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CJ Werleman becomes a CIA puppet

This fool is playing roulette of pre-formulated responses. He can't even communicate directly. How does criticizing a authoritarian regime not make me Pakistani? Are we supposed to stay silent because these people manufacture iPhones?

You are not a pakistani if you talk about nuking an ally.. you are not one of us.
How can you blame Muslim society for this moral lapse? Muslims are trying to live according to the precepts of Islam as best they can. In every single Muslim society without exception you find the same complex of pathological behaviours you pointed out. I'm sure I don't need to tell you what wealthy Muslims do when they vacation outside Dar al-Islam.;)

You have answered your own question. "They are trying" to live according to Islamic values but they fail in many true aspect of it. A lot of it is due to culture which is a mixture of pre islamic era traditions passed on to many generations. Like for example, Pakistanis may not like it but majority of their culture is heavily influenced by Indian traditions. And then you have another aspect of Muslim society that want to take things to extra notch... If you are instructed to walk 1 mile for a reward people will RUN 100 miles! Thats where things get changed... are you trying to get my simple point?

If the text keeps consistently producing twisted people like this, the best thing that can be said about it is that it's incompatible with human nature - which is odd, considering its supposed source. Why does it so consistently fail to produce morally upright people?
Most muslims just memorize arabic scriptures without learning the meaning. and then it gets mixed with their culture and tradition.

I can give you an answer to that. Because Islam has doctrines of ritualistic absolution - it doesn't matter what wrongs you commit, so long as you perform the requisite rituals all is forgiven. Just like confessing your sins to Jesus absolves you in Christianity, performing the hajj absolves you of all your sins in Islam. Your odometer is set to zero. So just do whatever you want, just make sure you schedule the occasional trip to Mecca to circumambulate the Kaaba.
Islam believes in second chance, however if you keep repeating same mistakes then you are not forgiven.
Islam is actually more strict on Muslims then any religion is on its followers.

My comprehension level is excellent.

That's just a matter of technology and population. I'm sure that if the Prophet had nuclear weapons, his body count would be up there with the best of them.
Unfortunately you are wrong in both assessments.
Prophet Mohammed PBUH had strict rules that he fallowed in battlefields. No innocent women children elderly were harmed. Slavery was a norm in those days and slaves under Muslims captivity had more rights then most of servants working in Asian countries TODAY! Why did muslims practiced slavery back in the days? Because if muslims were held captive as slaves, the enemies would show some mercy on their people.

Then how come he didn't set down a clear system of succession. It seems to me that he could have foreseen the political struggle between Abu Bakr and Ali, a feud that continues 1400 years later.
If almighty Allah wanted he could have made all humans perfect! Angle are among one of his creations who are his obedient. Its like robots that are programmed to perform specific tasks are different from robots with AIs that think on their own. Humans were made to "THINK" on their own and they will be judged according to there good deeds.

Well then why do Muslim keep trying to apply Sharia? If the Perfect Law can only be applied when the saviours get here, why not just wait until they get here?
The problem with implementing Sharia today is that it has millions of interpretation. Some take it word by word, some with their own interpretation and some want to make drastic changes.
No, I don't really think he's a CIA puppet. If he were, he would have been much more influential in the West than he is now.

Virtually nobody in the West knows CJ Werleman. Yet he's darling in the Muslim world, probably because he's white. He does not seem to have great credentials, just a random free lancer journalist and writer.

Because he previous was a open Islamophobe, he needs to do stuff to make up for that to survive in the journalism industry. I don't think he's ever done research on Xinjiang himself, but he's just sticking to whatever Muslim-related issue to prove his anti-Islamophobia credentials.

Pakistani friends, you should see through people like him. Check how he's doing in persuading HIS government to help Muslims. Has he done anything to help Muslims in the West? Does he even have the influence to do that?

Many white people enjoy a white-savior complex.
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