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Churches burnt in India

Kudos to all the Pakistani members who are able to find time to worry so much about each happening in India when their own nation is going through so much.

The same about worrying about Hinduism when there is so much happening on a much larger scale in their own religion!

Sorry didn't want to say all this but had to.

Here is Koran spelt the way I did:

About the Koran

by M.H. Shakir and published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., in 1983
Kudos to all the Pakistani members who are able to find time to worry so much about each happening in India when their own nation is going through so much.

The same about worrying about Hinduism when there is so much happening on a much larger scale in their own religion!

Sorry didn't want to say all this but had to.

No Vinod its actually the opposite way round. You see you people seem to worry so much about the happening in pakistan that you forget that india isnt much better either.
By the way there is nothing going on with the religion, the reason is that the holly quran is protected by God and what is written will never be changed till judgement day, however people try to distortle facts and change them to what suites their agenda and its a job of a muslim to realize it, if he/she doesnt then its the muslim at fault here.
No Comments.

Won't discuss religion!

Reasons explained.

Can't have you reporting against me.

You will twist it to suit your convenience and thing will get difficult for me.

I am here for Peace and a Peaceful discussion!

And to learn and not spread hate, inspite of provocations.

In the English language, nouns or names, places and particular objects can be spelt in any manner.

I never reported against You :) I can bet on it.

Rest agreed with last sentence about way to spell many urdu nouns or names

Here is Koran spelt the way I did:

About the Koran

by M.H. Shakir and published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., in 1983

M.H Shakir? nothing more i can say:disagree:
I never reported against You :) I can bet on it.

Rest agreed with last sentence about way to spell many urdu nouns or names

But you may have reported against others.

Whatever, you complained in that thread.

Or you imagined that people are against Islam and so you posted that.

Whatever, it indicated your inclinations to read more than what is written.

So, why should I take a chance?

I am learning a lot and so for a small reason, why should I get the doors to knowledge closed?
Kudos to all the Pakistani members who are able to find time to worry so much about each happening in India when their own nation is going through so much.

The same about worrying about Hinduism when there is so much happening on a much larger scale in their own religion!

Sorry didn't want to say all this but had to.

Vinod i think IceCold has replied your comments well but i had to add just few sentences :)
Its the indians who are doing so check this forum and all other forums on Net even the one you came from, the Indians are not discussing much what is going on in India and on almost every forum they are trying to comment on Pakistani problems. :).

i always say and said in past too if they did so with regard to their problems many would have been solved.

BTW its another matter that when they see any thread describing some bad happening in India most of them try to invoke others and get the thread closed :)
No Vinod its actually the opposite way round. You see you people seem to worry so much about the happening in pakistan that you forget that india isnt much better either.
By the way there is nothing going on with the religion, the reason is that the holly quran is protected by God and what is written will never be changed till judgement day, however people try to distortle facts and change them to what suites their agenda and its a job of a muslim to realize it, if he/she doesnt then its the muslim at fault here.

The world thinks India is doing rather well.

It does not matter what others think.

Ijtihad is also a factor in Islam as I learn. I believe Iqbal attempted the same.

People distort Islam, but then some don't agree that they are distorting Islam. Therefore, non Moslems remain confused!

I am of the view, and I maybe wrong, that ALL religions are too idealistic to escape the human foibles!

And there are those who are, to use the English phrase, "Bible thumpers", who actually find it convenient to thump away more for public consumption that they are the purest, and that too to suit their human convenience, with very little to do with the religion except to show how "good" they are!!
But you may have reported against others.

Whatever, you complained in that thread.

Or you imagined that people are against Islam and so you posted that.

Whatever, it indicated your inclinations to read more than what is written.

So, why should I take a chance?

I am learning a lot and so for a small reason, why should I get the doors to knowledge closed?

:) my dear Sir Ray Reporting anything that anyone thinks is offensive is the right of Every member here without any discrimination to different nationalities. Its up to the admin and mods after reading if it was worth taking action or not. and i tell till this time NO INDIAN has been banned on my reporting :) most of them were banned for other reasons.

And when did my reporting against others become casue of Concern for you ;).

As far Islam Sir honestly speaking some of your Indians even gone to abuse our Prophet (PBUH) i do not want to make things murkier by recalling that

This is the only "Pakistani" forum Which has given so much free hand to Indians to even go against Islam and I do not object to if you or other Non-Muslims here go against Islam as they have their own faith.

But wherever i see anyone is misinterpreting Islam its my right to counter that isnt it ?
No Vinod its actually the opposite way round. You see you people seem to worry so much about the happening in pakistan that you forget that india isnt much better either.
By the way there is nothing going on with the religion, the reason is that the holly quran is protected by God and what is written will never be changed till judgement day, however people try to distortle facts and change them to what suites their agenda and its a job of a muslim to realize it, if he/she doesnt then its the muslim at fault here.

