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COAS Bajwa phones Iranian counterpart, Discuss recent attack by BLA

@AgNoStiC MuSliM This is exactly what I was referring to you on the other thread. These people will only listen to the language of danda. Nothing else will work with them.
And my position (and that of the forum) remains the same - criticize the regime, which is responsible for these issues, not all Iranians.

The regime won't even allow anyone other than its handpicked candidates to stand for election, and has carried out brutal crackdowns on Iranian protesters and dissidents.

More like Pakistan is just incompetent in protecting it's own part of Balochistan
I agree that the ultimate responsibility for protecting the border and preventing cross-border terrorist movement lies with Pakistan.

Similarly, the Iranians (and Afghans, US in Afghanistan, Indians) need to get off their own high horse and stop blaming & threatening Pakistan after every terrorist incident in Iran (or their respective areas of responsibility).

The anger you are seeing on the Pakistani side is boiling over after years of the Iranians issuing statements attacking and threatening Pakistan, allowing the Indians to invest in Chabahar, the Kulbushan Yadev situation, Iran stoking and/or getting involved in sectarian conflicts abroad and continued recruitment by Iran of Pakistanis to fight in said sectarian conflicts. Given the press release out of Iran posted above, it does not appear the Iranian regime is changing its ways, so you're going to see Pakistanis lash out at Iran when incidents occur along the Iran-Pakistan border, mimicking the Iranian accusations against Pakistan.

At the institutional level, the Pakistani government and military have been extremely restrained, responsible and avoided engaging in a blame game - the Iranian government and military have been the complete opposite. It's almost like they WANT to push Pakistani public opinion against them and sow sectarian strife in Pakistan.
What the actaual f***

These Iranian Regime turds completely give 180 degree spin to what the call was about!!

Its actually our own fault. Both civil bureaucracy, foreign office and military media wing keep on old fashioned diplomatic norms and languages in their press releases. These idiots are still living in old fashioned diplomacy. The choice of words and sentences should be more direct with no nonsense approach. These idiots think they are allama but they are nothing but embarrassment to the 220 million strong nation. If you cant express the thought of the masses, better f off and let those who can.

This turd Baqari needs to be b|tch slapped and told to report to GHQ every day towards the progress he has made towards finding the terrorist involved on his soil.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM This is exactly what I was referring to you on the other thread. These people will only listen to the language of danda. Nothing else will work with them.

language of danda. Nothing else will work with them.

girls should play chess

while boys go to shooting range?
There are very few people who actually understand what's going on in Balochistan and which players are active. I always wait for your opinion on such issues which helps me maintain or filter my own opinion with better corners as compared to people here who never visited Balochistan or understand Balochistan. They take it as a Good vs Bad Movie going on.

BLA BLF on our side are handled by the same people that handle Jundullah on the Iranian side. Israel had a history of recruiting Jundullah fighters posing as CIA Agents in Pakiatan, an issue which was even debated in American Congress. I wonder how people forget it.

Chaos between Pakistan and Iran are highly beneficial for the Americans and Indians. While strong relations can avoid both the countries being ever invaded or being doomed. Since a countries like Iran and Pakistan next to each other can do a lot to keep each other safe.

However, there's massive trust issue. We hosted CIA bases in Balochistan since very very long despite Iranian complains of the Americans spying on them. That was a result of the Iranians assisting Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. However, we shouldn't have took revenge directly from our soil. That credit is on Mr Mushi Boss who openly humiliated Iran over Nuclear Issue many times during his tenure.

Alleging Iran for supporting the Communists is foolish. Yes, they may have been involved but they'd least choose BLA who is Anti Iranian as well. PDF kids fail to understand that every Agency tries to set its foot into a conflict zone.. Especially an ignored region like Balochistan. Why wouldn't Iran keep an influence? That's a norm. Just like MI used Uzair Baloch for smuggling purposes for very long until he finally went rogue and they caught him for sharing stuff with Iran when he was caught there. Why wouldn't he? That's normal.

