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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Rebel new standard body armor Motorola's Dream. Looks like Ratnik to me. Small arms can't shoot through it.

Ratnik (program) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's an odd looking body armor, looks more like a parachute than body armor.


And it doens't look like Ratnik body armor at all (see photo below). Is it self made or something?

Wow...what a comparison ! Westerners are handing out cookies while Russians self propelled howitzers.Quite the same...jeez ,looks like the mother of stupidity is always pregnant with guys like you.

Let me explain to you properly by comparison. The politicans are heads, the heads have power to move their hands (here we have an army), the hands do things, which sometimes are brutally. But the spiriuts movens of this brutal actions have origin in the heads. You can see the heads smiling and waving to the people; but it's very often mirage, which naive belive in. The heads are ruthless and cynical.

Look what's happening in Ukraine right now. One year after Maidan began. How many protesters' demands was completed? Look what' happening on the West and Center (if you don't want to see East) Ukraine: blackout energy, corruption, poverty, spreading all over rotten Bandera's ideology...
It's not enought to consider an action of certain foreign politicians at least, is it.

Donetsk airport: old terminal Searching cyborgs
Russia sends troops to Ukraine border in Crimea

Russia has stationed about 4,000 troops with their equipment and ammunition in north Crimea on the border with Ukraine.
"According to our information, almost all military units of the Russian Federation stationed in the north of Crimea were pushed to the administrative border with Ukraine, Press TV reported Saturday citing the spokesperson of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council, Andriy Lysenko.

The move comes as Russian President Vladimir Putin said he has approved the establishment of a Russian military task force in Crimea.

Moscow has also accepted a peace agreement with Kiev in a bid to end five months of conflict in the eastern regions of Ukraine.

The new development also came after pro-Russia forces in Ukraine's eastern regions recently rejected a law passed by Kiev that grants limited self-rule to the war-torn areas.

Under the law, Ukraine's eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk will be offered three-year limited self-rule.

Pro-Russia militias in the region have been fighting for independence for the past five months.

Earlier this year in March, Crimea's largely Russian-speaking residents voted in a referendum to break away from Ukraine and join Russia.

The Ukrainian government, US and EU rejected the referendum and condemned the joining of Crimea to Russia.

However, President Putin signed into law the documents officially making Crimea part of Russian territory. Putin said the move was made based on international law.

Located on the northern coast of the Black Sea, the Crimea Peninsula is of high strategic value. It is also of importance economically as the peninsula is home to several natural gas fields onshore and offshore, which are connected to Ukraine's pipeline system.

Russia sends troops to Ukraine border in Crimea | Business Standard News

Russia sends troops to Ukraine border in Crimea : World, News - India Today
"More asbestos!" (Simpsons)

More maidan! (chaos in remnants of Ukraine)

In Vinnitsa the regional parliament is captured .
Hundreds of "unknow insurgents" (lol) buried at Rostov on don cemetery.



Old Woman Who Fled from Luhansk Helps Knitting Tiger Suits for Ukrainian Snipers
"This nation is invincible!"



28 Tons of Humanitarian Aid Containing Vital Goods Delivered to Krasnohorivka.





Graham Phillips back in the ranks!

LPR: occupiers killed 878 and wounded more than 3,000 people, destroyed 6,877 buildings.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the LPR during punitive operations on the territory of the People's Republic of Lugansk Ukrainian security forces killed 878 civilians. Of these, 648 men, 217 women and 13 children. Number of Luhansk residents, received injuries of varying severity from hands of UkroFashists exceeded three thousand people.

Junta troops destroyed 6,877 institutions and buildings among which 27 Orthodox churches, 68 office buildings, 64 educational institutions, 37 hospitals, 232 multi-storey and 3158 private houses, 123 industrial enterprises, 96 shops, 10 bridges, 399 objects of gas transportation system and 199 of the power supply system.
ЛНР: оккупанты убили 878 и ранили более 3000 человек, разрушено 6877 зданий | Русская весна
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New Ukrainian stuffs for ATO.



More photos from that event.
As can you see there is T-72AV

and T-72UA1 with Kontakt-V ERA

Yet some so called "experts" from the West said that only Novrossian Armed Forces uses T-72 in this conflict :D
The only way for there be a ceasefire is for Ukraine to pull its soldiers out of Donbas and recognize the independence of Donbas. :p:

rebel artillery fire sending Ukrainian soldiers to Valhalla or crippling them 8-)

US flag at the main entrance to the building of the SBU. Junta shows that they are miserable puppets.
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