IceCold, whether right or wrong you can't deny that the world is interested in Pakistan for all the wrong reasons. That is not the case with India. I don't think we are even arguing about that here!

Similiarly, many people are apprehensive of Islam and Muslims. I am no judge to make a comment on whether it is right or wrong. But obviously Muslims find it wrong. You talk about a whole community/religion/country being wrongly labelled because of the actions of a minority of the people and you may not be wrong there.

Now when I see some people trying to do that for India/Hinduism, I wonder whether they have a right to complain of others doing what they themselves are doing!
:) my dear Sir Ray Reporting anything that anyone thinks is offensive is the right of Every member here without any discrimination to different nationalities. Its up to the admin and mods after reading if it was worth taking action or not. and i tell till this time NO INDIAN has been banned on my reporting :) most of them were banned for other reasons.

Definitely it is the right to report obnoxious posts.

And definitely it is the right of the admins to ban people.

It does not matter if you reported or who reported.

And when did my reporting against others become casue of Concern for you ;).

As far Islam Sir honestly speaking some of your Indians even gone to abuse our Prophet (PBUH) i do not want to make things murkier by recalling that

This is the only "Pakistani" forum Which has given so much free hand to Indians to even go against Islam and I do not object to if you or other Non-Muslims here go against Islam as they have their own faith.

But wherever i see anyone is misinterpreting Islam its my right to counter that isnt it ?

Do give some example where the Prophet has been maligned.

No, even on this forum no one can escape if they criticise Islam. As far as criticising Pakistan it is a very chancy proposition, though I am of the opinion that one should not obnoxious in his criticism, if indeed it is done. One must exhibit class even if others don't!

Neither misinterpretation is correct nor is obfuscation!

Ask yourself if anyone can change his religion from Islam that is accepted! Isn't here enough on the media and internet to indicate what happens?

Why must you force people to post it here. After all, it is the interpretation of man and not of the religion. But then, people go by reality and not by the spiritual interpretation.

But then, life is very complex!
Jana, I am not saying that why you are not interested in India. Given our history and relationship, it is natural to be interested in events which have a possible fallout on the other country.

I was wondering about the thread being extended beyond it's useful shelf life and trying to continuously find faults with the other country/religion when things are far from perfect back home.

How does this continuous mud-slinging help anyone? You made your point about this issue, you got enough replies from members. Now trying to keep on stretching this and trying to find fault with one's religion will not get you pretty answers. I am sure you won't like people to talk in the same coin back. Lets respect each other's country and religion if you want that back from others.

The day to day issues that we face are another matter and no harm in highlighting them.
IceCold, whether right or wrong you can't deny that the world is interested in Pakistan for all the wrong reasons.

The world is intersted in its own intrests which is the biggest reason there when it comes to own intrests right become wrong.

That is not the case with India. I don't think we are even arguing about that here!

If you think living in the delusion that no one talks about India so the indians should feel all is well, can do anything good for India well hmmmmmmmmmm by now there would have been no problem in India.

Similiarly, many people are apprehensive of Islam and Muslims. I am no judge to make a comment on whether it is right or wrong. But obviously Muslims find it wrong. You talk about a whole community/religion/country being wrongly labelled because of the actions of a minority of the people and you may not be wrong there.

Many are also protesting in thousands against their governments for cheating them and wrongly attacking Iraq and Afghanistan.
I wonder why dont you consider them also.

Hundreds of people are converting to Islam in the west. Even after 9/11 a large number of Muslims embraced Islam in US i wonder who are these people :)
Now when I see some people trying to do that for India/Hinduism, I wonder whether they have a right to complain of others doing what they themselves are doing!

We are doing so only when you guys attack us.
I was wondering about the thread being extended beyond it's useful shelf life and trying to continuously find faults with the other country/religion when things are far from perfect back home..
The day to day issues that we face are another matter and no harm in highlighting them.

I was only posting the new developments and its some of you who had draged in in other direction but even than why Indians including you are shying of discussing cast system that is reason for this conversion issue.

Why not to try to solve it honestly Vinod its something all the sane people should.

I swear here in even once called conservative NWFP we are not accepting the kind of religion so-called mullahs are presenting.

Than why Indians like you are not putting efforts to create awarness.
Its not in hands of government to change that nor it can do its the common people who will do it.

the day to day happening dear are some of the results of the same old problems being ignored all these years.

so try to discuss it trust me it will help not insult.
Jana, it doesn't prove that India has no problems. But I think it does indicate that India's problems are contained within it's boundaries and the world believes that.

Hundreds of people converting is small fry when millions of people are apprehensive and fearful today. Some of the converted have not given a very good account of themselves like that shoe bomber and the London Mullah in the CNN programme 'The siege within'.

Anyway I don't want to get into this discussion as it may turn out to be negative which I don't prefer.
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