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'CIA doctor' accused of treason

I reported your post. I hope Asim will take action.

Mr Sachin -

If i start reporting your posts i would be here all day young man. So far you have posted 40 of which 24 have been off topic and generally trolling. Even the one above has nothing to do with the topic. Please if you cant say anything on topic, then refrain fron interjecting.
On topic - As i have said before let the judicial system judge if Afridi is guilty or not.
he was in contact with a foreign intelligence agency, and doing secret work with them, all the while being a citizen of Pakistan.

the writing is on the wall in bold red letters, some people are too dumb to understand it

a prime example: post #197
You know what's ironic
1. A CIA operative kills 2 Pakistani civilians in cold blood and is released in exchange for blood money
2. A Pakistani citizen helps US govt kill the most notorious terrorist residing in Pakistan and will probably be killed for the deed..

Spin in anyway you want, the contrast is stark enough...

couldnt agree with you more

me personally, i'd like to have seen them both share the same prison room in shackles.......dump the chaaby to those shackles in the ocean

couldnt agree with you more

me personally, i'd like to have seen them both share the same prison room in shackles.......dump the chaaby to those shackles in the ocean

you are so kind hearted brother .....
i want to see their body dissected :butcher:
You know what's ironic
1. A CIA operative kills 2 Pakistani civilians in cold blood and is released in exchange for blood money
2. A Pakistani citizen helps US govt kill the most notorious terrorist residing in Pakistan and will probably be killed for the deed..

Spin in anyway you want, the contrast is stark enough...

Irony is not a good enough excuse to subvert the law. RD was an accused in a murder trial and the provision to release him for blood money existed within the law. SA is an accused in a treason trial, it will have to be determined if hes guilty or not. There can be no blood money given in this case.

People are not trying him for the outcome of getting OBL killed we are trying him for colluding with the CIA.
Looking at the whole episode very dispassionately, what this guy did to Pakistan is nothing short of treason. No country would accept this behaviour. India could not accept one of its citizens willingly cooperating with a foreign intelligence agency while keeping his own government deliberately in the dark. Yes, his activities led to the liquidation of OBL who was the world's most wanted terrorist. Did he do this for money or any other form of gratification? If yes, then he had little moral justification for what he did. Either way, a tough call for Pakistan. If he is hanged, they will be blamed for punishing a man who contributed to OBL's capture and death, if they let him live, it will amount to condoning treason and maybe encourage others to go down that path. A real catch 22 if there ever was one.
Looking at the whole episode very dispassionately, what this guy did to Pakistan is nothing short of treason. No country would accept this behaviour. India could not accept one of its citizens willingly cooperating with a foreign intelligence agency while keeping his own government deliberately in the dark. Yes, his activities led to the liquidation of OBL who was the world's most wanted terrorist. Did he do this for money or any other form of gratification? If yes, then he had little moral justification for what he did. Either way, a tough call for Pakistan. If he is hanged, they will be blamed for punishing a man who contributed to OBL's capture and death, if they let him live, it will amount to condoning treason and maybe encourage others to go down that path. A real catch 22 if there ever was one.
indeed a great post and unbiased one ......... this posts makes sense i appreciate this
NO country can allow its citizen to work for foreign intelligence agency without informing the authorities and it can not be tolerated even among in friendly nations like USA and Israel .......
if he proved guilty then releasing him free is no option because it will encourage others
Pakistan isn't just any country; it's more like a land occupied by an Army demanding full obedience and support from the populace. If this doctor is condemned to die without a fair jury trial that will merely confirm it.

Pakistan does not have jury trials, its a competent and respected judge or a panel of judges.
Do Pakistanis grasp what is wrong with this?

What is wrong with it buddy? Even we do not have jury trials in India. We had it many decades ago but it was done away with as being unsuitable to our socio-economic environment. Absence of jury trials do not mean that fair trials are not possible.
How about finding him guilty in court, confiscating all his worldly assets, condemning him strongly in the media, and then expel him forever from Pakistan. Let the U.S. take him.

I understand the hard feelings... but this guy helped us in the USA. I'd like to see him live out his life in relative peace, while at the same time a message is sent by Pakistan.
How about finding him guilty in court, confiscating all his worldly assets, condemning him strongly in the media, and then expel him forever from Pakistan. Let the U.S. take him.

I understand the hard feelings... but this guy helped us in the USA. I'd like to see him live out his life in relative peace, while at the same time a message is sent by Pakistan.

hi I Am not sure how welcoming USA will be for him (given that he already betrayed his former country of origin).

what if some other hostile nation "buys" his services that actually leaves USA in the similar position or worse than Pakistan?
I think the sentiments will be very different then.

indeed there should be a proper trial because thats what makes us different to the terrorists
I think, the presense of you being here in forum is good enough to educate you and try to understand you, however, it is highly time to send you home for good. Please kindly don't bother us too much.

Congratulations on your promotion to the Mod team... Oh! sorry.. didnt realize it never happened.. :rofl:
What is wrong with it buddy? Even we do not have jury trials in India. We had it many decades ago but it was done away with as being unsuitable to our socio-economic environment. Absence of jury trials do not mean that fair trials are not possible.

thats right, we have same issue in Pakistan, actually both India and Pakistan follow same system and with a particular legislation the jury part was suspended in favour of the judge
again, like you nicely said, that’s the way we are. we are different doesn’t mean we are evil and lesser beings

some people in the west have to understand that if we don’t embrace your way of life it doesn’t mean we are evil, we are simply different, we admire and accept your way of life just accept that not everyone can be the same like fingers on a hand.
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