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Churches burnt in India

Islam possibly does not, but those who practice it, do!

That is the unfortunate commentary!

As I have always said, here and elsewhere, that religions speaks of good things. It is those who practice it, make their own interpretations and force it on others (mostly illiterates) and the fireworks start!

Practitioners of all religions make a mess in the name of religion!

:) :) :) :)

good atleast you saw something positive.

now as far those who practice it well there is a big difference between a religion and its followers and true followers.

I will repeat
if you want to know the qualities of a brand new car will you give to the person who doesnt know driving or to the one who knows?

Rest if someone wants to know what is Islam he/she should study the life and practice of Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and not OBL :)

Simple as that.

Now coming back to the topic i post the news as follow up and where-ever there is discussion i do so.
Religion is big business and so when money is involved, stupid things happen!

My post above is about All religious organisations and of those who are fooling the religious organisations and making a mockery of religion per se!!

:) the question is Sir so why conversion has become a big business in India ??

And why there is mass conversion every than and now ?
:) the question is Sir so why conversion has become a big business in India ??

And why there is mass conversion every than and now ?

Because the lower cast indians are so suppressed by Upper cast Hindus that they opt to be christians, giving themselves a chance for a better life..
:) the question is Sir so why conversion has become a big business in India ??

And why there is mass conversion every than and now ?

I am sure you understand English.

I have given it in the posts.
Because the lower cast indians are so suppressed by Upper cast Hindus that they opt to be christians, giving themselves a chance for a better life..

Yes they are so suppressed that they have special reservations for jobs and education and they get promotions out of turn!

Indeed, the worst type of suppression.:rolleyes:

Your contention is as true as the stupid statement one sees in other forums that all Moslems are terrorists!

Are they?


Some are but that does not mean that one can tarnish the whole lot to be what they are not!

Let's not dabble in Old Womens' Tales!

Educate yourself about Reservations in India.
I am sure you understand English.
I have given it in the posts.

:) im trying to learn ;) so kindly eleborate and i bet it wont be a regret for any of you rather the debate is coming to refined.

Yes they are so suppressed that they have special reservations for jobs and education and they get promotions out of turn!

We all know the status of the quota Sir and see no one of you want to re-open the quota issues as it will rebound some of the claims.

if these reservasions were of any good to them why they are converting in mass numbers Sir.

Its something You need to ponder over, you had to accept it that all these things again and again comes to one base and that is cast system which resulted in poverty.

as we say here if we want to eleminate terrorism we had to eleminate the root-cause of it.

Similarly Sir honestly speaking of one wants to be honest if you want to stop mass conversions you had to finish the root-cause of it which is injustic met to low casts realy sir its been too long.
The mind set has to be changed and it could only be done if people like you and others on different forums instead of finding excuses for the Hindu cast system would try to pen something explaining the actual things and ground realities keeping in view the changing Environment.

May be the system could have worked in the past when kings were there but now its different era where priorities have changed at every level.
Mass Conversions?

Heard of the power of MONEY?

Even the rich wants more.

Or else why should there be Mr 10 per cents?

Therefore, money does prove greater miracles than the Creator!

Hindu caste system is as bogus a reason to survive in any country as is the sectarian divide between Shias and Sunnis.

Both these things are useless in real terms, but practitioners can always be found!
Mass Conversions?

Heard of the power of MONEY?

Even the rich wants more.

Or else why should there be Mr 10 per cents?

Therefore, money does prove greater miracles than the Creator!

Hindu caste system is as bogus a reason to survive in any country as is the sectarian divide between Shias and Sunnis.

Both these things are useless in real terms, but practitioners can always be found!

:) Well Sir if so why only Low Cast Hindus are converting to other faiths?

Why we do not see Muslims who are equally in poverty are converting to other faiths and

even why we can not see Budhists or Sikhs in India are converting to other faiths ?

If only money is the reason than why not the elit of India or high cast Hindus are converting to other faiths for money ?
Because Islam's punishment is death as per the illiterates who interpret the Suras!

To the best of my knowledge while fire and damnation is there, I don't think Islam states death!

While other religions are cool, Islam brooks no nonsense!
Because Islam's punishment is death as per the illiterates who interpret the Suras!

