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COAS Gen Asim Munir losing Army's confidence with nepotism

It’s an intelligence agency. I am not saying appoint any one of the streets. Pakistani police has also great individuals who can lead it or retired army personnel.

Point is to take away the power from their hands.

Bloody civilians don’t understand, Khan was very dangerous for Pakistan. Very dangerous, so dangerous that I can’t even explain how dangerous. Economy was also bad, very bad . Did I mention Khan was dangerous for Pakistan?
Khan was nothing
The army has saved us from Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Fatima Jinnah, mujeeb ur rehman and many others
Napak Fouj-Noon next plans are to get rid of Justice Bandial and replace him with
Fraud Faiz Esa and the other plan they are working on is to assassinate Murad Saaed.
it depends on the credibility of person saying it... W khan has covered the army for more than 12 years.

I think he knows a thing or two...

but covering the Army is not equal to knowing appointment schedules.

He maybe right, he maybe wrong,
in either situation, this is not something that needs to be dragged out
and discussed in forums like so.

By the way, this is not the first time such things have happened,
people like BJ and Asim exist, only because nepotism is rife.

Regardless, this falls under institutional maturity, and pruning must be dealt accordingly.
but covering the Army is not equal to knowing appointment schedules.

He maybe right, he maybe wrong,
in either situation, this is not something that needs to be dragged out
and discussed in forums like so.

By the way, this is not the first time such things have happened,
people like BJ and Asim exist, only because nepotism is rife.

Regardless, this falls under institutional maturity, and pruning must be dealt accordingly.

well army deserves what ever negative perceptions that has been created.. they didn't exactly act like angels
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You guys need to start filtering information from Adil Raja, Wajahat and the likes.

Granted the Military Inc is harami, but you guys cant treat these journalists words as gospel. I have a bad feeling about Wajahat. He says some really bad things about Military Inc but nothing happens to him. Only now he has left for NYC.

It’s almost impossible that the Chief has lost control. He was part of the Corp commander that orchestrated RCO. Asim is an extension of Bajwa doctrine. First and foremost is to make sure the military inc self preservation, Pakistan needs to survive, for the military inc to leech on.
Khan was nothing
The army has saved us from Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Fatima Jinnah, mujeeb ur rehman and many others

And Bangladesh
And kargil
And Siachin
And Drone attacks
And war on terror
Regardless, this falls under institutional maturity, and pruning must be dealt accordingly.
Pruning wont cut it. The cursed forest needs to burned down whole.
The army has saved us
dude you have proudly said you’re not even Pakistani

Forget not living in Pakistan, you don’t even consider yourself a Pakistani.
dude you have proudly said you’re not even Pakistani

Forget not living in Pakistan, you don’t even consider yourself a Pakistani.
I am martian. I came from mars. There is town called ghazi in mars. You can checky domicle
Where are you from? Caucuses mountains?
"Good things come to those who wait", so do read the whole post, you might learn something.

I heard the whole video. It makes a nice subject for analysis.

Lets go by headings this time, shall we :happy:

The Utterly Confused Wajahat

This isn't the first specimen of a confused character that I am witnessing in Pakistan, not just a biased reporter again. Like I said, media is supposed to be unbiased, its job is to bring the news, not takes sides and not start pointing fingers through blaming, instead asking questions and looking towards the viewers/nation to answer those questions, instead of answering those themselves.

WSK failed miserably at all fronts, but why and where did he fail ? No its not just his biased media production of this video, there is more.

We know the series he covered on Pakistan Army, "We are Soldiers". He mentions in video that according to him there are some 250 battalions in Pakistan Army and out of those, he has interacted with more than 100 on the frontlines. He categorically mentions jawans and soldiers. Now two questions arise here.
a. Wajahat didn't know how Pakistan Army goes on and about when he was conducting the series "We are Soldiers" ?
b. The news, the plans, the discussions, the table talk, the planning, the execution - everything happens in HQ, not frontlines.

Lets start elaborating now.

a. Wajahat roti ko bhi chochi bolta hay na ? All the martial laws, all the political involvement by Army and other blames that Army carries have been there since 1947, so why did hypocritical WSK not speak about them when he was conducting the series "We are Soldiers". Why did he take up the job when he mentions martial law of Ayub Khan in the video which occured before he was born, he knows how MQM came into being when he was in school and how Musharraf overthrew N-league, where were his brains then ?

