans galore, I'm surprised @jhungary that you wouldn't understand this given your home nation (the US) is probably the leading propionate of this- there are entire departments in the Pentagon devoted to creating doctrines and strategies for any conceivable eventuality which includes alien invasions, zombie outbreaks, meteor strikes etc.

Pakistan simply likes to hype up the CSD purely as a way of justifying their own development of tactical nuclear weapons.

sorry, did just realised you quote me, i got no alert....

As i said in my article, i have already acknowledge that this is a rumor that CSD actually exist.

The doctrine is plausible but it would involve too many factorto make it work.

but for me, i am also concern that if this CSD actually do exist, it would mean more counter productive than it would have to oprerate, the doctrine reveal a lot of operational tactics, the way the strike carry and the way that what it hope to end with.

Thats why i dont believe this is actually exist, otherwise it is an understatment of Indian capability.

In the US, we like to keep our option open, i have already saidthat to another member, that our doctrine is always ambiguous and focus on the reaction part of the SOP rathe4 than the planning part. So that it would not be overwhelm when shit hits the fan...
I think the most flawed part in any cold start doctrine is that India can make small but quick advances. Here is the flaw:
Whether India attacks small or big, Pakistan is gonna go in with all it has got. The war will be out of India's limited hand very soon. Once India fires the first bullet, Pakistan is not going to sit and reply with one bullet. Pakistan will fight on its own terms. And that is unpredictable along with the consequences.
Lol now you ate judging the efficency of T 90 .:lol:
Still Chinese are way behind than the Russians when it comes to Tanks R&D and even in weapon import.
About Arjun tank .No other nation deployed their tank for their regular use like that of Israel.And top experts from that Israel was mpressed with the performance of Arjun tank.
Its only problem is cost they are much expensive.
And according to your numbers we have 600 T 90 and additional 250Arjun tank.
The so called Al khalid would check mate there.2000T 72 tanks have its own quality and they are quite modernized.
And noone know about the current number of T 90 because of the ongoing induction.
Apache is already cleared and LCH is its in final production stage.If there isany emergency we will speed up the induction.
And we also have BTR ,BMP and spike ATGM is also cleared and have NAG in our inventory.
Most of them have in huge numbers.
48 hrs means the time we had taken to deploy our Army in entire border in last time.
Dont make silly excuses.They are in a mission for further reduction of time .Noone cant refrain from them to reach that record.

In previous exercises, Pakistan Army was able to deploy 50,000+ troops along with massive firepower (hundreds of tanks, artillery, MRLs, Air defence ground units, and so) in coordination with Pakistan Air Force's strike elements to front line sectors within 12 hours!!!

Pakistan has conducted 5 major exercises in past six years to validate its military doctrine against any possible indian aggression in the form of "cold-start" operations.

Time and time again, we have seen india failing to cross Pakistan's deterrence...and Pakistan's deterrence against any indian aggression (cold start or no) is much, much strengthened than it was before (hint:2001 indian retreat after initiation of troop mobilization across LoC and International Border which led to a stand-off situation with Pakistan Military)

Pakistan Military has literally turned any indian cold-start "limited war" possibility into a "cold-feet" already. Everybody knows it (Read wikileaks of American assessment of any indian try for a 'quick war'...to summarize: American officials predicted/calculated...and I quote..."heavy indian losses" in case of any indian "cold-start" effort)...

The only option india would have is to get itself into escalating-entanglements with Pakistan Military, leading to a full-fledged war between the two countries.

There is no possibility of any "cold-start" or "limited war" from india...as it would result is disastrous defeat of india OR would blow into an all out war (with no other possibilities)...
In previous exercises, Pakistan Army was able to deploy 50,000+ troops along with massive firepower (hundreds of tanks, artillery, MRLs, Air defence ground units, and so) in coordination with Pakistan Air Force's strike elements to front line sectors within 12 hours!!!

Pakistan has conducted 5 major exercises in past six years to validate its military doctrine against any possible indian aggression in the form of "cold-start" operations.

Time and time again, we have seen india failing to cross Pakistan's deterrence...and Pakistan's deterrence against any indian aggression (cold start or no) is much, much strengthened than it was before (hint:2001 indian retreat after initiation of troop mobilization across LoC and International Border which led to a stand-off situation with Pakistan Military)

Pakistan Military has literally turned any indian cold-start "limited war" possibility into a "cold-feet" already. Everybody knows it (Read wikileaks of American assessment of any indian try for a 'quick war'...to summarize: American officials predicted/calculated...and I quote..."heavy indian losses" in case of any indian "cold-start" effort)...

