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we play many teams,we almost travel to Russia every year for champions league,we have played against Danish teams which are much more tough tackling and harder on the contact than any team in the world.

There is no comparison between Russian and Danish teams and the teams Mourinho has coached. May be it is a coincident that whenever Barca have come up against a Mourinho coached team there has been controversy. Maybe it is because Barca cannot beat a Mourinho coached team without playing dirty.

But why is it that the issues crop up only when we play Mourinho's teams?This issue didn't come up against Del Bosque/Juande Ramos/Capello/Schuster/Pellegrini?

From the list you have mentioned only two coaches can be compared to Mourinho achievement wise, Del Bosque and Capello and during their reigns Barca were nowhere near Real Madrid.

why is there always a problem when it comes to teams coached by Mourinho?Because he delibrately asks his players to cross a line and try to injure Barcelona's players and that is why there is a problem.

To the contrary, against Mourinho coached teams Barca players try to get their opponent sent off to create an advantage and thus they go down theatrically at the slightest of touches.

There are people like Busquets and Alves who go down a little more than they should be but there are divers in Real Madrid too.

You are forgetting Perdo, Masechrano, Villa, Pique, Adriano, with Barca it is not the normal case of having one or two players that dive. I am glad that their display in the first leg of UCL semi final ripped off the fake cover up of FC UNICEF and their real face was revealed to the whole world.

And the kind of tackles have seen from Alonso,Khedira,Pepe,Ramos and Marcelo,they deserve to be sent off in every game.

I play CB too myself and i know what is a tough tackle and what is a injury intentioned tackle and there is a clear line and every football players knows not to cross it.

This freedom that Mourinho gave your team is an old tactic of his which he tried to injure Messi with Del Horno.

I dont like the dives but if it means we can save our player's career,i am all for it.

Football is a contact sport and tackles are a part of it, don't say Barca players do not tackle hard. At least our players do not try to kick the ball with the intention of injuring a spectator like Messi did.

Being a Real Madrid fan,it is funny you complain about refreeing having been the nephew of the establishment for all the time and is still a much favoured club of the capital region.

Yeah right, with Ángel Mariá Villar as chairman of UEFA referee's committee who has always been backed by Barca when he was the president of Spanish Football Federation we can't expect referee's to favor Real Madrid

Villa Fluke?How come Cristiano/Higuain/Di Maria never have flukes?Perhaps they should shoot more.I wish i can fluke that easily,perhaps that Zidane's volley in 2002 was also a fluke?Many of Raul's winners in tight situations were also flukes?Roberto Carlos' FKs definitely shud be flukes.

I am not saying others do not have flukes, i am saying this particular goal was a fluke. Having played the game myself i know that he was just trying to cut inside Ramos and shoot, he didn't aim for the top corner and certainly not with that amount of precision. 98 out of 100 times that would have gone over the crossbar.

Messi didn't have a richochet,he has scored too many goals against you and too many great goals against everyone and this time he got half a chance and he beat both Khedira and Pepe and also Casillas who had all the time to make a judgement and save it.

See the video again, notice how the ball hit Khedira's foot and landed in the path of Messi. My point here is that before the Villa goal, Barca were looking clueless. They were playing long balls, their defenders were rushing into clearances, Tiki-Taka was nonexistent. Had we taken our chances we could have wrapped the game up in the first leg.

what decisions in the 2nd leg did u find against you?I dont remember any?

Not talking about the 2nd leg, in the first leg the ref failed to point to the spot at least 3 times against Barca, he missed out Abidal handling the ball twice and once when Valdes nudged Ronaldo. So any team that goes against Barca are playing 11 against 14.
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If Mourinho has given freedom to his players for aggression than most certainly Pep has instructed his players to dive, make a meal of slightest of touch and surround referee to convince his decision ...

