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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Crimea and Donbas are lost for Ukraine forever. However, the rest of the historical New Russia can remain a part of Ukraine if the authorities give us autonomy and return the Russian language the official status. I do not know why the junta do not accept these demands. The world is full of federal states, which use two or more official languages.
that seems like a fair and simple enough demand, but didn't they already restore Russian as an official language last year when there was much outcry about it ?
that seems like a fair and simple enough demand, but didn't they already restore Russian as an official language last year when there was much outcry about it ?
Russian should become the second state language again. And not regional. In Crimea, is now three official languages, it is a simple solution immediately calmed Crimean Tatars. I do not understand why the junta can not accept this simple law.
Russian should become the second state language again. And not regional. In Crimea, is now three official languages, it is a simple solution immediately calmed Crimean Tatars. I do not understand why the junta can not accept this simple law.
classic European fascism maybe ?
Russian should become the second state language again. And not regional. In Crimea, is now three official languages, it is a simple solution immediately calmed Crimean Tatars. I do not understand why the junta can not accept this simple law.

How do you think they will get a excuse to impose sanction on Russia, if there is no ukraine conflict .....
How do you think they will get a excuse to impose sanction on Russia, if there is no ukraine conflict .....
Oh, they will always find an excuse. Lack of indulgence to sexual perverts, small presence of Western paid traitors in power, control laws for Western NGOs and so on.
There will be always an excuse. It's the West, they can not live without anti-Russian propaganda.
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Ukraine says foiled bombing of Kiev apartment block | Zee News

Kiev: Ukraine`s security services said Thursday they had detained four members of a pro-Russian group suspected of plotting to blow up a block of flats in Kiev.

"They planned to blow up a building in Obolon and were caught red-handed," Olena Gitlyanska, spokeswoman for the SBU security services, told AFP, referring to a large residential area in northern Kiev.

The four men resisted arrest and threw a hand grenade at special forces as they were seized, the SBU said in a statement.

The SBU agents fired back, wounding one of the suspects in the leg.

The targetted block of flats had on the ground floor a centre collecting public donations for the armed forces battling pro-Russian separatists in the east and the men were seized close to the centre.

Donation centres accept financial contributions as well as clothing, tents and other items for soldiers, including children`s letters and drawings.

The men arrested are all Ukrainian citizens, although the leader was born in Russia, the SBU spokeswoman said.

The group`s leader planned to flee after the planned attack to Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014, the SBU said.

Ukraine has regularly accused Russia of attempting to destabilise the situation in the country as the conflict in the east has claimed more than 6,800 lives since April last year.

Kiev and the West say Russia provides military support for the rebels, which Moscow denies.

The foiled attack came after street battles between hundreds of protesters and police broke out in the Ukrainian capital Monday as lawmakers gave initial approval to legislation granting more autonomy to the rebel-held eastern regions.

As a result of the clashes three members of the National Guard were killed and more than 140 people wounded.

Authorities blamed ultra-nationalists, who oppose the controversial legislation, for the unrest.


KYIV, September 3 /Ukrinform/. One volunteer and one officer of the tax police were killed; six soldiers were wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on the anti-terrorist operation, Colonel Oleksandr Motuzianyk said this at a briefing in Kyiv, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Unfortunately, during the battle, two people were killed - a volunteer and a tax police officer. Six of our soldiers were wounded," he said.

Militants withdraw heavy weapons from Mariupol - HQ| Ukrinform
KYIV, September 3 /Ukrinform/. The terrorist have not shelled the ATO positions in Mariupol for the fifth day and have started to withdrawal heavy weapons from the contact line, Mariupol Defense center reports.

"The situation in the Mariupol sector remains calm for the fifth day already. The enemy does not shell positions of the ATO forces on the Mariupol outskirts. Both parties fully comply with the conditions of the ceasefire. Moreover, the enemy has begun to withdraw heavy weapons from the demarcation line," reads the statement.

However, as the center notes, the Ukrainian armed forces stay at their positions with the arms allowed under the Minsk Agreements. The actions of the enemy are constantly monitored.

Press ATU Staff reports: at the end of yesterday's day situation in the area ATU remained stable. Illegal armed groups are generally kept quiet mode, and single cases of enemy weapons were chaotic and provocative.