The only option india would have is to get itself into escalating-entanglements with Pakistan Military, leading to a full-fledged war between the two countries.

There is no possibility of any "cold-start" or "limited war" from india...as it would result is disastrous defeat of india OR would blow into an all out war (with no other possibilities)...

Thank you for info.But that was not for you but for the other member.
And just check the conventional superiority of IA .Then think whether that was enough for you ;)
Thank you for info.But that was not for you but for the other member.
And just check the conventional superiority of IA .Then think whether that was enough for you ;)

Conventional superiority means zilch when your adversary has the capacity to inflict an irreversible damage to your mainland.

Moreover, the supposed 'conventional superiority' of indian army couldn't save it from the embarrassment of retreat after initiating a stand-off with Pakistan Military (which inflicted heavy causalities on indian army (near 900 indian soldiers died) before indian army backed-down from the stand-off unilaterally.)

Lastly, india as numerical superiority over Pakistan due to its larger size and numbers. No 'conventional superiority' so to speak.

Pakistan Military deploys much superior capability and firepower on per sq. km ratio.

There exists a complete military deterrence between india and Pakistan. And that have been proven again and again over the years.

You can sit on internet and jump up and down because india has 1 million soldiers and Pakistan has less than 1 million. In real life however, india can not think of engaging Pakistan in any military conflict because the cost of that would put india decades back................and into stone-age if the war goes "all-out"...

Lastly, no war is fought "1 million" vs "1 million" etc...wars are fought in theaters and sectors..and in that, Pakistan has already proven its superiority in deploying massive firepower much faster than the adversary..and hence rendering already 'junkish' and 'slow' indian military even more useless.

We saw that in 2001, and we again saw that in exercises where india tried to cut down its mobilization (of strike corps) time to 48 hours...and is still working on it.

While Pakistan Military cut down its deployment time to 12 hours already and PROVED that by conducing successive large-scale massive exercises along indian border

Hence immensely embarrassing indian planners..no wonder india does not use "cold-start" and "hot-pursuit" type language any more :lol:

Because if india decides to do "rapid" deployment of forces inside Pakistan and conduct a "cold-start"....by the time indian army units would assemble to march towards the border, Pakistan Military would already be sitting in its battle-positions waiting for indians to come in range and get clobbered massively!!

And again, this is simple military-science and no 'fanboy' bullsh!t like indians do.

Military that is more mobile and can deploy its firepower to relevant sectors much faster than the enemy will destroy the enemy, no matter even if the size of enemy is larger (That's how Nazis won against European powers, U.S won against Iraqis, and Israelis won against Arabs...faster deployment of firepower than the adversary!!)

And again...read wikileak cables..even American professional assessment is that any "limited action" will result in..and again, I quote..."heavy indian losses" ...:agree:

Yeah, if india decides to go all-out...and attack with its air force strike squadrons, strike divisions across international border and LoC, and even through sea..then the military scenario completely changes....but we are not discussing that here (I'm more than willing to discuss that too objectively..not in this thread though)...

So as of now, indian military options have been completely blocked by superior Pakistani Military planning and mobilization.

Only option for india right now is "all-out" war...dreams of "punishing Pakistan militarily" or "limited war" etc. have been buried alive by Pakistani generals :azn:

I'll suggest that you should learn and take the higher road..while we'll let gullible indians sit and think "indian army is great" and "cold-start will get Pakistan"...

Afterall, indians are very gullible and innocent. Even senior Indian members here know it :)
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The concept of street fight does not work between war amongst two nations. If you set your standards by your 1971 victory and that is what your expectations are within those paradigms---then god bless you and india---I am very appreciative of that analysis---.

71 was like Falkland seeking independence from Britain to join Argentina with the help of usa----.

I personally believe that cold start would be more practical for Pakistan than that for india if the big 5 stay out of it.