This issue comes up every time with Mourinho because everyone from your president, players, press and fans are so obsessed with Mourinho that a lot of unnecessary tension is created even before the match starts and Mourinho is obviously not someone who will shy away from controversies ... Mourinho became your enemy number one when he shattered your dream of lifting champions league trophy in Bernabeau ...

I have watched almost every match of Madrid for last 13 years and i will admit that the way some Madrid players are having a go at some of Barca players is not something one can associate with Madrid but quite honestly after seeing their theatrics for last 3 years, if i was on field i would make sure that if i am to get red card any way, at least i kick the crap out of that @#$%^% ... The only player in current Madrid side who always plays like this is Pepe and it has nothing to do with Mourinho in fact he is much less aggressive under Mourinho ...

After first leg, many starting 11 were missing ... and when u have starting 11 except Puyol than you were not fit enough ... Yes, Madrid were in better physical condition but even less fit barca would have thrash fully fit Madrid this time last year ... Fact is Madrid has improved a lot and Mourinho did tactically outclassed Pep in both legs ... Barcelona has just one way of playing and Mourinho seems to have found a way to counter it whereas Madrid is much more versatile and dynamic and can play in several ways ... The only thing saving Barca is exception talent of Messi and he is the only difference ... Without Messi, Madrid will beat Barca 7 out of 10 times ....

Barca will be better in December but mark my words, when Sahin is back ... With a midfield of Sahin, Alonso, Coentrao behind Ozil, Benzema and CR7, world will see relentless and breathless football never seen before ... We will take entertainment to whole new level .... just wait and see

Real Madrid have always overdone the physical aggression part but it was always within rules and i have beenw atching since 1994 and it is not a big deal between the clubs.

Barca never has a problem with Mourinho but Mourinho always had an issue with Barceloan since his Chelsea days when he delibrately encouraged his players to injure Barcelona's players.He is a master at crying foul and deviating media to get his sneaky tactics pardoned.Pep had to ask his players to overrreact to the fouls and it was a perfect retort to Mourinho's strategy.

Pepe has been way less aggressive in Porto and he is a lot more now under Mourinho,not only Pepe also Ramos,Marcelo and even Alonso who is putting in two footed tackles like there it is cool and there is no tomorrow.

You are getting the red card because you intend to injure in the first place,dont try to act all pissed off later,it is a little bit like the minority report.

Barca missed a lot of starters but i am not giving any excuse for that.
@f86 Saber

How long have you been supporting Madrid?
Who is your current fv8 player?
Who is your all time fv8 player?
What is your preferred line up for this season?
Who would you like to come and who would you like to leave?
How long have you been supporting Madrid?

I've been following them since the 98/99 season

Who is your current fv8 player?

None in particular but i like Ozil who really impressed me during the WC and i was glad he joined us.

Who is your all time fv8 player?

The man in my DP, the one and only, Raul Gonzalez Blanco

What is your preferred line up for this season?
I don't like Mourinho's single striker 4,2,3,1 and i would prefer if he plays a 4,3,3 like so,



......Ronaldo.......Benzema......Di Maria

Or a 4,2,1,3




Ronaldo...........Benzema/Higuain.....Di Maria/Ozil

Who would you like to come and who would you like to leave?
We should just get rid of Pedro Leon, Gago and Lass and no need to purchase anyone else. Remaining squad places should be filled up with Castilla players.
I can't even imagine Arsenal fans frustration ... What the hell is Wenger really doing????????? There are still 10 days and Arsenal fans should make their frustration heard coz clearly ur professor has completely lost it ... If im not wrong, Arsenal stadium tickets are the most expensive in EPL and what are they paying it for ... to watch some teenagers train ??? Udinese will not be a walkover in their own stadium and if Arsenal fail to even qualify for champions league and Nasri leaves as well than you can only guess the confidence blow it will have on the remaining players ... season will be over before it even begins .....

We can win against Udinese, but we are totally screwed against United, lets see what the injury situation turns out to be until friday, then we could see some thing, if Wilshere, and Djourou get fit, then it could be a whole lot easier!!!.

