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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Ukrainian government has lost the county and own people ,truly now they only have debt.

They are moving more fast to join EU and NATO . Ukraine is holding talks and to get good incentives before joining EU and NATO

Ukrainian PM appeals to EU for immediate financial aid| Reuters

Asked when Ukraine needed new financial assistance, Yatseniuk told reporters in Brussels: "Let me put it in a nutshell - yesterday." The EU, which last year offered a $15 billion package of loans and grants to Ukraine, is demanding far-reaching economic reforms in return.

Brussels has refused to organize a donors' conference to help Ukraine until Kiev produces a detailed blueprint for the country's economic development.

Yatseniuk said Ukraine was doing all it could.
They are moving more fast to join EU and NATO . Ukraine is holding talks and to get good incentives before joining EU and NATO

Ukrainian PM appeals to EU for immediate financial aid| Reuters

Asked when Ukraine needed new financial assistance, Yatseniuk told reporters in Brussels: "Let me put it in a nutshell - yesterday." The EU, which last year offered a $15 billion package of loans and grants to Ukraine, is demanding far-reaching economic reforms in return.

Brussels has refused to organize a donors' conference to help Ukraine until Kiev produces a detailed blueprint for the country's economic development.

Yatseniuk said Ukraine was doing all it could.

Do you think the EU and NATO would ever take Ukraine? Germany ahem the EU only wanted to exploit Ukraine's natural resources which are excuse the pun dirt cheap because of extremely low Ukrainian nominal per capita GDP, the lowest in Europe. Germans will forever regard Ukrainians are Russians with contempt. Ukrainian and Russian are practically the same language, especially in the eyes of Germans, and therefore Germans deem Ukrainians as an inferior race. Let's not forget how many Ukrainians Germans brutally massacred during WW2.
Do you think the EU and NATO would ever take Ukraine? Germany ahem the EU only wanted to exploit Ukraine's natural resources which are excuse the pun dirt cheap because of extremely low Ukrainian nominal per capita GDP, the lowest in Europe.

NATO is a military block and EU is its economic block. Member countries do negotiate about their sovereignty and other internal domestic issues . NATO countries are more seeing towards the Arctic resources.

NATO to help modernise Ukrainian army | Zee News
NATO is a military block and EU is its economic block. Member countries do negotiate about their sovereignty and other internal domestic issues . NATO countries are more seeing towards the Arctic resources.

NATO to help modernise Ukrainian army | Zee News

NATO will never take Ukraine because Ukraine will never give up the Crimean federal district which is Russia's ninth federal district.
NATO will never take Ukraine because Ukraine will never give up the Crimean federal district which is Russia's ninth federal district.

I am talking about Ukraine joining the NATO. I don't think that Ukraine would do anything to take back Crimea at this moment nor NATO will wage an open war with Russia on that. NATO is placing equipment all over the Eastern Europe and arming all the countries including Ukraine.

'NATO stands with you' – Stoltenberg tells Yatseniuk
I am talking about Ukraine joining the NATO. I don't think that Ukraine would do anything to take back Crimea at this moment nor NATO will wage an open war with Russia on that. NATO is placing equipment all over the Eastern Europe and arming all the countries including Ukraine.

'NATO stands with you' – Stoltenberg tells Yatseniuk

The eastern NATO countries are very poor and very weak. Only Germany, France, Britain are strong. But they are far from Russia. Bulgaria is quite friendly with Russia. Serbia and Belarus are big obstacles to NATO presence in the east.
NATO is very weak. The eastern countries are very poor and very weak. Only Germany, France, Britain are strong. They are the Big 3 of Europe. But they are far from Russia. Bulgaria is quite friendly with Russia. Serbia and Belarus are big obstacles to NATO presence in the east.

NATO is not weak . Both NATO and Russia are placing missile interceptors and launchers and covering the whole region.

Belarus is like right hand of Russia but still Belarus maintain relations with neighboring NATO allies . Serbia will join EU and its in that proposal only. the recentSerbian military exercises with Russia was just to negotiate a better deal with both EU and NATO.

November 21, 2014 | 12:53
Serbia joins NATO codification system for arms, equipment

December 15, 2014 | 16:52
"NATO membership would improve quality of life"
NATO is not weak . Both NATO and Russia are placing missile interceptors and launchers and covering the whole region.

Belarus is like right hand of Russia but still Belarus maintain relations with neighboring NATO allies . Serbia will join EU and its in that proposal only. the recentSerbian military exercises with Russia was just to negotiate a better deal with both EU and NATO.

November 21, 2014 | 12:53
Serbia joins NATO codification system for arms, equipment

December 15, 2014 | 16:52
"NATO membership would improve quality of life"

NATO which is the Washington Treaty is only the US in practice. Nobody in NATO would help the US. The US is on its own against Russia and China.
NATO which is the Washington Treaty is only the US in practice. Nobody in NATO would help the US. The US is on its own against Russia and China.

Yes NATO member countries doesn't want to take the financial burden. Germany is selling arms to Middle eastern countries and trying to keep other EU countries out of the financial crisis where as the other NATO countries just want full military aid from United states. Now both Canada and United states are arming NATO allies in Eastern Europe.
Yes NATO member countries doesn't want to take the financial burden. Germany is selling arms to Middle eastern countries and trying to keep other EU countries out of the financial crisis where as the other NATO countries just want full military aid from United states. Now both Canada and United states are arming NATO allies in Eastern Europe.

Arm with what? The Baltic states don't have a single fighter jet or tank :rofl: The US doesn't even take eastern NATO members seriously or with respect.
Arm with what? The Baltic states don't have a single fighter jet or tank :rofl: The US doesn't even take eastern NATO members seriously or with respect.

Yes but with time things will change . But Baltic states are investing in Anti Tank missiles and portable SAM etc. Lithuania is having 3 light aircraft where as estonia is hosting radars. May be US will make way to provide some fighter jets for Lithuania.

Australia to provide $2 mln worth of aid to Ukrainian army : UNIAN news

Canadian Armed Forces airlifter delivers winter clothing for Ukrainian military - Міністерство оборони України

Senate Passes Bill That Could Send US Weapons to Ukraine for Use Against Russia | CNS News
Its provisions include authorizing the president to provide equipment and training for Ukrainian forces “for the purpose of countering offensive weapons and reestablishing the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.”

They specifically include anti-tank and anti-armor weapons, ammunition, counter-artillery radars, optical and guidance and control equipment, and tactical surveillance drones.
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Senate Passes Bill That Could Send US Weapons to Ukraine for Use Against Russia | CNS News
Its provisions include authorizing the president to provide equipment and training for Ukrainian forces “for the purpose of countering offensive weapons and reestablishing the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.”

They specifically include anti-tank and anti-armor weapons, ammunition, counter-artillery radars, optical and guidance and control equipment, and tactical surveillance drones.

Obama will never pass that because it would mean death of America as we know it.

Obama will never sign the bill.

The legislation would authorise $350 million in military assistance – including anti-tank and anti-armour weapons, ammunition, counter-artillery radars and surveillance drones – for fiscal year 2015.

And that $350 million has been authorized by the Congress. Why would President Obama will not sign that ?
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