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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

The Nazis destroy Christian churches. But people are still drawn to God.
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The junta began to show the first results of their hard and very useful for people work! Across the state they will now switch off electricity for several hours every day!
The junta began to show the first results of their hard and very useful for people work! Across the state they will now switch off electricity for several hours every day!

A good way to make Ukrainian people leave Ukraine. Ukraine's emigration rate was already staggeringly high before Maidan :p:
Convoy of 50 Military Vehicles of Invaders With Russian Flag Seen Heading for Donetsk




A good way to make Ukrainian people leave Ukraine. Ukraine's emigration rate was already staggeringly high before Maidan :p:

Your posts usually don't reflect your flags. May I know your nationality/ethnicity/ancestory?
Your posts usually don't reflect your flags. May I know your nationality/ethnicity/ancestory?

Chinese. Actually, Harper is considered pretty much a dictator in Canada. He been in power since 2006. Can you believe that? Hopefully next year Harper gets kicked out in election. A lot of Canadians do not agree with Harper's policy with regards to Ukraine.

Chinese living in Canada. :lol:

Kraz damaged during heavy fightings.
None killed or injured. :)


7N22 / 7N14 would go through that like knife through butter. On second thought, just fire an ATGM at it and see it blown up the way Terminator did like this :p:

Battle at Donetsk air port. Securing the old terminal.

Russian Orthodox Army

Interview with commander of Russian Orthodox Army

What ammo do Ukrainian soldiers use? Soviet era 7N6 and 7N6M maybe?

rebels attack Maidanists

In Odessa, blown up collection point for junta troops.

Mayor of Zaporozhye Aleksandr Sin said to Kiev and Ljashko - "fvk off".
Braves from the International Brigade of Novorossian Army.

Meanwhile in Ekarerinburg

And in Odessa. Anti-facsists painted cars in which ukrainian flags are seen.
Dragunov is lethal up to 1 km. Every soldier should be armed with one. 8-) Sniping vastly reduces collateral casualties on civilians.

rebel drone to spot Maidanists 8-)

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