But WTF is wenger doing, buy a Effing playmaker man, or at least play a 442 up front considering RVP is totally isolated, he does not have cesc to get in the passes, so get RVP a bit deep and play Theo with his pace up front, could be nice. Need to buy a Full back ASAP as well.!!

God Save The Arsenal!
There is no comparison between Russian and Danish teams and the teams Mourinho has coached. May be it is a coincident that whenever Barca have come up against a Mourinho coached team there has been controversy. Maybe it is because Barca cannot beat a Mourinho coached team without playing dirty.

From the list you have mentioned only two coaches can be compared to Mourinho achievement wise, Del Bosque and Capello and during their reigns Barca were nowhere near Real Madrid.

To the contrary, against Mourinho coached teams Barca players try to get their opponent sent off to create an advantage and thus they go down theatrically at the slightest of touches.

You are forgetting Perdo, Masechrano, Villa, Pique, Adriano, with Barca it is not the normal case of having one or two players that dive. I am glad that their display in the first leg of UCL semi final ripped off the fake cover up of FC UNICEF and their real face was revealed to the whole world.

Football is a contact sport and tackles are a part of it, don't say Barca players do not tackle hard. At least our players do not try to kick the ball with the intention of injuring a spectator like Messi did.

Yeah right, with Ángel Mariá Villar as chairman of UEFA referee's committee who has always been backed by Barca when he was the president of Spanish Football Federation we can't expect referee's to favor Real Madrid

I am not saying others do not have flukes, i am saying this particular goal was a fluke. Having played the game myself i know that he was just trying to cut inside Ramos and shoot, he didn't aim for the top corner and certainly not with that amount of precision. 98 out of 100 times that would have gone over the crossbar.

See the video again, notice how the ball hit Khedira's foot and landed in the path of Messi. My point here is that before the Villa goal, Barca were looking clueless. They were playing long balls, their defenders were rushing into clearances, Tiki-Taka was nonexistent. Had we taken our chances we could have wrapped the game up in the first leg.

Not talking about the 2nd leg, in the first leg the ref failed to point to the spot at least 3 times against Barca, he missed out Abidal handling the ball twice and once when Valdes nudged Ronaldo. So any team that goes against Barca are playing 11 against 14.

Russian and Danish Teams play a much tougher flat defence and man marking,they are physical much bigger and stronger than any of Mourinho's teams and also play rough and tackle hard much more than any of Mourinho's teams.But Barca neve rtry to dive in those games.

Barca have beaten Mourinho's teams fair and square many times and if his teams end up with a red card,it is because of his own fault where he encourages his players to cross a line and play dangerous,somehow nobody has complained against barcelona than mourinho.

You forgot Schuster whose team beat us 4-1 and capello's team scraped through in the last minute and even Del Bosque's teams never beat us that much as mucha sthey won.

Manuel Pellegrini's team were the bets team to have troubled Barca in the past few years much more than any other team of Madrid.

Mourinho's teams we have thrashed 5-0 at the Nou Camp,which no other coach got and Pellegrini's team did pretty well.

In the past with Chelsea Drogab/Del Horno got sent off for their aggressive play and yeah,Motta got sent off wrongly but thats a one off situation.

There have been 3-4 otehr games where there was no red cards,2 more against Chelsea and 2 more against Inter.

we again thrashed Inter 2-0 with kids like Bojan and Pedro running circles around his Centerbacks.

I dont think anyone's face was revealed,people still love Barca for playing great football.The first leg of UCL just burst Mourinho's bubble and even Madrid legend Alfredo Di Stefano criticized Madrid's game calling it a mouse vs lion game and said he has never seen a team play so cowardly in their home game.Perhaps u should read more about these things.

Football is a contact sport but contact is incidental not the intention.The primary contact is the ball and if you only try to make contact with the opponet's shins,there is no excuse in football for that.

