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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

According to the ATO press center, during the evening of Aug. 20 situation in the ATO region remained stable. The dynamics of armed provocations by illegal armed terroristic groups has decreased. The Russian-backed terrorists showed greatest activity in the area of Donetsk. In the late evening they shelled the villages Pisky, Krasnohorivka, Troitske, Novobakhmutivka, and Avdiivka, using 82 mm and 120 mm mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, 122-mm artillery and small arms.

Near Mariupol the militants used 120 mm mortars and 152 mm artillery. On the Artemivsk direction, they shelled ATO positions with 152 mm artillery in the villages Rozivka and Druzba.

In total, over the day of Aug. 20, Russian-backed terrorists violated Minsk agreements for 67 times. 51 firings were registered near Donetsk.

From midnight to 6 am, Aug. 21, the Russian-backed terrorists have increased the armed provocations. They shelled our positions with 152 mm artillery in the villages Starohnativka, Lebedynske, Prohorivka and Bohdanivka.

In Kirovograd on the facade of secondary school number 8 was unveiled a plaque soldier Ruslan Slobodyanyuk, arrow 72 Mechanised Brigade. The warrior died while performing military duty near the village Starohnativka, Volnovask district, Donetsk region, in April this year.


Two Ukrainian soldiers wounded in Donbas in last day : UNIAN news

No Ukrainian soldiers were killed but two were wounded in the Donbas conflict zone over the last 24 hours, presidential administration spokesman for the Anti-Terrorist Operation Colonel Andriy Lysenko said at a briefing in Kyiv on Friday, according to an UNIAN correspondent.
"Over the last day, we haven’t lost any Ukrainian soldiers, but two were injured as a result of military clashes," he said.

As UNIAN reported earlier, the combined Russian-separatist forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine 67 times overnight, including 51 times in the area of the militant stronghold of Donetsk.


The Staff of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) in eastern Ukraine has reported that the situation in Donbas has been escalating and the enemy has attempted to attacked Ukrainian troops in the Artemivsk sector, the ATO press center wrote on Facebook.

"The situation in the ATO zone from midnight to 18:00 Kyiv time today has somewhat worsened," it said.

"The enemy started shelling the village of Opytne, the towns of Maryinka, Avdiyivka and Krasnohorivka, and the village of Pisky, which is near the city of Donetsk [close to the destroyed Donetsk airport], several times during the day, using small arms, mortars and grenade launchers," the press center said.

In particular, one Ukrainian defended post in Maryinka came under fire from 05:20 to 08:00 on Friday – the enemy used a tank, a mortar, a grenade launcher, and small arms.

The illegal armed formations were also active near the Ukrainian-controlled city of Mariupol. At around midnight, the Russian proxies used 152mm artillery systems to shell the village of Prokhorivka, near the town of Volnovakha twice. "And almost at 4:00 enemy artillery systems started shelling our positions in the villages of Starohnativka, Lebedynske and Bohdanivka. In the morning, the village of Vynohradne came under 122mm artillery fire. What is more, the criminals opened fire from 152mm artillery systems on our troops in Starohnativka at about 08:00, while 122mm artillery followed them at 09:00 and 10:00 local time," the press center said.

In total, illegal armed formations violated the truce in Donbas 58 times from midnight to 18:00 on Friday.

The ATO forces also managed to repel a militant attack in the Artemivsk sector.

"At 11:35, an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group attacked a Ukrainian defended point in the Artemivsk sector, trying bypass it.

"Following a skirmish, the enemy had to retreat," the press center said.

According to the ATO press center, during the Aug. 21, illegal armed terroristic groups became more active in the ATO region. They shelled our position in the villages Opytne, Maryinka, Avdiivka, Krasnohorivka, Pisky with the small arms, mortars and grenade launchers. Also, Russian-backed terrorists attacked the ATO forces in Maryinka, shelling it from the tank, small arms, mortars and grenade launchers. The activity of the terrorists increased also near Mariupol. They shelled the villages Starohnativka, Lebedynske, Bohdanivka, Prohorivka and Vinohradne, using 122 mm and 152 mm artillery. In Artemivsk area at 11.35 am sabotage-reconnaissance group of the Russian-backed terrorists tried to bypass our strong point. In the result of the combat clash, the enemy retreated. In Luhansk area the situation was mostly stable, but at 3.15 pm the terrorists shelled the ATO forces in Novotoshkivske with the grenade launcher. In total, over the day of Aug. 21, Russian-backed terrorists violated Minsk agreements for 58 times.





