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COAS Calls on Corps Commanders Conference - Will go to last limit to defend Country

@Retired Troll
So what if we accept current indian moves and let go of Kashmir ? will it be in our interest??
Current indian moves do not change anything on ground.

You tell me what has actually changed on the ground today. Wait for the response from IOK residents first.
CHeck my edited reply.
lol , but you were asking about logic (from me) . never mind …… we all know what will be the result and outcome.. Mushy destroyed our insurgency networks (whatever) , now any insurgency will lead to full war.. and war is not the option according to you .. 72 years gone …
We are going towards war. A prolonged conventional war which has nuclear use written on it as inevitable.

India will invade GB after this.

Aint happening just yet.India will not come forward an inch without us taking the fight to them first.
Current indian moves do not change anything on ground.

You tell me what has actually changed on the ground today. Wait for the response from IOK residents first.
check indian media for change part ……. and I will quote you your own words , just wait and see what this change will do the regain , if you want short answer then just look at Israel + Palestine
Chief should ask niazi to declare a war now. You kept waiting for UN when the enemy was at the gate. You stay silent when they use cluster Inside your territory.

Today it took IoK tomorrow they attack Azad Kashmir and you will still be waiting for UN to take action. It's do or die now. Declare a war or accept your defeat!

As said by @MastanKhan and I by heart...

"Price of SUCCESS is ALWAYS to high... but PRICE of COWARDICE is HIGHER"
lol , but you were asking about logic (from me) . never mind …… we all know what will be the result and outcome.. Mushy destroyed our insurgency networks (whatever) , now any insurgency will lead to full war.. and war is not the option according to you .. 72 years gone …
I didnt say war is not an option. I am saying that the current situation does not ask for a War. To Pakistan it does not matter what the status of IOK is or was. I think this step by GoI will reignite the Kashmiri struggle.
We are going towards war. A prolonged conventional war which has nuclear use written on it as inevitable.

India will invade GB after this.
and people will going to say , think , logically think , nothing changed on ground , have faith ..
check indian media for change part ……. and I will quote you your own words , just wait and see what this change will do the regain , if you want short answer then just look at Israel + Palestine
You are giving me the example of Indian media. Be serious.

Current situation is good for Kashmir cause and Pakistan. This all depends on how the local population reacts to it.

Israel and Palestine situation does not apply here.

Untill and unless massive amount of innocent kashmiris dies in a protest or something. Pakistan will not corss the border.
War is not a prety business and requires blood on both sides.

Define massive.

We are going towards war. A prolonged conventional war which has nuclear use written on it as inevitable.

India will invade GB after this.

However weak Pakistan may be at this point in time; no way India is going to cross the LOC to take over AJK/GB. That would be all out war; one which India would start.
and people will going to say , think , logically think , nothing changed on ground , have faith ..

These people love the status quo and are comfortable at it knowing full well that corruption ensures that they are beneficial owners of the loot and pillage.

However weak Pakistan may be at this point in time; no way India is going to cross the LOC to take over AJK/GB. That would be all out war; one which India would start.

India has plans afoot for that if you do not believe me. You can go ask any defense analyst out there in Pakistan.
I think this step by GoI will reignite the Kashmiri struggle.
Sir, From last 5+ years it is burning like hell-fire …. Now they need our help (for final push) , they need guns + ammo + training + other practical help instead of "only moral help" , this will lead us to all-out war , and as @Retired Troll said we are also facing 2.5 front war threat ..
There is one more face saving options for both (if we both want to give peace a chance) , India can keep Ladakh and Jammu-Kashmir(Valley) will come to Pakistan , @Simurgh
Kashmiris are dying every day .. war is knocking on our door , are we not going to do any thing ?? …….
India has plans afoot for that if you do not believe me. You can go ask any defense analyst out there in Pakistan.

They will not risk a war with Pakistan. They will continue to undermine us economically and through their proxies; but an all out war? If you believe that i've got a bridge to sell you.
modi has last term and he will do this before his tenure ends like he has changed status of kashmir after 60yrs you can expect anything from this man
These people love the status quo and are comfortable at it knowing full well that corruption ensures that they are beneficial owners of the loot and pillage.

India has plans afoot for that if you do not believe me. You can go ask any defense analyst out there in Pakistan.
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