Yes, 20 hours and 22 militants with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades fired our stronghold south of Avdeevki.

And at half past 9 pm, on the part of Spartacus, Ukrainian positions on a questionnaire beat 82-mm mortar mercenaries.Generally during September 3 to 5 times violated the gang truce.Today, September 4, after midnight, two gunmen with small arms fired on strongholds of the ATU forces in the questionnaire.


Body of man killed by explosion found in Donetsk region| Ukrinform
KYIV, September 4/ Ukrinform /. The body of a man, who was killed reportedly by a landmine blast, was found near the village of Taramchuk in the Donetsk region.

The press service of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Donetsk region has reported.

"The body of the killed person was found in a field near the village of Taramchuk. The man was fatally injured in a blast of an explosive device. The investigative team from the village of Maryino police department is working at the scene, “a statement said.

The preliminary conclusion states that the incident happened last night

One Ukrainian soldier killed in Donbas in last day : UNIAN news

One Ukrainian soldier was killed in the Donbas conflict zone in the last 24 hours, according to Presidential Administration spokesman for Anti-Terrorist Operation Andriy Lysenko said at a briefing in Kyiv on Friday, according to an UNIAN correspondent.

"In the last day, we lost one Ukrainian soldier as a result of stepping on an unknown explosive device. Circumstances of the incident are being verified," Lysenko said.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on September 2, no Ukrainian soldiers were killed but six were wounded near the town of Schastia.
Crimea and Donbas are lost for Ukraine forever. However, the rest of the historical New Russia can remain a part of Ukraine if the authorities give us autonomy and return the Russian language the official status. I do not know why the junta do not accept these demands. The world is full of federal states, which use two or more official languages.

When russia can't tolerate separation of Chechnya, why do you think Ukraine can back off from Donbas and crimea ?
When russia can't tolerate separation of Chechnya, why do you think Ukraine can back off from Donbas and crimea ?
Because people of New Russia struggle for reunification with Russia, but not for separation from her.
And also, because Ukraine - artificial state created by the Bolsheviks of the Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian lands.
Look at things from a different angle. If Moscow allowed Kyiv to be independent, than Kiev, in turn, should allow the independence of the Crimea, Odessa, Kharkov, Donbas.
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Truce upheld for first time in war-torn eastern Ukraine: President | Zee News
Last Updated: Saturday, September 5, 2015 - 17:02

Kiev: Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said Saturday that the Western-backed truce signed in Minsk in February had been respected this week for the first time, despite pro-Russian rebels claiming a civilian had been killed.

"I have some good news. There has been no shooting on the front for a week," Poroshenko said in televised remarks. "This is the first week that the Minsk agreements are being implemented."

Poroshenko added that soldiers were still perishing in the conflict zone by stepping on landmines or in car crashes, but that none had died in battle.

On Friday, a Ukrainian soldier was killed in the blast of an "unknown explosive device" in the Lugansk area, one of the two eastern regions controlled by pro-Russian rebels.

In a fresh bid to end the violence, the Ukrainian government and representatives of Moscow-backed separatists last week agreed to strive to end all ceasefire violations starting on Tuesday.

The Western-brokered ceasefire agreed in February had been punctuated by deadly incidents on an almost daily basis.

But the truce was nonetheless undermined on Wednesday when two civilians were killed and four soldiers wounded in an ambush while taking part in an anti-smuggling operation.

Self-proclaimed separatist authorities announced Saturday that a civilian near the rebel stronghold of Donetsk had been killed by shots fired by the Ukrainian army.

Because people of New Russia struggle for reunification with Russia, but not for separation from her.
And also, because Ukraine - artificial state created by the Bolsheviks of the Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian lands.
Look at things from a different angle. If Moscow allowed Kyiv to be independent, than Kiev, in turn, should allow the independence of the Crimea, Odessa, Kharkov, Donbas.

