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CIA veteran: Israel to attack Iran in fall

I certainly hope that the USA does everything in its power to prevent an Israeli attack on Iran, including "leaking" details of any preparations the USA spots via its surveillance systems. I also hope the USA would take any evidence of Israeli preparations for a strike against Iran to the UN Security Council for maximum worldwide pressure on Israel not to do it. The only way to make the world safer from Iran is to encourage a non-theocratic, democratic system in Iran. All of US and Israeli energy should be directed at weakening the Mullah Regime, not striking against Iranian facilities.
That response for nascent threats. It is to discourage the development of a regime that will create an immediate threat. When a country is prepared to produce an immediate, those who are threatened have no choice but to create responses to match.
muse, Sir,

I believe that the mullah regime is dangerous to Israel because of a few aspects. (1) They want primacy in the Muslim world (over SA, for example) and "defeating" Israel in some fashion would give them maximum Muslim street creds. (2) They are the primary financial and weapons logistical supporters of Hezbollah and HAMAS, both of which cause the Israeli population and economy the most stress. (3) There are some in the "mullah" orbit who seem to believe in bringing the 12th Imam our of occlusion by causing an "Armageddon" in a conflagration with Israel. If Iran were ruled by middle class Iranians and technocrats, Israel would be safer, IMHO.


I agree with the first part truthseeker. But there should be a policy of non interference in other countries internal affairs in my opinion. Thats why for so long iranisans hate americans because of the support that america gave previously to the shah of iran
Would Iranian sponsored groups interested in the erasure of Israel off the map qualify as 'interference'?
Israel and americans do not have to on a war with Iran. Stuxnet has done a wonderful job for them, Iranian Nuclear capabilities has been pushed several years back.
Would Iranian sponsored groups interested in the erasure of Israel off the map qualify as 'interference'?

I think you are referring to the misquote from A'Jad about removing the Israeli 'regime' from the face of the world like the Soviets (not the Russian people) vanished. Not the people of Israel but the repressive regime of Israel. How can A'Jad wish for the destruction of the Israeli poeple? There are 30,000 Jews who live peacefully in Iran. And Israel has a large number of Muslims inside. And, btw, how many times Israelis have threatened to strike Iran?

But, of course, you won't believe this.

You are trying to portray a heavily armed, nuke power like Israel as a threatened country. This is because you and many others, especially in America and Israel, are desperately trying to build a case to attack Iran 'pre-emptively' because of alleged verbal threats. But outside of your self-serving group the world at large is not buying it. The 'mullah regime' is retrogressive but is NOT suicidal enough to attack Israel.

Israel attacks Iran will invite a big response. There is a reason as to why it's been three decades of their mutual hostility but without an open war. And that's because an aggressive Israel will pay the price. It also endangers American lives in the region. And hence seemingly American posters are going to the extent of calling Americans to shoot down any Israelis heading toward Iran.

PS. Counting on KSA to help Israel to attack Iran may be a wishful thinking which can backfire big way. After all, Shia or Sunni, they are Muslims despite differences.
The hoax Israel/west made about KSA giving Israel free space to attack Iran have caused much strife between the two sects. There is no proof and the one who came up with it is an Israeli news agency. What more proof do you need of it being wrong??
Assalam alaikum

Without the support of U.S israel alone can't do much. But if there is a plan for attacking iran, hizb can be dealt by sunni and christians groups. If syrian regime is toppled the task will become more easy to deal with hizb, since iran and hizb put all their weight in favor of the govt iranians and
hizb flags set on fire many time by the protestors.

Our american friend even if iran wins over israel and u.s it will not be or no one will consider it leader of the islamic world. shia's r less then 15 percent of muslims and all the history, glory and conquering the countries is done by sunnies we might have some traitor leaders right now but it will not stay like that and we always fought back history proves it.

I hope there should not be any war.

I think you are referring to the misquote from A'Jad about removing the Israeli 'regime' from the face of the world like the Soviets (not the Russian people) vanished. Not the people of Israel but the repressive regime of Israel. How can A'Jad wish for the destruction of the Israeli poeple? There are 30,000 Jews who live peacefully in Iran. And Israel has a large number of Muslims inside.
Sure...It is a 'misquote'.