The answer is, he is an opportunist hypocrite, all these incidents were infront of him, so why turn on Army now ? He could have plainly told the Military press that because of such and such that had happened where Army did such and such, he would refuse to cover the series, instead he would make a channel and talk all about that Army had been doing.

The coward and hypocritical WSK chose to look another way. I always said that public is corrupt, yes he as a bloody civilian is another product of hypocrite public of Pakistan showing true colors just when it suits him.

In this video he used a sentence,"Pak Foj jo harkatien karti hui aa rahi hay".....Imagine a journalist not knowing this before he started earning money and enlisting in series "We are Soldiers". Greedy for money, making connections, forgetting that his job as a journo is to investigate - but the low IQ journo closed his mind and kept on conducting series even when he as a journo knew better than public.

Just another hypocrite journo of Pakistan !

b. In military, HQ holds the most value, take down the HQ and an entire formation can cease to exist as a fighting force, because all orders, all fire support, all reinforcements, all plans etc come from the HQ. Standing between troops j frontlines gives what information ? Terrain, weaponry, enemy, defenses, strategic deployment, etc. It doesnt tell you what the brass is doing and thinking, because all standing the in the frontlines are combatants. They will take orders and execute.

The information, the news and the policy comes from the HQ, not the frontlines. Sure he made a lot of contacts in the Army who will be posted in different HQs to tell him what's happening in the Army, but then again he is getting news through their POVs, some will take in favor of the topic at hand, others will oppose it, so WSK will then deduce from their words, which he mentions in the video and then tell it to the public.

Now for a bit of more fun and reality lets come towards members of PDF.

Members of PDF who used to Love Army- Another breed of Dumb Public

I see threads popping up, omg i used to love army, i would go kiss tanks, i would salute soldiers, but it was IK who opened up my eyes, and now I loathe Army coz actually what I am ? A low IQ idiot who has never used an iota of brain in my life.

Once again, just like khota dimagh of WSK, the members who loved Army and now hate it, are in the same boat of Low IQ idiots who even when knew that Army had conducted martial laws, and did what not, even before they were born, had no sense in them to actually sit down one day on their own and think what am I doing ? Now they raise hands like brains less morons, hey i used to love army too just like you and now i hate army just like you. Yes, you are made for each other in love and hatred lol.

So what is proved ?

The public, WSK and the members of PDF have no brains of their own. They need to be slapped on their behinds to tell them that hey Army did this and this, did you ever realize on your own ? Of course not, coz you are a produce of an emotional public who lacks brains of all sorts. This time it was IK who slapped them, and now they have been" enlightened ". Their teachers taught them Pak studies, even they didnt have brains to think that Army has taken over the country so many times, should the path of an emotional brat be chosen or should once a rusty brain should be used to analyze. No credit to teachers here, these members have wasted their half lives thriving in love of the Army.

Don't worry, I will talk about myself also later but boy am I glad this member tagged me, my points just get proven repeatedly.

The Video

Lets go with headings again for easy understanding.

1. The Role of an Intel Officer

He mentions about a Lt Col who nabbed yadav and was then given a task to keep an eye on PTI activities in the UK. This has many sides to it and I will talk on them all.

Firstly lets try to understand the intel structure and role of an intel agency in foreign countries. Every embassy, every consulate is attached with intel officers, WSK mentions LO (Liaison officer, but there are other officers too. Their foremost job is security of embassy against terror and other incidents along with internal auditing and surveillance of employees of embassy, then is the observation of the host country and its political dynamics.

WSK mentioned keeping an eye on Pakistani diaspora of UK. one of the jobs of intel agency is to report on sentiments of own nationals in that country. It doesn't always include forming a team and creating a propaganda cell, that usually happens in a state of war with another nation. The foremost job is to report. The LO is assigned tasks to do and he is supplanted by junior and senior officers. He and his team are allowed to recruit locally if need be and he and his team are given funds to do so.

Secondly, WSK went far ahead saying that "Uk is the most important listening station for Pakistan Army". NO, this is where is utterly wrong and not just here, he is wrong about UK in most things that he mentioned that will be covered in next points. The most important listening station is India, some countries of ex-eastern bloc, USA, Iran and other countries surrounding Pakistan and India.

Another thing, since WSK is sitting in UK so it becomes a places of interest suddenly and whatever future of Pakistan is, has to be decided in UK, lol, yeah sure try and take all the importance WSK. On top of that he portrays UK as almost an enemy country with which Pakistan is at war, cut the noise please, Pakistan has other enemy countries, not UK.

