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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Russian-backed terrorists 77 times violated ceasefire regime | Міністерство оборони України

According to the ATO press center, during the Aug. 24situation in the ATO region remained stable.Illegal armed groups have significantly reduced provocative shelling of the Ukrainian positions. However, the militants repeatedly used weapons of caliber greater than 100 millimeters at night.

In total, Russian-backed terrorists violated the ceasefire regime 77 times. Three times militants used artillery, 20 times — mortars, 32 — propelled grenades.


In the framework of the working visit to Germany, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko visited Berlin military hospital where Ukrainian militaries undergo treatment.

The hospital currently heals 5 Ukrainians wounded in Donbas. Ukrainian servicemen undergo treatment in Berlin at the cost of the Federal Government due to the agreement between the Ukrainian President and the Government of Germany.

Petro Poroshenko had a conversation with militaries and doctors. The President wished them a fast recovery and noted that Ukraine is waiting for its heroes. “I am proud of such heroes like you. We pray for you. I noticed your high morale,” Petro Poroshenko noted.

Defense Minister thanked soldiers for their daily heroism and stressed that the whole of Ukraine's Independence Day marked 40 state awards of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, some of which now performs the task in the east of the state.A minute of silence all those present honored the memory of those who gave their lives, performing combat missions.During the event, Defense Minister Colonel General Stephen Poltorak presented the Order "Golden Star" wife of the deceased colonel Yuri Kovalenko, who was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine posthumously.- In memory of the heroes who sacrificed their lives for peace and tranquility in the country, we will fulfill his duty to the end! We will win, Heroes children to live in a peaceful country, - said Colonel General Stephen Poltorak.



Militants shell ATO positions in Mariupol, two soldiers killed| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 25 /Ukrinform/. The militants have launched three attacks on the ATO positions near Mariupol today, the same number of attacks were launched the day before. Two Ukrainian soldiers were reportedly killed.

The Defense of Mariupol Crisis Center has reported this today.

"Yesterday, the enemy launched three attacks on the ATO positions within the M sector... Today, after midnight, the enemy has stepped up its activity, increased the caliber of the used weapons and has already launched three attacks," the report says.

According to preliminary information, two Ukrainian soldiers were killed and three were injured as a result of the enemy attack on the ATO forces near Mariupol in the night of August 25.

Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another nine were wounded in the Donbas conflict zone in the last 24 hours, presidential administration spokesman for Anti-Terrorist Operation issues, Colonel Oleksandr Motuzianyk said at a briefing on Tuesday, according to an UNIAN correspondent.


Russian-backed militants fired self-propelled artillery systems three times on the village of Sopyne near the Ukrainian-controlled city of Mariupol in Donetsk region overnight, Mariupol's city online news resource 0629 has reported.

Press officer of the "M" sector Yaroslav Chepurniy reported that the militants started firing 152mm self-propelled artillery systems on Sopyne near Mariupol at 00:30 Kyiv time.

What is more, the Kremlin-backed mercenaries started firing 122mm self-propelled artillery systems on the positions of the Ukrainian armed forces in the village of Talakivka.

"There was a very serious attack on the village of Hranitne. From 05:40 to 06:50, the enemy was firing 120mm mortars there. There are casualties among our soldiers. The information is being verified," Chepurniy said.

Some media reported citing one of the Ukrainian marines, one marine was killed and another one was wounded at night.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian volunteer Halyna Odnoroh wrote on Facebook that, according to her data, two marines had been killed and another six wounded.

The Nazis tore down commemorative plaque of Ukrainian writer and historian Oles Buzina and put instead palte of his murderers, Nazis.
Press reports ATO headquarters: August 25, 18 hours and by midnight the situation in the area remained tense ATO. Illegal armed groups main activity showed in the night-time. At this time the enemy, despite the Minsk agreements, has used weapons, the caliber of which exceeds 100 millimeters.Near the Donetsk about 20 hours on the Ukrainian strongholds in the sand and twice our position as the militants fired questionnaire with 120-millimeter mortars.

And power ATO Avdiyivka worked in 122-millimeter artillery.Almost 21 hours occupiers of 152 mm caliber artillery and rocket-propelled grenades fired on our defensive lines in the Trinity, and 122-millimeter artillery to beat gangs Mar'yintsi. Also in the evening under artillery fire appeared mercenaries Novoselivka second village.

