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Christian Conversions in India - A film by Pia Skov

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Yeah right. That is why there is war everywhere the church goes. That is why Africa is in such bad shape as it is.
Post reported for your foul language against churches and Jesus..
Lying again and again does not get you anywhere. Hinduism is the culture and religion of this land. Christianity has done a lot of damage to India and continues to do which is why lots of churches are under the scanner of the govt and intelligence agencies.

Now make the other Christians arguing with me here believe that.

I do not contribute to Wiki or edit its pages. That page was put up by Christians with deep knowledge of Christianity. Argue with them. That other link I gave could be the revisionists version.
I don't care whatever you think... But the fact remains.. You created this thread just after our convo. As I mentioned I liked Christianity and I fallow it..

Lying again and again does not get you anywhere. Hinduism is the culture and religion of this land. Christianity has done a lot of damage to India and continues to do which is why lots of churches are under the scanner of the govt and intelligence agencies.

Now make the other Christians arguing with me here believe that.

I do not contribute to Wiki or edit its pages. That page was put up by Christians with deep knowledge of Christianity. Argue with them. That other link I gave could be the revisionists version.
@WebMaster @Oscar please look at this post.. And close this non sense thread...
I can see your hatred... Most Churches serve grape juice... As you been to marriages you might seen wine...
I am not sure what churches you are referring to but the overwhelming majority of Indian Christians are Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican and in all of those churches sacramental wine must be used for it to be a valid Holy Eucharist.
I don't care whatever you think... But the fact remains.. You created this thread just after our convo. As I mentioned I liked Christianity and I fallow it..

Please the world does not revolve around you. I spoke to you about Christianity maybe 3-4 days ago, I do not even remember it when.

So what you follow is not my problem.
I am not sure what churches you are referring to but the overwhelming majority of Indian Christians are Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican and in all of those churches sacramental wine must be used for it to be a valid Holy Eucharist.
As i said before.. Many pastors preachers miss guiding people.. I'm talking about Churches who follows true Christianity..
Madira is not wine. There was no booze in India until the Brits introduced it.

The language of Christ. Do you have to prove yourself stupid always?

Hahaha. Seriously?? I think your thinking of the Native American or "Red Indians" who didn't have alcohol before the colonials introduced it to them. Indians been drinking before the British existed lol. India and Hinduism were always more liberal than other places till the muslim invasions changed it. Just because you have some silly hang up about alcohol doesn't change the history of India. Don't take this the wrong way but you remind me of my sister who has the same habit of the just tossing out silly blanket statements like this one. STOP posting stupid things, seriously.

Now regarding the conversion to Christianity, the lower castes have always been treated badly in rural India. So now here comes a missionary with a message that everything will change if you accept Christ. You can't blame them to converting, can you? You want to stop people from converting out of your religion? Treat them better. Religion is a business and like every business you have a product and a sales pitch. Christianity promotes itself as user friendly (accept Christ as your lord and savior and you don't have to do anything else), Islam promotes itself as the one stop solution (all the answers are in the Koran). Buddhism is promotes its as a solution for the more sophisticated, for the thinker if you will, like a designer brand (made in Nepal but marked up 20 times because of the name).
Now what's your sales pitch? You're like the businessman or woman who sits in his office and bitches and moans about the competition take business away from him or her but doesn't look inward to see that he doesn't have good marketing. Yours is extremely complex product with millions of pages of literature. You should concentrate of better customer support. Dalit getting beat up in a village? Have VHP run over there protect him. Lower caste can't access school? Go give him a ride. Most importantly make sure you leave a card so they know who's helping them because in the end, it's all about brand recognition and superior customer support in business. Because in the end that's what religion is, a Business. A business that take advantage of man's fear of his own mortality and the fear of the unknown hereafter.
As i said before.. Many pastors preachers miss guiding people.. I'm talking about Churches who follows true Christianity..
OK, but if it is your view that the 1.750+ billion Christians out of 2.1 billion Christians in the world are "not really Christians" then I would say that you have a pretty odd, unhistorical, and frankly, uncharitable view of other Christian denominations.
OK, but if it is your view that the 1.750+ billion Christians out of 2.1 billion Christians in the world are "not really Christians" then I would say that you have a pretty odd, unhistorical, and frankly, uncharitable view of other Christian denominations.
I'm talking behalf of Indians.. Not the rest of world... I'm saying there are few people who follow Christianity.. Accusing Jesus and Christianity is bad..
Please the world does not revolve around you. I spoke to you about Christianity maybe 3-4 days ago, I do not even remember it when.