As for making peace----that is always the first priority---.
I gave street fight just as an example to make others understand what goes in the minds of both opponents even in boxing matches these things play in minds of both opponents and in the larger context of warfare both armies.
This is behavioural science and psychology and that is how psy-ops is conducted.
Whether USA used it by spreading pamphlets and radio messages asking Iraqis to surrender, or how the Iraqi Army recently ran even without putting up a fight against a small and lesser equipped force of Daesh millitants.
All these factors come into play in war and as long as the civilian population are assured that they will be left alone in peace and if its shown that the real aggressors are their own army not the Indian army, then see how fast the support for Pakistani Army falls,You had Martial law and dictatorships many times and hardly any Civilian Democracy ,naturally these images play in the mind of civilian population while we have full fledged Democracy in our nation since 1947 so naturally Indians will back the Army to the end.
That was the reason your 1971 war was lost because you started harassing and killing Civilians.

Not to mention PTSD, although many soliders are trained to cope up with PTSD a civilian population is not.

Wow, you are from that era huh?

3) that person knows that his opponent will beat the living cr@p out of him.

But the issue is much more deeper wolf. It's not about the psychological wounds of defeats, it's about religion and the spread of faith and capture of land.

1) you know why muslims keep harping about their 1000 year rule over India? It's because they feel the land belongs to them.

Most of muslim lands are arid deserts with resources, while its the Indian plateau which is lush green and filled with resources and the salafi, wahaabi sunni need to own it...or as in their twisted minds re own it.

Now how do they go about doing that?

1) demography - breed and convert.
2) conquer it.

Muslims breed like rabbits, even then, changing demography will take its own sweet time. But they are doing it. While we put spokes in their work.

Ask any pakistani - his dream or according to them their destiny is to own India. Or as they imagine themselves to be - the conquerers who owned and need to re own.

This is one aspect of the muslim zainiat.

Pakistan is supposedly the sword arm of the sunni, and they get heavily financed for that. Also the reason why their total focus is on their army.

But here's the twist. India - emphasis here being on Hindus vs thE sunni.

Hindus, just like the Jews, Christians and the commies own the sunni world and can vaporise them in a matter of a few minutes anand this scares the living cr@p out of them. Hence they imagine this total paranoia of being conquered by the hindus before their destined islamization of the sub continent comes forth.

The emphasis of taking over India is lost like a nightmare - so now, they come out with schemes like Gazwa E hind for financing their military.

What will be the end result of this sunni vs the world? Quite easy to imagine. So right now they are in the process of consolidating themselves by wiping out their minorities and creating other fighting bases. AF PAK being one and the other the ISIS held land drawn out of Shia lands.
Your analysis is correct, it has a religious tone to it and the need to capture fertile lands.
But there is also the reason they keep harping 1000 year rule and Ghazwa-e-Hind etc.
to reassure their population that they are still strong and do not fear the bigger enemy India and also to make them numb to Enemy Propaganda that is by constant Behavioural modification and daily dose of propaganda.

In Research,Chimpanzees are made to do certain tasks by such Behavioural modification daily.
Their Army and Generals know all this is to boost the morale so they keep playing such propaganda and they also know how fast that morale will drop when they start a war.Like how their Entire army in Eastern Theater of war in 1971 collapsed and surrendered as 90,000 Pow's
They keep constantly playing India as boogeyman out to get them and to get support from their population for Military rule and the need to keep such modern military even at the expense of basic standard of living and infrastructure,
You might remember their famous quote "We will ear Grass, but we will make the bomb".The fear of our nation is real in their Army minds but for Civilians they will keep playing the music that can wipe out India in an instant to reassure them,all is well.because if they don't support for military will collapse fast. That is why you see them threaten with Nukes at every small instance.Only a insecure person does that as i have explained in the street fight example and most of the time those who shout a lot are the least likely to fight.
War might look easy on paper but in real it leaves deep psychological scars in people who take part in it.
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Sorry but we don't need to own your land.yes we do care about ancient Indus valley land and we also wish to push you people out from our land.

The part is that we may not have even issues with you people having occupied our land but i really hate it when you people copy our history of IVC and relate it to yourself.Please be proud of your history and leave our own to us

For world IVC is India and India is IVC .We dont force them for that.
Indians still follow that ancient old IVC tradition.
Well I know you cant say that about your nation.

About grabbing our land.
Well I didnt belive that until few weeks ago.
Then one of the reputed authority in here pointed us about avenging India after the demographic change .And they are waiting for them.@SarthakGanguly also was there when that mod stated it in there.

What about that?

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