But about midnight occupants of arms BMP fired on Ukrainian defender in the questionnaire and Krasnohorivtsi. In addition, cynically increasing escalation in the region, with almost 23 hours until midnight criminals fired from 122-millimeter artillery Avdeevki civilian neighborhoods.Unrest at the end of the day was in the area of Mariupol. About 19 hours three times on our strong points in Starohnativtsi beaten enemy mortars.

And at 19.50 sabotage and intelligence group tried to bypass enemy positions near Ukrainian Novotroitsk. As a result of the collision fighting bandits retreated.In Luhansk night in the midst of conflict settlement appeared Stanitsa Lugansk. For ATU forces in this village several times mercenaries fired from grenade launchers, mortars and heavy machine guns.Generally during the day yesterday, 25 August, the Russian-terrorist forces 92 times violated the ceasefire. 9 times mercenaries employed artillery, 37 - mortars, 19 grenade launchers.


Two Ukrainian soldiers killed, ten wounded in ATO area in past day| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 26 /Ukrinform/. Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed, ten were wounded in the ATO area in past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on the anti-terrorist operation, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing in Kyiv, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Two our soldiers were killed, ten wounded as a result of fighting and shelling," Lysenko said.

The speaker also noted that five enemy UAVs were recorded in the sky over ATO area in past 24 hours.

Militants use "scorched earth policy" near Krasnohorivka : UNIAN news
Russian proxies mostly used small arms against the positions of the government forces throughout the day, according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation.

"On August 26, from midnight to 18:00 Kyiv time, the situation in the ATO zone remained stable. The Russian-terrorist groups continued firing on our positions mainly from small arms, in an attempt to draw our forces into a more active phase of military confrontation. Several cases of use of arms exceeding a 100mm caliber were also recorded," reads the report.

According to the press center, militants fired 122mm artillery on the Ukrainian positions in Opytne near Donetsk around midnight. They also used tanks and 120 mm mortars. Around 14:00 Kyiv time, terrorists fired 120mm mortar shells on residential areas in Krasnohorivka, pursuing the ‘scorched earth policy’.”

Our troops near Zaitseve came under enemy fire from a 152mm artillery on Artemivsk direction around midnight. Militants also fired on ATO forces near Luhanske with 122mm artillery at 13:10 Kyiv time, and used 120mm mortars from 14:25 Kyiv time.
37th convoy from Russia arrived in the New Russia.
Observers Ukrainian part of the Joint Center for control and coordination for the ceasefire continues to record the facts of the Minsk agreement prohibited the use of heavy weapons caliber over 100 mm, and the next war crimes - attacks by militants peaceful settlements. In particular, the use of fixed militants lighting ammunition caliber 152 mm.

Yes, August 20 from 00:27 to 1:10 in the direction of NP Sartana illegal armed groups fired on towns Lebedinskoye, artillery systems of 152 mm caliber ammunition lighting of up to 13 shots.In place of the fire arrived operative group of military observers STSKK. According to residents of towns Lebedinskoye 3-4 shells cracked in the air and lit surroundings, others have not worked in the field and fell on the road (at the entrance to towns Lebedinskoye) and gardens on the street Soviet. Due to a fire damaged building. Injured.



KYIV, August 26 /Ukrinform/. Seven Ukrainian soldiers were killed, 13 were wounded in the ATO area in past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on the anti-terrorist operation, Colonel Oleksandr Motuzianyk said this at a briefing in Kyiv, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

"Seven our soldiers were killed, 13 wounded as a result of fighting and shelling," he said.



Another 12 Ukrainian servicemen freed from captivity| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 27 /Ukrinform/. Twelve Ukrainian soldiers have been exchanged for 12 rebels.

President Poroshenko posted a message on his Twitter account.

Border patrol guards in Donbas zone threatened by rebels text messages| Ukrinform

KYIV, August 27 /Ukrinform/. In recent days rebels have resumed texting threats to border guards who are serving in the Donbas conflict zone.

Assistant Head of the State Border Service of Ukraine, spokesman Oleh Slobodian told reporters at a briefing at held at Ukrinform Thursday.

Donbas Battalion: Five Ukrainian soldiers killed near Mariupol : UNIAN news
Five Ukrainian soldiers were killed in fighting near Mariupol on Wednesday, the Donbas Battalion's press service said on Thursday.

"Following intensified attacks by the enemy late last night, the fighters of the Donbas Battalion helped the 40th battalion of the Ukrainian armed forces to defend [the Ukrainian-controlled city of] Mariupol," the report says.

Five soldiers of the Ukrainian armed forces were killed in action and there were no casualties Donbas Battalion fighters, it said.