Oh you are giving me Villarato bullshit?I can carry on and on about refree and institutional favours Real Madrid have got in all their history,my lifetime may not be enough for it.

so what if there is a fluke?It is still a goal,i have seen Madrid win so many games undeservedly 1-0,that if we start going on about ifs and *****,there would be no end to all this.

Yeah barca were very rusty in the first leg and they could not get the passing game on but that was normal as the midfield had Keita,Iniesta and Thiago, and not Busquets and Xavi.Then why didn't Madrid take advantage of that.

Khedira put the ball to Messi's path but Messi still had to get around Pepe and beat Casillas,as if that is easy.why are you so desperate to discredit a goal?

That way i can give an excuse for every goal Barca concede,whats the point?Goals do happen due to some mistakes,so what?

The only thing i can remember about the first leg was Valdes obstructing Ronaldo but it was very naturally done and is difficult for the ref to see and anyway Marcelo clearly fouled pedro,which was a penalty too.

And at last,somehow Madrid is the only club which complain about Barca this and that.Other teams are graceful in defeat and so are Barca who stayed on the pitch for the ceremony for the Copa Del Rey unlike Madrid who rushed back to the locker room like pussies.
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Bangladesh FA overwhelmed by reaction to Messi visit
Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:48am GMT

DHAKA (Reuters) - The Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) are being inundated with requests from supporters and sponsors all desperate to grab a piece of the action when Argentina and Nigeria clash in Dhaka next month.

The two teams will play an international friendly match at the Bangabandhu National Stadium on September 6 which is being described as the biggest ever soccer event to be held in Bangladesh.

World Player of the Year Lionel Messi will lead a star-studded Argentina team to Dhaka with Nigeria also sending a full-strength side.

"We are overwhelmed by the response from the fans. Sponsors are showing a lot of interest," Anwarul Huq, chairman of the match organising committee, told Reuters.


Local media reported that the BFF were selling the rights of everything associated with the match - from an official dinner to the bus bringing the teams to the venue.

A local event management firm has bought the rights for the dinner where a maximum of 250 seats will be available for supporters to eat with officials, sponsors and the teams.

There will also be an auction for supporters attending the dinner where they can buy different souvenirs and autographed pictures and shirts of famous players.

The BFF are also closing in on a deal with a local sponsor, who will brand a vehicle carrying Argentina fans to follow the team bus carrying Messi and his team mates, officials said.

Twice world champions Argentina are hugely popular in soccer-obsessed Bangladesh where their former captain and coach Diego Maradona is worshiped like a demigod.

Argentina will also play Venezuela on September 2 in neighbouring Indian city Kolkata.
I will support Nigeria.

Waka Wake Africa!
Liverpool to open academy in Delhi
Moushumi Bora, TNN Aug 20, 2011, 01.40am IST
Steve McMahon|Liverpool
NEW DELHI: Here's something for Premiership fans to look forward to. Liverpool FC is planning something more meaningful than promoting merchandise in the growing Indian market.

The much-storied British club is planning a football academy in the heart of the capital.

According to information shared exclusively with TOI, the school will be set up in association with the club's former midfielder Steve McMahon, better known to Indian football fans as a forthright pundit on sports channels.

"I've seen some fanatical support among Indian fans and that gave me the idea. I approached Liverpool FC, and they were very keen. We are very excited about the project," McMahon told TOI on phone from Singapore.

Liverpool to open academy in Delhi

Liverpool already has academy in Pune

Liverpool sets up football development centre in Pune
Russian and Danish Teams play a much tougher flat defence and man marking,they are physical much bigger and stronger than any of Mourinho's teams and also play rough and tackle hard much more than any of Mourinho's teams.But Barca neve rtry to dive in those games.

Barca have beaten Mourinho's teams fair and square many times and if his teams end up with a red card,it is because of his own fault where he encourages his players to cross a line and play dangerous,somehow nobody has complained against barcelona than mourinho.