Thirdly, the LT Col he mentions was not a one man show who apprehended Yadav, it was whole team of many agents and officers who had kept an eye on Yadav for more than two years and this was being reported up to DG ISI level and orders were trickling down from intel's top brass how to apprehend Yadav and the top brass succeeded in apprehending him. This 3rd class hypocrite journo starts portraying that Lt Col did everything on his own, good propaganda to bring some spice in the story so it looks meaningful.

Fourthly, as an officer on duty, Lt Col had to perform any duty that was assigned to him, refusal means being sent back home. No surprises here, however, the way WSK has mentioned it is doubtful that it happened that way. WSK heard from others and then said in video, what is the real story we might never know or maybe someday it comes out. Some other officer will be sent at his place and the job will get done.

2. The Postings

In Pakistan Army, at any given time roughly 65% of officers are never contended with their postings. Everybody thinks he should have been posted at a better place. Yet even then Ms Branch listens to the officers and sometimes asks them where they wanted to be posted, it usually occurs with ranks who have spend much time in "hard areas", "ops areas", or are about to be retired or have never been posted to a major cantonment. Usually, postings and even promitions change at the last minute. Orders get cancelled and orders are re-written, this happens all the time.

I like the way how WSK has made all this spicy by mentioning officers known to COAS and Ex Coas and their postings in UK, how would the video get likes and comments otherwise, good on you WSK.

Lets break it down again.

Firstly, an officer doesn't have access to another officers OEI (Officer Efficiency Index), 80+ is a sure shot general usually, 70+ is average, the below ones retire sooner. So WSK can hear from another officer about COAS's SIL posted to UK, but he cannot verify the OEI either. There is no way to say that the officer deserved the posting or not.

WSK mentions Ayub's son failing PMA test. Even I have seen Lt Gen son, Maj Gen sons, and Brig's sons failing ISSB and no sifarish was made, today they have civilian careers. Offences in PMA were not pardoned for general's sons also.

I have also seen most useless officers making it to captain or major, but retiring soon, even if their father's were serving. I have a coursemate who retired before his father (retired recently) and we still make fun of him, as his dad decided not to back him up. So lots of examples out there.

WSK says that Army should have such officers when he gave Gen Ayub's son example when he mentioned nepotism, they do exist, he has blinded himself intentionally.

Secondly, like i mentioned that a considerable number of officers are never happy about their postings, they always think they deserve better, even in any case is WSJ hinting that COAS's SIL has been sent there to UK perform another duty, I cant say, but I have myself seen also officers complaining that I was more capable than that officer but I am posted here and he is posted at such n such post which I think I deserve.

If i talk to my coursemates and I am told that a coursemate whose ranking was very low has been posted on career posts, or in premier formations or at lucrative post which others wanted or deserved more, even I get surprised. And then I hear all the whinging from others that he didnt deserve it, we did.

Whenever a general's son got posted somewhere at a good post, everyone would say yeah coz his dad is a general so this occurred. Nobody thinks other is better than him to be assigned a good post.

Same old story of postings.

Thirdly, WSK portrays UK posting of COAS's SIL and Bajwa's relative as a post like " Jannat ka phal". As if this is theeee most lucrative post in the whole world for an officer of Pakistan Army , NO its not. The lucrative places for studying and teaching are USA, China, Australia, Malaysia, KSA, UAE etc, These are places where Army officers actually want to go for courses and teaching. Actually in cadet cadre, it's sandhurst in UK, then ADA in Canberra and the one in USA (forgot name), which are famed, but cadets route is different than officers.

Fourthly, DS (directing staff) is still a junior post which covers the point in career. Its like this that an officer has to pass three roles at certain ranks - a command position of CO, a staff position in a HQ and an instructor position in a military school. The important post of instructor is CI (Chief Instructor) which is above than DS (or Lt Col rank). A CI's post may lead him to be HOD (head of dept) or even Commandant of the institution.

Infact, its Brigadier and above rank that some officers went abroad at certain posts of instructors or students of war courses and then made it to Maj Gen or Lt gen rank, but even then the 2 star or 3 star isn't guaranteed. A posting of major or Lt Col as DS or student holds far less value in over all career.

It's not like, hey this officer was DS in UK, so he should be promoted while other was DS in USA and he wont be promoted.