As UNIAN reported earlier, press officer of the "M" sector Yaroslav Chepurniy said on August 27 that Ukrainian troops in the Mariupol "M" sector had suffered serious losses.

According to him, from 16:00 on August 26 to 06:30 on August 27, there were 20 militant attacks in the "M" sector.
Press ATU Staff reports: the end of the last day of the 18 hours until midnight and illegal armed groups continued the escalation of the conflict in the area ATO.The most tense evening continued in the area of Mariupol. About 21 hours of 122-millimeter artillery shelled our position occupants in Novohryhorivtsi and twice in Starohnativtsi. In addition, the Ukrainian strongholds in Starohnativtsi worked 120 enemy mortar fire.

Nearby Donetsk almost 22 hours to the north insurgents mortars caliber 82 and 120 mm, small arms beaten on the questionnaire. And at 22.40 again, not hiding the presence of rocket launchers near the boundary line, in our units in the same locality occupants fired from the "city".

Also, about half past nine in the evening and almost at midnight on the part of the Donetsk airport 122-millimeter artillery to beat the enemy Avdeevki residential neighborhoods where there are no forces ATO.In Luhansk end of the day under mortar fire departments criminals found themselves Ukrainian settlements in areas of Old Aydar, Trohizbenka, Stanitsa Lugansk.Overall during the last day - 27 August - illegal armed formations 109 times violated the ceasefire. 15 times invaders used guns, 34 - mortars 1 - multiple rocket launcher BM-21 "Grad".


In Berdichev in the territory of 26 Artillery Brigade opened a monument to soldiers who died during the counterterrorist operation.

On the monument engraved with the names of the victims Artillery Brigade and 12 separate infantry battalion Oleksandr Martynyuk, Vladimir Kotvytska Victor Vereshchak Alexander Pavlyuk, Peter Dubyk, Roman Shcherbatyuk Yuri Zhabenko Alexander Sokorchuk, Alex Bogush, Basil Malyanivskyy Oleg Yandyuk John Wolf Vladimir and Aleksey Oshchepkov Cheslavskyy Alexander Szyszko, Oleg Voitenko, Dmitri Borovik Oleg Dyachenko Yuriy Artyukh, Zadoyanchuk Oleg, Oleg Vasyuk, Kryzhak Vitaly Vitaly Polonsky.

During the meeting the Order "For courage third degree" (posthumous) were awarded Basil Malyanivskoho soldier. The award was received by his son Denis, who only two years.





Five Ukrainian soldiers wounded in ATO area over past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 28 /Ukrinform/. No Ukrainian servicemen were killed, five were wounded in the ATO area over past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on the anti-terrorist operation, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing in Kyiv, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"No Ukrainian servicemen were killed as a result of active hostilities over past 24 hours," Lysenko said.

According to him, five Ukrainian soldiers were wounded near the Donetsk Airport over past day.



Russian proxies' losses in "M" sector: 51 wounded, ammunition destroyed : UNIAN news

The details of a fierce fighting between the Ukrainian troops and the Russian-backed militants in the Mariupol "M" sector in the early hours of August 27 have been revealed today thanks to intelligence reports, press officer of the "M" sector Yaroslav Chepurniy said on Friday, according to Mariupol's city online news portal 0629.

"It has become known that six Ukrainian soldiers were killed that night, while another two were wounded. The Ukrainian side gave an adequate answer that night and destroyed an [enemy] ammunition depot in the village of Styla (about 80 tonnes), as well as four cars," Chepurniy said.

According to intelligence reports that have appeared this morning, 51 wounded militants were brought to the town of Novoazovsk, while eight of them were in a very serious condition. Five officers arrived in cash transit vans.

The death toll is unknown as the bodies were immediately sent onto the territory of the Russian Federation.

An ammunition depot was also blown up in the village of Petrivske. In addition, the Ukrainian armed forces destroyed military equipment, including 51 armored engineering vehicles and three cars, near the village of Telmanove.

There was a panic among the militants and they left their positions.

Reuters / Thursday, August 27, 2015
Ukrainian servicemen pass under a booby trap as they patrol an area near the village of Popasna, Lugansk region, Ukraine, August 27, 2015. REUTERS/Maksim Levin
The Nazis desecrated the monument to the victims of fascism in Zaporozhye.
Two Ukrainian servicemen killed, three wounded in ATO area over past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 29 /Ukrinform/. Two Ukrainian servicemen were killed, three were wounded in the ATO area over past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on the anti-terrorist operation, Colonel Oleksandr Motuzianyk said this at a briefing in Kyiv, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Two Ukrainian servicemen were killed, another three were wounded as a result of fighting over past 24 hours," he said.