In Chuhuiv, Kharkiv region, President Petro Poroshenko conveyed certificates for the new and repaired military equipment that will be sent to the ATO area. Upon completion of testing, the equipment will be sent to the ATO area. It will take approximately 2 days. The overall number of equipment exceeds 250, among them: tanks "Bulat", T-64BV, T-72, T-80; APCs and IFVs; anti-tank complex "Stugna", anti-tank cannons and howitzers, anti-aircraft missiles, MRLS; huge number of vehicles, including Hummer vehicles. As stated by the President, MIC enterprises repaired about 1000 items of military equipment in 2015 and the process is continued. Repair units of militaries, in their turn, fixed more than 14000 items. In the framework of the international assistance, Ukraine received about 500 items of equipment: Hummer vehicles, counterbattery radar locators, night vision devices, thermal imagers, navigators and radio stations. Together with the President, the ceremony was attended by NSDC Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov, Minister of Defense Stepan Poltorak, Chief of the General Staff Viktor Muzhenko, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Andriy Taranov, Ukroboronprom CEO Roman Romanov and Kharkiv RSA Head Ihor Rainin.




Security Service of Ukraine discovers cache with weapons, ammo and explosives in the industrial area of the capital’s Darnitsky district, according to the SBU press service

20 cm nails were attached to one of the IEDs / sbu.gov.ua
"Near the dilapidated house the SBU operatives discovered the carefully camouflaged cache of explosives, eight cylindrical TNT blocks MI-82, and six TNT blocks weighing 75g each, six TNT blocks perforated for inserting detonators. 20 cm metal nails were attached around the perimeter of one of the blocks weighing 200g. The total weight of discovered explosives is almost four kilograms,” reads the statement.


SBU finds a cache with weapons and explosives / sbu.gov.ua
AK-74U machine gun with two plastic cartridges, SKS carbine and a large number of ammunition of various calibres were also seized from the cache.

In addition, the security officers found and ancient icon of the Holy Virgin, wrapped in burlap, according to the SBU press center.

Operational-investigative actions are continuing into the opened criminal proceedings under Art. 263 (Illegal handling of weapons) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


Explosions hit two offices of Sberbank of Russia within moments of each other overnight in Kyiv, in Pozniaky and Kurenivka districts, Ukrainian Web portal Ukraina Kryminalna reported on Monday.

Photo from Facebook, Dmitriy Bitov
According to eyewitnesses, the first explosion hit the office in Pozniaky district. The bank’s doors and signs were damaged. Information about casualties is being verified, but no injuries have yet been reported. The Interior Ministry put a security cordon in place, and Akhmatova and Urlivska streets have been closed off.

The second explosion occurred almost at the same time, in Kurenivka district.

"There was an attempt to hit the office of Sberbank of Russia in Kurenivka district at about 0100,” one eyewitness wrote on Facebook. “No [major] damage, just [damage to] stucco and partially its windows."

Eight Ukrainian servicemen injured in Donbas over past 24 hours
Eight servicemen of the Ukrainian armed forces have been injured in the special operation area in Donbas over the past 24 hours, and no one was killed, Ukrainian presidential spokesman for military issues Oleksandr Motuzianyk said.

"We have not lost any of our warriors because of the military activities over the past 24 hours, and eight have sustained injuries of varying degrees," Motuzianyk said at a news conference in Kyiv on Saturday.
One Ukrainian soldier killed, four wounded in Donbas in last day : UNIAN news

One Ukrainian soldier was killed and another four were wounded in the Donbas conflict zone in the last 24 hours, according to Presidential Administration spokesman for Anti-Terrorist Operation issues Andriy Lysenko.


One Ukrainian soldier was killed on Saturday in the ATO zone in Donbas / Photo from UNIAN
"In the last day, we lost one soldier, another four were injured in hostilities," he said at a briefing on Sunday, an UNIAN correspondent reported.

No Ukrainian soldiers were killed, while two were wounded on Friday, Lysenko said earlier.
Google translate

During the years of independence, Ukraine set a world record for the drop in GDP

During the years of Ukrainian independence its real GDP fell by 35%.
According to the World Bank, this - the worst result in the world for the past 24 years.
"With such a dynamic to the point where domestic GDP will reach the same level of 1990, Ukraine will be on the sidelines godforsaken world economy, far behind its neighbors today, not being able to share any of their successes or their plans or opportunities" - says Ukrainian economist Sergei Korablin.
Of the 166 countries that had and uncover the full statistics of GDP for 1991-2014, it decreased in only five cases. Ukraine on the list ahead of Moldova (-29%), Georgia (-15.4%), Zimbabwe (-2.3%) and the Central African Republic (-0.94%).
Ukraine vows to increase troops to fend off rebel attacks | Zee News
Last Updated: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 - 00:51

Kiev: Ukraine's president vowed to increase troop numbers to fend off attacks by Russia-backed separatist rebels and warned his countrymen that there is still the threat of a "large-scale invasion," in an impassioned speech to mark Independence Day today.