We need better Military relations with Iran which both the countries are reluctant on. I remember, there was a news that Pakistani and Iranian troops jointly patrolled and DG ISPR came running to twitter and denied such an activity within a minute. Such fear is found into us, we cannot let Saudis and USAID go Naraz.

Many years before, we had Baloch Communist neighbors and they were once panicked that the Persian speaking Personnel breached into Khuzdar and took some commander away after a firefight. In those days, Khuzdar was BLA stronghold.

Iran have been involved against BLA as well, simply seeing a Baloch being treated in Iran via Photograph proves nothing. We've had Mossad Agents on our soil recruiting Jundullah, we've had Rigi brothers photographed while traveling in Pakistan. We've given Military Escorts to Hardcore LeJ terrorists in Balochistan. So we're just fooling everyone around.

Everyone got their hands dirty into this game. Iran and Pakistan wrecking up with each other would be the last nail in coffin.

Try hosting an American spy base in Gilgit near Chinese border and check how much you can trust the Chinese then.

You've to know the history of affairs and weak diplomacy of Pakistan in past.
this is a good quality no nonsense pragmatic commentary.

I hope our leadership deals with the crises and has contingency in place as I expect that some very carefully placed incidents are going to take place.

And my position (and that of the forum) remains the same - criticize the regime, which is responsible for these issues, not all Iranians.

The regime won't even allow anyone other than its handpicked candidates to stand for election, and has carried out brutal crackdowns on Iranian protesters and dissidents.

I agree that the ultimate responsibility for protecting the border and preventing cross-border terrorist movement lies with Pakistan.

Similarly, the Iranians (and Afghans, US in Afghanistan, Indians) need to get off their own high horse and stop blaming & threatening Pakistan after every terrorist incident in Iran (or their respective areas of responsibility).

The anger you are seeing on the Pakistani side is boiling over after years of the Iranians issuing statements attacking and threatening Pakistan, allowing the Indians to invest in Chabahar, the Kulbushan Yadev situation, Iran stoking and/or getting involved in sectarian conflicts abroad and continued recruitment by Iran of Pakistanis to fight in said sectarian conflicts. Given the press release out of Iran posted above, it does not appear the Iranian regime is changing its ways, so you're going to see Pakistanis lash out at Iran when incidents occur along the Iran-Pakistan border, mimicking the Iranian accusations against Pakistan.

At the institutional level, the Pakistani government and military have been extremely restrained, responsible and avoided engaging in a blame game - the Iranian government and military have been the complete opposite. It's almost like they WANT to push Pakistani public opinion against them and sow sectarian strife in Pakistan.
drone patrol has been requested on regular basis in these volatile routes but request doesnt have the sufficient economic case yet.

Iranian regime is very paranoid and like a written script doing exactly what every doomed regime does internally and externally. I expect it to fall before any other Arab regime.
sadly a conflict with Iran will destroy our CPEC dream.
this is tragedy for Pakistan that some people are more loyal to India and called it napakistan on its inception
some are more loyal to Afghanistan and want greater pakhtunistan some like iran more and dome like Arabs more rest of pakistan wants to be sindhu daish and some want qaidabad leaves us with true patriots in Raiwand who say 1947 the border became meaningless as we are same as indians
Such difference of opinion exist in every country, only matter is how much a country allow external forces to exploit their indifferences. We need to realise that their is some negligence on our part (i am talking about state and lack of ability of right judgements on the right time against the internal hostile elements and to curb their activities in order to reduce their influence on the masses) .

پاک ایران سرحد کے قریب پاک فوج پر دہشت گردانہ حملہ ،آرمی چیف کا ایرانی مسلح افواج کے سربراہ سے رابطہ

پاک ایران سرحد کے قریب پاک فوج پر دہشت گردانہ حملہ ،آرمی چیف کا ایرانی مسلح افواج کے سربراہ سے رابطہ

باغی ٹی وی کی رپورٹ کے مطابق آرمی چیف جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ کا کا ایرانی مسلح افواج کے سربراہ میجر جنرل باقری سے ٹیلی فونک رابطہ ہوا ہے