According to the spokesman, the most active hostilities over the past day were observed near the Donetsk Airport, where the terrorists used the heavy weapons, forbidden under the Minsk Agreements.


Militants shell Ukrainian positions 74 times over past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 29 /Ukrinform/. From 19:00 till midnight August 28, the illegal armed groups significantly reduced the number of provocative attacks on the positions of ATO forces, but the peace agreements were still violated using weapons with caliber over 100 millimeters.

This is reported by the ATO press center.

Over past 24 hours, the militants violated the ceasefire 74 times.

From midnight till 6:00 August 29, the militants violated the ceasefire four times. The mercenaries used small arms to fire on Ukrainian strongholds in Shchastia (23km north of Luhansk), Butovka coal mine (11.4km north-west of Donetsk) and Opytne (11.5km north-west of Donetsk).


29 August, from 18 hours to midnight, the situation in the area ATU remained stable, with no tendency to relapse. Illegal armed groups did not use weapons, the caliber of which exceeds 100 millimeters.

A single shelling our positions were mostly chaotic and provocative character.So, at the end of day, far Donetsk, enemy forces fired grenades from ATO in Trohizbentsi, Avdeevka, Mar'yintsi.
And under small arms fire from two Ukrainian units fell in the questionnaire.In Artemovsk direction about 22 hours militants fired from a grenade launcher our foothold in Lugansk. But around midnight the 82-millimeter mortars pounded the pro-Russian Ukrainian mercenaries in the Crimean positions that in the Luhansk region.

Generally, during yesterday's day, gang 19 times violated ceasefire: 1 time militants used mortar, 10 - grenade launchers.After midnight and 6 am on August 30, two criminals with firearms fired power ATO in the questionnaire and twice fired with heavy machine guns on the sand.


Ukrainian party of the Joint Center for control and coordination for ceasefire monitoring mission gave the Special OSCE documented facts barbaric attacks targeted terrorists residential areas of the city Avdeevka Donetsk region.

Yes, 27 August at 01.52 militants fired Avdiyivka of prohibited agreements Minsk artillery caliber 122 mm. Significant destruction were recorded in the area of "Old Avdiyivka."






Ukrainian side STSKK MSF continues to provide OSCE documented facts consequences shelling of peaceful settlements illegal armed formations specific regions of Luhansk region.

Yes, 26 and 27 August, terrorists used 82 and 120 mm mortars in residential neighborhoods village Lugansk. As a result of shelling destroyed houses in the streets of Lenin, University, Lebedinsky, 5-line 3rd line 4th line, Gogol, Lermontov Street and 1st May.



One Ukrainian soldier wounded in Donbas in last day : UNIAN news

No Ukrainian soldiers were killed but one was wounded in the Donbas conflict zone over the last 24 hours, presidential administration spokesman for the Anti-Terrorist Operation Colonel Andriy Lysenko said at a briefing in Kyiv on Sunday, according to an UNIAN correspondent.

"Over the last day, we haven’t lost any Ukrainian soldiers, but one was injured as a result of military clashes near the town of Schastia," he said.

As UNIAN reported earlier, the combined Russian-separatist forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine 19 times overnight, using a mortar once, and grenade launchers 10 times.

DPR militants want to attack schools on September 1 to call for Russian "peacekeepers" : UNIAN news

"According to Ukrainian security services, the DPR militants have developed a plan of provocative actions by September 1. This is a cynical crime - the shelling of schools and other educational institutions in the region and the Ukrainian armed forces will be accused of it," he said.

"The Kremlin-backed mercenaries are planning to use this provocation as a pretext for request to Russia to officially introduce the so-called "peacekeeping forces." We call on everyone to be vigilant, especially the inhabitants of eastern Ukraine," Lysenko said.

Meanwhile, alcoholism of "president" Poroshenko is progressing every day.
In the opening of "Sea Breeze - 2015" Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Defense of Ukraine, commander of the US Navy fleet 6 visited the ship that will take part in training. In particular, they examined the Ukrainian frigate "Hetman Sahaidachny" and the US Navy Destroyer "Donald Cook".

While on the deck of the flagship national Navy officials discussed the transfer of new and upgraded technical equipment from the US Navy for frigate "Hetman Sahaidachny."Earlier, the US has provided assistance with upgrading frigate and now expressed their willingness to continue to assist in the modernization of the Ukrainian Navy.







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