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Chuck Yeager tweets about PAF of 1971

Single PAF squadron facing ten IAF units, there was a thousand mile distance between East and West Pakistan, separated by Indian territory ....now hope you can answer where was your Agni Pankh, when this was happening...

Agni Pankh was drawing Rangoli in Rajasthan desert , here take a look. .
bharat rakshak is not a reliable source.
The highlighted section comes from and article "The Right Stuff in the Wrong Place", written by Edward Ingraham- the former political counselor to the US Ambassador in Pakistan which is being cited in a personal account by a Admiral (retd), the very pilot who flew into Pakistan and took out Yeager's aircraft.

I guess that's still not reliable enough for you.....
The highlighted section comes from and article "The Right Stuff in the Wrong Place", written by Edward Ingraham- the former political counselor to the US Ambassador in Pakistan which is being cited in a personal account by a Admiral (retd), the very pilot who flew into Pakistan and took out Yeager's aircraft.

I guess that's still not reliable enough for you.....
considering yrs and yr country's credentials its certainly not reliable enough for anyone. Edward Ingraham or not a mere political counselor can only take things from his political point of view not from the war fighting point of view. Considering Chuck Yeager and his background of a WW2 fighter ace and afterwards i would take his word more serious then others when it comes to war fighting and being a war commentator.
@Abingdonboy @nForce @ashoka87 @OrionHunter @indiatester @Guynextdoor2 @PlanetWarrior @tsinga @SarthakGanguly @manojb @Urbanized Greyhound @Srinivas @GR!FF!N @Green Buck @The Great One @Syama Ayas @ASEN @Windjammer

Uhm!..... Dear Indian friends, best be making out the back door because every neutral account in the world gives PAF the crown Vs the IAF during 1971. Now can you find me a single neutral source which claims that the IAF had even close to a better record in 1971? Or are you guys just gonna ignore this post and keep on with your deranged posts? C'mon, I've tagged every Indian in this thread, lets see if you guys have any balls (figure of speech, we already know the answer). But then I bet all these neutral sources also have something to hate India for, like some bad Indian food they had or they don't like Russell Peters comedy.

From Globalsecurity, Pakistan Air Force Combat Experience

At war's end IAF had lost 130 aircraft in all. The three-to-one kill ratio that Pakistan scored

The one below is from one of your own's research. PAF kills versis IAF kills

Good news for all you Pakistan Air force Fans !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been visting a independent website called "acig.org". This has a great section on all confirmed air to air combat engagements since 1948 across the world.

The India versis Pakistan section was great reading. Just some of the facts..

Pakistan Pilots shot down 47 IAF fighters in 1965 war and lost just 19 to indian fighters.

Pakistan shot down 80 indian fighters in 1971 losing
just 38 in the process.

Pakistan F16s have taken out over 30 fighters since 1980 over the Afghan border.

Very impressive record.. Most sucessful Pakistani fighter is F86 with over 50 kills...

NB This is a independent research no bias involved.

Pakistan has sucessfully engaged more planes using air to air missles than india... FAR MORE................esp F16s

Overall Pakistan has shot down in air combat over 160 fighters(including 3 israeli kills) as oppose India which has a record of just 59.

And another source for the details of the confirmed and undisputed kills on both sides in 1971,

Pakistani kills: Air Aces Homepage
Indian kills: Air Aces Homepage

The next one is brilliant because not only is it by an independent source but the reporter actually went to the PAF bases after the war and tallied the Indian claims versus the PAF inventory. Guess what he found? He also tells of at least 10 losses admitted by the Indian Defence Ministry, by type, but not claimed by the PAF. He then goes onto the IAF admitting a loss of 42 pilots which is an impossibly low recovery rate when compared to their claimed losses. And then he just goes on and on and on about how the Indians tried to save face by fabricating unbelievable lies. Best you read it.



After you have read the above independent accounts/reports about who utterly annihilated whose arse, it would be wise for the Indian brigade to go through the following link too,
Burnol The Original Burns Cream 0.35 OZ

Not promising that it will help.
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Uhm!..... Dear Indian friends, best be making out the back door because every neutral account in the world gives PAF the crown Vs the IAF during 1971. Now can you find me a single neutral source which claims that the IAF had even close to a better record in 1971? Or are you guys just gonna ignore this post and keep on with your deranged posts? Its an open challenge for all of you, lets see if you guys have any balls (figure of speech, we know you don't).