You forgot Schuster whose team beat us 4-1 and capello's team scraped through in the last minute and even Del Bosque's teams never beat us that much as mucha sthey won.

Manuel Pellegrini's team were the bets team to have troubled Barca in the past few years much more than any other team of Madrid.

Mourinho's teams we have thrashed 5-0 at the Nou Camp,which no other coach got and Pellegrini's team did pretty well.

In the past with Chelsea Drogab/Del Horno got sent off for their aggressive play and yeah,Motta got sent off wrongly but thats a one off situation.

There have been 3-4 otehr games where there was no red cards,2 more against Chelsea and 2 more against Inter.

we again thrashed Inter 2-0 with kids like Bojan and Pedro running circles around his Centerbacks.

I dont think anyone's face was revealed,people still love Barca for playing great football.The first leg of UCL just burst Mourinho's bubble and even Madrid legend Alfredo Di Stefano criticized Madrid's game calling it a mouse vs lion game and said he has never seen a team play so cowardly in their home game.Perhaps u should read more about these things.

Football is a contact sport but contact is incidental not the intention.The primary contact is the ball and if you only try to make contact with the opponet's shins,there is no excuse in football for that.

Oh you are giving me Villarato bullshit?I can carry on and on about refree and institutional favours Real Madrid have got in all their history,my lifetime may not be enough for it.

so what if there is a fluke?It is still a goal,i have seen Madrid win so many games undeservedly 1-0,that if we start going on about ifs and *****,there would be no end to all this.

Yeah barca were very rusty in the first leg and they could not get the passing game on but that was normal as the midfield had Keita,Iniesta and Thiago, and not Busquets and Xavi.Then why didn't Madrid take advantage of that.

Khedira put the ball to Messi's path but Messi still had to get around Pepe and beat Casillas,as if that is easy.why are you so desperate to discredit a goal?

That way i can give an excuse for every goal Barca concede,whats the point?Goals do happen due to some mistakes,so what?

The only thing i can remember about the first leg was Valdes obstructing Ronaldo but it was very naturally done and is difficult for the ref to see and anyway Marcelo clearly fouled pedro,which was a penalty too.

And at last,somehow Madrid is the only club which complain about Barca this and that.Other teams are graceful in defeat and so are Barca who stayed on the pitch for the ceremony for the Copa Del Rey unlike Madrid who rushed back to the locker room like pussies.

Barca was in all kind of internal troubles in time of Capello and Shuster ... Players had no motivation what so ever otherwise those Madrid teams were the worst i have ever seen ... I admire Pellegrini for taking the game to Barca, he did much better job than Mourinho with a much weaker team ...

Yea, you ran circles in a 2-0 win but he knocked you out after just few months despite the oscar winning performance from biscuit ...

Alfredo di Stefano said that after the league match at Bernabeau ... It was cowardly ... What Barca players did in the first leg at of UCL, it was disgraceful ....

There are all kind of contacts in football, intentional are also some time called professional ... perhaps you need to watch some other teams play too ...

Could you please enlighten me with some of these so called institutional and referee favours given to Madrid and that too throughout their history ???? When it comes to trophies, you people only want to talk about last 3 years, when it comes to favours, you have to dig out all history ... hypocrites !!!

Madrid had more chances in both legs, they didn't take their chances, you did and won ... Congratulations ...

Be humble in your victory and we will be graceful in our defeat but it is understandable that after being in the shadow of Madrid for over 100 years, recent success is proving too much for bunch of arrogant, classless cry babies to handle ... Madrid has problem with you before or after the match but your president, players and especially that old jerk Cryuff has something to say about Madrid week in week out ...

Barca stayed on the pitch coz Royal family of Spain was there to hand them loosers medals but there is no runner up trophy in super cup ... What is the point of staying on the pitch surrounded by 100,000 racist jerks ...
How long have you been supporting Madrid?

I've been following them since the 98/99 season

same here

Who is your current fv8 player?

