If it is indeed like you said, that it is close by, then what element of surprise is there, Pakistan would know exactly where those bases are, as they are not secret, and they can defend accordingly.
I was assuming that the elites may not be at the border, and they are in more prosperous areas. China's border army are not exactly elite, they exist, and we'll leave it at that.
I guess the Indian elites are on the border then.
So Indian government reports are fake?
I do know all the procurement programs for the Indian army that are public, I seen the INSAS rifle that the Indian army uses, I know the amount of spending India has for military.
You are saying I don't know anything, but why don't you list somethings you got an overwhelming advantage with.
In terms of ground force equipment, you have no advantage over Pakistan, at the very least, none that would standout like US to Iraq.
US army or any army always have to use road networks for their invasion, to think they don't is pretty insane. Sure some can break off, but the main troops must use roads to move, or else they be too slow. People build roads for a reason, it's not just to look pretty.
Look at any operations US did, they always used road networks to advance into Bagdad or anywhere else.
Haha Indian reports and look of INSAS.
This is why I said you are trying to conclude with some dots and points .
Do you have any experience with INSAS?
Yes now Army is try to replace it with another rifle.But they are aiming for a next gen rifle perhaps the best in the world or futiristic expensive system.But still they are using INSAS because it has some advantages.
And actually what is this CSD?
India created such a doctrine on what basis .If you dont know that look at the OP.CSD is fast punitive retaliatory strike with full armoured thrusts and ground support.Means we have guaranteed superiority against the adversary.
AFAIK you didnt see the Indo Pak border in your life .
When they formulated that doctrine they build special roads for that .Fact is you have no idea about our methods and set up.We dont need high tech facilities for our military operations.