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COAS Calls on Corps Commanders Conference - Will go to last limit to defend Country

They will not risk a war with Pakistan. They will continue to undermine us economically and through their proxies; but an all out war? If you believe that i've got a bridge to sell you.

They are on a schedule which they have to follow. I do not have to convince you for this. I can let time do that for me.
We already are at war. Just because you dont hear any guns or see it on tv doesn't mean nothing is happening. It'll be naive to think that our leadership and think tanks never saw this coming. Acc to Dr Shahid Masood, Pakistan knew about this all along when IK visited the US. I am appalled but not surprised by some of the more senior posters here and their emotional foolishness. The idea of traditional warfare has long gone, today wars are fought ever so 'quietly' and subtly so as to avoid the ire of the international community. Because winning the opinion of the int community IS also part of winning the war. Just because you cant 'see' anything doesn't mean we're sitting idle. We're lucky that we have the right men at the right positions for the first time in our history, have faith. War is not won on emotions, its won on careful strategy, call it 'strategic patience' if you will.
I believe that this is routine Conference for the month of August.

There is also another aspect of this whole issue - the internal accountability drive.

How the government and military respond to this - in terms of what is seen - will also affect the popularity of the Government and Military.

The wrong kind of optics could really weaken the government and Military's popularity and may make them more susceptible to coming under pressure.

If they are able to do something that appears to be inline with public sentiment - good optics - than it could really help with putting pressure on the opposition.

I do not envy the position the Military and civilian leadership are in atm.

Every time there is a commotion in Kashmir, many of my sentimental countrymen, who are also part-time keyboard warriors like me on this forum, start jumping up and about, talk war and invasion, without giving a damn about the ground realities. Same people were also saying the same stuff about GOP and armed forces not too long ago and then 27-Feb happened.

Knowingly stepping into the water without assessing its depth and your swimming skills is the stupidity of the highest degree.

We have advanced on Kashmir multiple times in the past but success was only marginal. The lesson to be learned was that we can never come out victorious only with half measures.

Kashmir is not going anywhere and neither are the people of Kashmir. There is a time and place for everything. Preparedness, timing and full measures will be the key to success.
Gen bajwa should resign and not deserve extension

Give it to you instead? What will you do differently military sheikh?

he has failed to put pressure on indian army at kashmir border and they are violating human rights fearlessly.I think we need aggressive general like Raheel Sharif

You want to confront india with a 2 week fighting capacity before your fuel reserves run dry? Pay your taxes then expect miracles.
Every time there is a commotion in Kashmir, many of my sentimental countrymen, who are also part-time keyboard warriors like me on this forum, start jumping up and about, talk war and invasion, without giving a damn about the ground realities. Same people were also saying the same stuff about GOP and armed forces not too long ago and then 27-Feb happened.

Knowingly stepping into the water without assessing its depth and your swimming skills is the stupidity of the highest degree.

We have advanced on Kashmir multiple times in the past but success was only marginal. The lesson to be learned was that we can never come out victorious only with half measures.

Kashmir is not going anywhere and neither are the people of Kashmir. There is a time and place for everything. Preparedness, timing and full measures will be the key to success.

Excellent post. Kindly keep resounding this sane voice.
And in this core commander conference they will decide on their next action plan against indian decision of eliminating article 370 and the usage of cluster bombs by India on our civilians population.
What India has done is good for Pakistan in the long run. It will make separation of Muslim majority areas of Kashmir from India easier. There will be a lot of noise but no war.
Yes it is happening after the NSC. It is not that urgent. Pakistan has a lot more options than anyone can imagine. Your concern is welcome but do not let your emotions get better of you. Keep your spirits high. You would be needed.
Can you tell the options?
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