None in particular but i like Ozil who really impressed me during the WC and i was glad he joined us.

Ozil and im starting to like Benzema too, desperately waiting to see Sahin in action.

Who is your all time fv8 player?

The man in my DP, the one and only, Raul Gonzalez Blanco

Zidane & Brazilian Ronaldo

What is your preferred line up for this season?
I don't like Mourinho's single striker 4,2,3,1 and i would prefer if he plays a 4,3,3 like so,



......Ronaldo.......Benzema......Di Maria

Or a 4,2,1,3




Ronaldo...........Benzema/Higuain.....Di Maria/Ozil

4-3-3 for me



Who would you like to come and who would you like to leave?
We should just get rid of Pedro Leon, Gago and Lass and no need to purchase anyone else. Remaining squad places should be filled up with Castilla players.

Barca was in all kind of internal troubles in time of Capello and Shuster ... Players had no motivation what so ever otherwise those Madrid teams were the worst i have ever seen ... I admire Pellegrini for taking the game to Barca, he did much better job than Mourinho with a much weaker team ...

Yea, you ran circles in a 2-0 win but he knocked you out after just few months despite the oscar winning performance from biscuit ...

Alfredo di Stefano said that after the league match at Bernabeau ... It was cowardly ... What Barca players did in the first leg at of UCL, it was disgraceful ....

There are all kind of contacts in football, intentional are also some time called professional ... perhaps you need to watch some other teams play too ...

Could you please enlighten me with some of these so called institutional and referee favours given to Madrid and that too throughout their history ???? When it comes to trophies, you people only want to talk about last 3 years, when it comes to favours, you have to dig out all history ... hypocrites !!!

Madrid had more chances in both legs, they didn't take their chances, you did and won ... Congratulations ...

Be humble in your victory and we will be graceful in our defeat but it is understandable that after being in the shadow of Madrid for over 100 years, recent success is proving too much for bunch of arrogant, classless cry babies to handle ... Madrid has problem with you before or after the match but your president, players and especially that old jerk Cryuff has something to say about Madrid week in week out ...

Barca stayed on the pitch coz Royal family of Spain was there to hand them loosers medals but there is no runner up trophy in super cup ... What is the point of staying on the pitch surrounded by 100,000 racist jerks ...

No,there are no intentional fouls,there are professional fouls but they r just a shove and push.Not studs up challenges.

We have been humble enough in our victories all the time but the history between madrid-barca is a hot one but there are protocols to be followed regardless of the rivalry.

we have not been in the shadow of anyone,Barcelona the city and the club are huge and will always be,Barcelona existed and survived even when Franco and the right wing governments were there in Spain.Thats a pseudo-superiority complex you madridistas kid yourself with.

No,i am not saying Real Madrid is a small club or anything but then history doesn't matter at all.Barcelona has big enough history and players and style and fans to rival any team in the world.

Liverpool has more titles than Manchester United but ManU is the club of modern EPL,unrivalled.

Oh please,why is anything a problem for any of us?It is mourinho who cries in the media everytime he loses,it is the madrid media which has a complex about who plays better football and before him it used to be Valdano/Schuster or whoever your coach was.Cruyff criticizes everyone,including Barca and dont judge him based on Goal.com articles.He is an institution upon itself.

Barca dont give a **** about the runner up medals,they would have stayed on the pitch regardless.Thats the culture.Simple as that and if you happen to see the face of Florentino Perez during this happening you ll realize that he had more shame than all you glory hunters.

If it was no big deal then why are hardcore Madrid zines like Marca and AS criticizing Mourinho?

Madrid fans giving lessons on Racism?Guess those monkey chants at Alves or having right wing ultras like Ultrassur as your fanbase is not shame enough?
No,there are no intentional fouls,there are professional fouls but they r just a shove and push.Not studs up challenges.

