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CJ Werleman becomes a CIA puppet

I think you just woke up today bcz he has been very vocal about XingXiang and Uighur issues. Just look at his timeline he had talked on this issue repeatedly. No matter how you look at it Uighurs have friction with their govt and china being an authoritarian state is fixing it in their own way. Take an example of Hongkong how china crushed a much organised rebellion there. Just bcz he is talking on Uighur issue doesnt make him a CIA agent. As a matter of fact most Pakistanis condemn treatment of Uighurs as well. Unfortunately our hand are tied bcz we are caught in a geo strategic mess and a weak economy left by MR 10% and Ganja Baradraan. Being short on Allies doesn't afford us luxury to talk against the only credible ally left.
There is documented evidence available so you merely need to google for info. I make it a policy to not argue with Indians and Chinese bcz i might get better treatment after talking to a wall.
What document? there are many Uighurs having their personal youtube channels and you subscribe their channels and ask them yourself personally, your western propaganda documents are not even worth toilet paper.
If people really like to know what average Uighurs lives are, there are many Uighur personal vlog channels on Youtube, check their videos and ask them personally how life is there in Xinjiang, get information directly from the local people living there, neither from Chinese or foreign media sources.

Western media claim China locks up 3 million Uighurs , while the total population of Uighurs are around 10 million including children, very sick and very old. they declared a genocide in Xinjiang but could not provide a single name who died from this ‘genocide’, how pathetic...,, they report that China sends Han men to go to sleep with Uighur women, takes away uighur children from their families and parents, sterilize Uighur women, harvest uighur organs, destroy mosques and uighur tombs, enslave uighur workers....

but they didn't deny the fast development of Xinjiang, cause unlike their unverifiable lies, everyone with normal vision can see this unprecedented development in the human history, glistening skyscrapers, high speed trains, world top class highways, bridges, subways, hospitals, schools....

How can this great development happen if a huge bunch of the population are being locked up? who provides logistics for 3 million prisoners?

Does anyone who has even the slightest sanity left would believe those pathetic lies?
The beloved of Pakistanis CJ Werleman is now on CIA payroll too and funded by Western separatists?

Muslims in Pakistan treat fellow Muslims worst then Muslims are being treated around the world.

* Children are not safe going to madrassa or local mosque because they can get raped by horney mullahs and parents have to keep quite because they care more about their "izat" then their children.
* Homeless children are used for sex and society does not care because it has become a norm in some parts of Pakistan.
* Women are subjected to domestic violence and because they are powerless they have to live a compromise life (sadly their cause was hijacked by mera jisiam movement BS)
* Haram has become a normal way of life
* Every year Pakistan suffers from calamity, maybe even Allah is not happy with Pakistanis.
* list goes on and on....

Is Pakistani society in any better position to worry about someone else?
Get your house in order, and everyone will respect your opinion.
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U.S. state propaganda mouthpieces try to fool naive, uneducated, dumb people and support hatefull people with their lies about Muslims and China. Sometimes it works. Therefore you cant call the U.S. state propaganda mouthpieces who fool these people U.S. state propaganda mouthpieces and their long debunked and pathetic propaganda lies propaganda lies. This logic was sponsored by the U.S. regime.

The earth isnt flat no matter how many people you pathetic liars who only with ill to Uighurs manage to abuse in your life.
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He was always a CIA puppet, and you @fisher1 are a useful idiot.
* Children are not safe going to madrassa or local mosque because they can get raped by horney mullahs and parents have to keep quite because they care more about their "izat" then their children.
* Homeless children are used for sex and society does not care because it has become a norm in some parts of Pakistan.
This is a direct result of the extreme sexual repression religion imposes. It's the same reason Catholic priests rape children.
Get your house in order, and everyone will respect your opinion.
Can you give a single historical example of the pious and pure Islamic society actually existing? Give me a single example of one that "had its house in order".
I would trust an American journalist 1000 out of 100 times than a random Chinese anon posterboy.

At least they have freedom and independence on their expressions!
At least they have freedom and independence on their expressions!
You are as naive as the American media is duplicitous. No American media personality would dare overstep the bounds of ideological orthodoxy, no matter whether or not they believe it. The moment they do is the moment they're looking for new employment.

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