ڈی جی آئی ایس پی آر کے مطابق آرمی چیف جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ کی ایرانی مسلح افواج کے سربراہ سے پاک ایران سرحد کے قریب پاکستانی سیکیورٹی فورسز پرہونیوالے دہشتگرد حملے پر بات چیت ہوئی،

دونوں رہنماؤن کے مابین ٹیلی فونک گفتگو میں سرحد کے اطراف سیکیورٹی اقدامات مزید سخت کرنے کے عزم کا اعادہ کیا گیا

ڈی جی آئی ایس پی آر کے مطابق دہشت گردوں کے حملے میں 6 سیکیورٹی اہلکار شہید ہوگئے تھے،

آرمی چیف جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ کا کہنا تھا کہ بارڈر سیکیورٹی کو یقینی بنانے کیلئے باہمی تعاون کی ضرورت ہے،سرحد پر اسمگلنگ کی روک تھام کیلئے بھی دو طرفہ تعاون کی ضرورت ہے،
Bajwa you Takfiri Kharji Wahabi, You try to question the Momin state of Iran...
Bajwa teri aal pay laanat .... beshumaar beshumaar ;)

BTW hows the performance of C802 , Bajwa should have asked ;)
And my position (and that of the forum) remains the same - criticize the regime, which is responsible for these issues, not all Iranians.

The regime won't even allow anyone other than its handpicked candidates to stand for election, and has carried out brutal crackdowns on Iranian protesters and dissidents.

So you are ok to curse the head of the snake Khomeini ? He is the supreme leader after all of the regime.
This is bigger network then one can imagine. These elements been active since 1891. Pakistan and Iran in 1970s did joint operation against them and according to unconfirmed figure over 10,000 Baluch armed tribal men raise the arm and majority wasted.
One reason I feel that Pakistan is soft on Iran is because of the Pakistani Shia population. But we have to say enough is enough sometime. Iran is playing a rogue state, it wants to make Pakistan another Iraq or Lebanon.
this is tragedy for Pakistan that some people are more loyal to India and called it napakistan on its inception
some are more loyal to Afghanistan and want greater pakhtunistan some like iran more and dome like Arabs more rest of pakistan wants to be sindhu daish and some want qaidabad leaves us with true patriots in Raiwand who say 1947 the border became meaningless as we are same as indians
Yeah it is true :( But For me being Pakistani is above everything else
One reason I feel that Pakistan is soft on Iran is because of the Pakistani Shia population. But we have to say enough is enough sometime. Iran is playing a rogue state, it wants to make Pakistan another Iraq or Lebanon.
It is struggle for United Baluchistan. Where part Iran-Pakistan-Afghanistan. This armed struggle going on since 70s. Nawab Bughti bought and sold arms to all Baluch separatist factions through gas royalty. This fight is going on way before CPEC. Now due to CPEC , its intensify. We need to look deep down to its origin.
So you are ok to curse the head of the snake Khomeini ? He is the supreme leader after all of the regime.
He’s the guy in charge so yes. I doubt recruitment of Pakistanis and other policies pursued by the IRGC are without the sanction of the top Iranian leadership.
And by cursing I mean criticism. Ma Behen ki galiyan/abuse is not constructive and reflects poorly on the forum.

We want these threads to have interesting, logical, rational posts and discussions. Not abusive tirades that reflect on us poorly and make us look like we have no proper response.
So you are ok to curse the head of the snake Khomeini ? He is the supreme leader after all of the regime.
I know what you did there. and I strongly urge you to stop this as it shows us very poorly. emotional discharge and rhetoric is tolerated as long as its within the confines of common decency and without slurs.

this thread relates to the news about our COAS calling his Iranian counterpart and this call covered much more than the recent incident involving the deaths of our FC personnel.
there there are speculations about possible attacks on Iranian border security forces or border towns. this might lead to some border skirmishes like we had with Afghan troops few years back.