We have been humble enough in our victories all the time but the history between madrid-barca is a hot one but there are protocols to be followed regardless of the rivalry.

we have not been in the shadow of anyone,Barcelona the city and the club are huge and will always be,Barcelona existed and survived even when Franco and the right wing governments were there in Spain.Thats a pseudo-superiority complex you madridistas kid yourself with.

No,i am not saying Real Madrid is a small club or anything but then history doesn't matter at all.Barcelona has big enough history and players and style and fans to rival any team in the world.

Liverpool has more titles than Manchester United but ManU is the club of modern EPL,unrivalled.

Oh please,why is anything a problem for any of us?It is mourinho who cries in the media everytime he loses,it is the madrid media which has a complex about who plays better football and before him it used to be Valdano/Schuster or whoever your coach was.Cruyff criticizes everyone,including Barca and dont judge him based on Goal.com articles.He is an institution upon itself.

Barca dont give a **** about the runner up medals,they would have stayed on the pitch regardless.Thats the culture.Simple as that and if you happen to see the face of Florentino Perez during this happening you ll realize that he had more shame than all you glory hunters.

If it was no big deal then why are hardcore Madrid zines like Marca and AS criticizing Mourinho?

Madrid fans giving lessons on Racism?Guess those monkey chants at Alves or having right wing ultras like Ultrassur as your fanbase is not shame enough?

Humble in victories? ... BS ... Pique, Xavi, Alves, Laporta, Rosell, Cryuff almost always have something to brag about ... Don't be ignorant plzz

History doesn't matter at all? ..... Madrid was not awarded best club of the century for trophies won in last 3 years ... History defines the institution ...

Madrid more racist than Barcelona? ... again BS ... Catalunya region especially city of Barcelona are known to be one of the most racist places on earth ... Bernabeau crowd always applauds beautiful football ... ask Ronaldinho for the standing ovation he rcvd??? Mr, Frodo of course can't expect any such thing after the way he kick the ball at the spectators sitting in the first row ... arrogant little midget ...

Perez is a gentleman unlike Laporta and Rosell .. Anyone without peanuts in their brain will acknowledge that .... You will always hear something good from Madrid's president and their past legends while on your end, all we hear is bull crap and childish predictions ... Obviously he was ashamed .. What happened is not an image 2 such big clubs should be giving ..

---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------

10 mil for such vision ... Perhaps, Mr. Wenger should ask some of his agents in primary schools of France to go look around in Germany as well ..

Humble in victories? ... BS ... Pique, Xavi, Alves, Laporta, Rosell, Cryuff almost always have something to brag about ... Don't be ignorant plzz

History doesn't matter at all? ..... Madrid was not awarded best club of the century for trophies won in last 3 years ... History defines the institution ...

Madrid more racist than Barcelona? ... again BS ... Catalunya region especially city of Barcelona are known to be one of the most racist places on earth ... Bernabeau crowd always applauds beautiful football ... ask Ronaldinho for the standing ovation he rcvd??? Mr, Frodo of course can't expect any such thing after the way he kick the ball at the spectators sitting in the first row ... arrogant little midget ...

Perez is a gentleman unlike Laporta and Rosell .. Anyone without peanuts in their brain will acknowledge that .... You will always hear something good from Madrid's president and their past legends while on your end, all we hear is bull crap and childish predictions ... Obviously he was ashamed .. What happened is not an image 2 such big clubs should be giving ..

---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------

10 mil for such vision ... Perhaps, Mr. Wenger should ask some of his agents in primary schools of France to go look around in Germany as well ..


Barcelona is racist?Have u ever been there,that place is one of the most welcoming places in europe for immigrants and much more than Madrid ever can be.Dont judge from media reports.

Perez is a gentleman?Yeah right,is that why he embezzled millions of euros from the sale of Madrid's training ground far ahead of schedule?He is a real estate businessman,far from a genleman bu anyway i dont find much different between all these three and taunting people after a win is quite normal and both cules and madridistas have done it in the past.
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