This argument would've worked in medieval ages, but not in 21st century. Based on your argument, people of chechniya and dagestan should resist and wage on russia for there independence because these states were independent once until Russia invaded them.
Press ATU Staff reports: the end of the day yesterday, in the area of counter-terrorist operations, illegal armed groups have stepped up attacks somewhat Ukrainian position.From 18 hours until midnight, was the hottest in the region of Marinka, near Donetsk. Here, during the evening, the enemy was shooting 5 times on our strong points with small arms and grenades.
And almost at 19 hours for positions in Ukrainian Mar'yintsi, mercenaries twice beaten the 82-millimeter mortars.In addition, about 21 hours, the gang opened fire with small arms stronghold ATU forces in the questionnaire, and with grenade launchers and again small arms in our units Krasnohorivtsi.Overall, during the last day - September 4 illegal armed groups violated the truce 19 times. Of these, 18 cases of enemy weapons is recorded near Donetsk.

Once gunmen fired in the Luhansk region.With the beginning of a new era and until 6 am on Sept. 5, the activity of the Russian-terrorist troops in the Donetsk area continued. Almost from midnight to 2 am and militants from the tank, 82-millimeter mortars, grenade launchers, anti-aircraft installations and small arms beat the positions of ATU forces in Mar'yintsi. Also in the same area, around 2 am on our enemy strongholds of working 120-millimeter mortar.Also from midnight the night before the first opponent on the part of the Small Kalinovka, three fired from small arms Lugansk Ukrainian units in that Artemovsk direction.

Two servicemen wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours| Ukrinform

KYIV, September 2 /Ukrinform/. No Ukrainian servicemen were killed, two soldiers were wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Fortunately, there were no casualties among the Ukrainian servicemen for past 24 hours. Two of our soldiers were wounded," Lysenko said.



Interior Ministry: militants fired on residential areas of Maryinka, five houses destroyed : UNIAN news

The combined Russian-separatist forces fired on residential areas of the town of Maryinka, destroying five houses, according to the press service of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Donetsk region.

According to law enforcement agencies, shelling began at about 00:30 the Kyiv time, and lasted nearly an hour.

The shelling caused no casualties, according to preliminary information.

The investigative team of Maryinka district office is said to have arrived on the scene to inspect the consequences of this attack. Criminal proceedings were opened on charges of intentional destruction or damage of property under Article 194 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Information on casualties or damages is being verified, according to the report.

This argument would've worked in medieval ages, but not in 21st century. Based on your argument, people of chechniya and dagestan should resist and wage on russia for there independence because these states were independent once until Russia invaded them.
But on the basis of your arguments, New Russia also has every right to secede from Ukraine.
Three Ukrainian paratroopers possibly abducted near occupied Crimea : UNIAN news

The press service of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported on Facebook that three soldiers from 79th separate airmobile brigade went missing in the early hours of September 5 near the administrative border with the Russian-occupied Crimea.

"In the morning of September 5, we became aware of the three soldiers from the 79th separate airmobile brigade gone missing - senior soldier Yurov, soldiers Orlenko and Mekshun. In the course of search operations, after serving duty at the observation post... they put on plain clothes and went to swim at the dam, according to their fellow soldiers. The dam is located in the area adjacent to the illegally occupied territory of Crimea," reads the statement

According to the General Staff, it was later found that on the same night, two vehicles (an URAL truck and UAZ) drove close to the said area from the illegally occupied territory of Crimea. Therefore, our troops might have been illegally captured by the Russian military.
It is noted that the soldiers’ weapons, ammunition and military IDs remained at the base. Internal investigation and the search are continuing.

NBC News: Ukrainians face torture, show trials in Russia - read on - uatoday.tv
At least 12 Ukrainians are illegally held in Russian custody

Yuri Yatsenko says he deliberately smashed his head on a toilet before the men he believes were Russian secret service operatives entered his interrogation room and beat him.

"They're careful to hit you so no bruises are left," the 24-year-old Ukrainian told NBC News. "This way, I at least had something to show the medics."

The law school graduate says he was detained while on a business trip in Russia in March 2014. He was later convicted of illegal border crossing and possession of gunpowder.

The native of Lviv in western Ukraine who worked as a medic during the 2014 Maidan revolution that helped topple pro-Moscow Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said the charges are a fabrication, and an attempt to force him into incriminating himself as a saboteur.

Moscow says the detained Ukrainians — ranging from army officers to shepherds and filmmakers — are terrorists and war criminals. Six have already been convicted; the others are awaiting trial.

There may be more Ukrainians in Russian custody than officially confirmed. Ukraine has requested information on another 30 to 40 of its citizens who have gone missing and are possibly being held in Russia.
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