The Public Relations and existing Bajwa Doctrine

Army has been short of officers since early 2000's, the estimate in mid-2000's was 15,000 deficient, which was made up through 4th Batt in PMA. Still, the recruiting of officers has not stooped, the recruiting standards have not relaxed and the induction goes on without any hinderance. Pakistan Army shows presence in natural disasters and the troops are the first responders, so public knows that even if nobody will reach them, soldiers will. That is what keeps the public and military strong and ongoing.

Now about forcefully linking up Munir and Bajwa. They are both from different backgrounds where as any policy, any SOP which needs to be inculcated with in the Army may take time or it maybe adopted quickly, depending upon necessity of the situation. Army has been bad mouthed by PTI, well not just Army, even other institutions, yet Army is considering not to deploy troops at Polling stations, which maybe a different course if exercised in reality. Bajwa's name in a story keeps the story spicy and alive, since people look for answers as IK has completely bad mouthed him after his exit from PM seat while IK was all praises for Bajwa when in PM seat. Its a ripe porridge made by IK to keep himself relevant since remember the influence of the Ex-COAS diminishes with time.

WSK is trying his best in video to show that so much is happening and that it may have long lasting effects on Pakistan and Army, but it wont. He himself mentions there wont be a mutiny, even I know there wont be one, coz postings are just routine in Army, changing of posting orders at last moment is also something that military officers get used to as the career progresses.

PPP and N league both existed since decades and both have been on the war front with the Army. WSK calls N league another strong establishment, but he misses out that Zardari is biggest player of all, unmatched with anyone in N league or PTI. Where IK's mind stops working, Zardari's mind starts thinking from that point. That is the level of difference that even low IQ WSK cannot fathom.

In the end now, I said up there somewhere I would talk about myself. I had an opportunity to be uniformed and I didn't avail it because I had my reasons, one of them was about taking orders. If I was in so much love with Army (as I am judged repeatedly on PDF), I would have joined it. But unlike utterly confused WSK and the ex-lovers of Army made up of confused lot of PDf members, I knew what i will be getting at without use of emotions. Even after being told by many that you would have been a sure shot Maj General, you wasted the seat of a 2-Star general, I replied I would have retired a major as I can't take orders from some officers, even when they are few and far between, while under the command of a good officer is a privilege. I had claim over 2 artillery regiments and 2 infantry regiments. I knew that the technical side of things will help me stay float with bosses as they can't deny the technical aspects of things which come as facts on science. In such a case, even artillery would have been a good choice as it uses technical calculations and trajectories, not that Signals was bad, but whether in Signals or Artillery, there would come a time when I would be posted on staff position in any HQ and I wouldn't be able to take orders from a senior officer who would have his own insecurities and complexity issues. Like I always mention two things - KNOWLEDGE and INFORMATION. These two should be put in practice, rarely emotions coz we are humans after all. Similar thing in civilian career, no boss could refute the results of a software tool or the calculations of radio waves for communication. I stuck to the technical side in career and stood away from BS of bosses pushing me around, using technical analysis to put forth my findings.
Wajahat has mentioned numerous times that he was fired from his job by the past Coas.
It’s just he is bitter and has taken up the cause of IK as it’s a subject which can make lots of $ on YouTube
dude you have proudly said you’re not even Pakistani

Forget not living in Pakistan, you don’t even consider yourself a Pakistani.
He is a burnt out Bengali-origin.
Wajahat has mentioned numerous times that he was fired from his job by the past Coas.
It’s just he is bitter and has taken up the cause of IK as it’s a subject which can make lots of $ on YouTube
I heard rumors, nothing concrete about him being fired from the series, so I didn't talk about that.
"Good things come to those who wait", so do read the whole post, you might learn something.

I heard the whole video. It makes a nice subject for analysis.

Lets go by headings this time, shall we :happy:

The Utterly Confused Wajahat

This isn't the first specimen of a confused character that I am witnessing in Pakistan, not just a biased reporter again. Like I said, media is supposed to be unbiased, its job is to bring the news, not takes sides and not start pointing fingers through blaming, instead asking questions and looking towards the viewers/nation to answer those questions, instead of answering those themselves.

WSK failed miserably at all fronts, but why and where did he fail ? No its not just his biased media production of this video, there is more.