So what you follow is not my problem.

Wine and alcohol are seen as two different kind of beverage. For many wine is acceptable but not the alcohol.
Lying again and again does not get you anywhere. Hinduism is the culture and religion of this land. Christianity has done a lot of damage to India and continues to do which is why lots of churches are under the scanner of the govt and intelligence agencies.

Now make the other Christians arguing with me here believe that.

I do not contribute to Wiki or edit its pages. That page was put up by Christians with deep knowledge of Christianity. Argue with them. That other link I gave could be the revisionists version.
This is new low.. Why would govt, intelligence agencies put churches and Christians under scanners.. Disgusting.
I am not sure what churches you are referring to but the overwhelming majority of Indian Christians are Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican and in all of those churches sacramental wine must be used for it to be a valid Holy Eucharist.

What's a sacramental wine.
I'm talking behalf of Indians.. Not the rest of world... I'm saying there are few people who follow Christianity.. Accusing Jesus and Christianity is bad..
I'm not accusing anyone, if that is what you meant and as for Indian Christians, all Christians are imperfect and sinners. Among all Christians one will find saints and scoundrels. We are not saved by willing ourselves to not sin and be good in and of ourselves. We are saved by Grace through faith, by cooperating with God's Grace which is a free gift that none of us deserve.
Now regarding the conversion to Christianity, the lower castes have always been treated badly in rural India. So now here comes a missionary with a message that everything will change if you accept Christ. You can't blame them to converting, can you? You want to stop people from converting out of your religion? Treat them better. Religion is a business and like every business you have a product and a sales pitch. Christianity promotes itself as user friendly (accept Christ as your lord and savior and you don't have to do anything else), Islam promotes itself as the one stop solution (all the answers are in the Koran). Buddhism is promotes its as a solution for the more sophisticated, for the thinker if you will, like a designer brand (made in Nepal but marked up 20 times because of the name).

Now what's your sales pitch? You're like the businessman or woman who sits in his office and bitches and moans about the competition take business away from him or her but doesn't look inward to see that he doesn't have good marketing. Yours is extremely complex product with millions of pages of literature. You should concentrate of better customer support. Dalit getting beat up in a village? Have VHP run over there protect him. Lower caste can't access school? Go give him a ride. Most importantly make sure you leave a card so they know who's helping them because in the end, it's all about brand recognition and superior customer support in business. Because in the end that's what religion is, a Business. A business that take advantage of man's fear of his own mortality and the fear of the unknown hereafter.

You are talking to a Dalit. Except for in some pockets in remote India there is no caste based discrimination or violence. Though the liberal media has a habit of spinning all social conflicts in terms of caste violence that is not usually the case.

Converting to Christianity does not free anyone of caste as all converts retain their caste. In Tamil Nadu they have separate churches for different castes with particular churches having high walls between them so that the shadow of the inferior caste does not pollute the higher caste church.

The sales pitch you are talking about is already happening on a massive scale. It is only going to get bigger.

I was wrong about the introduction of alcohol in India by the British. There was a strong culture of anti-alcoholism in India even before the Brits though.

The evolution of alcohol use in India. [AIDS Behav. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI

Wine and alcohol are seen as two different kind of beverage. For many wine is acceptable but not the alcohol.

That is modern interpretation. Wine has always been used for its intoxicant properties and other spirits were just different intoxicants. There is no Christian community in the world which is not riddled with alcoholism. May be the Amish.
Missionaries in the name of development fool lots of people. Conversion for money have become common place.
A painter in my house last week, a christian, was talking of the greatness of Sri Balaji of Tirupathi. When I enquired further he told, he was in dire need of money, and had converted for the sake of 50,000 INR.
So was he wrong???
If we can not provide for him then we should also not complain if someone else takes care of him. JMHO!!
He converted for his survival and I don't see anything wrong with it.
In Maharashtra there're farmers commiting suicide for they owe Rs10000/Rs15000 to the banks.
I would not be surprised if these farmers soon convert to Christanity/Islam for the sake of their survival.
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