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I am surprised about mqm joining the opposition, they were almost eliminated after Altaf Hussain treachery, then the new MqmP was formed which claimed they have regretted their history of violence and now are pro Pakistan. They made alliance with the Pti and made amends with the military. Why would mqm now join the opposition and become anti establishment? It would be a disastrous move by them unless they have been given the green light.

BAP was PmlN before becoming Bap so I understand they have gone back to the mother party.

Pmlq has been in the establishment camp ever since General Musharaff time. They blackmail Pti to get the CM seat. Makes sense.

Pakistan PM Imran Khan loses support days before no-confidence vote​

Imran Khan
Show captionPakistan

Pakistan PM Imran Khan loses support days before no-confidence vote​

Key coalition partner has switched allegiance ahead of a parliamentary no-confidence vote this weekend
Agence France-Presse in Islamabad
Wed 30 Mar 2022 13.08 EDT

Imran Khan’s future as prime minister of Pakistan is looking increasingly in doubt after a key coalition partner switched allegiance ahead of a parliamentary no-confidence vote this weekend.
The former cricketer was expected to address the country in the evening, as weeks of political turmoil come to a head – including allegations of foreign interference.
No prime minister in Pakistan’s history has seen out a full term, and Khan is facing the biggest challenge to his rule since being elected in 2018, with opponents accusing him of economic mismanagement and foreign policy bungling.

Debate on the no-confidence motion is due to start on Thursday, leaving Khan scrambling to keep his own Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) members on side – as well as a slew of minority parties.
The PTI and coalition partners have 176 seats in the 342-member assembly, but on Wednesday the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM-P) said its seven lawmakers would vote with the opposition, which has a combined 163 seats.
More than a dozen PTI lawmakers have also indicated they will cross the floor, although party leaders are trying to get the courts to prevent them from voting on Sunday.

In the past, Pakistan parties have also resorted to physically preventing lawmakers from voting against key legislation by blocking access to the national assembly, leading to cat-and-mouse chases and even accusations of kidnapping.

The main opposition parties, the Pakistan People Party (PPP) and Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N), dominated national politics for decades until Khan forged a coalition against the usually feuding groups.
He was elected after promising to sweep away decades of entrenched corruption and cronyism, but has struggled to maintain support with inflation soaring, a feeble rupee and crippling debt.
Some analysts say Khan has also lost the crucial support of the military – claims both sides deny – and Pakistan’s army is key to political power. There have been four military coups, and at least as many unsuccessful ones, since independence in 1947, and the country has spent more than three decades under army rule.

f Khan loses the vote, a new government could be headed by PML-N’s Shehbaz Sharif, the brother of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, who has not returned since being released from jail to get medical treatment abroad.
Also likely to be given a senior role will be the PPP’s Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, son of assassinated former prime minister Benazir Bhutto and ex-president Asif Zardari.
One card up Khan’s sleeve could be to call an early election; the next one must be held before October 2023.
“The best option in this situation would have been fresh elections to enable the new government to handle economic, political and external problems faced by the country,” said political analyst Talat Masood, a retired general.
“The country is heading towards something unpredictable … where there is going to be a lot of chaos and problems.”

That's normal coverage which Pakistan gets. When they will want to push it as an agenda, you will see headlines pushed everywhere at once and kept on top for some days. This is ok
If the Army is neutral in a time of crisis and open rebellion, make no mistake the Army generals are with the rebels and traitors. There is no second opinion about it.

The time is to stand with Imran Khan and cleanse our politics of these collaborators once and for all.
Copied information post from facebook for everyone's reminder:

A brief history lesson for those interested...

According to Wikileaks.

In 2007/2008, Senator Joe Biden and some other people came to Pakistan and met with the opposition, including Zardari, Sharif and Disel.

They planned together to overthrow Musharraf. The US planned and funded, while the opposition executed.

During this visit is when it was reported Diesel told the US representatives 'to give him a chance to be the PM of Pakistan, he will serve the US well.'

Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, which create an environment for Musharraf to be overthrown. Zardari became President.

Zardari allowed the Obama administration to illegally bomb the Pakistani territories using drones, which killed thousands.

From 2008 to 2018, extensive corruption and looting took place

In 2018, Imran Khan came to power. His policy is very simple. We don't want war with anyone. We want peace and good relationships with all our neighbour's and others. He stood against the constant US, Indian and European bullying.

During Imran Khans leadership, Pakistan prospered very well, no more drone attacks, and most importantly he has tried to make a self interest foreign policy. Meaning, he will not deal with others based on the pressure and bullying by other countries or people within the country.

Imran Khan quickly became a threat to the US and the West. Why? Because he isn't a puppet, cannot be controlled. This is the first PM of Pakistan in 40 years who is not corrupt.

Now, Joe Biden the President of the US has threatened Imran Khan. It is obvious they are funding and supporting the opposition again to overthrow him.

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