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COAS Bajwa phones Iranian counterpart, Discuss recent attack by BLA

No protest no nothing. What kind of call was it really, more like a social one. Iran should had been put on notice. Losing 6 men is no small incident. Iranian chief himself use to threaten Pakistan not to long ago. Why is COAS Bajwa so passive?
No protest no nothing. What kind of call was it really, more like a social one. Iran should had been put on notice. Losing 6 men is no small incident. Iranian chief himself use to threaten Pakistan not to long ago. Why is COAS Bajwa so passive?
The actual call might be quite different than what has been revealed for public consumption.

Our awam may take it as a sectarian issue, which must be avoided at all costs.
Gen Bajwa phones chief of Iranian armed forces
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa has telephoned Chief of Armed Forces of Iran Maj Gen Bagheri. The chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces expressed his country’s readiness to develop defence and economic cooperation with Pakistan.

Top commanders discussed the latest military relations between the two countries, coronavirus crisis and the security of common borders.


COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa called Chief of the Armed Forces of Iran Maj Gen Bagheri.

Rawalpindi - May 12, 2020
No PR-78/2020-ISPR

COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa called Chief of the Armed Forces of Iran Maj Gen Bagheri. COAS expressed concerns on recent terrorist attack on Pak security forces resulting in shahadat of 6 security personnel near Pak-Iran border. Both Commanders resolved to enhance security measures on either side of the border. COAS said that Pakistan has started fencing the border but will require mutual bilateral cooperation to ensure border security and stem smuggling activity which is also used by terrorists and Narco traffickers for covering their movement. Both also discussed Covid 19 and need to improve border terminals to address such issues. COAS reiterated Pakistan’s desire for regional peace and stability on basis of mutual respect, non interference and equality.

The actual call might be quite different than what has been revealed for public consumption.

Our awam may take it as a sectarian issue, which must be avoided at all costs.
If some people of the society wants to be more loyal to Iran than to Pakistan, than so be it. These snakes need to be called out first.
The content of the call might actually be very different but than again its just a rumor and what is publicly revealed does not board well for people of Pakistan who lost 6 of their brothers to a terrorist attack originated in Iran with Indian hands.
If some people of the society wants to be more loyal to Iran than to Pakistan, than so be it. These snakes need to be called out first.
The content of the call might actually be very different but than again its just a rumor and what is publicly revealed does not board well for people of Pakistan who lost 6 of their brothers to a terrorist attack originated in Iran with Indian hands.

this is tragedy for Pakistan that some people are more loyal to India and called it napakistan on its inception
some are more loyal to Afghanistan and want greater pakhtunistan some like iran more and dome like Arabs more rest of pakistan wants to be sindhu daish and some want qaidabad leaves us with true patriots in Raiwand who say 1947 the border became meaningless as we are same as indians
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this is tragedy for Pakistan that some people are more loyal to India and called it napakistan on its inception
some are more loyal to Afghanistan and want greater pakhtunistan some like oran more and dome like Arabs more rest of pakistan wants to be sindhu daish and some want qaidabad leaves us with true patriots in Raiwand who say 1947 the border became meaningless as we are same as indians
The travesty was allowed by the state of Pakistan and its institutions for being too soft. Why is PTM allowed its anti state activities? similarly people who went to Iran despite knowing their is a pandemic and brought virus to Pakistan, than we have alBakistan type people who are more arabs than arabs themselves, such people have no place, should have no place in Pakistan. Pakistan is for Pakistanis who consider Pakistan First as part of their iman. Rest of the trash needs to be dealt with Iron fist.
There are 3rd parties/county agencies involved in these attacks. The main reason is to try to create tension between Iran and Pakistan. And also to malign the CPEC because Central Asian countries want to use Gwardar port and CPEC infrastructure.

Hence it is the failure of both Iran and Pakistan for not controlling these terrorists. How the hell these terrorists are able to do terrorism like this is actually quite shameful for both countries. And indicates failure or gaps within their security apparatus.
Absolutely right, Iran is a major extension of CPEC to Turkey and India and other enemies will try to undermine link. Iran need to take Pakistan's security concern seriously and clean up the border and should coordinate with PA. Pakistani casualties are unacceptable from cross Iran border terrorism whoever they may be.

just drop few nukes and the world will be on Pakistan's side.
oh wait i forgot they have this beast! now the 6th generation fighters are screwed.
What world are you talking about? The evil world who have brought death and misery to millions of civilians? No thanks.
But when the Iranians say the same on Pakistan and that it doesn’t do much against jundullah and jaish al adil you start to deny and accuse them of false information even you know that the Iranians have problem with drug trafficking and the same baloch groups for years

I don’t know but there was a time when Iraq supported Iranian Kurds and Iran supported Iraqi Kurds even though the Kurds claim territory from both countries even erdogan helped the Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga and turkey is the biggest investor in the Kurdish region

I don’t think Iran helps BLA against Pakistan just I don’t think Pakistan helps jundallah and jaish al adil against Iran because the baloch issue is threat to both countries

main problem is lack of coordination and failure by both countries to build solid diplomatic and military ties.

the vultures are gathering here amd hoping for an open conflict and degradation to the level of Afghan northern Alliance.

mutual security of both countries is at stake. talk of military conflict is juvenile and wont solve the issue. i wonder what is significance of the call.

i expect a staged similar or bigger attack on iranian forces or their border towns to blame on Pakistan.

lets see if both leaderships are interested in resolving it or escalating.

i know the vultures want blood on both sides.