We know the series he covered on Pakistan Army, "We are Soldiers". He mentions in video that according to him there are some 250 battalions in Pakistan Army and out of those, he has interacted with more than 100 on the frontlines. He categorically mentions jawans and soldiers. Now two questions arise here.
a. Wajahat didn't know how Pakistan Army goes on and about when he was conducting the series "We are Soldiers" ?
b. The news, the plans, the discussions, the table talk, the planning, the execution - everything happens in HQ, not frontlines.

Lets start elaborating now.

a. Wajahat roti ko bhi chochi bolta hay na ? All the martial laws, all the political involvement by Army and other blames that Army carries have been there since 1947, so why did hypocritical WSK not speak about them when he was conducting the series "We are Soldiers". Why did he take up the job when he mentions martial law of Ayub Khan in the video which occured before he was born, he knows how MQM came into being when he was in school and how Musharraf overthrew N-league, where were his brains then ?

The answer is, he is an opportunist hypocrite, all these incidents were infront of him, so why turn on Army now ? He could have plainly told the Military press that because of such and such that had happened where Army did such and such, he would refuse to cover the series, instead he would make a channel and talk all about that Army had been doing.

The coward and hypocritical WSK chose to look another way. I always said that public is corrupt, yes he as a bloody civilian is another product of hypocrite public of Pakistan showing true colors just when it suits him.

In this video he used a sentence,"Pak Foj jo harkatien karti hui aa rahi hay".....Imagine a journalist not knowing this before he started earning money and enlisting in series "We are Soldiers". Greedy for money, making connections, forgetting that his job as a journo is to investigate - but the low IQ journo closed his mind and kept on conducting series even when he as a journo knew better than public.

Just another hypocrite journo of Pakistan !

b. In military, HQ holds the most value, take down the HQ and an entire formation can cease to exist as a fighting force, because all orders, all fire support, all reinforcements, all plans etc come from the HQ. Standing between troops j frontlines gives what information ? Terrain, weaponry, enemy, defenses, strategic deployment, etc. It doesnt tell you what the brass is doing and thinking, because all standing the in the frontlines are combatants. They will take orders and execute.

The information, the news and the policy comes from the HQ, not the frontlines. Sure he made a lot of contacts in the Army who will be posted in different HQs to tell him what's happening in the Army, but then again he is getting news through their POVs, some will take in favor of the topic at hand, others will oppose it, so WSK will then deduce from their words, which he mentions in the video and then tell it to the public.

Now for a bit of more fun and reality lets come towards members of PDF.

Members of PDF who used to Love Army- Another breed of Dumb Public

I see threads popping up, omg i used to love army, i would go kiss tanks, i would salute soldiers, but it was IK who opened up my eyes, and now I loathe Army coz actually what I am ? A low IQ idiot who has never used an iota of brain in my life.

Once again, just like khota dimagh of WSK, the members who loved Army and now hate it, are in the same boat of Low IQ idiots who even when knew that Army had conducted martial laws, and did what not, even before they were born, had no sense in them to actually sit down one day on their own and think what am I doing ? Now they raise hands like brains less morons, hey i used to love army too just like you and now i hate army just like you. Yes, you are made for each other in love and hatred lol.

So what is proved ?

The public, WSK and the members of PDF have no brains of their own. They need to be slapped on their behinds to tell them that hey Army did this and this, did you ever realize on your own ? Of course not, coz you are a produce of an emotional public who lacks brains of all sorts. This time it was IK who slapped them, and now they have been" enlightened ". Their teachers taught them Pak studies, even they didnt have brains to think that Army has taken over the country so many times, should the path of an emotional brat be chosen or should once a rusty brain should be used to analyze. No credit to teachers here, these members have wasted their half lives thriving in love of the Army.

Don't worry, I will talk about myself also later but boy am I glad this member tagged me, my points just get proven repeatedly.

The Video

Lets go with headings again for easy understanding.

1. The Role of an Intel Officer

He mentions about a Lt Col who nabbed yadav and was then given a task to keep an eye on PTI activities in the UK. This has many sides to it and I will talk on them all.

Firstly lets try to understand the intel structure and role of an intel agency in foreign countries. Every embassy, every consulate is attached with intel officers, WSK mentions LO (Liaison officer, but there are other officers too. Their foremost job is security of embassy against terror and other incidents along with internal auditing and surveillance of employees of embassy, then is the observation of the host country and its political dynamics.

