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CIA And Pentagon Itching For Pakistan War

1. I think USA is trying to patch up with Pakistan behind the scene. In fact, USA is trying to patch up with the energized Muslims everywhere. Iraq. Afghanistan. She has stalled any Israeli adventure in Iran. USA is appearing fed up with Israel.USA may be tilting towards the Arabs/Muslims in W Asia. In Libya, a Sarkozy trying to become a Napoleon has put USA on the spot. But she is not too much into it.

2. My feeling has been, and I had started a thread on it, that not Pakistan but India could eventually become America's target - may be in a decade or two.
Do keep in mind that LeJ, SSJ, TTP are not your average Pakistanis. Your average Pakistani hardly cares what sect you belong to, a friend is a friend. And it'[s not only the Ahmeddis and Sufis who are being targeted by terrorists. Do you know that in a head count, Sunni casualties in the acts of terrorism since 2001 beat all other groups combined.
Then how come SSP has managed to create a political vote-bank for its anti-Shia stance in Punjab ? How does it have more than 100K+ workers for its cause in Pakistan ?
If Shias and Sunnis can live together (assuming Shias can live side-by-side with each other and QED for Sunnis), then why does massacre after massacre of the Shia population by LeJ and SSJ continue, while other Sunnis watch unconcerned ?

Which massacre are you talking about? I am a Shia, my whole family is Shia & lives peacefully in Pakistan. There is no Shia massacre in Pakistan. Yes, there are some violence against Shias by terrorists, but they target Sunnis as well.

Why, if Muslims can co-exist under a united Ummah, has Karachi seen so much ethnic cleansing that makes FATA feel like Switzerland ?

You are mixing ethnic issues in Karachi with religious ones. Feel free to believe there is a massacre going on of Shias & 'Mohajirs', believe all you want, I am both a Shia & a 'Mohajir', I can give you serious statistics on these issues, but I cannot change your mind if you aren't serious to discuss this issue, & hell-bent on sticking to your pre-conceived notions.
Then how come SSP has managed to create a political vote-bank for its anti-Shia stance in Punjab ? How does it have more than 100K+ workers for its cause in Pakistan ?

The SSP (or the LeJ) is not a political party in Pakistan for heaven's sake, that they need a political vote bank. This is the most ridiculous post I have ever read. Not one party in Pakistan creates a political vote bank for anti-Shia stance.

Where did you get the figure that the SSP has 100K+ workers?
The religious demographics of Pakistan extend Pakistan's "ideological depth" over the Muslim world. The roots of Barelvi Islam & Sufism also have a huge influence all over the world today. Along with the fact that Pakistan is the (I know you will get back at me for this, but anyways) first Muslim nation that is a nuclear power, & Pakistan is ideologically recognized as an Islamic Republic.

Fair points, but how do these facts convert into international geopolitical weight that may have important consequences in case of hostilities?
LOL...if US intends to, I mean really intends, to hurt Pakistan (which it will not in the near future) it can do so in many other ways without even committing a single boot on the ground. Pakistanis who think otherwise are just kidding themselves or are victims of too much ISPR propaganda.

The usa will not dare attack pakistan, iran will defend them, then china then whole the muslim world..it could start world war 3.pakistan needs to kick the united snakes of america out of its country.

LMAO. You are funny dude. :lol:
Fair points, but how do these facts convert into international geopolitical weight that may have important consequences in case of hostilities?

Dont you get - All the Sunni/Wahhabi nations will come to the aid of Pakistan for the 80% of its population and the Shia nations will come to its aid in lieu opf the remaining 18 or so %. And all the remaining Muslim nations with other sects/school of thoughts will come because Pakistan holds the "Islamic" bomb and is an "Islamic" republic.

The basic idea is Ummah will come to save Pakistan's rear.Atleast that is the given reasoning I think.
Which massacre are you talking about? I am a Shia, my whole family is Shia & lives peacefully in Pakistan. There is no Shia massacre in Pakistan. Yes, there are some violence against Shias by terrorists, but they target Sunnis as well.
I did not know that SSP targeted Sunnis anytime. TTP might have killed Sunnis (accidental samples from random civilian killing) but thats because Sunnis form close to 80%.