And, btw, how many times Israelis have threatened to strike Iran?
How certain are you those were not misquotes?

Anyway...Do you believe Iran has a right to support combatant groups who interfere in other countries' internal affairs?
muse, Sir,

I believe that the mullah regime is dangerous to Israel because of a few aspects. (1) They want primacy in the Muslim world (over SA, for example) and "defeating" Israel in some fashion would give them maximum Muslim street creds. (2) They are the primary financial and weapons logistical supporters of Hezbollah and HAMAS, both of which cause the Israeli population and economy the most stress. (3) There are some in the "mullah" orbit who seem to believe in bringing the 12th Imam our of occlusion by causing an "Armageddon" in a conflagration with Israel. If Iran were ruled by middle class Iranians and technocrats, Israel would be safer, IMHO.




Mullah regime and Arbi tyrants, religious and secular, are tremendous assets to the Israeli narrative of themselves as a Island of "Democracy" in a oceans of barbarous brutes who not only brutalize their own but represent a mortal threat to Israel -- So long as these are no real threats, Israel has zero incentive to seek their removal.

The Iranian narrative, for the larger community of Muslims, is quite similar, the Iranian realize there is no possibility of "victory" over the "Zionist entity", however, groups such as Hamas and Hebzbollah, have more to do with political and social failure in Lebanon and Palestine than as symbols of Iranian street cred as you put it.

As for the the issue of "mehdi" is concerned - it does not do for adherents of confessions in which the Mehdi, Messaiah and Meshiyuh are essential elements to be dis'ing the other adherents or the doctrine itself

Mullah regime and Arbi tyrants, religious and secular, are tremendous assets to the Israeli narrative of themselves as a Island of "Democracy" in a oceans of barbarous brutes who not only brutalize their own but represent a mortal threat to Israel -- So long as these are no real threats, Israel has zero incentive to seek their removal.

The Iranian narrative, for the larger community of Muslims, is quite similar, the Iranian realize there is no possibility of "victory" over the "Zionist entity", however, groups such as Hamas and Hebzbollah, have more to do with political and social failure in Lebanon and Palestine than as symbols of Iranian street cred as you put it.

As for the the issue of "mehdi" is concerned - it does not do for adherents of confessions in which the Mehdi, Messaiah and Meshiyuh are essential elements to be dis'ing the other adherents or the doctrine itself

The "Arbi" tyrants have always been the ones to fight. While Iran has done nothing but make threats. Iran is supplying combat groups with arms. We are supplying the country with means to live and keep on going and even become a viable state. Who is the traitor here?? the one who gives excuse to Israel to kill innocent people (and they lunge at every chance they get). Or the one who is helping to put down arms???
First you say the Arbi always fight then you say Arbi is giving them means to live and help put down arms -- typical arbi.
Sure...It is a 'misquote'.
How certain are you those were not misquotes?
Anyway...Do you believe Iran has a right to support combatant groups who interfere in other countries' internal affairs?

Just as certain you are about the 'wipe off' threat. Never has A'Jad said that he would kill all the Jews etc. He used Soviet Union in that 'wipe off' comments as an example of a 'regime' which went to the dustbin of history. But, of course, you have to parrot a different line to justify a war. We can't help each other here.

About those combatant groups, would you mind telling me the difference between Hamas's threats vs Israel's actual implementation? What Hamas (and most likely Likud and other right wing Israelis SAY) is actually being done by Israel on the ground: A slow genocide of the Palestinian statehood because of the criminal 'Settlement Enterprise'. So...just like the Jews in America feel they have to help Israel--a separate country--A'Jad thinks he has to help his Palestinian brothers.

IF Israel leaves the W. Bank and gives Palestinians a viable state then A'Jad will lose his steam. So long as Israel is an expansionist power--a power where many believe that the 'real Palestine' is in Jordan (implicit ethnic cleansing)--the mullah regime will, sadly, find an audience in and outside of Iran.
Asslam alaikum

I wonder those palestinians r not arabs ? and who is fighting israel since it existed palestinian ( arabs ) or some other race?

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