There are 3rd parties/country agencies involved in these attacks. The main reason is to try to create tension between Iran and Pakistan. And also to malign the CPEC because Central Asian countries want to use Gwardar port and CPEC infrastructure.

Hence it is the failure of both Iran and Pakistan for not controlling these terrorists. How the hell these terrorists are able to do terrorism like this is actually quite shameful for both countries. And indicates failure or gaps within their security apparatus.
you summed it well.

its understandable that priorities and interests maube different but they must not be at the cost of each other.

from military standpoint our FC is good enough to deal with Iran on a border war.
We can hurt them bad but then escalating this might get out of hand.

yes the emotions in the armchairs are high and people are making non serious comments about nuking iran etc that are covertly insulting to the dead. its not fun and joke.
war is easy
but this will be like gifting Daesh BLA Jundullah and TTP.

Iran’s Top General Urges Pakistan to Help Free Abducted Border Guards
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri called on Pakistan to push for the release of three Iranian border guards who had been kidnapped at a border post and taken into Pakistan.
https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?te...ws+-+Tasnim+News+Agency https://tn.ai/2264302

In a telephone conversation with Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Monday, Major General Baqeri called on the Pakistani Army officials to take decisive action for the release of three Iranian border guards who have been held hostage by the so-called Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group since October 2018.

The top Iranian commander also stressed the need for the two Muslim neighbors to strengthen security measures along the common border to prevent the terrorist groups and the common enemies from upsetting security at the border.

Major General Baqeri then pointed to the growing trend in the brotherly ties between the armed forces of the two countries, and voiced Iran’s preparedness to enhance “defense-economic cooperation” with Pakistan.

General Qamar Javed Bajwa, for his part, gave a brief report on Pakistan’s measures to construct barriers along the common border with Iran.

He also called for closer military cooperation with Iran and the exchange of experts to ensure border security and prevent the terrorist activities along the common borders.

Pakistani-based terrorists kidnapped 14 Iranian forces at a border post in Mirjaveh region in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan in October 2018.

The Iranian military forces along the southeastern border areas are frequently attacked by terrorist groups coming from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Tehran has frequently asked the two neighbors to step up security at the common border to prevent terrorist attacks on Iranian forces.

The terrorist mullah regime has no remorse over the killing of half a dozen Pakistani soldiers.

LOL check out the spin by Iran's Tasnim News Agency. It was Pakistan that made contact with Iranian officials and demanded coop for border fencing etc
Iran is a country which cannot be trusted one bit. They have only caused damage to Pakistan & Islam.
main problem is lack of coordination and failure by both countries to build solid diplomatic and military ties.

the vultures are gathering here amd hoping for an open conflict and degradation to the level of Afghan northern Alliance.

mutual security of both countries is at stake. talk of military conflict is juvenile and wont solve the issue. i wonder what is significance of the call.

i expect a staged similar or bigger attack on iranian forces or their border towns to blame on Pakistan.

lets see if both leaderships are interested in resolving it or escalating.

i know the vultures want blood on both sides.

you summed it well.

its understandable that priorities and interests maube different but they must not be at the cost of each other.

from military standpoint our FC is good enough to deal with Iran on a border war.
We can hurt them bad but then escalating this might get out of hand.

yes the emotions in the armchairs are high and people are making non serious comments about nuking iran etc that are covertly insulting to the dead. its not fun and joke.
war is easy
but this will be like gifting Daesh BLA Jundullah and TTP.

There are very few people who actually understand what's going on in Balochistan and which players are active. I always wait for your opinion on such issues which helps me maintain or filter my own opinion with better corners as compared to people here who never visited Balochistan or understand Balochistan. They take it as a Good vs Bad Movie going on.

BLA BLF on our side are handled by the same people that handle Jundullah on the Iranian side. Israel had a history of recruiting Jundullah fighters posing as CIA Agents in Pakiatan, an issue which was even debated in American Congress. I wonder how people forget it.

Chaos between Pakistan and Iran are highly beneficial for the Americans and Indians. While strong relations can avoid both the countries being ever invaded or being doomed. Since a countries like Iran and Pakistan next to each other can do a lot to keep each other safe.

