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COAS and DG ISI reach PM house

Foreign intervention is through constitution..?

Show me the page of constitution where it states that it is Ok to take money from foreign nation to oust sitting PM ?
You both are getting nowhere. Shushhh

Here is a thought. If the establishment really was with the PM, how did MQM turn overnight?
I am a supporter of the PTI but whatever the opposition is doing is within the legal, constitutional framework.

Taking money from a foreign country to stage a coup or topple an elected govt is called treason in any civilized country.

Even a slightest hint of doing that In USA/UK Europe etc, and these people wouldnt have seen the sunlight for the rest of their lives, I can assure you that!

The process (VONC) might be legal but the means they are applying are ILLEGAL to the core and are treason!
Foreign intervention is through constitution..?

Show me the page of constitution where it states that it is Ok to take money from foreign nation to oust sitting PM ?
If anything about it was unconstitutional then PTI would have challenged it and won. Try harder.
IK should absolutely not fall in the trap of early elections especially while Bajwa is Army Chief.

Let these crooks run the government for a year and come back next year. By that time, apart from the foreign backed regime change conspiracy, he will have the powerful inflation argument as well.
... this was best opportunity to prove all the money transactions and handling in Marriott to prove how this NCM is linked with what our FO memo/minutes of conference. How hard it is to trace and record all these activities. When it comes to National Security everything is fair to defend motherland. Staying Neutral gave every other theif and rascal to show their true colours, let's hope sanity prevails and deep state elements act in the national interests with any fear, we are nuclear state, whats the worst they can so to us?
Looks like corruption eliminated Imran...

Imran's case reminds me that of JFK, who like Imran was on the verge of fundamentally changing the way business was done and continues to be done in US under the auspices of the military industrial complex. Alas he was eliminated by the deep state in US...

Luckily for Imran he hasn't faced the fate of JFK, at least not yet...
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There's a lot of talk about PTI's 2/3 majority

1977 election PPP 2/3 majority then comes Zia's Martial law

1997 PMLN 2/3 majority then comes Musharraf's martial law

Is this just a coincidence or establishments never want someone to take full control?
I disagree with this line of thinking.

I am a supporter of the PTI but whatever the opposition is doing is within the legal, constitutional framework. What is the Army/ISI supposed to do? Impose ML to keep IK and PTI government intact?

What blackmail are we talking about when the coalition partners are being weaned off by opposition and the sitting government is not matching and exceeding what is on the table from the opposition?

100% my thinking. Blaming Army/ISI is misplaced and feeds into the misplaced perception that the military is orchestrating this.
Remember how Saulat Mirza who was languishing on death row for years was all of a sudden produced and hanged basically overnight...How was that possible without military establishment not being able to do anything...

How about opening case against MQM's cadre in military courts for masterminding and ordering the mayhem and terrorism of last 30 years in Karachi...

And then watch how MQM stays in line.
Placing bets with friends on a Deja VU of the last ten years again happening by 2033. N league, PPP then some other “revolutionary” party.. then same humiliation and expose of how sold out and spineless the Pakistani people are.

Poor Faiz Ahmed Faiz forgot that some Kuttas either don’t recognize Zillat or have very short memories
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