WSK mentioned keeping an eye on Pakistani diaspora of UK. one of the jobs of intel agency is to report on sentiments of own nationals in that country. It doesn't always include forming a team and creating a propaganda cell, that usually happens in a state of war with another nation. The foremost job is to report. The LO is assigned tasks to do and he is supplanted by junior and senior officers. He and his team are allowed to recruit locally if need be and he and his team are given funds to do so.

Secondly, WSK went far ahead saying that "Uk is the most important listening station for Pakistan Army". NO, this is where is utterly wrong and not just here, he is wrong about UK in most things that he mentioned that will be covered in next points. The most important listening station is India, some countries of ex-eastern bloc, USA, Iran and other countries surrounding Pakistan and India.

Another thing, since WSK is sitting in UK so it becomes a places of interest suddenly and whatever future of Pakistan is, has to be decided in UK, lol, yeah sure try and take all the importance WSK. On top of that he portrays UK as almost an enemy country with which Pakistan is at war, cut the noise please, Pakistan has other enemy countries, not UK.

Thirdly, the LT Col he mentions was not a one man show who apprehended Yadav, it was whole team of many agents and officers who had kept an eye on Yadav for more than two years and this was being reported up to DG ISI level and orders were trickling down from intel's top brass how to apprehend Yadav and the top brass succeeded in apprehending him. This 3rd class hypocrite journo starts portraying that Lt Col did everything on his own, good propaganda to bring some spice in the story so it looks meaningful.

Fourthly, as an officer on duty, Lt Col had to perform any duty that was assigned to him, refusal means being sent back home. No surprises here, however, the way WSK has mentioned it is doubtful that it happened that way. WSK heard from others and then said in video, what is the real story we might never know or maybe someday it comes out. Some other officer will be sent at his place and the job will get done.

2. The Postings

In Pakistan Army, at any given time roughly 65% of officers are never contended with their postings. Everybody thinks he should have been posted at a better place. Yet even then Ms Branch listens to the officers and sometimes asks them where they wanted to be posted, it usually occurs with ranks who have spend much time in "hard areas", "ops areas", or are about to be retired or have never been posted to a major cantonment. Usually, postings and even promitions change at the last minute. Orders get cancelled and orders are re-written, this happens all the time.

I like the way how WSK has made all this spicy by mentioning officers known to COAS and Ex Coas and their postings in UK, how would the video get likes and comments otherwise, good on you WSK.

Lets break it down again.

Firstly, an officer doesn't have access to another officers OEI (Officer Efficiency Index), 80+ is a sure shot general usually, 70+ is average, the below ones retire sooner. So WSK can hear from another officer about COAS's SIL posted to UK, but he cannot verify the OEI either. There is no way to say that the officer deserved the posting or not.

WSK mentions Ayub's son failing PMA test. Even I have seen Lt Gen son, Maj Gen sons, and Brig's sons failing ISSB and no sifarish was made, today they have civilian careers. Offences in PMA were not pardoned for general's sons also.

I have also seen most useless officers making it to captain or major, but retiring soon, even if their father's were serving. I have a coursemate who retired before his father (retired recently) and we still make fun of him, as his dad decided not to back him up. So lots of examples out there.

WSK says that Army should have such officers when he gave Gen Ayub's son example when he mentioned nepotism, they do exist, he has blinded himself intentionally.

Secondly, like i mentioned that a considerable number of officers are never happy about their postings, they always think they deserve better, even in any case is WSJ hinting that COAS's SIL has been sent there to UK perform another duty, I cant say, but I have myself seen also officers complaining that I was more capable than that officer but I am posted here and he is posted at such n such post which I think I deserve.

If i talk to my coursemates and I am told that a coursemate whose ranking was very low has been posted on career posts, or in premier formations or at lucrative post which others wanted or deserved more, even I get surprised. And then I hear all the whinging from others that he didnt deserve it, we did.

Whenever a general's son got posted somewhere at a good post, everyone would say yeah coz his dad is a general so this occurred. Nobody thinks other is better than him to be assigned a good post.

Same old story of postings.

Thirdly, WSK portrays UK posting of COAS's SIL and Bajwa's relative as a post like " Jannat ka phal". As if this is theeee most lucrative post in the whole world for an officer of Pakistan Army , NO its not. The lucrative places for studying and teaching are USA, China, Australia, Malaysia, KSA, UAE etc, These are places where Army officers actually want to go for courses and teaching. Actually in cadet cadre, it's sandhurst in UK, then ADA in Canberra and the one in USA (forgot name), which are famed, but cadets route is different than officers.