From Globalsecurity, Pakistan Air Force Combat Experience

The one below is from one of your own's research. PAF kills versis IAF kills

And another source for the complete confirmed kill details on both sides in 1971,

Pakistani kills: Air Aces Homepage
Indian kills: Air Aces Homepage

The next one is brilliant because not only is it by an independent source but the reporter actually went to the PAF bases after the war and tallied the Indian claims versus the PAF inventory. Guess what he found? He also tells of at least 10 losses admitted by the Indian Defence Ministry, by type, but not claimed by the PAF. He then goes onto the IAF admitting a loss of 42 pilots which is an impossibly low recovery rate when compared to their claimed losses. And then he just goes on and on and on about how the Indians tried to save face by fabricating unbelievable lies. Best you read it.



After you have read the above independent accounts/reports about who utterly annihilated whose arse, it would be wise for the Indian brigade to go through the following link too,
Burnol The Original Burns Cream 0.35 OZ

Not promising that it will help.

If only we had shown that much competence on the political front...I could still be sitting in Dhaka making fun of my Bengali buddy's way of eating fish as they made fun of my abject fear at wearing a Lungi lest it gets pulled apart ! :(

(Q)what you can remember about 1971 war between India and Pakistan

Chuck Yeager : (A) Pakistan kicked Indians Butt

(Q) What happens in after 1971

Chuck Yeager : (A) Pakistan kicked Indian Butt

What happens in Kargil War

(A) Pakistan kicked Indian Butt

--------- Hilary twitter handle
(Q) What happened in Pakistan
(A) You can't expect snake in your backyard to bite your enemy alone

(Q) What happened to Chuck Yeager after 1971
(A)You can't expect snake in your backyard to bite your enemy alone.

(Q)How is US-Pakistan relationship going
(A)You can't expect snake in your backyard to bite your enemy alone.

(Q) Why Osama was in Pakistan
(A)You can't expect snake in your backyard to bite your enemy alone.

------------ @Superboy

(Q) What is your name ,where u from when is it birthday?

(A) ....... DSI

(Q) What is it favorite food
(A) ......hmmm DSI

(Q) Word you use to swear
(A) Fuc in DSI Yooo

-------- @Luca1 twitter handle

(Q)Where are u from ?
(A) Indian Toilet

(Q) Plzen don't troll .Tell the truth :o:
(A) Indian Toilet

(Q) Errr ! Are u from USA ?
(A) Indian Toilet

(Q) Ok tell us about you aim
(A) Indian Toilet
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::victory::victory::victory::victory::victory: Unofficial Troll Chuck Yeager :lol:

The Legend :D
Let the bloody cries from the East begin.
@Abingdonboy @nForce @ashoka87 @OrionHunter @indiatester @Guynextdoor2 @PlanetWarrior @tsinga @SarthakGanguly @manojb @Urbanized Greyhound @Srinivas @GR!FF!N @Green Buck @The Great One @Syama Ayas @ASEN @Windjammer

Uhm!..... Dear Indian friends, best be making out the back door because every neutral account in the world gives PAF the crown Vs the IAF during 1971. Now can you find me a single neutral source which claims that the IAF had even close to a better record in 1971? Or are you guys just gonna ignore this post and keep on with your deranged posts? C'mon, I've tagged every Indian in this thread, lets see if you guys have any balls (figure of speech, we already know the answer). But then I bet all these neutral sources also have something to hate India for, like some bad Indian food they had or they don't like Russell Peters comedy.

From Globalsecurity, Pakistan Air Force Combat Experience

The one below is from one of your own's research. PAF kills versis IAF kills

And another source for the details of the confirmed and undisputed kills on both sides in 1971,

Pakistani kills: Air Aces Homepage
Indian kills: Air Aces Homepage

The next one is brilliant because not only is it by an independent source but the reporter actually went to the PAF bases after the war and tallied the Indian claims versus the PAF inventory. Guess what he found? He also tells of at least 10 losses admitted by the Indian Defence Ministry, by type, but not claimed by the PAF. He then goes onto the IAF admitting a loss of 42 pilots which is an impossibly low recovery rate when compared to their claimed losses. And then he just goes on and on and on about how the Indians tried to save face by fabricating unbelievable lies. Best you read it.



After you have read the above independent accounts/reports about who utterly annihilated whose arse, it would be wise for the Indian brigade to go through the following link too,
Burnol The Original Burns Cream 0.35 OZ

Not promising that it will help.

I'm totally comfortable with losing an air battle as long as I win the war!

Think of this like boxing...
Pakistan got more shots on point, but India delivered the knock out punch!!

I think I can live with that..what say Indians?!

Sadly I don't think they make a burnol equivalent for a knockout...
PAF kicking arses of hindus/IAF and demolishing their self-worth?

Why is this a thread again? Tell me something new.
PAF did plat an imminent role in western,front but the only objective Pak Army achieved was not letting Indian take over Karachi but still they were in Pakistan territory... It seems Yeager wanted to take out his frustration for IAF..
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