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CM Punjab Runoff elections 22 July

No chance, unless NS gets the clean chit by the establishment, which he currently isn't getting (koshish bari kar raha hai but daal nhn gal rahi).
Clean chit milegi to public establishment ki maa bhen ek kardegi. But in the long run, it is a good step if they go ahead with this deal.

Any which way that raises the public temperature is a welcome move. Even then if the public doesn’t come on the streets then Pakistan is doomed. Simple law of nature.
Moral of the story: Don't rely on any coalition partner even if they are loyal to you 100%.

And there are far too many strings attached to an Ittehadi, be it PMLQ or BAP, MQM anyone.
There is no one who can control this mess, not even establishment as they are party to all of this.

The country is going to default and all the elite have private jets ready that will take them anywhere they want, so they have nothing to lose.
If parlimentary leader is Elahi than Shujhat order doesnt matter. Lets see pmlq MPAs are allowed to vote ....if not than its going to SC
They'll vote for sure if Pervez Ilahi will ask them

It will go to court if Deputy speaker refused to count their votes
Mariyam is actually pissed off that Hamza might continue being CM.

She is venting against the establishment to vote asap so that Hamza loses his seat and uncle is sent packing.
in fact these parties are here to blackmail and get as much as possible .

Yes, every chance that Ch. Shujaat was offered 5 billion Rs. upfront for 10 members and he accepted it.

As said in film Godfather (Zardari favorite film, he said), 'I will make him an offer which he can't refuse'.

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Imran khan may get house arrest by punjab police or in Islamabad

He was too soft, that will show him, let him take a back seat he tried, let the awam go nuts, he was the only one holding them back.
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