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COAS Bajwa phones Iranian counterpart, Discuss recent attack by BLA

There are very few people who actually understand what's going on in Balochistan and which players are active. I always wait for your opinion on such issues which helps me maintain or filter my own opinion with better corners as compared to people here who never visited Balochistan or understand Balochistan. They take it as a Good vs Bad Movie going on.

BLA BLF on our side are handled by the same people that handle Jundullah on the Iranian side. Israel had a history of recruiting Jundullah fighters posing as CIA Agents in Pakiatan, an issue which was even debated in American Congress. I wonder how people forget it.

Chaos between Pakistan and Iran are highly beneficial for the Americans and Indians. While strong relations can avoid both the countries being ever invaded or being doomed. Since a countries like Iran and Pakistan next to each other can do a lot to keep each other safe.

However, there's massive trust issue. We hosted CIA bases in Balochistan since very very long despite Iranian complains of the Americans spying on them. That was a result of the Iranians assisting Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. However, we shouldn't have took revenge directly from our soil. That credit is on Mr Mushi Boss who openly humiliated Iran over Nuclear Issue many times during his tenure.

Alleging Iran for supporting the Communists is foolish. Yes, they may have been involved but they'd least choose BLA who is Anti Iranian as well. PDF kids fail to understand that every Agency tries to set its foot into a conflict zone.. Especially an ignored region like Balochistan. Why wouldn't Iran keep an influence? That's a norm. Just like MI used Uzair Baloch for smuggling purposes for very long until he finally went rogue and they caught him for sharing stuff with Iran when he was caught there. Why wouldn't he? That's normal.

We need better Military relations with Iran which both the countries are reluctant on. I remember, there was a news that Pakistani and Iranian troops jointly patrolled and DG ISPR came running to twitter and denied such an activity within a minute. Such fear is found into us, we cannot let Saudis and USAID go Naraz.

Many years before, we had Baloch Communist neighbors and they were once panicked that the Persian speaking Personnel breached into Khuzdar and took some commander away after a firefight. In those days, Khuzdar was BLA stronghold.

Iran have been involved against BLA as well, simply seeing a Baloch being treated in Iran via Photograph proves nothing. We've had Mossad Agents on our soil recruiting Jundullah, we've had Rigi brothers photographed while traveling in Pakistan. We've given Military Escorts to Hardcore LeJ terrorists in Balochistan. So we're just fooling everyone around.

Everyone got their hands dirty into this game. Iran and Pakistan wrecking up with each other would be the last nail in coffin.

Try hosting an American spy base in Gilgit near Chinese border and check how much you can trust the Chinese then.

You've to know the history of affairs and weak diplomacy of Pakistan in past.

Any source on the bolded part ? Would love to read more . Thanks
Closet Shia. Irani lover. Or not as tough as you?
This game is bigger then the size of Pakistan and Iran. Here is littel clue. Again wall building is waste of time.

Context from Foreign Policy magazine.

A series of CIA memos describes how Israeli Mossad agents posed as American spies to recruit members of the terrorist organization Jundallah to fight their covert war against Iran."
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