However, there's massive trust issue. We hosted CIA bases in Balochistan since very very long despite Iranian complains of the Americans spying on them. That was a result of the Iranians assisting Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. However, we shouldn't have took revenge directly from our soil. That credit is on Mr Mushi Boss who openly humiliated Iran over Nuclear Issue many times during his tenure.

Alleging Iran for supporting the Communists is foolish. Yes, they may have been involved but they'd least choose BLA who is Anti Iranian as well. PDF kids fail to understand that every Agency tries to set its foot into a conflict zone.. Especially an ignored region like Balochistan. Why wouldn't Iran keep an influence? That's a norm. Just like MI used Uzair Baloch for smuggling purposes for very long until he finally went rogue and they caught him for sharing stuff with Iran when he was caught there. Why wouldn't he? That's normal.

We need better Military relations with Iran which both the countries are reluctant on. I remember, there was a news that Pakistani and Iranian troops jointly patrolled and DG ISPR came running to twitter and denied such an activity within a minute. Such fear is found into us, we cannot let Saudis and USAID go Naraz.

Many years before, we had Baloch Communist neighbors and they were once panicked that the Persian speaking Personnel breached into Khuzdar and took some commander away after a firefight. In those days, Khuzdar was BLA stronghold.

Iran have been involved against BLA as well, simply seeing a Baloch being treated in Iran via Photograph proves nothing. We've had Mossad Agents on our soil recruiting Jundullah, we've had Rigi brothers photographed while traveling in Pakistan. We've given Military Escorts to Hardcore LeJ terrorists in Balochistan. So we're just fooling everyone around.

Everyone got their hands dirty into this game. Iran and Pakistan wrecking up with each other would be the last nail in coffin.

Iran is a country which cannot be trusted one bit. They have only caused damage to Pakistan & Islam.

Try hosting an American spy base in Gilgit near Chinese border and check how much you can trust the Chinese then.

You've to know the history of affairs and weak diplomacy of Pakistan in past.
But when the Iranians say the same on Pakistan and that it doesn’t do much against jundullah and jaish al adil you start to deny and accuse them of false information even you know that the Iranians have problem with drug trafficking and the same baloch groups for years

I don’t know but there was a time when Iraq supported Iranian Kurds and Iran supported Iraqi Kurds even though the Kurds claim territory from both countries even erdogan helped the Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga and turkey is the biggest investor in the Kurdish region

I don’t think Iran helps BLA against Pakistan just I don’t think Pakistan helps jundallah and jaish al adil against Iran because the baloch issue is threat to both countries
All the more reason to fence and possibly mine the border. You and Paks can then look after their respective sides of the border and this blame game will end as well. Iran needs to cooperate with Paklands on this project. Even if you dont want to share the cost of fencing at least dont create hurdles in the process.

Iran’s Top General Urges Pakistan to Help Free Abducted Border Guards
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri called on Pakistan to push for the release of three Iranian border guards who had been kidnapped at a border post and taken into Pakistan.

In a telephone conversation with Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Monday, Major General Baqeri called on the Pakistani Army officials to take decisive action for the release of three Iranian border guards who have been held hostage by the so-called Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group since October 2018.

The top Iranian commander also stressed the need for the two Muslim neighbors to strengthen security measures along the common border to prevent the terrorist groups and the common enemies from upsetting security at the border.

Major General Baqeri then pointed to the growing trend in the brotherly ties between the armed forces of the two countries, and voiced Iran’s preparedness to enhance “defense-economic cooperation” with Pakistan.

General Qamar Javed Bajwa, for his part, gave a brief report on Pakistan’s measures to construct barriers along the common border with Iran.

He also called for closer military cooperation with Iran and the exchange of experts to ensure border security and prevent the terrorist activities along the common borders.

Pakistani-based terrorists kidnapped 14 Iranian forces at a border post in Mirjaveh region in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan in October 2018.

The Iranian military forces along the southeastern border areas are frequently attacked by terrorist groups coming from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Tehran has frequently asked the two neighbors to step up security at the common border to prevent terrorist attacks on Iranian forces.

The terrorist mullah regime has no remorse over the killing of half a dozen Pakistani soldiers.

LOL check out the spin by Iran's Tasnim News Agency. It was Pakistan that made contact with Iranian officials and demanded coop for border fencing etc

What the actaual f***

These Iranian Regime turds completely give 180 degree spin to what the call was about!!

Its actually our own fault. Both civil bureaucracy, foreign office and military media wing keep on old fashioned diplomatic norms and languages in their press releases. These idiots are still living in old fashioned diplomacy. The choice of words and sentences should be more direct with no nonsense approach. These idiots think they are allama but they are nothing but embarrassment to the 220 million strong nation. If you cant express the thought of the masses, better f off and let those who can.

This turd Baqari needs to be b|tch slapped and told to report to GHQ every day towards the progress he has made towards finding the terrorist involved on his soil.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM This is exactly what I was referring to you on the other thread. These people will only listen to the language of danda. Nothing else will work with them.
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