Speaking during a military parade, President Petro Poroshenko said Ukraine must not be complacent even though hostilities have largely died down. In a show of force, thousands of Ukrainian servicemen marched in downtown Kiev to commemorate the country's independence from the Soviet Union on Aug 24, 1991.

"We stand for peace, but we are not pacifists. We must get through the 25th year of independence as if on brittle ice. We must understand that the smallest misstep could be fatal. The war for independence is still ongoing," Poroshenko said.

Poroshenko didn't say how many more troops he would send to eastern Ukraine. He claimed that Russia had massed about 50,000 troops on the border with Ukraine, still had 9,000 soldiers in eastern Ukraine and had supplied the rebels with about 500 tanks and 400 pieces of artillery.

Poroshenko warned that Russia is wary of an outright invasion and is instead developing another strategy: sow discord across all of Ukraine and thus spoil its relations with its Western allies.

Poroshenko compared the rebel-held territories in the east and their viability to the evil kingdom of Mordor from JRR Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" novels.

Russia's foreign minister said Poroshenko's statements about Russian troops were "unsubstantiated and unscrupulous."

"It is difficult to escape the thought that their goal was to break the genetic code that guarantees the unity of our peoples. I don't think he will succeed," Sergey Lavrov said.

The Ukrainian troops taking part in the Independence Day commemorations carried rifles, but, unlike last year, the parade didn't feature any of the more powerful weaponry.

This could have been seen as provocative because of the conflict in the east, which has claimed more than 6,800 lives since it began in April 2014 and saw a major uptick in violence last week with nine civilians and soldiers killed in just one day.

Ukraine's military said today that the rebels violated a cease-fire 82 times overnight in the eastern part of the country, in some cases with large-caliber weapons that should have been withdrawn in line with a truce signed in February.

Militants continue attacking Ukrainian army positions in Donbas| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 24 /Ukrinform/. The Ukrainian military said on Sunday that their positions in Donbas continued being shelled, mainly from small arms and weapons with a caliber of over 100 millimeters, throughout the day on Sunday.

The press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) wrote on Facebook.

In particular, early morning on Sunday the Ukrainian positions in Luhansk region were shelled several times from grenade launchers and large-caliber machineguns.

In Mariupol area, the Ukrainian strongholds in Shyrokyne and Sartana were struck by 152-millimeter artillery, the press center said. Near Donetsk, 120-millimeter mortars were fired against Opytne and Avdiyivka, the press center said.


No servicemen killed in ATO area in past 24 hours| Ukrinform

KYIV, August 24 /Ukrinform/. No Ukrainian servicemen were killed, one soldier was wounded in ATO area in past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Fortunately, there were no casualties among the Ukrainian servicemen for past 24 hours. One of our soldiers was wounded," Lysenko said.

2,500 soldiers killed as of August 4

More than 2,000 soldiers killed in Donbas - Poroshenko| Ukrinform
KYIV, August 24 /Ukrinform/. Russian aggression in Donbas has killed more than 2,000 Ukrainian soldiers.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said this during his speech on the occasion of Independence Day, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"In total, the aggression of the neighboring state has killed more than 2,000 our soldiers. Eternal memory to the heroes who fell in the battle for free and independent Ukraine. And eternal glory to all of them," Poroshenko said.

The Head of State asked the people at the Independence Square to observe a minute of silence in tribute to the memory of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians killed in the war waged by Russia.


Columns with Russian-backed militants' military hardware have entered Ukraine from the side of the Russian Federation and partly from the occupied town of Rovenky in Luhansk region, according to Ukrainian online newspaper Novosti Donbasa, which cites own sources.

"Three columns with Russian proxies' military hardware are now moving in three directions, heading for the occupied cities of Luhansk, Debaltseve and Donetsk," Novosti Donbasa wrote.

What is more, militants have transported their equipment by rail via the railway station of Shterivka in Luhansk region.

Ukraine's External Intelligence Service has previously announced that the combined Russian-separatist forces planned to conduct a number of large-scale acts of terrors in temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine on Independence Day on August 24.

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