To the best of my knowledge while fire and damnation is there, I don't think Islam states death!

While other religions are cool, Islam brooks no nonsense!

Illetrates' sayings have nothing to do with Islam.

There is no Punishment in Quran for conversion to other faith. so the there is no issue you also konw it.

Now you did not reply why Budhist or Sikhs or even High Cast Hindus are converting to other faiths for money in India ?

Why only low cast Hindus are converting in thousands ????
Again I only see 1 Indian Trying hard as anything to defend a lie that:


Again only trying to hide behind words, as nearly all of you do that.

What happening to Christians in India is not an Isolated incident, but a planned rage of HINDU extremists.
Illetrates' sayings have nothing to do with Islam.

There is no Punishment in Quran for conversion to other faith. so the there is no issue you also konw it.

Now you did not reply why Budhist or Sikhs or even High Cast Hindus are converting to other faiths for money in India ?

Why only low cast Hindus are converting in thousands ????


Your journalistic excellence and callisthenics at work.

So Sikhs and Buddhist are also converting?

Aryan or some other name was a Sikh and he could have answered it better, but then he is banned!

Actually, given your fertile imagination and journalistic nose for sensationalism, I wonder why have you not stated the whole of India has converted!

As far as the Koran goes, the Suras have been interpreted by humans to mean death to the one who abandons Islam seeking a better religion in the convertees opinion!

I do not wish to start a controversy and stupid exchange of posts or else I can post enough to indicate that Islam will NOT allow anyone to abandon Islam.

So, you need not try to convince me or anyone else.

I say, you go your way and let others go theirs.

Further, I don't want Rehman to ruin my happiness, by misinterpreting that you have started the show and I am left holding the can! (Goodbye by Unknown refers where you have posted that on this forum Islam has been insulted).

Answering you would be with one hand tied behind my back.

And I don't want to be banned for something you have started and which I am constrained to reply to.

You are well aware that I am not totally ignorant on Islam and Christianity even if I am not aware that much on Hinduism.

Therefore, let it be as it is.

I request you not to provoke.
Again I only see 1 Indian Trying hard as anything to defend a lie that:


Again only trying to hide behind words, as nearly all of you do that.

What happening to Christians in India is not an Isolated incident, but a planned rage of HINDU extremists.

Indians have something to hide behind. Fine?

And you?

Why do you wish to provoke with half baked sentence without anything to add?

Bland statements are basically to provoke and used by those who are filled with hate and with very little between the ears!

Per chance if things are not OK in India, comment on it with facts and not because you have nothing but hate in your heart.

Be like Musharraf.

Be a man!

Your journalistic excellence and callisthenics at work.

So Sikhs and Buddhist are also converting?

I said why only low cast hindus are converting and Why NOT The sikhs and Budhists are not converting if i forget to put not in the later post than my appology as i had asked in the earlier post too that if it was only for money than why Sikhs and Budhists were not converting.

As far as the Koran goes, the Suras have been interpreted by humans to mean death to the one who abandons Islam seeking a better religion in the convertees opinion!
I do not wish to start a controversy and stupid exchange of posts or else I can post enough to indicate that Islam will NOT allow anyone to abandon Islam.

First of it is written with Q not K.

Secondly the Quran is what it says not the misintereption by some self-made mullahs.

Real Islam is going by what Quran and what the last Prophet (PBUH) said.
Even in the life of Prophet many people when embrached Islam but their parents did not and the non-Muslims parents used to torture their sons for embracing Islam The Beloved Prophet used to tell them not to be annoyed with your parents, Invite them to Islam if they do accept well and good and if they do not then refrain from forcing them to do so. And if they asked you to abondon the true path then tell them they are on their way and you are on yours.

You are well aware that I am not totally ignorant on Islam and Christianity even if I am not aware that much on Hinduism.
Awarness is one thing and only reading and misinterepting is another :)
No Comments.

Won't discuss religion!

Reasons explained.

Can't have you reporting against me.

You will twist it to suit your convenience and thing will get difficult for me.

I am here for Peace and a Peaceful discussion!

And to learn and not spread hate, inspite of provocations.

In the English language, nouns or names, places and particular objects can be spelt in any manner.
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