today there has been an attack inside Afghan hospital.
while I am typing this post there is a chance that Afghan regime might be discussing about protesting with Pakistan alleging that attackers came from our side. they have drawn same conclusions and made similar remarks as facts that everything bad in Afghanistan is because of Pakistan because they say so and they hate Pakistan.
And I see many Pakistani posters using the same level of logic to put their argument.
I know what you did there. and I strongly urge you to stop this as it shows us very poorly. emotional discharge and rhetoric is tolerated as long as its within the confines of common decency and without slurs.

this thread relates to the news about our COAS calling his Iranian counterpart and this call covered much more than the recent incident involving the deaths of our FC personnel.
there there are speculations about possible attacks on Iranian border security forces or border towns. this might lead to some border skirmishes like we had with Afghan troops few years back.

today there has been an attack inside Afghan hospital.
while I am typing this post there is a chance that Afghan regime might be discussing about protesting with Pakistan alleging that attackers came from our side. they have drawn same conclusions and made similar remarks as facts that everything bad in Afghanistan is because of Pakistan because they say so and they hate Pakistan.
And I see many Pakistani posters using the same level of logic to put their argument.
If you watch Afghan tv, they point finger toward Pakistan for every attack. No idea how this issue will resolve. But here is the pattern if you follow, One attack in Afghanistan, next few days we lost soldiers in IED then in few days attack inside Iran Baluchistan ... its a repeated pattern ..... what you think ?
I know what you did there. and I strongly urge you to stop this as it shows us very poorly. emotional discharge and rhetoric is tolerated as long as its within the confines of common decency and without slurs.

this thread relates to the news about our COAS calling his Iranian counterpart and this call covered much more than the recent incident involving the deaths of our FC personnel.
there there are speculations about possible attacks on Iranian border security forces or border towns. this might lead to some border skirmishes like we had with Afghan troops few years back.

today there has been an attack inside Afghan hospital.
while I am typing this post there is a chance that Afghan regime might be discussing about protesting with Pakistan alleging that attackers came from our side. they have drawn same conclusions and made similar remarks as facts that everything bad in Afghanistan is because of Pakistan because they say so and they hate Pakistan.
And I see many Pakistani posters using the same level of logic to put their argument.

Stop what? Pointing to the source of the problem? People are arguing not to label all of Iranian people and blame the regime. So do we have any names in this regime to point fingers on responsible for our losses? Why we are trying to keep this confused state of affairs among our people when it comes to Iran? Do you have any idea on how many Pakistani citizens died only due to terrorist activities of Kulbashan Yadev network, operating out of Iran?

This thread also shows how Iranians completely did a 180 degree spin on this current situation and worst, didn't even mention the martyrdom of our men! complete and utter disrespect to our soldiers.

Go find yourself if you see any reference to the our fallen. These pathetic creatures don't even ahve a shred of decency about them to acknowledge why the call was made!


Stop worrying about other nations diatribes and their narratives, that is what they been doing since 9/11. Even if someone catch cold in the power corridors of Kabul they will blame Pakistan for that. Instead start looking at the reason why this behaviour is not stopped. I will tell you the reason. Its our FO and ISPR press releases which are pathetic to say the least. The choice of words and creation of sentences are borderline whimpers.
If you watch Afghan tv, they point finger toward Pakistan for every attack. No idea how this issue will resolve. But here is the pattern if you follow, One attack in Afghanistan, next few days we lost soldiers in IED then in few days attack inside Iran Baluchistan ... its a repeated pattern ..... what you think ?
my thought is that we have mutual distrust and misgivings and then there are some external forces that are here to exploit the situation.
the violence will increase for sure. I dont see any joint or agreed strategy by the three countries and even within them they dont seem to be able to have any upper hand or control over the terrorists. Every tragedy leads to blaming each other

pattern is repeated because all three countries and its leadership continues to be played the same way.

Its our FO and ISPR press releases which are pathetic to say the least. The choice of words and creation of sentences are borderline whimpers.
this is correct. And this is what I have said in a similar thread before. by the way, I wont expect Iranian regime or Afghanistan to care for our soldiers or civilians.
we have failed diplomatically and we dont have much wins military wise against BLA either.
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