You are mixing ethnic issues in Karachi with religious ones. Feel free to believe there is a massacre going on of Shias & 'Mohajirs', believe all you want, I am both a Shia & a 'Mohajir', I can give you serious statistics on these issues, but I cannot change your mind if you aren't serious to discuss this issue, & hell-bent on sticking to your pre-conceived notions.
You're missing the point here ; I am not mixing any such issues. I am highlighting the idealogical flaw of the Ummah which could not halt the Karachi massacre ; Shia targeted killing was not the highlight. And yes, please give me statistics on the ethnic cleansing of Karachi rite from 2009 on. It makes the civilian drone killings pale in comparison as to whats going on in that hell-hole.
Dont you get - All the Sunni/Wahhabi nations will come to the aid of Pakistan for the 80% of its population and the Shia nations will come to its aid in lieu opf the remaining 18 or so %. And all the remaining Muslim nations with other sects/school of thoughts will come because Pakistan holds the "Islamic" bomb and is an "Islamic" republic.

The basic idea is Ummah will come to save Pakistan's rear.Atleast that is the given reasoning I think.

So this IS the fiction & fantasy section! :D
Fair points, but how do these facts convert into international geopolitical weight that may have important consequences in case of hostilities?

To put it in layman's terms, Pakistan has an enormous amount of influence over Saudi Arabia (& the Arab World), which is the most important Muslim/Islamic nation in the world; & Saudi Arabia is one of the most influential countries for the Western world, in particular the US. As per the principle of transference, Pakistan as an extremely important country for the Western world.

Pakistan's second highest Shia population in the world also has a significant influence over Iran (one of the most important Muslim countries in the world as well), along with the fact that Pakistan borders Iran; which gives Pakistan 'another option' in case of hostilities.
You're missing the point here ; I am not mixing any such issues. I am highlighting the idealogical flaw of the Ummah which could not halt the Karachi massacre ; Shia targeted killing was not the highlight. And yes, please give me statistics on the ethnic cleansing of Karachi rite from 2009 on. It makes the civilian drone killings pale in comparison as to whats going on in that hell-hole.

There is no concept of Ummah inside Pakistan. I don't know what you are talking about when you mention Ummah. Care to explain? The problem in Karachi is ethnic rioting, not a religious one.
The SSP (or the LeJ) is not a political party in Pakistan for heaven's sake, that they need a political vote bank. This is the most ridiculous post I have ever read. Not one party in Pakistan creates a political vote bank for anti-Shia stance.

Where did you get the figure that the SSP has 100K+ workers?
I know you are going to tell me that this is a Western mouthpiece, but to whet your appetite on SSP, you can begin here. And you can read their political involvement and all about their cronies in that link. Now, its your onus on interpreting a political vote-bank. Does it mean its a political party ? Again you can look at whatever you want to, but Punjab politics especially the South, is fueled due to an anti-Shia stance.
So this IS the fiction & fantasy section! :D

Did I not just say ? My reasoning seems to be on the dot and so is yours :D

1) Pakistan has an enormous amount of influence over Saudi Arabia (& the Arab World), which is the most important Muslim/Islamic nation in the world;
2)Saudi Arabia is one of the most influential countries for the Western world, in particular the US. As per the principle of transference,
3)Pakistan as an extremely important country for the Western world.

You have outdone yourself today Bilal. Keep up the good work :tup:
There is no concept of Ummah inside Pakistan. I don't know what you are talking about when you mention Ummah. Care to explain? The problem in Karachi is ethnic rioting, not a religious one.
Doesn't the concept of UMMAH include all Muslims living under one brotherhood, leaving aside ethnicities ? If Pakistan is meant to an Islamic Republic, doesn't it mean that all Muslims can live peacefully cohabit as brothers ?
I know you are going to tell me that this is a Western mouthpiece, but to whet your appetite on SSP, you can begin here. And you can read their political involvement and all about their cronies in that link. Now, its your onus on interpreting a political vote-bank. Does it mean its a political party ? Again you can look at whatever you want to, but Punjab politics especially the South, is fueled due to an anti-Shia stance.

The SSP (it doesn't exist by this name anymore) is a banned, terrorist organization in Pakistan. The 100,000 number does not have any basis to it either.

How can you say the Punjabi politics is fueled by anti-Shia stance? The PML-N is not favorable to the US, & is more 'religious', but it does not fuel anti-Shia stances in order to get votes. There is a big difference. There might be certain individuals in the party that might aid the terrorist organization LeJ, but the party itself is not anti-Shia, neither does it fuel anti-Shia sentiments to gain votes.
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