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'CIA doctor' accused of treason

You did the same, allowing the United Carbide executives to run away, and the Yanks to this day - will not allow their extradition back to india, that incident cost the lives of thousands in Bhopal.

A topic for a different thread really..unless we want to go toe to toe on all the blackstone operatives discussion as well :)

---------- Post added at 12:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 AM ----------

Lets not bring RD in here.

And please dont write in grey.

Now, those doctors dont work for CIA do they?

Sorry.. grey was due to some quoting mess up.. my bad..

But RD's driver did.. and may be drove him on a lot of missions too.. didnt he?
Pakistan government dropped the ball by not slapping espionage charges against RD and made it all about the murder, which allowed the US to pay the families through intermediary countries and buy its way out of its criminal acts as usual.

Now that the treason charge has been placed I hope the government does fight the case with full vigor which would send a shiver down the spines of CIA collaborating traitors and war criminals in Pakistan.

Moreover I still maintain all CIA operatives without diplomatic immunity within Pakistan need to be nabbed and those with diplomatic immunity and found to be working for CIA need to be declared persona non grata immediately.

If these steps don't lead to chasing CIA out of Pakistan immediately they are of no use and I don't want Dr. Afridi to turn into a red herring where other operatives continue to inflict harm upon Pakistanis.

Perfect approach in my view.. My only grouse with Afridi is that he will probably be the 1st and last of the victims to this. Not because he helped CIA, but because he embarrassed ISI.. Poor guy probably thought he was doing a good deed helping nab the most wanted terrorist in the world.

Pretty ironical that the only citizen of Pakistan (which advertised its never ending fight against terror on behalf of 7 billion people of the world) who had a role in the biggest anti terror success of the decade, is being tried for treason by Pakistan.. ..
Pakistan judiciary system is a laughing stock of the world. tell me how many terrorists have been persecuted by Pakistan in last ten years?

many top wanted suspects were handed directly over to Americans even prior to investigation...in that sense, Pakistan and the US failed to uphold their values for free and fair trial.

so you are right, maybe our judiciary is becoming laughing stock

GOP and Army want to make him scapegoat for their failure. Innocent doctor should be released immediately.

if that were the case, there'd be no Abbotabad Commission.

has nothing to do with scapegoat; has to do with treason for doing the services of a foreign country (in exchange for financial reward) without informing the local administration

that's treason....and in Pakistan, that carries a death penalty. A verdict, which i think most Pakistanis will welcome.

I think, the presense of you being here in forum is good enough to educate you and try to understand you, however, it is highly time to send you home for good. Please kindly don't bother us too much.
Personal attacks.. etc etc.. (see signature)

O hello their karan. Pot calling the kettle black you little global internet short warrior. Its ok for him or you to globe trot all day and all night posting trolling cr*p but when one of you is told he is a dimwit you have a nerve to post this? Grow up and follow Raps advice and go home.
On topic - Afridi will be put on trial in Pakistan and if found guilty i hope he gets the most severe penalty.
It wouldnt be a charge of treason for sure..

Yeah, that's what you think are are saying here. Out there, having contacts with a foreign spy agency is a text book definition of treason.
Are the bharatis f*cking serious in this thread? I hope they're not because if they're serious, then that'd be the height of ignorance and childishness.

You don't work for any foreign intelligence services, period. That's how it is across the world. You work with ISI/IB/PA if that's what you want to do.

And who was that idiot of the highest order who compared this doctor's acts to those of the army, in that if this doctor is being punished for treason then so should be the army for supporting the drones?

The army IS THE STATE, or at the very least has authorization from the state. The state can't do treason against itself you idiot. Better delete your post first before some other wanna-be smart bharati copies your post.
It wouldnt be a charge of treason for sure..

Do you even know what the word treason means? Having links and cooperating with any foreign intelligence service whether its friendly or hostile is an outright treason. The man should have came to Pakistan Army and should have shared this information with them instead of running after the CIA looking for a payout. The man is a traitor and should be executed for this treason for the people and the state of Pakistan.
Perfect approach in my view.. My only grouse with Afridi is that he will probably be the 1st and last of the victims to this. Not because he helped CIA, but because he embarrassed ISI.. Poor guy probably thought he was doing a good deed helping nab the most wanted terrorist in the world.

Pretty ironical that the only citizen of Pakistan (which advertised its never ending fight against terror on behalf of 7 billion people of the world) who had a role in the biggest anti terror success of the decade, is being tried for treason by Pakistan.. ..

So now you're going with naivety? Listen if I helped the CIA do anything in my country, I would know very well that I'm doing something that is going against the law of the state. Dr. Afridi wasn't trying to do something nice, he was a hired agent of the CIA and being one itself is a charge for treason.
So now you're going with naivety? Listen if I helped the CIA do anything in my country, I would know very well that I'm doing something that is going against the law of the state. Dr. Afridi wasn't trying to do something nice, he was a hired agent of the CIA and being one itself is a charge for treason.


I have on numerous times tried coming onto this thread and explaining to our little Indians the logistics but they are like stubborn mules and it seems cant see past their own noses.
What Afridi did was carry out acts for a third party without informing the authorities. He did something behind our countries back.
The result of what he did and what happened isnt the issue. This is where these guys dont get it. Whether good or bad he should have not carried out acts in his motherland for third parties for financial gain. end of!

I have on numerous times tried coming onto this thread and explaining to our little Indians the logistics but they are like stubborn mules and it seems cant see past their own noses.
What Afridi did was carry out acts for a third party without informing the authorities. He did something behind our countries back.
The result of what he did and what happened isnt the issue. This is where these guys dont get it. Whether good or bad he should have not carried out acts in his motherland for third parties for financial gain. end of!

I reported your post. I hope Asim will take action.
Here are my 2 cents:- If CIA can kill OBL in pak army base then I am sure they can/will easily airlift Dr. Saheb from Pakistan...
It will be great stunt for Obama for upcomming elections...
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