Fourthly, DS (directing staff) is still a junior post which covers the point in career. Its like this that an officer has to pass three roles at certain ranks - a command position of CO, a staff position in a HQ and an instructor position in a military school. The important post of instructor is CI (Chief Instructor) which is above than DS (or Lt Col rank). A CI's post may lead him to be HOD (head of dept) or even Commandant of the institution.

Infact, its Brigadier and above rank that some officers went abroad at certain posts of instructors or students of war courses and then made it to Maj Gen or Lt gen rank, but even then the 2 star or 3 star isn't guaranteed. A posting of major or Lt Col as DS or student holds far less value in over all career.

It's not like, hey this officer was DS in UK, so he should be promoted while other was DS in USA and he wont be promoted.

The Public Relations and existing Bajwa Doctrine

Army has been short of officers since early 2000's, the estimate in mid-2000's was 15,000 deficient, which was made up through 4th Batt in PMA. Still, the recruiting of officers has not stooped, the recruiting standards have not relaxed and the induction goes on without any hinderance. Pakistan Army shows presence in natural disasters and the troops are the first responders, so public knows that even if nobody will reach them, soldiers will. That is what keeps the public and military strong and ongoing.

Now about forcefully linking up Munir and Bajwa. They are both from different backgrounds where as any policy, any SOP which needs to be inculcated with in the Army may take time or it maybe adopted quickly, depending upon necessity of the situation. Army has been bad mouthed by PTI, well not just Army, even other institutions, yet Army is considering not to deploy troops at Polling stations, which maybe a different course if exercised in reality. Bajwa's name in a story keeps the story spicy and alive, since people look for answers as IK has completely bad mouthed him after his exit from PM seat while IK was all praises for Bajwa when in PM seat. Its a ripe porridge made by IK to keep himself relevant since remember the influence of the Ex-COAS diminishes with time.

WSK is trying his best in video to show that so much is happening and that it may have long lasting effects on Pakistan and Army, but it wont. He himself mentions there wont be a mutiny, even I know there wont be one, coz postings are just routine in Army, changing of posting orders at last moment is also something that military officers get used to as the career progresses.

PPP and N league both existed since decades and both have been on the war front with the Army. WSK calls N league another strong establishment, but he misses out that Zardari is biggest player of all, unmatched with anyone in N league or PTI. Where IK's mind stops working, Zardari's mind starts thinking from that point. That is the level of difference that even low IQ WSK cannot fathom.

In the end now, I said up there somewhere I would talk about myself. I had an opportunity to be uniformed and I didn't avail it because I had my reasons, one of them was about taking orders. If I was in so much love with Army (as I am judged repeatedly on PDF), I would have joined it. But unlike utterly confused WSK and the ex-lovers of Army made up of confused lot of PDf members, I knew what i will be getting at without use of emotions. Even after being told by many that you would have been a sure shot Maj General, you wasted the seat of a 2-Star general, I replied I would have retired a major as I can't take orders from some officers, even when they are few and far between, while under the command of a good officer is a privilege. I had claim over 2 artillery regiments and 2 infantry regiments. I knew that the technical side of things will help me stay float with bosses as they can't deny the technical aspects of things which come as facts on science. In such a case, even artillery would have been a good choice as it uses technical calculations and trajectories, not that Signals was bad, but whether in Signals or Artillery, there would come a time when I would be posted on staff position in any HQ and I wouldn't be able to take orders from a senior officer who would have his own insecurities and complexity issues. Like I always mention two things - KNOWLEDGE and INFORMATION. These two should be put in practice, rarely emotions coz we are humans after all. Similar thing in civilian career, no boss could refute the results of a software tool or the calculations of radio waves for communication. I stuck to the technical side in career and stood away from BS of bosses pushing me around, using technical analysis to put forth my findings.

This is one heck of a read....

Thanks :)
If the COAS supports the PDM government point of view in today's NSC meeting then this story is not true!

I heard rumors, nothing concrete about him being fired from the series, so I didn't talk about that.
That series was cancelled abruptly as far as I can remember.
Pruning wont cut it. The cursed forest needs to burned down whole.

Emotionally maybe,

Practically, it doesn't work that way.
There is always a method to madness, and believe me, the method itself
is neither difficult to conceive, not impossible to implement.
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